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Club of Jaffare

Welcome to the club of Jaffare. This is a community of people based on talking about random things and most of all worshiping Jaffare Angus the 3rd. To become a member you must simply post that you want to join, and when you post create a name to use for the club, such as Jaffare123, SuperDude, blah blah blah. As in all clubs there are rules and ranks that you can move up through. I am the holy speaker of Jaffare, but you can just call me Bob. The ranks go from Holy speaker-Me(Bob), then lower to divine worshiper, then worshiper, then follower, then learner, then newbie. Please take your time to read through the rules and instructions for joining and advancing through the ranks. to get to higher ranks you must gain points by completing tasks.If you want to join you can email me at the link on the bottom of the page, or you can put up a post. YOu will start as a newbie, but work hard and the fruits of accomplishment will start to sprout!

Jaffare's picture of the week:

Jaffare finds this piece of work quite astounding, it came to me in a dream and i thought it was wise for this to be the first weekly picture. Study the picture and try to find it's true meaning. If you do, email me it and I will give you 1 higher rank. Look hard.

Jaffare's rules:

Jaffare has set down a long list of rules that all people that follow him must....well.....follow. 1. Worship Jaffare once every two days(Thats not askin' too much...this could be just visiting this site.) 2. Be kind to all who are worshipers of Jaffare and nice aquantinces to those who aren't (He understands if there are two or three people you may hate e.g. like LIZZY!) 3. He always says: "The only thing worth fighting for is success and power." Follow these words wisely and profoundly. 4. Finish all religous tasks before play. 5. Eat 5 good things a day and 5 good things will happen to you the next, eat 1 bad thing a day and 1 unlucky thing will happen to you tomorrow. (Another passage from his Journal, basically he is telling you to eat healthy, for it keeps the body and mind strong) and last but not least 6. Buff your shoes once a week. (This is Jaffare's favorite musical instrument, if you play this email or post that you do and you will move up one rank. But to prove it you must say the name of Led Zeppelin's guitarist.)

Jaffare's Journal:

Every week I, the speaker of Jaffare, will read a passage from his journal. Respond wisely to this in an email to me and I will upgrade your rank by 1. I will be the judge of whether or not it is wise. - "I took one step outside and then 1 step back in. The rain was wet and the air was dry. There was a disturbance." Please try to answer wisely and you may just move up 1 point closer to becoming a follower. (You are probably just a newbie if I have not informed you otherwise.)

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