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Forever Friends

Angeline Lee: Sweet and obliging. Always willin to listen to my sob stories and give advice. Oh!! She used to translate all the Edison Chen or Nicholas Tse chinese interviews and reports to me from those magazines. Can converse with her in Cantonese and shes very patient with me. Plus, she ALWAYS laughs at my jokes. No matter how pathetic or lame and cold the joke is. =p Angie Goh: A petite girl. Always up for a laugh and stuff. Like the others, shes also a very fun-loving person. I enjoy talkin and jokin with her.. Bryan Loh: What can i say? Its been 5 years. So fast? As far as i kno, he can be funny. Humorous. I like his character. He can keep secrets.. I hope! He can play the guitar!! Chan YinJie: Didnt have a very good impression of her at first. But of cuz, after sometime, we got to understand each other. Kinda easygoin too. I like to talk to her. Shes cool. =) Farhana: I never fail to get amazed by the fact that how easily i can click with her. She has never judged me. Except for the time when she thought me a 'BoyBand Freak'. Some of our best moments were shared in the cinema watchin Harry Potter and i love teasin her. Shes a good sport and then she'd retaliate by callin me 'Monkey'. Heh! =p Way back in Sec 2, we used to hang out at Northpoint with Yanti no matter how late it might be.. Those were the good old times.. Gabrielle: Shes a gem. Like Hidayat, i detested her when we first met. Turned out that she wuznt what i expected her to be. Sweet. Understandin.. Wanna see the collection of letter i recieved from her?? Hidayat: Well! I seem to be able to converse with him about anythin and everythin under the sun!! Bein with him is never borin. Has always been patient with my extreme mood swings. I always enjoy our mindless banter. And the best part is our 'Sparrings'. Where we try to outdo each other with insults and such. Miss those times. No one in class is excitin enough to 'Spar' with me. Either that or theyre too petty... =s Ivan Toh: Oh! I still remember that he sat behind me way back in Sec 1. Soddin gits like Tan HweeMin and the -Presently existin- 'F4' said that i liked him. Pure nonsense of cuz. Hes a very easygoin and a very good friend. Law KangYan: I love pokin fun and annoyin him. But that’s juz cuz he takes it all in easily. Oh yeah. I admire his ability to draw fantastic cartoons. Left one of his in my scrapbook when we went to the beach. Heard he tinkles the piano pretty well too. Generally a nice guy overall. Mary Chew WeiMin: Met her thru June. Shes a nice girl too. I enjoy her presence durin out group outins. =) Wendy Soh: A real fantastic girl. I enjoyed my day out with her the other Sunday. Never knew she wuz so fun! Kinda bonded with her a little more after that day.. Im glad I actually went. To anybody whom i forgot, im sorry. Juz lemme kno and ill put in yor name ASAP. To everyone here, you guys made me who i am today, thank you for everythin, i appreciate each and every one of you more than youll ever kno!! =)

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