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Flying and Quidditch Class

Welcome to Flying Class. Hi, I am Professor Harry Potter and I will be teaching u thourgh the course of your thourgh the years at Hogwarts. You will learn how to fly in many ways I am also the Quidditch teacher and I will be picking from the best flyers for each House I will be giving the list to the head of your houses so that they may pick from the list. There will be a test every Friday to see if u have learned anything through the course of the week. All tests will be emailed to be in sentece form. I will be checking for cheaters who have been copying from other students. I will be grading you as if you were in O.W.L.S. Grades will be posted every Monday after homework and tests have been turned in on Friday. I will be puting your tests up so that everyone can see where you made a mistake and how you can fix it next time so that the mistake you made now will not be done on your O.W.L.S If you ever want to tak to me in privet please email me and I will be gald to talk to my class. Please call my Prof. Potter or Harry that is fine with me just dont call me Mr. Potter ok Hope you have a great year in this class and I will be looking foward to your minds Grades:
