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Eric's World

Welcome to my little hole in the wall. You're probably only here because i directed you here,so consider yourself lucky...or not. It's your choice. This page is about me, but not in the sense that you'd think. This isn't your typical site slapped together by some self-centered dipshit who believes that the WWW gives a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut what goes on in his life. But then again, maybe it is. You'll just have to browse around and see for yourself. This is my little spot. This is my world. I have a lot of things going on in my head and to be honest, im running out of room. Where better to store them than a 20MB piece of server space on the interweb courtesy of Angelfire? So follow the white rabbit, or whatever it is that Keanu Reeves did in The Matrix. Just don't be suprised if you get lost...hell even i get lost in my own head...several times per week,actually. Enjoy the Show.
