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The Planet of Drocarnach

Last updated: November 14th, 2003

Welcome to Drocarnach, the planet of hell. Here you will find many things that most fear and some live for. Within the atmosphere of Drocarnach lays some of the worst places to end up and some of the deadliest hands in the galaxy. Drocarnach was created to train the toughest fighters and destroy the weakest hearts. But don't fear this planet of hate for there are a lot of places where fighters can relax and take in the lovely red atmosphere.
There is a prison in Drocarnach's main land of Hoppar. The prision is named after the capitol of Luad. Luad prison is guarded by thirteen dragons which have been trained to attack and kill anything withouth a pass. Within the prison there are five groups of lions which walk the passageways insuring that prisoners stay in their cells.
Drocarnach's smaller continent of Natak is a place for training. Its capitol, Rodop, is a place for the random compititions which occur quite frequently. Natak is the breeding grounds for most of the animals in Drocarnach and therefore territories are constantly invaded by trainers and battles frequently break out.

AOL Group for Tanris
Drocarnach Guild Application