Facts, Questions, Answers

Shadow: *hops on ur head* You may ask some question's about this site and junk well no one asked me yet soooo I felt like doin' this soooo here are some of ur FQA'S! :D *jumps off and gets behind a desk and takes out a clip board* :D

General Q's

Where'd you make your site? Is it free?
Look at the link! It says Angelfire.com, and angelfire's totally free, if it wasn't then I'd be dead and buried oo;

Why do you have a "Yami" As your 2nd webmistress? Isn't there only 1 webmistress per site? And what does yami mean?
Yami is one of the words in japanese which means dark. My yami's my dark so I got board one day so I thought I might have 5 webmistresses and 1 webmaster. Those people would be Dark Shadow/Yami Dark Shadow, Wolf/Yami Wolf (YW's a guy) and Shadow/Yami Serenity. I decited no and kept Me and YS.

Why don't you make video's like the Temple 'O Trunks?
1. Because I don't know how to do it
2. If I asked my dad for the junk needed to create a video, he'd flip

Why'd you name yourself Shadow? And why on some pages has Shadow-chan? What's chan mean? Jackie Chan?
I named myself Shadow cuz its the first part of my sn on AIM. I was new and my friend gave me AIM, my sn started w/ Shadow so everyone started to call me Shadow. Shadow-chan means Young Shadow but since I'm 13...i still like to be called young shadow :D, chan means young in japanese :D

Can we be affiliates?
Um...not really....I'll think about it

Don't you have any good pictures of DBZ or YGO?!?!? If you do then E-mail them to me!
Um..no. I put all the pictures I find on the web and put 'em on the site unless its a really really hott picture of my fav bishi then I may keep it and drool all day XD

My Friend's name on-line is Shadow, change yours or pay the price NOW!
I don't care if your friend's name is Shadow. Alot of people in this world have the name Shadow on the internet. Making me change mine won't make a difference.

DragonBall Z Q's

I read somewhere that Trunks is gay. Is he?
I think in japan, in the manga's Trunks is gay. But in America he's not.

Actually, Trunks is everyone's. To certain people like me, we think that Trunks is all ours and no one can have them, but many girls like Trunks...I have no clue about boys oo;

In some sites I see, the manga that they get from Japan, sometimes show Vegeta and Goku being gay. Is that true?
In America no, I don't know about Japan, cuz i live in the US o.o; Maybe, I only know that Trunks is gay cuz he likes Goku in japan i belive..O.o;

Is Bra a slut?
Um..I can't really tell cuz I just started watching DBGT a few weeks ago...I only saw bra in another video i have but she's chibi...the way she dresses...umm yah..i think she's a slut and nearly all the fanfiction's i see have bra as a slut o.o; poor Bra T-T