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What is the CTCR Inter-Clan Team Tournament?

The CTCR Inter-Clan Team Tournament is simply a friendly organized competition of three or more teams with in CTCR. This league was created to increase the enjoyment in the clan. The Tournament offers a chance to work TOGETHER, as a team, and in doing so getting to know you fellow members of CTCR better.

How does the league work?

Everyone who signs up for the league are placed into 3 or more teams ( inorder to do this we must have enough interest ). The teams last only one season inorder to keep the compation as fair and as fresh as possible. Next team captains are voted from the clan membership. The captains then draft players in a round-robin until all volunteered players are assigned to a team. The season is then scheduled and game play begins.

  1. Please do not engage in insults or unfounded accusations of cheating (just because someone can beat you doesn't mean they are cheating).
  2. The clan is broken into three teams (although if demand ever increases, we will increase the number of teams).
  3. Once selected, the captains will draft from a pool of available players to form their teams. All players who wish to participate and have notified the league administrator will be drafted onto a team. The draft is held in private on an IRC channel and the order of selection will be held in confidence at all times. The order in which captains get their picks (for all rounds of the draft) is determined by random selection on the part of the league administrator. The draft cycle works like this: Captain 1 picks, then Captain 2, then Captain 3, then Captain 4. Then Captain 4 picks again, then Captain 3, then Captain 2, then Captain 1. Then Captain 1 picks again, then Captain 2, etc., flip-flopping direction like this until there are no players remaining in the pool.
  4. The season consists of ten games per team, so each team will play each other team many times.
  5. Each match consists of up to three maps. The first team to win two maps wins the match.
  6. The minimum team size for any match that must be allowed to play is 4 players. No captain can refuse to play another team that fields 4 players or more.
  7. Matches with fielded teams of less than 4 players will be allowed only if both captains agree to the match.
  8. If one team cannot field an acceptable amount of players for a match within 30 minutes from the posted start time, then the game will be a forfeit.
  9. If both teams cannot field an acceptable amount of players for a match within 30 minutes from the posted start time, then the game will be re-scheduled for a time that the league administrator and the two captains feel is appropriate.
  10. If a re-match game fails to meet the start requirements outlined above, then the game will become a forfeit for the team that was unable to meet the requirements. If both teams are unable to meet the start requirements then the match will be recorded as a loss for both teams.
  11. Matches must be started in UT Tournament Mode, which forces the teams to be of equal size.
  12. Substitution during or between maps is allowed if the players being substituted are on the roster for the team for which they are playing.
  13. No players not on the official roster for a given team or a recognized substitute will be allowed to take part in a game. Doing so will cause a forfeit of the game by the team engaging in such activity.
  14. Before the season begins, each captain will be required to announce to the other captains and the league administrator ten (10) maps that the captain wishes to play during the season. This list cannot be changed once the season begins, unless it is determined that one of the maps is defective, unbalanced, or cannot otherwise be placed on the clan servers. If that happens, the league administrator will notify the captain of the problem map and the captain will be allowed to pick another.
  15. The visiting team (according to the official game schedule) is allowed to pick the first map in the match. That pick must be from one of the pre-determined team maps announced by that team's captain. Re-play of the same map during a given match is permitted, but any given map can only be played twice during the season. The second pick goes to the home team. The third to the visitors. The fourth, if required, is chosen by the home team and the fifth, if required, is chosen by the visiting team.
  16. Once started, a map may be PAUSED by either captain if network issues have caused a player to lose connectivity or the captain feels that their team is being adversely affected by the network quality. Each captain is allowed only three (3) of these "time outs" per map, and each time out cannot exceed two minutes. Please note that due to a UT bug, a timeout, if for more than 15-20 seconds, will have to be resumed and then re-paused to avoid the loss of "chat" ability.
  17. Once the regular season has ended, the two best teams will play in a championship match. The team to win the match wins the clan championship for that season.
  18. If there is a tie that causes more than two teams to hold the best records after the regular season, then the lesser of the records will go into a single match playoff to determine who will go on to the championship. If there are more than two teams with the lesser record, a calculation of the standings of those teams against one another over the season will be used to determine the lesser record. If this still results in a tie, then the league administrator will devise a method of chance to determine the teams that will be required to participate in the playoffs.
  19. New players who request to join the league after it begins will be considered based on the time of their request. If each team has only one regular season game or less remaining, the player will be asked to wait until the following season. If each team has more than one regular season game remaining, then the new player will be assigned a new team by the league administrator based on the following guidelines:
  20. The team that has the fewest active players is awarded the new player.
  21. If more than one team has the fewest players, then the team with the lower record is awarded the new player.
  22. If more than one team has the fewest players and the lowest record, then the team that chose later in the draft is awarded the new player.
  23. All new players who join mid-season must be officially assigned to a team by the league administrator ONLY. No captain may draft a player for his own team without approval of the league administrator and, if necessary, the other captains.


Use of any of these tactics will result in a warning. If the tactic is used again during the season, the team will forfeit any match in which it is used.

If you wish to sign up please email me by clicking here!