The demon appeared in the center of the circle in a cloud of red smoke. He sat down to wait for the old man to return. He could hear movements in the cottage above, it sounded like more than one person. The creaking of the wooden stairs brought the demon to attention, he had been dozing lightly while he waited.

The candles were still lit all around the room and the binding spells were still in effect, keeping the demon contained to the circle. The spells worked like a force field, letting nothing in or out of the pentacle marked into the floor.

The old man came into view and spoke in a guttural language that the demon could understand. The demon’s red eyes flashed as the old man berated him for his failure to kill or capture the girl. Angrily, the demon rose up to it’s full height of eight foot and glared at the wizard who had trapped him to do his bidding.

The old man muttered another incantation and sent the demon back to it’s own world. He lowered himself down to the floor and began to meditate on the several issues at hand. First there was the girl with the stone. Then he had yet to find out who or what it was that was helping her with this quest. He had a vague idea of who it was that it might be, but there were about three or four entities that might be in conjunction together helping her.

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