Caribbean Tales - Personal Weapons

The pirates of the Golden Age carried a large number of assorted weapons. This was just as vital in defending themselves as in gaining their plunder. In order to fight for a prize ship or better yet have the opposing crew surrender in fear without much of a fight, it was essential to be well armed. The types of weapons used by pirates were the same as those in common use among the other seafarers of the times. As pirates were basically sea robbers most of their weapons were stolen from their victims.

Popular belief is that pirates sailed large warships with dozens of cannon. While some pirates did this most preferred a small, fast ship with less cannons. These large cannon weighed hundreds of pounds and it would take several crew members to effectively operate a single gun. Since most of the pirates' victims were lightly armed or unarmed merchant ships it was not as necessary to carry a lot of this type of firepower which would require the use of larger and slower ships. Most pirates would rely instead on speed and superior numbers of armed men to capture their booty.

Personal Weapon Types
Axes Daggers/Knives
Pistols Rifles

Miscellaneous Weapons

Bow or Crossbow
These proven weapons had been used for centuries by many countries. When in range the bow and arrow could be used by the pirates to pick off personnel from the decks of the victim's ship before boarding.

The Marlinespike (or Marlingspike)

The marlinespike was really more of a tool than a weapon. It was quite similar to an ice pick. It has a round wooden handle a round blade with a sharp point. It was used to separate strands in marlines. Marlines are two lines of tarred rope that are loosely wrapped together in a left hand turn. So much for the intended purpose. The marlinespikes were also used as anchors for lines and just about every thing that involved securing lines. They were also one of the few weapons that a mutinous crew could easily get their hands on. Most Captains locked weapons away unless a battle was pending for fear of armed mutinies. However such things as the marlinespike had to remain available to the crew in order for the ship to function. For this reason the marlinespike became the favored weapon of mutineers.

These were long spears with a wooden handle and metal point. They could be thrown at a target or used held while fighting. Because of their length they would have been most effective against swords and knives in boarding action.

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