Caribbean Tales - Ships - Barque

Barque (Bark)
Before the 1700's the name was applied to any small vessel. Later it applied to a small ship having three masts. The first two being square-rigged, and the third (aft mast) being fore-and-aft rigged. They also did not have a beak-head. Fast ship with shallow draft, their bottom was very flat, to allow them to beach and offload cargo in relative ease. Favorite of Caribbean pirates. Crew around max. of 90 in cramped quarters.
Bark sizes: ship rigged 48m long and 10m wide, 12 cannon: snow rigged 35m long 8 cannon, 7.6m wide: brig rigged 23m long, 6m wide, 6 cannon: sloop rigged 16m long, 4.2m wide, 4 cannon.

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