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I Capture the Castle; the Sixpenny Book :: The Homepage

Hello. Welcome to this page, made by Daniel Arsenault, which is dedicated to the book "I Capture the Castle."
This book was written by Dodie Smith, who also wrote the popular children's book "The Hundred and One Dalmations". This novel was first published in 1949. Later, it was published by The Botley Head in 1987, then published by Red Fox in 1991, though the Red Fox edition I own was published in 2001. The text in this book is ©1942 Dodie Smith.
The genre of this novel... is hard to define, because it seems to touch base on all different genres; there's some drama, romance, mystery and hints of other genres, too. But, mainly, I would have to say the genre is historical fiction, because it tells so much about life in the 1940's.

Well, here are some links to the other pages in this site:

I hope you enjoy this site, and find it useful on better understanding the book. If you don't already have the book, I hope you'll want to get it after reading about how good it is!