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The Frost Mountains, located in the northern most tips of Astralon there is a place known as the OutPost which was run by Minotaur and was once abandoned by the knights that had lived there. The Knights had ruled that place once but had left it for the minotaur since it was way up in the mountains. The Minotaur were aligned really well with the knights. The only reason why the Minotaur had a relationship with the knights is because Minotaur were so honorable, at least most of them. The outpost description is simple. Upon the outside was forests which surrounded the front of the out post. Behind the outpost was a ledge so no one could really do a back attack. There was also a glacier stuck in the side of the forest pretty near the outpost. The glacier made an icy lake right near the outpost.

The Minotaur used this for water supply. It could be noticed because there were docks upon the water edges of the ice cold lake. The outpost consisted of a king. The king resided in a top tower and usually worked on papers concerning his out post and also reporting to the knights once and awhile with letters. The outer perimeter of the outpost was patrolled by scouts, regular Minotaur. Once an a while champion Minotaur would go out and patrol the outside but rarely. The gates to the Minotaur camp was heavily guarded with 3 champion Minotaur. It was almost impossible to get into those without getting caught. Only did supply wagons go through the main entrance. That was the only way getting into the Minotaur outpost. Inside there were 4 watch towers. They were all held by 4 regular Minotaur, one in each. Mostly they slept but sometimes they would watch inside the camp. These Minotaur could see almost anything so beware.

Also inside the camp were champions which were patrolling the inside. There were at least 20 champions inside and maybe 3 regular minotaurs inside as well. Outside there were 5 regular minotaurs which patrolled as scouts and occasionally champions went out. Also there were champion minotaurs which worked in cabins on papers. There were 5 of them at least, one in each cabin. There were also boxes and barrels and sometimes empty barrels as well. The storage room was at the southeastern corner of the camp and it was here that the food supply of the minotaurs was stored> This storage room surprisingly was guarded by none. Only did a 2 champion minotaurs go inside there to get lunch for the whole camp and dinner, they had no breakfast. That was all that was inn the camp. The tower which was the kings residence was quiet a nice one. It spiraled high above all.

The towers' entrance consisted of 2 champions which stood alert. There were windows around the tower which lead to floors as well. One for each floor and there were 2 floors. The first floor consisted of a huge lobby. It had red carpets and such and there were two small staircases which lead up to the upper spot of the entrance. In the middle of that, on the lower level of the staircases, below it lie the kings throne. Beyond that, in the middle of the two staircases once you would walk up them there would be a hallway which lead to a 3 rooms. The room on the right a rich bathroom which had the window.

The left was just a plain kitchen of the kings which 5 regular minotaurs worked in to prepare food for the king. In the middle was a door covered by two champions. It lead to the next level. The room just was a long staircase. The second level was of a dining room on first entery.The dining room had a table in the center and beyond that was a hallway.The hallway had a bathroom door on the right and in the middle the kings office.The office was gaurded by a small dragon. The hallway was quiet big so it was big enough to fit a full adult.The adult was the only thing gaurding it.The entery was the only way into the kings room.The only problem about this is......its deadly.

NOTE:: Total of 46 enemies at the outpost. This total includes the King and the Dragon.


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