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Lesbians hehe

Im a 21 year old lesbian. I have brown hair and eyes. Im 5'3 about 95 pounds.( the last time i checked) I have a 30 month old son, whos my life. Hes my angel, mostly when hes sleeping though. hehe Im looking for a girl that is honest, that will treat me right and most importantly someone that will except and treat my son right. Ive been through some really bad relationships and my next relationship, i believe im going to take slow. Friends first, then maybe more. Ive learned that jumping right into things makes things complicated and i always get hurt. I like to dance, i love music, and i also love to read. Reading is cool hehe.( i sound like an after school special)for those of you that dont know what an after school special is, your either to young, or to old to remember lol.I dont know why im rambling on about my past relationships, but i guess its because im ready to start over and ready to finally find someone that will make me and my son happy.:) Im a really gentle person, i dont like to be rough,(unless someone wants me to be hehe j/k lol). Some things that i love are kissing someone softly or being kissed softly. I like to take things slow and not miss a thing. whoa this could turn out to be a sex site in a minute lol j/k. Im just a very honest person and when asked a question i answer it completely honest. When put into a situation that i dont like, or when i see something that i dont like, i speak my mind about it. Umm ok im done rambling about things that i dont think people in this world care about anymore, especially sense of humors, i have one, but it seems like no one else does anymore."Hmm i wonder if there is someone out there that feels just like me and is the perfect person for me?" :)( I tried adding some pics of my son and i, but it didnt work and i cant figue it out and im upset about that, but what can i do? lol
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