Slam Poem
He saved me, He can save you.
The door opened,
A bright light was ignited.
I could see you, both of you.
The bulb lit above your head like a halo.
The sky was never gray.
Peace and harmony,
The normal life…
What is the normal life?
I will never know, I never experienced it.
Some things last forever,
The light that always shined with you,
It burnt out, it left with a bang.
The dark and still atmosphere that was so strong.
Those 6 months… They still fade away today.
It may never go away.
There is still and always will be a light inside my head.
It will be there, even after I’m dead.
But the memory that was once real,
Pierces the soft spot of my head.
Time never went slower, until the day.
It all went away, the nightmare was over.
But that nightmare only led to another, and another.
Without the light I hold inside my head,
I would nothing, just a mere shadow lacing existence.
That voice inside me head, My burning lantern in a cave,
My cane to walk.
At the end of the day only more came
The new figures, the outsiders,
There numbers… many.
They come they go, some longer than others.
Not all of them stabbed my fragile soul.
But it seems the ones that were pure, slipped away.
The ones whom have darkness that sucks the life from me,
Are the ones that still remain.
The two faced, backstabbing shadows.
They fade away the light.
But yet again I will prevail, I will overcome.
The white light inside my head that I praise, every second of my life,
Always is by my side.
I only wish I didn’t fall asleep to find nightmares.
I see things I hate, things I envy.
Things that put in a stage of melancholy.
Deprived and lonely.
Dreams only lead to my screams
I get a break from time to time, I sleep in peace.
Dreams of peace.
The light always pulls through, cracks a hole through the wall.
Wipes the specs of dirt off my chest,
Leaving me with my shattered mirror.
I replace it, only to break it again.
The light does forgive.
I can so cold, and at times be the one someone can hold.
Why do I act that way,
Those stupids I say,
Day after day.
Don’t get me wrong, Im not a bad person
I am not perfect.
But the perfection in me is the mistake.
My mistakes lead to my perfection.
Because nobody, not me nor you, is perfect.
Only the one, the light, was perfect.
The source of the light in me.
I wait everyday for the final war.
Where the darkness inside of me will be destroyed.
The light will reign again
. He is still saving me, and he can save you.
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