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» Positioning.
Positioning is of the essence in Delta Force 1. Amatuer snipers often position themselves on the top of a mount or mountain and the problem with this is that you stick out like a sore thumb against the blue of the sky. The best place as a sniper to position yourself is on the side of a hill/cliff. Naturally people's eyes are drawn to the top of mountains. Also another tip DO NOT use trees or cacti for cover! When someone sees tracers shot comming from out of a tree it dont take long to figure out that someone is hiding at the base of the tree. When hiding on the edge of the hill u should dicsipline yourself so you can only see 50% of the screen, the other half should be covered by the hill. Also you should limit you movement to 30-50 degrees because on Delta force when you turn the mouse the players characters head doesnt move, its whole body does! Which ia a bit of a give away. Also you should try to position yourself between two mounds so you can only be hit from one angle which you hav coverwed anyway. If you are being fired at dont get up straight away and run, crawl back dow move around slightly more and then camp in a different position, more times than not you will find the player shooting you is still in the same position, now they will be bewildered!

» Leading
If you dont no about leading then you arent much of a sniper really. Leading is where you shoot infront of the target so the you hope the player (target) will run into your shots. This takes time to learn and is quite tricky. If the person is running sideways you need to allow for more leading because of the angle the target is at. If the target is running toward you you dont need to allow for any leading. If the are on a diagonal line you need to allow for a slight bit of leading. This also depends on the server (lag). I would just like to point out that snipers that moan about lag are very stupid. It is often preffered by the talking 3-4sec not 15...lmao. Leading is where you can tell the difference between a good sniper and a excellent one.

» Stealth Aspect
For example if you are stuck on the top of a hill and on Dry Riverbed a target runs down the central valley you shouldnt start shooting straight away. Ideally you should wait for the target to run 50m past you and shoot him in the back. Put this into practice and you will see what i mean. Loadz easier. Limit your shots so the enemy cannot find out where exactly you are. For example dont attempt to shoot a player whilst they are running up a hill or sliding down a hill, wait untill they are on a flatter trajectory so leading is easier. Use your clothes wisely and try to blend in with you surroundings.

» Frustrating SAW player
A snipers best asset isnt his gun, its his distance from the action. Snipers are snipers for a reason...firing accuratly at remote targets from a distance. (USE DISTANCE AS YOUR ALLY) The best way to frustrate a SAWer (belive me its fun) is to hide as far away as possible from the action and unleash a volley of shots upon them, hopefully killin them. Even when a Sawer no's where you are it is frustrating for them because you are beond their effective firing range! Basically the SAWer is firing randomly all over the place which isnt going to hit you (Saw range = 300m). You should be at least 800m away and should not be in close combat with a SAWer.

» Vertical Leading
When a target is further away and your scope is reading 1km+ this is when vertical leading comes into effect. When out of range gravity makes your bullets arc and dip. When a target is further away shoot above his/her head to get the desired result. When the enemy is sliding or climbing a slope you should compensate aswell.

» Close Combat
A snipers only real defense in close combat is their frag grenades. Dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. You only get five so use them wisely. Once you get good at it, its sufficient enough to despatch anyone (even those SAWers). Also a good idea when someone rushes your sniping nest.

» On The Move
The more you sit and snipe from one place the more likely you are to become roadkill! Unfortunatly this poses a problem for snipers. No sniper want to leave a good sniping hole, get over it cos you have to bro! I suggest after about 3 kills you should move on your travels and find another hill to snipe from. Move before you start setting up living quarters someone will find you. Judge yourself how important it is if you die.

» NO-NO's
Big no no's do not hide in houses lol . It is the first place the eye is attracted to. Do not hide in debry or behind nuclear barells (they explode).

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