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» Leading
Like snipers M4ers need to use leading to there advantage. The tactics best used are predicting an enemies path and firing a spray of bullets into his path, hopeing he will run into them. You must do this because of the connection of your computer and the lag of the server you are in. Note you do not need to use Leading when hosting yourself because you have a massive advantage over the opponents.

» Ducking (Requires a scroll mouse)
The practice of ducking goes without say to a sniper in relatively close combat aswell as the M4ers. When you see a target infront of you and it is clear that they are scoping you and are about to shoot you should duck (lie on the floor) quickly aim at them and by the time they have moved there mouse down at at your you should (if you have any skill) have shot them first. Enemies find this annoying because it is making yourself such a small target. Rather than ur whole body exposed all they can see is your head and shoulders.

» On The Move
At all times you should remain on the move. By this i dont mean you should run over to the other side of the map each time you make a kill, but you should slightly move position each time. Say you have just made a kill in the enemy's respawn and you move after the kill, the dead person respawns and will target the area he last saw you. This will work to your advantage because as he is looking at the place you were before, you should then take advantage of this as he stands in the open, and make the kill yours. This practice buys you valuable seconds when rapeing a base. Also used in sniping at close distances.

» Grenade Launching
Now using the grenade launcher is very difficult and requires loadz of practice. Nading someone at close range is easy but gives your position away and endangers your life aswell lol. The best grenadiers i have met are probably =EWD=GEN RENO who just stood on a hill lauching nades of into my respawn and they hit me all the time, and DASCA who was amazing at medium range. Really you just have to get the feel of the weapon. Like the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

» Close Combat
In close combat with the M4 its quite simple. Really you should rarely die. All you need do is shoot infront of the person (leading again) and it kills them easily. Some people like to use grenades but i preffer this approach. If you are using nades try and predict the patch that your opponent is taking and throw it into that patch. Should kill him . Good luck.

If you are a keen M4er and have more tips for me email me and i will post your comments and help on this page.

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