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» Capture the Flag Tips.

In my oppinion capture the flag is the best of the game types in Delta Force. The beauty of Ctf is that it gives you a purpose to your killing, unlike Tdm you dont just run round killing everything you have to make your way to pick up flags.

There are many different types of players in a Ctf game, this is also useful for a scrim. Firstly you have the flag runner, this person often has the saw and runs straight into the action to try to pick up your teams flags. Then there is the gunner who has the m4, this person provides some cover to the flag runner and also picks up loose flags scattered around the main area and flags that have almost been brought back to the flag bay. Finally there is the sniper, this is the person you will rely on most in a scrimmage, they tend to run a very long way away from the action and pick off the other teams snipers, flag runners and gunners. When sniping in a scrimmage against a squad with mostly saws it is very easy as the saw has a limited range and no scope. In a scrim on a Ctf map you should never be without a good sniper.

When using a m4 in a Ctf scrim you should be looking to pin down the opposing team in their respawn whilst the flag runners with their saws take the flags.

With a .50cal you sould position yourself down a flank in the middle of the map, this is so that you can pick off the other teams flag runners and gunners who have escaped from their base.
