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In the beginning, there was only Water.  And then, They sang, and the Waters gave birth to Land.  They were happy and Sang and rejoiced more.  The Land gave birth to the animals and birds and later to all sorts of Man, Elves, Dwarves, and more.  And the Peoples Sang to Them. 

At first the Song was happy.  The Song was joyful and pleased Them.   Soon, the first Argument happened, and the Peoples learned a new Song, the War Chant and the Land became Many Lands all separated by Water, in hopes to keep the new  Song quiet.

But the Races of People were not quiet.  In time, the People created their own Songs.  They were not happy.   They liked the People's voices in unison.  Now, there was Discord.  And the Discord drove some of Them mad. 

Of all the gods driven mad a few plotted to win the hearts of the People forever.  The gods quickly became as the Songs: in discord and easily singled out.  The gods ceased being a collective force working for the good of the world. 

Eventually the Songs were forgotten by most.  Only a few select remember the Songs.  Fewer still, have been called to protect the last copies of Song. 

And now, those sworn to protect the Songs are the ones in need of help.

