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Greetings and Welcome! We of the Realm of Three Towers invite all to enjoy our humble lands. Please feel free to wonder around and feel completely at home here.

What's that? The Towers?? Oh yes, they are vastly more important then just sights to impress our visitors, they are our way of life. Please have a seat for a few minutes and let me explain...! 

Centuries ago, Our King, having watched his forces crushed in battle became disheartened and called upon the dark forces out on the battlefield to defeat his enemies, and defeat they did, The Morians were utterly destroyed. Our lovely and Gracious Queen, upon hearing word of her King's actions, was appalled and shocked, and immediately spoke out condemning his actions. Now this you see, caused a small tear in our society. A great number were rejoicing in the victory, while a great many, felt humiliated by their King's dishonourable actions!

When our Sire and his armies returned from battle, finding his lands in shambles, brother fighting brother in the streets, friends burning friend's homes! Hearing of his Queen's words against him, he ordered a tower built and had his forces held the city by force until it was completed, all the while trying to wrestle control away from his Queen! 

Our lands were being destroyed by this civil war, Our King and Queen finally reached an agreement that neither liked but both could live with. A third tower was to be built, Our Queen was to rule after one half the kingdom, and our King the other. These halves were not divided by land but by outlooks. The people choose who they wished to follow, Our Honourable Queen or our darker King?

One problem remained to be solved and neither would give in on, The Sacred Sword of Balance! Both sides wanted possession, but neither would allow the other to have it! The royal wizard finally solved matter, having the sword split in two, right down the middle. Also cutting the power of the sword in half. One half was presented to our Queen and the second half to our King. It was then made law that all in the kingdom are to respect others beliefs, as you would have your own respected. It was also made law that our King and Queen would watch over their own areas but for all major decisions, and ruling of the kingdom would be done jointly by both, but only from a central location to both, the third tower!

Now three centuries later here we are, we cater to all and live in harmony. If thee are a truly virtuous Knight or Lady. Or even if you live life from a much darker perspective we have enough here to cater to all and live in respect, come on in and take a look!

King Cocytus & Queen Charity