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This is were my Terrorscape or any latest Screenshots will be.

Reality Factory

Do you have any comments?


Top News:
  • Nedi Just made a tutorial on how to implant a turret into you're game. It's a must have. So go check it out at my Tutorial section. And once again. Thanks NEDI

    May 27, 2002

    • Alright I'm back, I just got back from a vacation (sorda) for Memorial Weekend. So I am starting up again.


    May 19, 2002

    • Today I just fixed little detail on my page, not much. If you were wondering how to get ahold of me. to the left of this site under the Menu. There should be a spot saying Do you have any comments? then under that should be my E-Mail address. I think this site is awmost out of Beta stage. Do you want to link up with me? If you do just email me you're addy.


    May 16, 2002

    • I put up some new screenshots of the kitchen. Tell me at the forum what I should add. Its a little bare right now. I fixed my screenshots so there not that mest up and I made them bigger. There best viewed in 1024x768. Go check them out there at the right of this page.


    May 15, 2002

    • Today I got a screenshot of terroscape that I have bean working on. Its very little but I put up a screenshot so I can get you're advice of what I should add next. To the right of every page you will see the screenshots so just click on the first one. Tell me what you thing on the forum. or via email.


    May 14, 2002

    • I got a new model called turret999 from nedi. Thanks for the model. As you can see in just a couple of days I have gotten alot of models. Later on I am going to put them in catagories. Like City Models, forest models, ect. So keep sending me the models If you want to see this site grow. Also Tell me what you thing about this site at my forum. Tell me what I need to add. Or tell me if you need a model made. i am an alright modeler and I think I can wip you up a model that you need.


    May 14, 2002

    • Hey, I just wanted to say I have just reached 100 people comeing to my site. That is a great start since I have only bean on for about 20 days. Keep coming here and enjoying my free models. I am right now looking for a way that I can add a file transfer to my page so all you have to do is click browse look for the model then click send. I think that would work out pretty good. Well thats about it.


    May 9, 2002

    • Alright the first thing I want to tell yall is that I got My Forum on now. So go check it out. I got some new models thanks to traith. I am slowly but shurely makeing this site bigger and bigger. If you like this site and want to see it get bigger. Send me some models :-)


    May 6, 2002

    • Alright I'm still here, I'm not dead if you wanted to know. I was just waiting for anything to put on this site and someone finally sent me something. . .lol, thanks beebe. I am tring to make this a main site to find Models for your project. I have added one (redscorpion) go check it out. I think it is free to use for you're project. So If you have anything that I could use please send it to me. I am looking for a good Forum or a message board right now.


    April 25, 2002

    • I added the Tutorial Window and fixed the Page tutorial, But thats about all right now. I really need some more things to put on here so please if anyone has any models that they would like to give me please send them my way.


    Day 1, April 24, 2002

    • Welcome to Sullsoft HomePage. This is just the start of my new website. I dont have much yet, all I mainly made this for right now is to get my tutorial on. The only other page that is different is Tutorials. I have made the tutorial (Window). So go check it out. I am looking to make this site were you can come and get models for Reality Factory. So If you have any models that I could put on this site that people could use then that would be great. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see please Email-me.
