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Orlando Bloom/Legolas Fics

Here are some fics about Orlando Bloom/Legolas. Yum!


These fics are purely for fun. Nobody is making any money off of these fics, and nobody means any harm towards Orlando Bloom. We all have the upmost respect for him, hell we love him!! :) Anyways, Orlamdo Bloom, Elijah Wood, Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen etc.. own themselves, Legolas, Boromir, Frodo, Aragorn etc.. are owned by J.R.R. Tolkien and estate. Most of these fics contain slash, which is male/male sexual if ya don't like that you should probaby leave now!! Thanks! Enjoy!! :)

Someone to Watch Over Me by Alex
Summery: Legolas does Orli!!
Rating: NC17


A Little Fic from the Rentboy's Pespective by Pop Tart
Summery: Orli played a gay prostitute in Wilde, so here is a fic stemming from that.
Rating: NC17


Wanking on the Move by Deidre
Characters: Orlando Bloom and Elijah Wood
Summery: Orli pleasures himself on a train, and has an audience
Rating: NC17


Of Hobbits and Elves by Vangiekitty
Characters: Orlando Bloom and Elijah Wood, appearences by Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan & Sean Astin
Summery: Orli, Lij..and nipple licking!!
Rating: NC17


This series holds a special place in my heart. It was written by my lovely buddy Nessa. Love you hon!!

Lust and Desire - by Nessa
Characters: Boromir and Legolas
Summery: Boromir fancies the Elf and tries to play the field
but struck out. And then the fun begins.
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Violence, strangulation and Non-Con sex
Note: This is a mutli-part fic titled The Warrior Elf

Hope and Anguish - by Nessa
Characters: Boromir and Legolas
Summery: Boromir feels guilty after what had transpired between him and Legolas.
Haldir comes into the picture. What happens next? Find out here.
Rating: R
Note: Sequel to Lust and Desire
Note from me, the Webmistress: Nessa dedicated this part of the fic to me..and
I want to say...I love ya! I've never had anyone dedicate anything to me...*sniff* You kick ass!! :)

A Cry in the Dark - by Nessa
Characters: Boromir and Legolas
Summery: Galadriel messed around with Boromir's mind.
Rating: NC 17
Note: Sequel to Hope and Anguish

The Passing - by Nessa
Characters: Boromir and Legolas
Summery: A loved one passes away.
Rating: NC 17
Note: Sequel to A Cry in the Dark

Emptiness of Space - by Nessa
Characters: Legolas and Aragorn
Summery: The Elf is in pain and Aragorn goes to comfort him.
Rating: NC 17
Note: Sequel to The Passing

Eowyn - by Nessa
Characters: Legolas/Aragorn and Legolas/Eowyn
Summery: Once Eowyn lays her eyes on Legolas, it's only a matter
of time before she'll be a 'maiden' no longer.
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Het sex (ohhhh!!!) :) Hehehe...
Note: Sequel to Emptiness of Space

Beloved - by Nessa
Characters: Aragorn/Legolas, Haldir/Leegolas, Aragorn/Haldir/Legolas
Summery: Final Chaper in the 'Warrior Elf' series
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: War scene (blood, violence etc), threesome and AU at end of fic.
Note: Sequel to Eowyn


The Test - by Alys
Characters: Legolas, Boromir and Arwen
Summery: An inventive (and extremely personal) test to determine Legolas' suitability for the Fellowship
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: BDSM, Graphic Sex, Violent Sex, Het Content

The Reward - by Alys
Characters: Legolas & Boromir
Summery: Boromir wishes to make amends for any hurt Legolas has suffered
Rating: NC 17
Notes: Sequel to The Test


Lessons in Love - by Triste
Characters: Legolas & Frodo
Summery: Frodo always has been curious for a Hobbit...
Rating: NC 17


Dirty - by Nessa
Characters: Aragorn/Boromir, Aragorn/Boromir/Legolas
Summery: Legolas. The Elf is beautiful but cold. Aragorn and Boromir decided
to see if they could break through that barrier… with much pleasure
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: BDSM, Non-Con Sex, violence & threesome

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