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Check out the Sapphae Fantasy Art Valentine's Day Collection!   

I'm seriously considering re making this entire site. I'm just not happy with it... What do you think? Let me know what you think I should do differently by signing the guest book or emailing me. I would seriously appreciate any ideas or criticism. I will always respond upon request. Thank you.

Also don't forget to sign my Guestbook!

If you like what you see here then be sure and check out my Fantasy Art Gallery at Elfwood.












UPDATE: 01/15/03

Well, needless to say, if you've checked I haven't got my Valentine's day Store up and running yet, OF COURSE. My stupid scanner is causing me problems. I know you hear that all the time. I really can't buy a new system, though so please bear with me. If there is something you need by Valentine's day in the mean time, I will figure out another way to get it to you if you let me know. 

ALSO, I have been kicking around the idea of doing pillows for the site. Sapphae Pillows with designs on them. I would be making those myself, I've been messing around with a sewing machine for a little while because I have so many costumes to sew for my wedding... so I kicked the idea around. They're actually kind of fun to make. I'm thinking about trying a few different ideas. I'll put them up here if I ever get them made.

Anyhoo, not much else to say except that I'm going to go try and get my scanner hooked up and we'll see if I can't update this site by tonight. 

Meanwhile Email me if you have anything to say. 


Someone Emailed this to me:

One day, a man was lying in a feild picturing all the shapes in the clouds when suddenly he decided that he would talk to God.

"God," asked the man, "How long is a million years?"

God answered, "To me, it is but a minute."

"God," asked the man, "How much is a million dollars?"

God answered, "To me, it is but a penny."

The man thought for a moment and then asked, "God, can I have a penny?"

God then replied, "In a minute."












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Our Wedding date is set for August 9th, 2003. There is so much to do! If anyone has any creative ideas for an outdoor renaissance wedding, feel free to share them with me. :)

Make sure that while you're here you visit my store at Cafepress. I do commissions so please feel free to email me if there is something I can do for you.


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