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Strange Attractor MUSH

This is the ugly yet functional status page for SAMUSH.

Status Box
old server

new server


At the moment, this is the only SA website. Check here for info about the theme and rules for SA2I.

Informative Links:

* Crib Sheet Theme, rules, etc. Updated as we figure things out.

* Character Application: Pretty old; if you have relevant info which doesn't fit under any of the questions, do add it in. Also please use an email you actually check, even if you are playing an anonymous character. A total of three people will ever see that email address and we promise not to tell.

* Old Address: port 3333
Home of the original Strange Attractor. New characters are not being created here. However staff still hang out if you want help transferring your existing character.

* New Address: port 3333
Home of Strange Attractor: 2nd Inversion. This is where it's all at! Guest login available.

* Staff Email:

Latest News

February 2004: Strange Attractor is undergoing complete renovation. Come be part of the fun! Check here for useful information. (Yes, this site is pretty much the main MUSH webpage until you hear otherwise.) - Rhiannon

(past announcements)