RPGMusic Remixes and Such On

Updated songs: 6/29/05

>Aunt Dinah's Techno Party (Quilting Party Remix)
Searching around on soulseek, I found the ORIGINAL version of Quilting Party, the bluegrass song. Thinking once again of blasphmeous beats, I organized and sampled bits of the song and sqeezed them in my modtracker. It almost failed... you see, Hillbillies have an awful sense of keeping time. They were phasing in and out usually at the start of every phrase or always one/fourth ahead or before the next phrase. They were persistant with it, I'll give them that. I had fun making this song with trail and error through the mastering and editting process. The night I had originally intended to release this, I spent six hours on the edittor (Cool Edit Pro 2K.) Six hours straight. The result was an .mp3 file that sounded like crunchy ass. So two mornings later, I scrap it and start anew with the .wav set ups. Total time straight was only 1hr 45. And the sound VASTLY improved since then. By the way, the hillbillys voice in the beginning is from "Ghettobillies - Social Snake." They're an awesome group, give some of their songs a shot. Specifically "Another Song" and "My First Porno." Now go git yer grooves on, yew muther &*$@*%!ers.

Here's the next few songs for the Marching Southerners Mock RPG Soundtrack
The Bottle Dance
Theme of the Villian (Mars)
Boss Fight (Samson and Delila from Sand 2001)

The reason why there was a lack of content on this site for so long is because once I got back to JSU in Janurary, I couldn't connect to their ethernet network. So I had zero access to update my site from this computer. I'm going to try and find a copy of Microsoft Frontpage so I can make a decent layout for this site. Updates will be coming more often in the month of July. And by often, I mean "probably one." And when I mean "probably one," That means don't get your hopes up. But you never know. The sun shines on a dogs ass sometimes.

By the way, the following songs (if the links are still up) are my older works. People liked the Tetris one a lot, and I'm proud of "Fountain of Dreams"... but you can tell that they're waaaay dated. Download at your own discretion.
Previous songs by date released)

RPGClassics Senior Song Movement 1 (Prologue) Ladies and gentlemen....the RPGC Senior Song movement 1 (The Prologue), is now FINISHED! Seniors in this movement include (with their respective parts) Bahamut Xero (Bahamut Lagoon), X Countryguy (Zelda), and Kagon (Chrono Cross - Time Scars). This has taken on and off three months to complete, and I hope you enjoy it. If you don't, then it looks like I just wasted three months, eh? On top of it all, I am SO damn proud of this song, for it was a @$#%!#^ to pull off. Look for the next movement in the upcoming months

My first straight up techno piece. It's called "WTF" because it starts in a bit of chipset style, then to old school techno, then to new style shit, and mixed around, etc etc. Listen towards the end and you'll hear the first vocal samples I've put into a song. Other than that, enjoy....or get off to this song or whatever. WTF is Old School (G.H.O.D Tetris ReMix)

It's amazing what ideas you can come up with late at night, which was the whole inspiration for this song. Based from the old NES Game "A Boy and his Blob", a game with only FOUR Songs to it's soundtrack, I thought I'd do something a bit different with this song. There is NO BASS whatsoever in this song, I used the tremolo/vibrato effect like hell, and I altered the ending into sounding like a mono-low quality radio station. Not much to say otherwise. Enjoy :P G.H.O.D and his Blob named Bob

This is one of my best sounding pieces. Not the most difficult, but one of the best sounding ones. I used multisampled guitars and realastic drums (www.mikecrisler.com) for this song, so it sounds more like a real trash-like song. I love listening to this song.G.H.O.D Taints the Fountain of Dreams

This little tune (but not as little as the last one ^,^) comes from the NES game Willow. It has some pretty damn good music for a NES game. This is played at some Castle stage, I forget which. I have most of the usual instruments in this one EXCEPT this time I found a use for this clean guitar sample which sounded pretty nice, in fact. I thought about taking out the Distortion-Stomper Guitar because it sounded a bit better without it, but then it wouldn't have the "UMP" I was going for in this song. But the music in Willow's really great *SONG TAKEN DOWN*

This REALLY short song is from the not-so-well-known RPG Fire Emblem. This song was in the very first one and also featered a bit in SSBM. I didn't COMPLETELY rape this one using the Cool Edit Pro editor and I think the tom drums turned out pretty nice *SONG TAKEN DOWN*

Ok, this song is from FF9, it's Kuja's theme. This is the first song I've used in Cool Edit Pro, so bear with me at this a'ight? The bass part for the faster part of the song is from a Terranigma song whose name escapes me at the moment. The G.H.O.D part is me; Green Hand of Death, I'm thinking about that as a name. I'll upload the .IT version of this song later. It's COMPLETELY different sounding from this, I tell yeh right now. Kuja Meets G.H.O.D MP3 Version

This is a song from Tales of Phantasia. The original music sounded like classic Namco arcade music, so I decided to beef it up a little. I might rerelease this since I have the power of Cool Edit Pro to manupliate. Heh heh *SONG TAKEN DOWN*

And here is my first song.
Jammin' With Gilgamesh