Eleanor is at her pre-arranged station as Celeste comes out of Eleanor's room, sweeping down the staircase in a teal blue lace dress, "OH come see!" El yells out to everyone, which brings the occupants of the house into the room, which was the plan. Celeste's room on the first floor wouldn't have had the same effect, ergo she had gotten ready in Eleanor's room.
Celeste pauses half way down the staircase, her left hand placed dramatically on the railing, waiting for a reaction from someone or anyone.
Eleanor, Marilyn, Rose, Robin and Bess clap vigorously and yell out, "All hail the Queen!" as William stands there grim-faced, shocked.
When Celeste is on floor level, she turns around slowly, the dress undulating around her knees, the matching scarf flowing langerously.
The whistling and clapping continues.
William states, "Celeste! Cover yourself up!" as he goes to where she's standing, smiling in triumph, and ties the long scarf around her shoulders, yanking it into a firm knot in front of her chest.
"I'm not a teenager, William...." she snaps at him.
"Indeed you are not, but you're dressed like one! And those shoes! You'll break your ankle!"
She brings one ankle up and admires the cut of the most expensive pair of shoes she has ever purchased in her life. Plus the most comfortable, even with the stiletto heel.
Right on cue, the doorbell rings. Celeste walks over and opens it to Bruce Valentine, who is resplendent in a tuxedo. He enters the house and comments, "You look like a dream! Let me turn you around!" he takes her hand, and holds both his and her hand high as she twirls under. "How jealous all my friends will be when they see me with you!"
He helps her with her wrap and they exit the house, holding hands, Celeste smiling lovingly up into his face.
The door closes behind them.
Bess looks out the window to see them get into a car, "OOoooo, look! That's the longest car I have ever seen! I didn't know they made them that long!"
The others join her at the window to see the black stretch limo that Bruce has arranged for the evening, Eleanor smirking knowingly.
William tries not to look, but it's impossible for him to quell his curiosity, so he takes a glance, standing behind the others, and comments, "That's nothing! I could get a car even better than that one!"
No response.
Marilyn sits on a couch and kicks off her shoes, "That is treh elegant! I'm so happy for Celeste!"
"In fact, I think I'll buy a better vehicle than that one!" William stamps out of the room, after which the women made a circle and burst out laughing, "Oh yes, nothing like competition to shake the shingles off a man's crusty heart!" Marilyn giggles.
"Shingles off a man's crusty heart?!" Rose and El laugh, "Is that something from back in the 50s?"
"No, but it oughta be!" Marilyn replies happily.


Pat and John sat at the hotel bar. John was unusually quiet. Pat reached over and touched his hand. "Hey! You alright?"
John absent-mindedly stirred his scotch. "Yeah. Just pre-occupied I guess. I miss my family."
Pat chose to ignore that and looked at the schedule for tomorrow's seminar.
"Here's one that's interesting...'HAMSTRINGS--NEITHER HAM NOR STRINGS.' Sounds important..NOT!"
John said, "Hmmm?"
"Nothing." Pat grabbed a handful of peanuts and tried to sound casual. "So..did you reach your wife?"
John said curtly, "NO."
Pat smiled. "You never told me much about her. How did you meet?"
John said, "We met in Long Island. I was married to my first wife Elizabeth and Rose was..well, she had a steady boyfriend. Henry. Elizabeth left me and Henry and Rose split up. We started hanging out together and well, as they say, the rest is history."
Pat said, "Oh. You have three children. But...they aren't all yours, are they?"
John said, "No. Will is Rose's son. I adopted him. He's like my own."
Pat ran her finger around her wine goblet. "You have two daughters? One of them a baby?"
John took a sip of his drink. "Yep. Julie and Jenna. Rose delivered both of them at home. Well, not exactly at home..but it was just the two of us. Both times. Julie during that no-name storm April before last and Jenna in October during that nor'easter. We were vacationing at the Jersey shore."
"Jersey. Well."
"Yeah. Well, both of the girls were early."
"How long have you been married?"
"A year last month."
Pat frowned as she tried to do some mental math. John saw what she was doing and he said, "It's a long story."
Which indicated that particular part of the conversation was over.

Rose sighed happily, "Oh, I would never have believed it if I hadn't seen it. William was pea green with envy!"
Marilyn said, "Serves him right! He's a man!"
Rose said, "I think I will spend the night in my own house. I have Jake and Belle there for protection. So I'd better get them ready."
Bess said, "Oh, Rose! Why not let the kids stay here? Then you can get some rest." El said, "Yes, Rose. Why not?"
Rose stood there and thought. "I'll tell you what. Will can stay. Julie? I'm not sure.."
Bess said, "She can stay in my room! Please! Look--she's already asleep!"
Rose said, "OK, but I'll take Jenna with me. That way I don't have to act like a gas pump! I'll just put her in her bassinet and keep her in my room. Besides, I'm going to try to reach John."
Eleanor said, "OH! I forgot to tell you--he called when you were out at the ranch."
Rose beamed. "He did? Good! How did he sound?"
Eleanor said, "Well...he was John!"
Rose put her coat on and gathered her baby's things. "Will? You can stay but no more than one bowl of popcorn. Help Bess with Julie!" She kissed him and picked up Jenna and walked home.

John and Pat walked to their respective rooms. John said, "Man, I am so beat! I'll be glad when this seminar is over. I'm going to take a shower and go right to bed." Pat said, "Sounds like a plan!"
She waved to him and opened her hotel door.
John tried the phone again. It just rang and rang. DAMN! Here I am in Kansas City and she's in New York. And so is Robin.

Pat McMahon took a quick shower and put on a long romantic nightgown. She picked up the phone.
"Hello? Room Service? I'd like champagne--yes, Dom Perignon--and two champagne flutes sent up to room soon as possible. And as quiet as possible."
She sprayed on her expensive perfume, fluffed up her hair and put some lip gloss on. Within five minutes, the room service came with their cart and a silver bucket filled with ice and the champagne resting in it. She listened and faintly heard the shower running in John's room. She opened her door and then took the matchbook that was jammed in the lock on John's door.....

Rose put her sleeping baby in the crib, hung up her coat and kicked off her shoes. She fixed herself a cup of tea. Then she went into the library to find a book to read. She looked down at the phone and saw that the phone was unplugged. She held the cord up and looked at Jake. He slunk out of the room. So THAT'S why John didn't call! She plugged it in and looked at her watch. Kansas City is only an hour behind. So it is only 8:00 PM there... Coralynn

"You say you went to Joe's apartment and he wasn't there?" Salvator Barzini asks one of the 'family' members who had been sent out to track down the missing Joe and Tony.
"Right. I even asked the apartment manager, and she said she hadn't seen him come home."
"What about Tony?" Sal sounds ominous.
From the same unhappy 'family' member: "Same thing. Not there and hasn't been since early morning."
"You don't do well as a bloodhound, do you?" Sal's facial tone is reddening.
"I can't find someone who isn't there!" the fellow replies defensively.
"Did you check the train station, the airports?" Sal thunders at him.
"You didn't! You're on thin ice here, fella. Now, who among you think he can do this? Who wants the assignment?"
None of the eight men assembled in the war-room with Sal raises his hand or voice. Failure, even if unavoidable, is not acceptable, and this assignment is a sure-fire loser.
Sal turns to his right-hand man, Benny, and growls, "You do it, Benny! The rest of them are clueless!"
Benny gulps and tries to look cooperative, knowing that if he succeeds he gets to keep his place in the heirarchy, but if he fails....


Joe and Tony sit in a pub and drink their beer slowly, as they need to conserve what little money they have with them. With the unfavorable exchange rate, it's not going to go very far.
"We have to get a job!" Joe says for the tenth time.
"It's still evening back in New York, but here it's almost morning, what say we just drop in at every place along the street? Somebody must be hiring."
"Yeah. Let's go!"
The city is coming to life and after checking at two restaurants and a clothing store, with no positive results, they see Madame Toussaud's Wax Works museum ahead.
Tony heads into the place, which Joe thinks is ridiculous, who works at this place, but follows.
The ticket kiosk person asks for the entrance fee, but Tony asks instead, "You guys hiring?"
"You'll have to see the main manager."
"Where is he?"
The ticket seller picks up a phone and in a few minutes is heard saying, "Couple guys want a job, do we have anything...........ok, I'll send them on in." Then, writing something on a slip of paper and shoving it at the two desperate job-seekers, says, "Ask for Timothy. His office is just to the left of the entrance."
Joe and Tony go inside and spot the door referred to and ring the bell just to the left of it. A man in full formal attire opens the door and admits them. "You two need jobs, is that right? We have a couple jobs, but they aren't very prestigious and the pay is low. Still interested?"
Joe and Tony look at each other and nod, then tell Timothy, "yes, we are."
"What the job entails is cleaning. After the place closes each evening, we need cleaning staff to walk through and dust off each statue, plus clean all the surfaces. We have no tolerance for dirt or dust or grime or whatever it is those miserable tourists bring in here with them."
"We can do that!" both Joe and Tony say together.


Celeste, Bruce and Sam are laughing at one of Bruce's many highly amusing anecdotes when the Society reporter from the NY Times, always in tandem with her photographer, spies them.
When Bruce sees the reporter, with whom he is on excellent terms, he stands and makes introductions. "May I present Celeste......what is your last name, dear?"
Celeste has a light-bulb moment. "Celeste Palmer!" she answers as she decides once and for all to revert back to her maiden name.
The reporter writes it down and requests, "Please resume what you were doing so that the photographer can get a natural looking picture."
Bruce sits down and begins another hilarious story, which sends both Sam and Celeste into peals of laugher.


Pat smiled to herself. Hey, I can't help what she thought. She looked in the mirror and licked her lips to moisten them. She stuck the glasses in the ice to chill them. John came out of the bathroom towel-drying his hair and wearing his terrycloth robe.
He stopped suddenly. "What is going on here?"
Pat gave him a big smile. "I thought you needed to relax a bit."
She handed him the bottle and said, "Would you do the honors?"
John looked at her and took in her sexy, romantic nightgown. The champagne in the silver bucket with the two glasses chilling. The connecting door that was open. He said, "How did you manage that?"
Pat looked surprised. "That? I guess you forgot to lock your side."
John put the champagne back in the bucket and said seriously to Pat, "I think you have the wrong message. Because what you have in mind? It's not going to happen."

Rosamond stared at the phone and then she pulled the plug out of the jack. She shook her head as if she didn't believe what just happened. She sat there in the library and just stared at the phone trying to comprehend what just happened. Did I actually hear champagne chilling?
There was a knock on the back door. She rose as if in slow motion and opened it. Daniel was standing there.
"Hey, Rose. I was driving by and I saw your lights were still on. I wanted to pick up that Johnny Depp video..hey, what's wrong?"
Rose stood there not saying anything. Daniel stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Rose dissolved into tears. Daniel took her into his arms and held her. She sobbed against his chest. He rocked her like a child and stroked her hair. She looked up in his face and said, "How could he? HOW COULD HE?"
Daniel didn't know what to say. He had a good idea of what she may have been talking about but he didn't say a word. She cried until there were no more tears left. Then she cried some more. When she was totally spent, Daniel led her into the bedroom. He laid her gently on the bed and laid beside her.
And held her until she fell asleep.

CURFEW? Coralynn

The house is dark when Celeste returns from her 'date,' though she's pretty sure several interested parties are peeking out the windows, so she and Bruce go into the routine they discussed in the limo on their way back.
He looks down at her intently, she up at him, before they embrace, which is a long embrace to make sure the voyeurs get an eyefull.
"I had a lovely time," she tells him sincerely, this not necessarily being part of the routine.
"We'll do it again! How about the opera this coming weekend? They're doing La Boheme at the Met."
"My favorite!"
"Mine, too! It's so romantic, so lush...."
Celeste whispers just in case William's super-sonic hearing is turned on, "I'd better go inside. My audience awaits."
Bruce laughs, plants a little kiss on her forehead and turns back toward the limo as she enters the house.
The living room light blazes immediately as the front door click shut. Celeste feels like laughing, but decides to play it straight.
"Where in hell have you been?" William storms, "And do you know what hour it is?!"
"You know full well where I've been, William," she answers casually, "And yes, it is one in the morning. I have a watch, and I can tell time."
"It's an hour after your curfew!" he says sternly.
"Curfew?" she almost laughs.
"Of course! Everyone knows to be in by midnight! You're setting a bad example for the others!"
"Oh well."
"You have responsibilities here, Celeste. You weren't hired to go galavanting all over Westchester County and Manhattan, you know, you were hired to clean!"
This last barb is too much. Upstairs, Eleanor, Marilyn and Bess are hiding in the dark hallway, listening. Bess gasps when she hears what William said, which causes Eleanor to clamp her hand over the younger woman's mouth to keep her silent.
Celeste hangs up her wrap, then, with steel in her voice replies, "If you aren't satisfied with how I perform my 'job' as you seem determined to describe it, then get yourself another cleaning lady!"
William is aghast. He overplayed it, and knows he's on thin ice.
"You'll be tired tomorrow, Celeste," he tries to backpedal a bit, then adds,"And if you're not able to arise early enough to make breakfast we shall...."
This didn't go as well as he'd planned, as she shoots back, "You shall all what? Starve? Sit and cry into your coffee cups? You're so helpless you can't pour a bowl of cereal? Give me a break!"
The three women in the upstairs hall snicker as Marilyn does a double thumbs up.
William's voice becomes softer, "So, are you going out with him again?"
"Of course!" she declares, "I like to be treated like a Queen. I like going to elegant places, and I enjoy his company. Bruce is a true gentleman, and, I might add, kinda cute as well."
"And rich!" is all William can think to add.
Celeste knows she's scored a bullseye as she ascends the staircase.
"Your quarters are on the first floor..." Wm reminds her.
No reply. Celeste walks to where she knows full well her pals are hunkered down in the hallway, tips her head toward Eleanor's room and the four women stealthfully pad into it and close the door.
"William is green with envy!" Marilyn declares, but in a soft voice to avoid his supersonic hearing.
"Does this mean he's in love with you?" Bess asks cluelessly.
Celeste sits on the bed and removes her heels, "No, Bess, it means he's used to having me around, someone to hold the domestic front down, someone he can rely on. He feels threatened that his daily routine is going to be disrupted by my 'galavanting' around as he puts it."
"Well, here's to galavanting!" Eleanor raises an imaginary glass for a toast.
Eight hands meet in a point above them in a show of solidarity and sisterhood. Terri

Pat walked over to John and put her arms around him. She kissed him on the neck. "And just what did you think was NOT going to happen?"
John looked meaningful at the bed. "That."
Pat said, "Doesn't have to be.."
John cut her off. "No. Not here. Not there. Anywhere. I should have seen the signs. What you were up to. How can I make this any more clear? I love my wife. I love my childen. They ARE my life. We've been through too much and I am not going to let you or anyone else screw it up."
She pouted. "Oh, don't be such a Puritan. You are out of town. Who's going to know? Or care?"
John said, "I'll know. And I care."
He blew out the candles and took the champagne bottle and put it back in the bucket. He pushed it into her room. Then he took Pat by the elbow and led her to the connecting doors and gently pushed her into her side.
"Goodnight, Miss McMahon."
As she stood on the other side of the door, she said to herself, 'you don't know it, honey----but you already are screwed!'

John sat down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. I need to talk to Rosamond. He looked at the clock. Nine-thirty. Ten-thirty back home. He dialed the phone and it just rang and rang. Jake must have knocked it out of the wall. I'll try in the morning.
He laid on the bed and took the phone book. He looked in the yellow pages and got the number for Delta Airlines.
"Hello, I'd like to make a reservation for the first plane out of here from Kansas City to New York..."

Rose stirred and thought, the baby slept through the night for once. I can't wait to tell John..
JOHN! She sat up abruptly and looked at a sleeping form lying on top of the covers. She picked up her pillow and started bashing him over the head.
Rose punctuated each word with a whack as she started to cry anew. The baby started crying in her crib.
Daniel sat up and said, "Attend to your child and then we will talk. It is not what you think."
Rose got up slowly, picked up the baby and cuddled her. Is this the last 'gift' I will have to remember John by? She changed Jenna and nursed her. Rose walked back into the bedroom and Daniel was not there. Good, she thought. No one will ever know...that I just burned John the way he burned me.

She took the baby and went downstairs. At the stove, Daniel was making breakfast. The coffee was percolating and the bacon was frying. He put the toast into the toaster. He turned to Rose and said, "The baby all squared away now?"
She nodded. She laid Jenna in her portable cradle swing.
"Good. Where are the other kids?"
"Over with Eleanor and Bess. They had a sleepover so I could get some rest."
Daniel put eggs on a plate and poured Rose some orange juice.
"Eat this. You'll feel better."
She shook her head. "I can't. Not after---after----"
Daniel raised his eyebrow. So like John.
He laughed and said, "Honey, you think we..? No, we didn't. You were so upset I practically carried you up to bed. Oh, it could have been like that scene in Gone With the Wind..but it wouldn't have been right. I must be maturing!"
Rose said quietly, "Thank you."
Daniel gave her a sardonic grin. "Don't thank me for being so noble. It wasn't easy. And you were vulnerable."
He handed her a cup of coffee. "If it ever happens again, Rose, it will be because you want it to, not because you are settling a score with John."
Rose took a sip of her coffee. "I'm sorry--but I must have been in such a state of shock and utter chaos that I don't remember anything. Kind of like a mental block. I just remember you showing up at the door...and then waking up. I think I blocked it all out.
Daniel sat down with his breakfast. "Eat! That is an order! You have to keep your health together for your children. Now, let's eat this breakfast. And tell Uncle Daniel all about it!"

John woke up the next morning after a fitful night's sleep. He tried calling the house again. Finally in desperation, he called the Big House.
"Hey, Bess, it's John. Is Rose there by any chance?"
"No, but your kids are. At least 2/3 of them. Rose took Jenna home last night so she could get some rest. So she's home. I saw her car out front when I let Misty the cat out."
"I guess I'm going to have to rewire that phone jack. Jake somehow gets tangled in it and unplugs it. How was Rose acting?"
"Fine. Laughing. No problems. She looks a little tired, though."
"Well, who wouldn't with three kids. Thanks, Bess. Give the kids a kiss for me!"

John hastily threw his clothes in the suitcase and pushed the lock down. He called for a cab. He went downstairs to the front desk.
"Leaving so soon, Mr. Gwinnett?"
"Yeah. I have a family emergency that I have to get home to. Here's the key for Room 1205. You will want to fix the lock on the adjoining door with 1206. It seems to be broken."
"Thank you. I hope you will stay with us again."
John gave a brief smile and said, "My cab is here. I have a 10 AM flight. Can't wait to get back to my own bed."
He walked out and got in the cab, heading to the airport.

Pat McMahon was in the lobby by the news stand. She saw John leave with his suitcase. So...going so soon. Sure would like to be a fly on the wall when he gets home!

Rose poured herself another cup of coffee and said," 'Uncle Daniel?' "
Daniel grinned. " it is a term of endearment!"
Daniel pulled out a flask and added a splash of whiskey to his coffee. Rose raised her eyebrows. He said, "Just a little..kind of an Irish coffee."
Rose went into the refridgerator and got some whipped cream. She sprayed Reddi-whip in the coffee.
"There! NOW you have Irish coffee!"
Daniel laughed and then said as he stirred his coffee. "Want to tell me what happened?"
Rose looked down at her cup as if all the answers were written there. "Tale as old as time. The mouse is away, the cat will play."
Daniel said, "No, it's...never mind. I know what you mean. How do you know?"
Rose took a deep breath and plunged in. "I have been getting these phone calls from a woman who claims she is John's lover. She told me to check his underwear because she put a red marker on the label. But he put them in the wash before I could get a good look at it. Just a lot of strange stuff I can't quite put my finger on. I kept trying to reach him at the hotel in Kansas City. No answer. He hasn't called me. Finally when I got home last night, I finally made contact with his room. Oh boy, did I ever! A woman answered and said John was in the shower. I swear, I heard the champagne chilling! As soon as I hung up, you came over."
Daniel said, "This all doesn't sound like John. Are you sure?"
She said, "Daniel, when a man is in the shower and a strange woman answers the phone, don't you think it's a little suspicious?"
Danie shrugged. "I guess so. But I think you ought to hear John's explanation."
Rose said, "Yeah. I'll bet it is a real work of fiction. And I'm not waiting for the ending."
"What do you intend to do?"
"I haven't decided. But with three kids, I COULD take him to the cleaners."
Daniel said, "Listen to his explanation first. Rose, he never even LOOKS at other women at the gym. Honest."
She said, "Yeah? Well, what about that Pat McMahon? His little lunch buddy."
Daniel said, "That I can't answer." He looked at his watch. "You gonna be OK?"
She raised her shoulders in a non-committal shrug. "I always am."
Daniel said, "I'll stop by at lunch and check on you. OK?"
"Sure. Why not. After all--this is MY house!"
Rose walked him to the door and as he walked out into the brisk autumn air, he kissed the top of her head and said, "Hang in there, sis-in-law."

Angela Barzini slowed her Lexus down as she saw Daniel's Corvette parked in the driveway. She had driven by last night and it was there. Still here this morning. That lying, cheating bastard!
Angela parked under the oak tree in front of James Livingston's house. She tapped a cigarette pack and slid a cigarette out of it. She lit it with the car lighter and exhaled. Suddenly she sat up straight.
Daniel and Rose came to the door. She saw Daniel kiss Rose on the top of the head. He smiled at her and waved. His little wife waved back and shut the door.
Angela slid down in her seat and peered through the spokes of the steering wheel. Daniel zipped up his jacket from the cold crisp air and slid into the driver's seat. He backed up the car and headed towards the center of town.

Angela sat up and fumed. I should follow him but I know he's heading to the fitness center. So she took him back. Can't say that I blame her..he's a hunk. She thought about it and then dialed the number she had memorized.

"Have you no pride, lady?"
Rose said, "Excuse me?"
"Pride. Are you willing to take the cheating bastard back after he's been with another woman?"
"Did you check his underwear for the red marking?"
Rose was growing exasperated. She was in no mood for games. Not when she had so much on her mind. She said, "Look, lady--I don't know who you are. Why don't you just stay in Kansas City?"
"Kansas City?"
"Yes. And if you ever step foot in Westchester county, I'll tear every strand of hair out of your head!"
Angela was confused. "I'm not in Kansas City. Where did you get that idea?"
Rose was equally confused. "You're not in Kansas City?"
"No. Never have been. You mean..?"
Rose was trembling with rage. "IT MEANS HE'S BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH TWO WOMEN!"
Angela was outraged. "HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?"
Rose looked at the headset of the phone and said, "This conversation is getting too weird for me."
She slammed the phone down.

Angela sat in the car and chain-smoked. She threw cigarette butt by cigarette butt out the window. That lying creep! That lech! He's really got another girl on the line..and in Kansas City no less!

Rose tried to calm the rising tide of panic. If John is cheating on me in Kansas City, is it possible that he really is cheating with a local tramp? Who could it be? That girl at the Grand Union? The one who always double bags for him? The waitress at that seafood restaurant? I saw the way she brought him the lemon for his ice water. What about the owner's niece at Barney's? She made a special effort to check and make sure his shirt was tapered in. And the girl behind the counter at Starbucks. She gave him an extra serving of espresso. There's Concetta at the dry cleaners..she sewed that button on his shirt and didn't charge him...
The list in Rose's head went on and on.

Angela sat in her car and finally dialed a number. She said sharply, "I need to talk to you....yes, it's important! VERY important! I need to ask a favor of you. I need someone removed from the, not rubbed out! I just need someone's attitude to be adjusted..."
She changed her tone to one of wheedling. "I don't ask for much, do I?...Because I gave him my heart and soul and he stomped on it!....PLEASE? But it is such a little thing to ask....thanks! I knew I could count on you to defend the Barzini honor! I'll be right over!"

THE Coralynn
William is the first one up in the morning, per usual, but this morning he feels tired and dulled as he pours his first cup of coffee. Late hours will do that, he thinks, and it looks like this is just the start of a lot of late waiting up nights! Damn! Why can't Celeste act her age and go back to being our ....our.....
Since he can't come up with a word for it, he goes outside to bring in his five morning newspapers. By the time he returns with them to the kitchen, Eleanor and Marilyn are there pouring coffee, and turn when they see him, smiling knowingly.
He tosses the papers onto the table and unfastens them, some from rubber bands, others from those plastic tubes they put around papers these days. He sighs as he reaches for his favorite, the New York Times.
Separating out the sections he likes to read, he tosses the Society Pages to the side, then something catches his eye and he retrieves it, examining it more closely. As he goes to lift his cup, it rattles, so he puts it back down and examins the society pages again....could it be?
El and Marilyn can't help noticing him fixated on a section of the paper he usually ignores, so they walk over and look at it over it shoulder, Marilyn exclaiming, "That's Celeste! Isn't it?"
"Must have been taken last night! And the photo is in color. She looks so glamorous..." El comments.
William sits there dumbfounded, but finally manages to read aloud, "......accompanied by Celeste Palmer? Where'd she get that name?"
Eleanor puts two and two together, "She's gone back to her maiden name, it would appear."
"It would appear she is also going back into her teenage years!" William huffs as he tosses that section of the paper aside again. Marilyn and Eleanor snatch it up and go back to Celeste's room on the first floor. William glowers.

"So she has me painted as a slacker all because of those computers! I'll show her, and I'll show that opportunist, Bruce Valentine, who thinks he can abscond with our ....our.....well whatever, I'll show them both!" William goes upstairs to his room to dress, and then to go to the electronics store. "I'll buy five of them! And they'll all be top of the line! So there!" he tells the walls of his room.

Celeste is just waking up when Marilyn and Eleanor enter her room. "HI gals, some night last night, aye?"
"You were magnificent. And, look at this!" Marilyn shows her the photo in the Times. Celeste is very pleased indeed, "Good picture of me, makes me look younger! I remember that photographer dropping by our table. Bruce knew the reporter, too. Bruce knows a lot of people...."
"You look like you were having the time of your life!" El comments.
"I was! I'm looking forward to going to the opera with Bruce and Sam tomorrow night, too. They never run out of interesting anecdotes to tell me, and most of them are hilarious!"
"We'd better leave this in your room, this photo, William saw it and his blood pressure must have gone through the roof!" Marilyn tells her.
"Poor old poop," Celeste grins, "It's all his fault. Had he simply purchased those computers when I first asked him to, none of this would have happened. But.........I'm glad it did. Think I should pen him a thank you note?"
"Right! Sure!" both El and M. say at the same time.

TOP OF THE Coralynn

William is the first one in the door of the Top of the Line Electronics store, and is greeted by a very eager salesman with the name "TAD" on his badge.
"May I show you something, sir? What would be your pleasure?"
"Top of the line computer," William tells him as he walks down an aisle with computers of all brands on display; too many for William's liking. "What's the best one you have?"
"Ohhh," Tad's eyes shine, little dollar signs dancing in his mind as he works on commission, "We have a computer so advanced that it'll take the rest of them ten years to catch up!" he exaggerates.
He leads William to a place where there sits a computer with more bells and whistles than he has ever seen before, but, William being basically computer illiterate, it doesn't take much to impress him.
"This is the ZXQ900!" Tad pronounces in reverent tones, "We're the only store in the county to have them, you know."
"No, I didn't know," William sounds bored, "Does it come with a guarantee, a warrantee, a whatever?"
"The best in the industry!" Tad tells him, though he knows how 'limited' the warranty truly is, but this is a customer exuding 'ready to buy,' and he must make this sale or he'll get behind in his bills.
"Can you turn it on?" William inquires.
"It isn't connected to the internet, sir. Believe me, this computer will not disappoint you, and with our warrantee, you're covered for any exigency."
"OK, how much?" William squints at the small label that has the price listed on it somewhere.
"Only five thousand," Tad hopes the price doesn't scare off this hot customer.
William stands there pondering. Being a naturally frugal person he knows this is too expensive, but then he remembers Bruce arriving in a stretch limo.....
"I'll take five of them!" he announces to Tad, who is startled. Five?!
"Let me write it up," he leads William to a desk and starts filling out paperwork.
William answers a number of questions, proffers his credit card, and waits. Finally Tad is done writing everything down.
"Your computers should arrive in seven to ten working days," Tad tells him, smiling.
"Ten days? But I want them now!" suddenly the 'hot customer' turns into an angry one. "If I can't get them today, the deal is off."
"But you've already purchased them, sir," Tad replies, trying not to sound desperate or heaven forbid belligerent.
"I cancel," William states.
"The deal is done...."
"Let me speak to the store manager!" William is now raising his voice, so Tad fetches the store manager, explaining the situation to him as they walk toward where William is standing, looking very angry indeed.
The manager smiles and shakes hands with William, then says, "We cannot cancel your purchase sir, it's against policy."
"Policy?!" William hates that word which is used to cover all manner of skulduggery.
"Believe me, you'll be so glad when you recieve your..." the manager looks at the paperwork and sees that Wm has order five of them...."computers! You'll be the only person in town with computers so technolgically advanced that just thinking about them turns them on. You can also talk to these computers and they obey your every command. Are they for you or are you giving them as gifts?"
"Gifts!" Wm decides.
"Then we can gift wrap them at no additional charge," the manager looks at Wm with great joy on his face.
"OK, then gift wrap them!" William marches to the front of the store and is soon back outside in the parking lot, which is filling up with cars. He is almost to his car when it hits him, he turns around and walks rapidly back into the store, goes right to where the TXQ900 computer is on display, yanks on it and almost falls backward as it comes tumbling toward him. It's heavier than it looks, too. William is half way between where it was sitting and the door leading to the outside when several flustered salesmen come running toward him.
"We aren't allowed to sell floor models!" one of them explains as he keeps step with William.
"I bought it and I'm taking it with me!" William looks the guy in the face with a 'don't mess with me' expression. This causes him to lose track of where he's walking, however, if for only a few seconds, and he slams up against a display placed in the aisle. He and the computer are thrown to the floor.
By now the manager sees what is taking place and calls Security. The guard rushes from his little office at the back where he has been playing scrabble with the dim-witted assistant he got saddled with, and is soon standing over William, gun drawn.
"Put that stupid thing away!" William is now standing, but the computer remains on the floor, too heavy for him to lift from that angle.
William isn't sure what to do next, but isn't given the chance to figure it out, as two real police come charging into the store, the manager leading them to Wm. They cuff and lead him off, one of them reading him his Miranda rights.

TRAVIS' Coralynn

Travis McGee, supercop, is excited to see William, that snooty rich guy, escorted in handcuffs, into the jail. He rushes over to the two policemen who come in with Wm., and asks, "What'd he do? What'd he do?"
Alan Carson sighs and yells out, "Back off Beavis!"
Travis grinds his teeth, 'just wait till WandaSue makes me police chief!' he thinks.
Alan addresses the newly entered group of three, "OK, what are the charges?"
"Stealing a computer!" the first cop says happily.
"Yeah, we nabbed this guy as he was about to leave the store!" the other one adds.
"You mean you arrested him inside the store?" Alan shakes his head. It's hard to find good cops anymore, smart ones, ones who know the law. These clowns are almost as bad as Travis McGee.
"You can't do that," he tells them while looking at William who begins to relax. Good, Wm thinks, that ought to get me out of this place.
"You have to wait till the suspect leaves the store!" Alan instructs these two dimbulbs.
"Well, well, the manager or someone put in an emergency call and we came and we did what we were told......"
"Is the store manager a member of the Chappaqua police force?" Alan is annoyed.
"No, but he has to know...."
"Apparently he doesn't know much, because arresting someone for shoplifting while still inside the store is illegal."
"*&##%!" Travis McGee blurts out in frustration.
Alan unlocks the cuffs around William's wrists and smiles, "they thought they'd caught the big fish, did they? Tell me, William, just what happened?"
Alan and William ago into Alan's office and close the door, much to the consternation of Travis and the two dimbulb cops.
"I went to buy five computers at the Top of the Line Electronics store," William explains, "after all the paperwork was done I was informed that the computers would arrive in seven to ten days. I needed them now, today, actually yesterday would have been ideal, so then this clown who works there said ten more days and I decided to take the floor model with me so that at least we'd have ONE...."
"Not too smart, William, and if they'd allowed you to leave the store before they nabbed you I would have had no choice but to lock you up. What was so all-fired important about getting a computer that you did something so drastic?"
"Seems both computers at our house went bellyup at the same time, Alan. Celeste couldn't access her stupid Story, you know, the one online, and was determined to get another A.S.A.P. Since I'm in charge of buying things like that, I tried to accomodate her, but she is one tough customer. The refurbished ones I bought malfunctioned, which only made her more unpleasant..."
"I can't envision Celeste as unpleasant," Alan states, "So how many days have you kept this project on hold?"
"Three," Wm admits.
Alan laughs, "So now you have to go home and tell her she has another seven to ten days to wait."
"Seven to ten working days to wait," William grumbles, " get this.....she's dating!"
"Dating?!" Alan can't think of the words Celeste and dating in the same sentence.
"Yeah! We went to a counselor, you know, one of those chaps that works with couples..."
"A marriage counselor?" Alan tries not to laugh, but it's hard.
"No, a relationshp counselor!" Wm corrects him, "anyway, this fellow took a great fancy to Celeste. They even went to the ballet last night. And I overheard her say they were going to the opera tomorrow night! This is so unbecoming of her."
"She's single, she has the right..."Alan thinks logically.
"She has duties! She's our cleaning lady!" Wm says belligerently.
"And I suppose you reminded her of this?" Alan is amazed at Wm's chutzpah.
"I certainly did."
"Oh my, you are in deep doodoo!" Alan grins, "And to make it worse you have to go back to the big house and report another failure."
"I'll go to another store and get a computer to shut her up!" William decides.
"I wish you luck, pal," Alan claps Wm on the shoulder as the two men leave his office and soon William is back outside realizing that his car is still parked at the electronics store and he has a walk in front of him. He buttons up his coat, slaps earmuffs on and strides away with determination. Terri

Angela wheeled the Lexus expertly into the parking place next to the Hummer. She opened the door and said, "Sonny? Where are you?"
Sonny came out of the bedroom and buttoned his shirt.
"Just what is so all-fired important that you had to come over, Angela?"
Angela looked at the bedroom door and said sarcastically, "So sorry I interrupted you."
Sonny said, "Yeah, yeah. Who is it you are having a problem with?"
Angela went into Sonny's refridgerator and found herself a beer. She opened it and sat at the table.
"Remember that jock at the fitness center whose Jeep burned?"
Sonny nodded his head. "Yeah. So what? I told YOU about it."
Angela said, "Well, he's not exactly a stranger."
"Meaning I was involved with him and come to find out he's cheating on me."
"Are you going steady?"
"Steady? What is this, high school? NO I AM NOT GOING STEADY! We were..well, we had a lot of good times."
Sonny raised his eyebrows. "Good times? For how long?"
Angela said petulantly, "OK, so it was a few weeks. But I find out he is married AND cheating!"
"Yeah. With you."
"Sonny, you are such a dimwit! NO! He's got another woman on the line. She lives in Kansas City."
"Kansas City? How did you find that out?"
"Never mind. But he's been acting coldly to me. And he told me it's over."
"So what do you want me to do about it?"
"I want him kidnapped. I want him scared. Maybe I want him transported to Siberia and let him try to find his way back. Just detain him until I can think of how to punish him. Slowly."
"I take it this dude has a name."
"Daniel Gwinnett. May go by his real first name. John. He's driving a black Corvette."
"And where do I find this guy?"
"He owns the fitness center. The one over by the river. He's about 6' and has light brown hair kind of longish in the back and beautiful grey-green eyes. Has a great butt in a pair of jeans.."
Sonny held up his hand. "Hey,.what do you think I am? You think I'm gonna go up and check all these guys butts to see who looks great? Why don't I just whack the wife for you? Then the playing field will be clear."
Angela shook her head. "No. There's kids involved. You whack her, he's stuck with the kids. And I don't want any ankle-biters in my life."
"So I can't very well walk into the fitness center and grab him there. Where is he usually besides there?"
Angela said, "Well, that road that comes in from the airport? You know that Starbucks on the corner?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
"I've been kind of following.."
"Kind of?"
Angela snarled, "OK, OK, I HAVE been following him."
"Hey, Angela..that's stalking."
"Angela, if you have been following him for any length of time, that is stalking."
"No, it's stalking if I leave a dead rabbit in a stewpot on his stove. I'd never do that."
"Sure you wouldn't."
"No way. I love animals."
Sonny said, "Have you been hanging out at all hours around his house?"
Angela pursed her lips and refused to answer.
Sonny said, "OK. You are officially a stalker. But that is a moot point. What about Starbucks?"
"He goes there every morning. Sometimes he makes a coffee run in the early afternoon. Guess he needs a caffeine pick-me-up."
"So you want me to hang out in the parking lot and nab him as he gets out of his car?"
Sonny laughed. "Angela, you are even more flipped out than I am! Where do you propose we stash the one that got away from you?"
Angela said, "You know that old warehouse out by Beacon Falls that Daddy owns?"
"The one off Turner Road?"
"Yes. It's quiet. It's at the end of the road and it's abandoned."
"What do you propose to do with this poor unfortunate man?"
Angela said, "I'll think about it. At the very least, I will scare the life out of him. No one dumps Angela Barzini and gets away with it."
Sonny said, "OK--when shall this alleged snatching take place?"
Angela leaned over and said, "I've already got the warehouse ready. There's food there. A cot. And a TV for anyone who is watching him. Extra rope. Duct tape. So anytime..but the sooner the better! His wife kicked him out last week and he sweet-talked his way back into the house."
Sonny said, "OK--I'll try to manage it. Tell you what. Why don't you stalk--"
"OK, forget that. I'll keep a guy posted at Starbucks and look for him. Should get the job done today."
Angela picked up her purse and slung it over her shoulder. She said to Sonny, "John Daniel Gwinnett will rue the day he ever crossed me."
Sonny said, "You for real, Angela?"
"Real? You screw up, Sonny, and it will be the last real thing we ever do."


William arrives back at his car, his nose red and running. Pulling out his carkeys, he finds it difficult to unlock the car as his hands are so cold he has barely any feeling left in his fingers. He resolves to never leave the house without his gloves again.
When he succeeds in entering the car, and it blessedly starts right up, he drives slowly through the shopping district, looking for another electronics store. Finally, across the street he sees "Get it Now Electronics," and chuckes, thinking that is exactly his mission, to get a computer now!
Turning left into the small parking lot in the back of the place, he hurries inside. The interior of the store is long and narrow, with lighting that could use an upgrade, but Wm is not to be deterred. He walks to the back of the store and peruses the computers they have on the shelves. Some of them don't look brand new, he's disappointed to see, but finally he spies one that claims to be the latest thing 'factory fresh' as the printed description has it.
He has just decided to take it when there's a commotion at the front of the store. He pauses, adjusting his glasses, and sees someone wearing a ski-mask brandishing a gun, yelling, "Empty out the cash register now, bud!"
The store clerk is so nervous he can hardly remember how to open the cash register, and as he fiddles around trying to get it open, William decides to interrupt the robbery. If he could win at the Battle of Hastings, surely he can foil this foolish guy in the ski mask.
He has already picked up the computer, and decides to retain his hold on it, as it makes for a pretty good shield should the robber turn the gun on him.
The robber sees movement out of the corner of his eye and wheels around, facing William, the gun pointed at his head. William hadn't considered this possibility, and is in no mood to take any chances, so he reaches into his pocket with one hand, balancing the computer precariously with the other, and finds his always-ready time travel coin therein. "Back to Court, now!" he directs the coin.
The robber sees a man carrying a computer vanish in front of his eyes. He spooks and runs from the store right into the path several cops, as they arrive, having gotten the s.o.s. from the security button located under the store counter, which fortunately the clerk had the good sense to push.

William sits in the outer courtyard with the computer in his lap, as the coin has flung him so rapidly through time that he lands on his derriere.
"Close one!" he chuckles, then shakes the computer, which rattles like something is broken...."And now I don't have to go back to Winding Willow right away to be chewed out by Celeste for having failed again!"
Bad King John sees Wm arrive and dashes outside to find out what brings the Big Guy back to court. "So you've decided to visit, have you?" he glowers.
"What's it to you, whelp!" William finally manages to stand up, still holding on to the computer.
"What's that?" John asks, his forehead creased.
"This is a computer," William tells him as they walk toward the castle, "But you won't be able to use it...."
"Why not? You think I'm too stupid?"
Wm almost tells him about electricity, and their lack thereof, but just for fun, answers, "Right. You're too stupid, John. Now, your mother, Eleanor, on the other hand, knows all about these. She can make them do everything short of dancing a jig."
As they enter the castle, Geoffrey, you know, the Plantagenet so handsome that the medieval women swooned when he entered the room, that one, approaches William and without so much as a greeting, demands, "When are you letting us out of here, William, you bastard, you creep....."
"How about never?" William glares right back at him. "But I have a gift for you." he hands him the broken computer with a wicked gleam in his eye.
Geoffrey places it on a table and commences to investigate. William is so proud of the practical joke, he reaches into his pocket, touches the coin and sends it the silent message, "back to 2004, but make it Scottsdale, Arizona this time!" and disappears.


John settled down in his seat in first class. He stretched his legs out and tried to read a magazine. A pert little brunette said, "Is this seat taken?"
He shook his head no. She settled in. John groaned inwardly. Are all women predatory?
She extended her hand to him. "My name is Nancy Cornwell."
He reluctantly took her hand. "John Gwinnett."
"Business or pleasure?"
"Are you on business or pleasure?"
"I'm going home. Business trip."
"How nice." She 'accidently' brushed her leg against his. John twisted his ring and thought she would get the hint. Either she was blind or she didn't care.
"Do you live in Manhatten?"
He said, "No, I live in a little town called Chappaqua."
"Oooh, how nice! Isn't that where Bill Clinton lives?"
"Yeah. Bill. He's a great guy."
"You KNOW him?"
John looked puzzled, "Well...yeah. We've had him to our parties, both him and Hilary. And Bill and I played a wild game of Monopoly one night. He also went to England with my, uh, 'dad', to pick up my son."
Nancy's eyes grew big. "Wow! Bill Clinton!" Then she hesitated a minute. "You've got a son, huh? OH, I get it! He lives with your ex-wife in England and you had to pick him up for your visitation. What, do you get him like two weeks at Christmas and over the summer vacation?"
John said, "No, well, it's a long story. But I'm not divorced. My wife and I have three kids."
Nancy's face fell. "Three kids, huh..." She picked up her book and began to read.

"Hey, Rose, it's me...."
Rose's heart did a little flip until she heard, "..Daniel."
She sighed, "Hi, Daniel."
"You OK?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"Well, because..."
"Daniel, I have a house and three children who depend on me. I am one of the top-rated actresses in daytime drama. I have my career, my kids and money. I am not going to fall apart. If my husband is going to tom-cat around, I will get to the bottom of it. I will find out who she is, and when I have ripped out every strand of her hair, I will take John to the cleaners. If I can't have him, I will make sure the new couple in town will be a pauper and a bald chick."
"Can I take you to dinner? No strings attached."
She hesitated. "I can't. John won't be back until tomorrow night. I've been stuck with no adult to talk to all day."
She said carefully, "Why don't you come over for dinner?"
"You mean it?"
"Daniel, don't get the wrong idea. You are my brother in law, at least for the time being. And you are my children's uncle. And Will's favorite uncle. Never mind that he doesn't even HAVE another uncle. So come over. I'll attempt to make dinner."
"Yes, I'll really try."
"No, I'm really Will's favorite uncle?"
"Daniel, don't let it go to your head. Will loves everyone."
"What time, Rose?"

The plane landed. Nancy was struggling with her overhead luggage. John stood up and said, "Allow me."
She sighed to herself. 'Why are all the gentlemen either married or gay?'
"Thank you, I appreciate it. And I hope your wife appreciates YOU."
John laughed. "She'd better! I delivered both our daughters by myself!"
"Wow! I'd better go. I have a connecting flight to Baltimore. It was lovely to have met you, John Gwinnett!"
She slipped him a business card. "..and if the wife ever tosses you out..well, I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers!"
She waved and went down the concourse.
John stuck the card in his pants pocket and headed for baggage claim. He picked up his luggage, stopped at the duty-free store and picked up a flacon of very expensive perfume for Rosamond. Maybe a stop at the florist and then to the liquor store for a bottle of champagne...and a call to Celeste to keep the kids overnight. He went to long-term parking and picked his car up.
Home. Almost there.... Coralynn

William is sitting poolside at a Scottsdale resort, sipping a drink, soaking up the sunlight, thinking, "Ahhh, I could just stay here! This is perfect! I could even do my cooking show from the affiliate station in Phoenix, easy as pie. I'd be off the hook about those damned computers, and I could stay here till ohhhhhhhh maybe April or May, then go back to Westchester county. I can send them a postcard telling them of my plan, or.........let them wonder. Sounds perfect, why haven't I thought of this before?"
He has his checkbook with him, his credit cards, and there are plenty of stores in which he can buy more clothes. He lies back on the lounger and soaks up the warmth, perfectly contented until.........rats! the mental vision of Celeste and Bruce Valentine comes floating into his mind. He tenses at the sight.
"I could return in the spring to find Celeste gone!" he realizes, sitting up straight, a worried look on his face. "She could marry that silly man, or if not that then he could offer her twice what we're paying her..... and leave us all in the lurch! I don't suppose Eleanor would think to hire another cleaning lady......did I actually call her that to her face? Hope she didn't take offense, but I know she did. She's the 'mom' of the whole family, the one the others go to for advice, the one who is always there to help out if anyone needs anything......and I called her a cleaning lady! Yes, I did."
The thought of leaving the warm paradise that is Scottsdale in November causes a wrench in his psyche. The thought of having Celeste desert them all brings an even more painful wrench.
"That's what happens when you allow yourself to become sentimental and attached to someone......they have you by the short hairs. Rose and Bethia and El and Marilyn and Bess and Marthy would kill me if we lost Celeste. I should have warned them about getting emotionaly attached. Wonder why they don't seem worried about her dating that gigolo....that very rich gigolo. Don't they know it could be the beginnng of the end?"
He gets up and paces, knowing he'll have to return to his home on Winding Willow. He feels the gentle warm sunshine and groans when he thinks of the winter awaiting him back home, but.........
"Damn!" he says aloud, which brings gazes from the other people lounging around the pool. Sighing mightily, he closes his eyes just one more time and feels warm, then goes inside and pulls on the winter clothing he brought with him, touches the coin and tells it to take him home. Terri

John looked at his watch. It's almost 2:30. Rose will be surprised to see me home so soon. He sped down Rt. 120. Should be home in about 20 minutes...
He pulled into Starbucks. I could use a cup of coffee. No sleep last night. He wheeled the car into a parking space. Damn, it's cold. He zipped his jacket up and put his hands deep in his pocket. A hot cup of coffee and I got to get the heater in the 'Vette fixed. Good thing it is under warranty. He locked it up and went inside.

Sonny and his partner Vinnie were waiting in the parking lot. A black Corvette was turning in. New York tags. They saw John pull his car in a space and go inside. Sonny ran the tag. He saw that it was registered to a 'John Gwinnett'.
He turned to Vinnie and said, "That's the dude. Looks like he's in better shape than Angela told me."
Vinnie said, "I say we walk, Sonny. It's a hare-brained scheme. It has to be if Angela thought it up."
Sonny used a toothpick on his teeth. "Yeah. And have her tell the old man about..." "Would she really?"
"Yes. She's a first class tattle-tale."
Sonny took his gun out and took it off safety. Vinnie got the rope and stuffed it under his jacket.
"Ready to do it?"
"Ready as I'll ever be..."

John walked out with his coffee, taking a sip as he headed towards his car. He had parked it far out in the lot because like most men with a decent car, he feared door dings more than anything.

He did not pay any attention to the two men in trenchcoats with their fedoras heading his way.
John was putting his key in the door when all of a sudden his world went black.

Rosamond opened the door for Daniel. He came in carrying a bottle of wine.
She pushed the hair out of her eyes with her hand as she took the bottle. "How nice of you, Daniel! And red wine, too! I made some lasagna."
Will yelled, "Uncle Daniel!" and jumped on his back.
Daniel hugged him and said, "How the hell are you, sport?"
Rose opened her mouth to say something but then thought, oh well, Will is used to Daniel talking like that.
Julie stood there with her fingers in her mouth and said, "Da-da..Da-da."
Daniel was taken back by her. He held his arms out and she ran to him. He scooped her up and whispered in her ear, "Hey, sweetheart!"
At that moment, Daniel felt like her father. He kissed her little cheek.
Rose said, "Daniel, would you open the wine while I put this on the table? Will, you did a very nice job of setting the table. Thank you."
Daniel took out a swiss army knife and peeled the foil. He took a corkscrew and popped the cork off. He looked around at the warm elegant house, the kids and Rose putting dinner on the table. He sighed and said to himself...this should have been mine...

John woke up to a dark room. He groaned and went to rub his head. But his arms were pinned down..what the hell? Ropes..ROPES?? He struggled a bit but found he couldn't move. His eyes adjusted to the darkness. Moonlight shone through the window that was up high. What time is it? Where am I?....

Rose and Daniel were sitting at the table, Julie in her highchair and Will sitting next to Daniel, regaling him with the story of the unfortunate field trip to the Natural History Museum. The phone rang.
"Hello, this is Mr. Sinclair of the Hyatt Regency in Kansas City. Is Mr. John Gwinnett there, please?"
Rose was puzzled, "Excuse me? He's staying there until day after tomorrow."
Mr. Sinclair said, "He left his briefcase in the hotel room and we want to send it.."
Rose did a slow burn. "Well, he's not here. Have you checked to see if he may be sharing a room with some other...person?"
Mr. Sinclair said, "No, ma'am. He checked out this morning. He said he had to get home to take care of a family emergency."
Rose said, "Well, his family is just fine, so I don't know what emergency he is talking about. Could you please send his briefcase to the address on Winding Willow?"
"Yes, I suppose we could but.."
"I'll make sure he gets it, Mr. Sinclair. I'll either bash him over the head with it or he can pick it up at his divorce lawyer's."

"What is it, Rose?"
"Some manager at the Hyatt said John left his briefcase in the room. I have not heard from John in the last two days. IF---and it's a big IF---he's on his way home, he would have called me to let me know what flight he was on. He has a return ticket for the day after tomorrow. My guess is he is staying in the adjoining room."
"Maybe he wanted to surprise you."
"Oh, believe me, he surprised me alright. Knocked me right on my butt, you might say."
Daniel shook his head. "This all doesn't sound like John, Rose. He loves you. I know that for a fact. He's walk over broken glass for you."
Rose poured herself another glass of wine. "Daniel, I know what I heard. A man is in the shower at night. A woman is in his room and answers his phone. Now let's review the facts. The man is devastatingly handsome..."
Daniel grinned as he and John were identical.
"...he has money to burn, he's got a good business and is one of the top rated--if not THE top--actor in daytime drama. He drives a fast Corvette. He's also great in..well, never mind. There are alot of hungry women out there. Now you add in the factor that this fine piece of real estate is now saddled with a mortgage, three kids, and a wife who is tired all the time. Doesn't that add up to the ripe pickings for some rapacious swampsow?"
Daniel picked up the phone and waved the receiver at her. "One way to find out."
"Call the airlines. See if he was on a flight from Kansas City today."
Daniel made chicken noises at her. She grabbed the phone and said, "OK, OK..but there is such a thing as 'privacy act.' They won't tell me. But on the other hand, you can pretend to be John and check on something."
Daniel took the phone. He went through a series of 'press one, press two' until he got a live person to talk to.
"Hi, this is John Gwinnett. I was on today's flight..which one?"
Rose shrugged and Daniel winged it. "Darlin', I am so tired I don't even remember..what? The 10 AM flight? By golly, you are right! Anyhow, I think I left my briefcase on the plane. Could you see if Lost and Found has it?"
While he was put on hold, he hung up the phone.
Rose sat there and said, "Well, what did they say?"
Daniel said soberly, "Rosamond, John was on the 10 AM flight. Their log showed it. He landed at JFK at 12:00 noon. Rose, he was in New York. But he's not home. Where the hell can he be?"


William finds himself back in the house on Winding Willow, right in the middle of Celeste talking with Rose on the phone.
"No, dear, he hasn't shown up here! I should think he would drive home first anyway," Celeste sounds worried.
"Yes, keep in touch. If I had a computer I might be able to find out from the Story..........oh here's William now...............ok, keep in touch............there must be a reasonable don't panic yet, please dear................okay, goodby."
She wheels on William, "OK, buster, where's my new computer?"
He tries to remain calm and rational and dodges the question, "Is John missing?"
"Yes, and I might, I just might be able to locate him IF I had a computer! You've had three days........and where, I might ask, have you been? Why is your face tanned? I know you time traveled because you just suddenly appeared. I'm not so naive that I think you walked in the back door....."
"I went to Arizona to catch some rays!" he responds, then, not addressing the issue of the computers, adds, "We really ought to winter there, you know. It's paradise!"
"I'll put you in paradise or the other hotter place if you don't get a computer, a working computer in this house this very day! Here John has come up missing, and I know I could find out where he is if I had a computer! Looks like I'll have to drive over to Bruce's house and check it out on his!"
That strikes a nerve, which causes William to respond angrily, "I said I'd get you one, or three, or five, and I will. No need to bother that Valentine guy."
"Oh, it'll be no 'bother,' as you put it. He said to pop over anytime. Any time!"
"I'll go get the computers now. Cool your jets!" William declares as he stamps out the back door and is soon driving into town, muttering, in a singsong way, "Bruce will let me use his computer! Bah humbug!"

He pulls into an electronics store he hadn't noticed before. Hmm, this place must be new! he thinks as he enters and sees that the inside is a lot larger than it looked from the outside. Now, where to start? he wonders.
"May I help you find something?" an attractive young lady with a badge saying "Joyce" asks him.
"Yes you can, you most certainly can. I need a brand new that I can take home with me today right with a warantee...."
She leads him to a shelf of computers, pointing to one and suggesting, "This is a new model. It's powerful, has a lot of storage, and a great warranty, plus we have some in boxes ready for customers to take home."
"Ahhhh, now we're getting somewhere!" William feels relieved, "I'll take five."
"I'll have one of the guys or maybe several of the guys," she grins, "bring them up front and even take them to your car, sir."
"It has been a pleasure doing business with you, young lady!" William smiles and has the feeling that at last good fortune is smiling, too.

The computers are loaded into the trunk and the back seat and William is looking forward to installing at least one of them. Celeste going to Bruce's house to use his computer? Ohhh contrare!" he pulls his car out of the parking lot just as a very powerful wind whips up. Rain spatters his windshield. He turns on the wipers, but it's not just rain, it's more like sleet. As he slides a bit on the road, he puts on the defroster as high as it'll go to get the film off the window. He's almost home when his car goes into a frightening skid.
"Blast!" he yells as he just barely makes it into the driveway. He moves the component parts through the back door leading into the kitchen, piling them up on the table.
Eleanor is stirring a pot of chili, "I see you got the computers!" she comments casually.
"Yes I did, and I don't want to hear any more grousing about it! Where is Celeste, anyway?"
Hearing her name brings Celeste back into the kitchen. She sees the computers and nods her approval. William expected more than that! So he goes back outside and hauls in another one and another one, piling them one atop the other. By now El and Celeste are beginning to snicker as he goes out for the last one. He has it firmly in his grip, but the ice is getting thicker, so as he reaches the back door he has to grab for it as his feet go out from under him.
El and Celeste dash out and prop him up. "You old poop!" they both laugh at him.
"I may be that, but I did what I promised!" he exclaims as he puts the last of the boxes on top of the others. "Now, go ahead, access your blinkin' Story!" he pretends to be gruff.
"Uhhhhh, I think we have to install one first," Celeste suggests.
William heaves a sigh and carries a few boxes into her room, checking the instruction book and, after about 45 minutes, has everything is working order, "OK, you! Get in here and use your new computer!" he yells out proudly.
Celeste and Eleanor enter the room and just as they reach where the computer is sitting the room does dark. "HEY!" Eleanor yells, "did this computer just blow a fuse?"
Marilyn and Bess come out of the living room where they've been watching the news, stating "The TV went out. And so did the lamps!"
"It's stormy outside," William reminds them as they all go to the windows and look out. Branches have blown off some of the trees and electric wires are draped precariously about people's yards. "Methinks we just lost our electricity!"
Celeste plops down in her chair and shakes her head, "Doesn't it just figure? Well, El, how is that big pot of chili you've been making? We'd better have it before it gets cold!"
"Chili with crackers?" Bess' eyes shine, "My favorite!"
The entire household stands in line to ladle out Eleanor's famous chili. Soon they're in 'disaster mode,' all excited because they are going to have to stay indoors because of the storm, get out candles or tap lights or both, and maybe tell ghost stories when it gets dark, and at night huddle under six blankets each to keep warm.
"Isn't this fun?" Bess exclaims.
Celeste reaches over and pats her arm, "It is indeed, my girl, it is indeed!" Terri

Rose hung the phone up slowly. Daniel said, "What did she say?"
"She said she hasn't heard from him. That he would go home first. Her computer is down and she can't access the story."
"Well, what about yours?"
"It crashed right before John left and he didn't have time to do whatever it is he needed to do."
Daniel put his arm around her said, "Rose, I am sure he's OK."
Rose flung angrily, "Yes, he's OK. He's more than OK. He's doing fantastic! How much do you want to bet he's doing the town in Manhatten with that bimbo?"
Daniel didn't know what to say. "It's kind of cold in here, Rose. Want me to get a fire going?"
She said wearily, "Yes, I guess so. The wood is in a bin next to the fireplace. John had it designed so he could feed the logs from the outside into the bin. Then take what we needed from the front there. That way he didn't have to go outside to get the wood. I've got to give Julie a bath..oh, great! Jenna's crying!"
She took Julie out of her highchair and wiped her struggling face with a dishcloth. She then got Jenna out of her swing and sat down. She put a blanket over her to nurse the baby. Daniel got the fire going. He looked out the window and said, "It's really windy out. I didn't see any weather forecast."
"I heard it was supposed to rain."
Jenna fell asleep again and Rose put her upstairs in her crib and flipped the baby monitor on.
She came downstairs. Daniel had the fire roaring and Will was bringing out a bowl of popcorn. Julie was bringing her teddy to Daniel to show him.
Rose said, "Daniel, I don't mean to keep you. I'll be OK. I am sure John will show up day after tomorrow and thinks I will be none the wiser."
Daniel said, "How about I stay long enough for you to give Julie a bath. Why don't you take a shower or a bath yourself and relax, Rose? I'll keep an eye on things. Just until you get settled. Will and I can play this video game. Right, Will?"
Rose said, "OK. Come on, princess, let's get you into the tub and into bed."
Rose then dragged the fussing 'princess' to the bath. By the time Julie was bathed and in bed, Rose was ready for a shower herself.

Within a half hour, Rose came downstairs, freshly showered and in a sweatshirt and jeans. Will said, "I'm going to bed, too, Mom."
Rose said, "Un huh, Will. Sure you are. There are fresh batteries for your flashlight. Oh, don't deny it! I know you read comic books under the cover." She tried to smile but her heart was heavy.
Will kissed his mom goodnight and high-fived Uncle Daniel.

Daniel said, "You will be OK, Rose? I don't mind staying."
Rose shook her head. "I'll be OK. I'll always be OK."
Just as Daniel zipped his jacket up, the lights went out. Rose groaned, "Oh, this is just a perfect ending to the day, isn't it!"
She went into the kitchen and came back with a couple candles. Daniel said, "There is no way I am leaving you here by yourself with no electricity, Rose. I'll sleep on the couch. Besides, look at that sleet coming down. To tell the truth, I don't feel like going out in that nasty weather and driving across town."
Rose gave him a wavering smile. "I'd be lying if I said I want you to go. Oh, don't get the wrong idea, Daniel. I just don't feel like being alone."
She put the candles into the candleholders and lit them. It was quiet in the house, except for the howling of the wind. She came back with a bottle of wine and some cheese and crackers. They sat on the couch, not really knowing what to say.
Finally Rose burst out crying. "Daniel, what am I going to do?"
Daniel put his arms around her and let her sob. "I don't know, honey. I just don't know Coralynn

After the chili has been consumed and the popcorn, popped over the fireplace coals, are gone, Celeste wonder if Rose has yet heard from John, so she dials up her house.
"Rose?.............Oh, I hope I didn't waken you.................not yet? My goodness, where can he be?'d think he'd at least phone you.............................but it isn't in John's character to do a thing like that, Rose! there has to be another reason............yes, I got a computer but it's useless without electricity and my crystal ball is on the fritz; all it wants to show me is the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth rock, you'd think it had been taken over by PBS............oh? what do I hear in the background, a man's voice?....................good merciful heavens, Rose, what is he doing there?.................if you say so....................OK, let us know the minute you find out more. Get some sleep................I know it won't be easy, dear. Talk to you later."
She clicks off and tells Marilyn, who is sitting beside her and has been privy to Celeste's end of the conversation, "Rose thinks John ran off with another woman."
"No way!" Marilyn exclaims, "no possible way! He must be in some kind of trouble........"
"I just wish I knew what it was," Celeste frowns.


Candles are blazing on the coffee table in Tiffany and Holly's condo.
"When do you think Sal Barzini will get our last note?" Holly is as usual very impatient.
"Tomorrow if we're lucky, the next day if we're not."
"What if they send someone to the post office to watch for us, though, Tiff?"
"They think they 'guy with the shoulders' is the blackmailer, they won't even glace at us!"
"How do we get the package out of Box 36, though? They know that's the p.o. box number!"
"True. Tell ya what, Hol, I'll phone up the post office and ask if it can be delivered here," Tiffany fishes for new ideas.
"Will they, though?"
"If we promise to be here to receive it maybe they will. I mean, they send a regular mailman out every day to our address."
"They have us down as the owners of box 36? Did we give them our address when we signed up for it?"
"I think so, yeah, I think so."
"What if they have the mailman tailed?"
"Come on, Hol, they're looking for a big muscular guy, not us!" Tiffany reassures her partner in crime, hoping it's the truth. Terri

The door opened and bright light flooded the room from the door. A big, dumb-looking man stood in the door.
"Well, well! So you came out of your nap, huh? Enjoy your rest? How's the head?"
John tried to adjust his eyes to the light. "I have a headache if that is what you mean."
The man said, "Awww...that's too bad."
John looked around. "What the hell is going on?"
The man said, "Looks to me like you have been kidnapped."
John tried to sit up. "Kidnapped? Why the hell am I being kidnapped? I mean, this isn't like some third world country! This is New York, for God's sake!"
The man, who is really Vinnie but John does not know his name, said, "I think you done some lady wrong."
"What?? This is hare-brained! I'm a married man with three little kids! I've never cheated on my wife! You got the wrong guy!"
Vinnie shook his head. "Nope! Name is Gwinnett and you drive a Corvette. You live on Winding Willow with a foxy little wife named Rose and she whelped you three kids. Right?"
John nodded slowly.
"So we got the right guy!"
John struggled in the ropes and then gave up.
Vinnie looked at his watch. He yawned. "Think we both can use a good night's sleep. He drew out his gun and said, "Now, I'm going to take the ropes off but don't try anything funny or I'll use the business end of this."
Vinnie walked in and deftly took a knife and sliced through the ropes like they were butter. He threw a wool blanket at John and pointed to the cot. "Pleasant dreams."
He shut the door. John rubbed his wrists, trying to get the circulation back. He looked around. A very small room. At least they gave me a bathroom. He curled up on the cot and pulled the blanket over him. Sleep eluded him until it could hold out no longer.

The phone rang. Rose blew her nose and said to Daniel, "Maybe that's John..." She picked it up.
"Hello?...Hi,, I wasn't asleep. Just sitting here watching the fire and wondering where John could be.....I don't have the foggiest. I got a call from the Hyatt Regency. It seems he checked out and left his briefcase behind...yes, a phone call would be nice unless he's already occupied....Celeste, it is always in men's nature to do this stuff. I think he's run off with that little Pat McMahon tramp. I'd try my computer but it got a virus right before John left and it crashed. Did William get you a computer yet?...."
"Rose? Where did you put the corkscrew?"
Rose covered the mouthpiece with her hand and said in a stage whisper, "It's in the second drawer on the left of the sink."
She came back to the phone. "What?...oh, uh, it's just--Daniel.....well, he came over for dinner and helped me get the children to bed. Then the electricity went out and he didn't want to drive home in the ice storm and he didn't want to leave me alone without the electric. Don't worry, Celeste. I know what I am doing....yes, I DO say so. Why is everyone all of a sudden worried about what I might or might not do? I don't want to be alone. I'll keep you posted if and when John comes home...OK, I'll try to sleep. I'd sell my soul for a sleeping pill but I can't take the chance on it affecting my--you know--"
She didn't want to talk about being a nursing mother in front of Daniel.
"....I just can't seem to calm down...OK..Bye. And don't worry. I have Daniel here."

Daniel came out of the kitchen with another bottle of wine. "I found the corkscrew. You want to play a board game? Monopoly?"
Rose said, "Certainly not! I remember the last time we played!"
Daniel gave her an evil grin. "So do I--why do you think I suggested it! Only kidding!"
He threw another log on the fire. Rose sat on the couch.
"That was Celeste on the phone. She was checking to see if I heard from John."
Daniel handed Rose a glass of wine. He sat next to her on the couch, the fire dancing and flaring.
"Celeste. I can imagine the reaction you got THERE! At least it wasn't Marilyn. You know what she'd do."
Rose smiled to herself. "Yes. I surely do. No one trusts you, Daniel."
Daniel watched the fire and said, "Do you, Rose?"
"Trust me."
Daniel said, "Pity."

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