

THE DAUGHTER........by Coralynn

Jim has just put away his drug paraphenalia when he hears the doorbell ring.
He peeks through the window curtains to see a young woman in a police uniform at the door. The doorbell rings once again. He hides behind the curtain, but that gets boring. "HUH!" he says to himself, "better let her in. How's she gonna know anyway? Silly me!"
Opening the door just a bit, he sees that it's that nice young lady, Abby something or other, who was at the party the other night. She must be OK, he reasons, so he opens it wider and asks, "Hi there, you here to see me?"
"Yes." Abby wonders who else is living in the house anyway.
"Uhhh, come in," he steps aside and lets her walk into the vestibule.
"Do you have a few minutes to talk?" Abby asks, hesitantly.
"A few minutes? Hell, I have all day! I don't have to go to work anymore what with....."
"I know, and congratulations on your inheritance," the thought strikes Abby that he may misinterpret her sudden appearance as a bid for some of his fortune.
"May we sit somewhere?" she goes on.
"Oh yeah, sure, let's! See the living room? Lots of choices here. You can sit on this couch or that one, or that chair or this one or that one.....I have more furniture than Rockefeller!"
"Indeed!" she smiles at him as she sits on one of the leather chairs.
He positions himself on the couch nearest her chair and asks, "So what can I do for you today, Miss, or should that be Officer?"
"Both, actually, but I'm not here in the capactiy as a police....."
"Whew! That's a relief!" he swipes his right hand across his forehead. "So this is a personal...."
"Right. A personal visit. I have recently found out some important news that I feel you should know."
"Oh yeah? Good, tell me! I'm tired of watching the news on TV....." he trails off.
Abby tries to present the news in as gentle a manner as she can, so starts off with, "Remember Woodstock?"
"HO yeah! Now that's something I'll never forget! Best three days of my life!"
"You do remember the young woman you called Sunshine..."
"Yeah! She was the best! Ya know, I just ran into her again the other day, but she said it wasn't her. And.....you look exactly like her! What are the chances?"
"She's my mother, that's why I look like her," Abby explains, "she has admitted to me that she really is Sunshine, too. You were correct."
"See? I knew it!"
So far so good, Abby thinks to herself, now for the hard part.

"She was also at the 10 year reunion, remember?"
"And looked even more beautiful than she was before! Man oh man, that woman was hot!"
Abby isn't altogether comfortable with hearing her mother referred to as 'hot,' but figures it's the price of admittance.
"That was in August 1979, right?"
" Bingo! You're a bright girl!"
"Mr. Livingston....."
"Call me Jim, everyone else does!"
"OK, then, Jim........I was born in May of 1980."
"Does that make you a Taurus or a Gemini?" he ponders the possibilties.
"Jim, I was born nine months after you and my mother were together at the 1979 reunion....." she hopes she doesn't have to hit this man over the head with it but hopes he'll get the message if she tells him the truth subtley.
"Well, now, I'm sure your mother was thrillled to have a daughter. I know I would be!" he obviously doesn't get it yet.
"But you did."
"Did what?!"
"You had a daughter in May of 1980."
"NO!" he slaps his leg, "Now they tell me? Where's she been all these years?" he looks around the room as if looking for this phantom daughter.
"It was me."
"What was you?"
"I'm your daughter."
"You mean......?"
"Yes. You and Sunshine have a daughter together."
"And it's you? I don't know, Miss Abby, that sounds far out!"
"It's true, nonetheless."
"Well, well, if you're my daughter, you must move in here with me! I have a real nice room upstairs all decorated with pink bunnies and......"
"I have my own apartment. I won't be moving in with you."
"Drat! Would you at least come look at it?" he sounds so sincere Abby can't say no.
They proceed upstairs, walk to the indicated room, and when Abby looks in she sees a room with pink wallpaper and about 50 stuffed bunnies arranged on a flowery bedspread.
"This is lovely, Jim. But why did the Fab Five decorate it for a little girl?"
"Ran out of other ideas?" he guesses.
"It is a very nice room, but like I said, I have a place to live."
"If you should ever want to move, though...." Jim looks at her with that glazed look in his eyes.
"I'll surely keep it in mind," she tells him as they go back downstairs.
"Can you stay for breakfast?" he asks eagerly.
"I'm on duty today, so I must be going. Here's my home phone number if you need to contact me for any reason." she hands him her card.
"So you're my very own daughter are you?" he asks like the question hasn't already been answered.
"Yes, and we have a lot of catching up to do!" she tells him as she proceeds to the front door and steps outside. He follows. "Then it's arrevederci for now, daughter!" he declares happily as she walks to her car and get in, waving at him as she drives out.
He walks back into the house and sits on the same couch he occupied just a little while ago. "Sunshine and I have a daughter! Wonder if she knows?"


Will laid awake in bed half the night. He played over and over in his mind what Eleanor had told him. The dawn was just beginning to break. He crept out of bed and went into the computer room. Quickly he 'googled' Henry II. He selected as much as he could and printed it out. He turned the computer off and went back to his old bedroom. He studied the information, fascinated. This was--or is--my father? An idea occured to him. I could get Poppy William's time travel coin, go back and meet him, and come back in time for breakfast! No one would know I was gone. He reached under the bed for his backpack. In it, he stuffed his Gameboy, several games, a flashlight, a penknife, his crayons and the printed out papers. He hesitated. Would it be babyish...? Oh, what the heck! He grabbed his teddybear and stuffed it into the backpack. May as well take Teddy with me. Maybe I should take a jacket? You never know what the weather will be like. He also took another T-shirt and took some extra underwear. Even though I am six,..well, you just never know!
He sneaked downstairs and into William's office. There was Poppy William's roll-top desk. No one--but NO ONE!--was ever allowed to touch it. It must have some good stuff if Poppy William doesn't want anyone into it. He took out his penknife and wiggled it into the lock, moving it back and forth. Bless Uncle Daniel for showing me how to pick a lock! He said it may come in useful some day!
The lock made a few noises and Will deftly opened the drawer. Pens, pencils, erasers...why would he keep this under lock and key? Will rummaged around and found a blue velvet box. He opened it up and inside was a gold coin emblazoned with the initial 'W'. This must be the travel coin!
He stood in the middle of the room and thought long and hard into the memory banks of his mind. When I was taken from the garden that day, I seem to remember Poppy William saying 'Chappaqua' and gave the date.
Will looked at his papers and thought to himself, I'd better go back to when my father is there. He thought, this would be good! The year 1164. He shoved the papers back in the backpack and walked outside. He stood in the middle of William's rose garden, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He chanted, "August 31, 1164--Windsor Castle".
The air glowed and swirled. And then the rose garden was empty.

Will looked around. There stood a castle and a moat. And woods lay far beyond. A knight came riding up. He said,. "Whoa!" Looking down at Will, he said, "Well, well, well! And who might ye be?"
Will looked up and said, "I be William Gwinnett. Who might YE be?"
The knight laughed and said, "I be Ranulf Glanville, the governor of the kingdom and the eye of the king. And what be your business over yon castle walls, Sir Gwinnett?" he said with a twinkle in his eyes.
Will answered, "I am here on a mission. I am here to visit my father. My real father."
Glanville said, "Aye, and who might that be? A groomsman? A valet? A knight even?"
William shaded his eyes as he looked up at Glanville. "No, sir. My father is Henry II."
Glanville stood stock still and said, "Oh, really, young chap! And who might your mother be?"
Will said, "Rosamond de Clifford."
Glanville breathed an oath. "By all that is holy, ye don't say!"
Will looked confused. "But I DID say!"
Glanville extended a hand down to the boy. "Faith and begorrah, it be fireworks in the old castle tonight! Hop alongside me, lad, I shall take ye over the moat and inside said castle walls!"
Will clasped his hand and said, "Thank you, Mr. Glanville. I appreciate it!"
Glanville shook his head and said to himself, 'so the sprogg of Rosamond has come home to roost! Oh that I shall be a fly on the wall...!'

Sir Ranulf Granville rode his steed over the moat bridge and up through the main gate. The soldiers on guard saluted him. He hailed them back. Will was seated behind Granville on the horse.
"Sir Granville, sir, these men seem to know you."
Granville said, "Aye, I am on good terms with my liege. I daresay he will be surprised to see ye."
Granville alit from his horse and then held his arms out to Will. Will slid down. Granville gave the reins to the stable boy who bustled forth.
"Come, Sir Will."
Will ran after him, trying to keep up with Granville's stride.
"Look sharp, Sir Will. Why not stand behind me when we get to the Great Room. I should properly prepare your father for your arrival. After all, it has been a long while since he has seen you."
As they entered the Great Room, Wil stood behind Granville, all but disappearing. Henry sat at a huge long table, a scowl on his face and a wench on his knee. He had a goblet of claret in one hand. John and Richard were throwing peas from their knives at each other. Geoffrey had his best falcon on his arm and was letting it drink ale from his cup.
Granville approaced Henry. Henry looked bored. Granville bowed to the King. Henry waved him on. "Alright, Granville, do you bring news from the Scottish border? Are the Picts invading Northumberland again? And if they are, just dump it in Percy's lap. After all, Hadrian didn't build that wall for nothing."
Granville said, "No, Sire, all seems quiet on the northern front."
Henry yawned. "Then it must be some trouble that upstart Robin whatever..."
"Right. Robin Whatever is stirring up."
"No, my liege, Robin of Locksley is hiding in Sherwood Forest. He has been quiet lately. What I have is infinitely more to your liking."
Henry stroked the back of the serving wench he had on his lap. He offered his goblet of claret to the wench who greedily drank from it.
Granville stepped aside and Will was left standing all by himself. All eyes were on him. Henry dropped the serving wench on her arse. He threw aside his goblet and rushed over to where Will was standing.
Will stood there not knowing what to say or do.
John and Richard stopped their food fight and Geoffrey looked up from his falcon. John blurted out, "Oh, damnation! The little squirt is back!"

THE MOST HAPPY FELLA........................by Coralynn

Jim waits till he thinks the Barnes & Noble is open, then rides over and parks in back. He walks in and approaches the front desk, asking, "Where are your books on parenthood?"
The young man behind the counter writes down the location in the store and hands it to Jim, smiling. "You expecting a new addition to your family?"
"HA! I just got one! And she's just wonderful!"
"How much does she weigh?"
"Ohhhh, probably about 105!"
Jim doesn't know why the man is so nunplussed as he walks away and, after wandering around the store for awhile, finally finds the shelves with the parenting books.
He looks at the titles and finally comes upon one about raising teenagers. Taking it from the shelf he smiles and mutters, "Close enough!!"
He pays for the book and leaves the store. As he's driving back to his house he realizes he is about 24 years in arrears regarding birthday presents. Turning toward the large mall outside town, he soon arrives there and happily sprints into the place.
"Ohh yeah, a toy store....I'll get some of those.....and when a kid gets older she needs a computer, I better pick up one of those, too. What else does a girl need? Maybe diamond ear-rings, yeah, and a tennis bracelet to match. Make up! I almost forgot! and...............now I wish I'd had a sister..........what does a girl want? A sports car? Oh yeah, all girls want a sports car. A trip to Paris! Yes! She has to have that! and......"
Jim spends several hours in the Mall arranging for all these gifts to be delivered to Abby's place. He pulls out the card she gave him and copies down her address on each one. He wonders which one will be her favorite. The perfume? The flowers? The trip around the world for two? The diamonds? The sports car? He's giddy with the possibilities.

When he arrives back at 244 Winding Willow, he's whistling happily. He enters his house, then calls out for pizza and beer. After that comes and it's consumed, he paces around.
"I'd like to see her face when she gets all these late birthday gifts!" he exclaims.
More pacing.
"I know! I'll drive over there and see her face when she gets all these late birthday gifts!" he leaves the house again and heads in the direction of Abby's apartment.

___________.....by Terri

Henry clasped Will to him. Will's little face was smashed against his father's chest.
"Uh, Father? Your sword is jabbing me in the leg!" Will said with a smooshed face.
Henry drew back and said, "Let me look at you, son!"
Will stood there not knowing what to do. Henry put both hands on his shoulders and said satisfactorily, "Yes, you are the spitting image of your mother in looks. But you have the fortitude and daring of the Plantagenets!"
Will looked over at his brothers, one-third of them glowering, one-third of them amused, and one-third of them indifferent. Will visibly shrank back from John's hostile stare. Henry took him by the hand and said, "You've come back to us! Back where you belong!"
"But, Sir, you don't understand..."
Henry shoved a turkey leg in Will's hand. "I don't suppose you drink claret yet, do you?"
Will said, "Claret?"
Henry shoved the serving wench to one side and said, "Alice, go fetch...whatever it is the young ones drink!"
Alice stood up and rubbed her backside. She ambled off towards the kitchen. Henry looked around. "So! Is your mother here? Where's Rose?"
Will said, "She's back home with my daddy."
Henry slammed his fist on the table. "DADDY?? HE'S NOT YOUR 'DADDY'! I AM!" he thundered. Will jumped a mile. Maybe this wasn't such a hot idea after all.

Henry took Will by the shoulder and propelled him to the seat next to him. John was sitting in it.
"MOVE OVER!" Henry bellowed.
John gave a look of distaste to Henry but deferred. When he took his seat down the end of the table, Will caught John's eye. John drew his finger along his throat in a slicing motion. Will's eyes grew round and fearful. Richard ignored Will but Geoffrey, who had his falcon on his shoulder, said, "Well, if it isn't little William Longspee!"
"Long time no..."
Richard said, "Pee?" John roared with laughter. Will blushed.
Geoffrey ignored them. "Here, Will. This is my best falcon. His name is Roderick."
Will said solemnly, "Hello, Mr. Roderick."
Roderick fixed his red eye on Will and blinked. Geoff smiled and said, "I think that means how do you do?"
Richard said, "How long do you intend to grace us with your presence, Lord Will?"
"Well, I..." Will started.
Henry bellowed, "The boy is home to stay! And seeing he is of royal blood, he shall receive the same treatment as you three dunderheads!"
John stood up and said, "SAME TREATMENT? The child is a bastard! Born on the wrong side of the blanket and the offspring of your doxy!"
Just then a voice thundered through the doorway. "Bastard? Need I remind you that William the Conqueror was a bastard!"
Will looked up. He saw the august personage of his grandfather. Geoffrey of Anjou.

Geoffrey's mouth dropped open. "Well, if it isn't my grandson. Will. How be ye, boy?"
Will opened his mouth but no words came out. Geoffrey asked, "And where be your mother, boy?"
Will said, "She's home with my...." but he hesitated on the word 'daddy' as he remembered the rage Henry had flew into at that notion. So he finished his sentence with "...baby sister."
Geoffrey laughed. "Ah, so Rosamond has whelped a wee bonnie lass! And who might the father be?"
Will said, "Da---" and then changed it to "John Gwinnett, sir. My mother married him."
Anjou roared with laughter. "That's one on you, Henry! She not only got away, she got betrothed and wedded!"
Henry's face grew purple. Then he brightened. "Will, we were about ready for a stag hunt! And you are going!"
Will looked confused. "But--but, Sir! I have no rifle."
Will searched his memory banks for something else. He said, "My bow and arrows. I don't have them."
Henry shouted, "No need, boy! Your brothers will share! Won't you, lads?"
Richard shrugged his shoulders. John scowled fiercely. But Brother Geoffrey said, "I'd be pleased to share with Will."
Henry said, "Then let's away to the Royal Woods to hunt! We leave when the sun is in the mid-day sky!"
Will checked his Mickey Mouse watch. "Will that be at noon?"
But no one was listening.

THANKS??.......by Coralynn

Jim parks the vintage Bentley in the parking lot of the apartment complex and waits.
And waits and waits.......
He examines the interior of the car, reads the manual he finds in the glove compartment, and polishes up the dashboard with his hankie.
More time passes.
"Wonder if she's working late!" he asks the car. His watch says that it's about 3pm. "She's a fuzz, I mean Cop, and that's an important job, so..........maybe she works all day. Hope she doesn't work all night."
In time Jim falls asleep in his car. He doesn't see Abby's car enter the parking lot and park nearby. He doesn't see Abby and Jeremy getting out of her car.
"What a day!" she comments to Jeremy, "I'm so close to cracking that case! Just one more piece of evidence and I think we can indict the guy."
Jeremy notices a car parked nearby that he hasnt seen before and motions toward it, "Wonder who's driving that expensive car? You have neighbors that wealthy? Or could it be a visitor? Look! the person is still inside......he's either asleep or dead."
"Better not be dead," Abby quips, "I don't need another case to investigate right now! Let's take a closer look."
They peer into the car and see Jim, who's sitting there with his mouth ajar, totally asleep.
"Isn't he your new-found father?" Jeremy asks, trying not to laugh.
"Sure looks like him!" Abby taps on the window nearest the driver's seat.
"Huhhhhh?" Jim wakes up and looks to his left. Sure enough, there is his new-found daughter, tapping on the window.
He opens the car door and gets out, happily declaring, "Hi daughter! My, it feels good to call you that!"
"Why are you asleep out here in the parking lot?" she asks.
"Waiting for you to get home. What's your name, fella? Are you dating my daughter, and.......what are your....uhhhh.....intentions?" Jim is enjoying his new role as father.
"We're friends," Jeremy answers.
Jim looks him over and tells him, "OK, but you better treat her nice!"
Abby is beginning to feel annoyed with Jim taking over the paternal role so suddenly and so seriously.
"I'm a grown woman now, Jim, don't worry about it! Want to come in for dinner?"
"Sure!" he smiles broadly and follows Abby and Jeremy into the apartment.
Looking around the interior of her apartment, he sees a modest but tastefully decorated place that's neat and spotlessly clean. He wonders where she inherited that trait from! Must have been her mother, he thinks, as it sure didn't come from him!"

Abby is making a salad when they hear the doorbell ring. Jim then remembers the gifts he bought her and becomes excited and eager. "Wonder who that could be?" he asks.
"I'm not expecting anyone!" Abby says as she goes to the door and opens it. There stands a deliveryman with a list of items, asking her to sign that she received them.
"But I didn't buy anything," she tells him, confused.
"I did!" Jim announces happily.
"You did?" she turns toward him, confused.
She signs and then sees three guys haul in boxes and bags and all manner of things. They pile up in the living room till there's barely any room to walk around.
"My God!" she sounds alarmed, "What on earth?"
When the delivery is complete, the guys leave and she shuts the door, asking "What and why?"
"These are all the birthday presents I didn't give you, daughter! Open them, open them!"
She begins with the box at the top of the pile, and sees a beautiful porcelain doll.
Before she gets a chance to ask Jim why he would buy a 24 yr old woman a doll, he supplies the answer, "This is for your seventh birthday!"
Now she's beginning to understand, and doesn't question it when she opens a box full of stuffed animals. When she opens the box with the diamond earrings, necklace and tennis bracelet, however, she insists, "These are too much! These things are too expensive!"
"Not for my daughter!" he beams back at her.
She can see that Jim is getting more satisfaction out of this than even she is, so, when she opens the envelope with the arrangements for a trip around the world for two, she doesn't object. The title to a new sports car causes her mouth to drop open, but she manages to tell him, "Thanks! Wow!"
And so it goes until she's opened every last gift.
Jeremy is watching this all with great amusement. Abby was leery that Jim would reject her as his daughter, but just the opposite seems to be the case.

"I have one more gift for you, but you have to help me pick it out," Jim tells her with great enthusiasm.
She wonders what's left to give after all the lavish things he's already given her, and looks at him curiously.
"A HOUSE!" he announces proudly, "You need your own house! Tomorrow you and I will pick one out!"
"Ohhhh, now I appreciate your generosity, but that's too much, I can't let you do that."
His face registers disappointment, "But please let me buy you a house."
"Please, oh please!" he begs.
Jeremy is about to laugh, but checks himself. Jim is obviously sincere and wants desperately to give his new-found daughter everything, and that includes everything!
"Well, I suppose....." Abby is beginning to weaken.
"GOOD! Oh this is so much fun!" Jim is all but dancing around the room, "You can have any house you want, daughter! Nothing is too good for Abby Livingston!!"

HOME SWEET HOME......by Terri

Rosamond woke up to the sounds of the bedroom door opening. John came in bringing a breakfast tray with hot tea and scones.
"Good morning, sleepyhead!"
Rose sat up and exclaimed, "How wonderful! Wherever did you find the scones?"
"Celeste made them yesterday and I hid them in the freezer. I thawed them out last night and just popped them in the microwave."
She said, "What is the occasion?"
"In celebration of finally getting our own home! Rose, I have waited so long for this!"
He pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. She smiled. "Oh, John! I love you!"
John buttered a scone and popped it into her mouth. She laughed. He poured himself a cup of coffee.
"How's the little critter-butt?"
Rose rubbed her stomach. "Kicking up a storm. Bet this is a boy! Don't you want to find out?"
John shook his head no. "I like being surprised."
"What I will miss is having Celeste in the same house. But isn't it reassuring that the kids are just a few doors down--safe and sound!"

HUNTING..OR HUNTED?.....by Terri

Henry clapped his hand on Will's shoulder as he led him to the royal stables.
"So, my son. How is your mother?"
"She is well. She is going to have another baby."
Henry grew silent. Then he said, "Well, well. Will the wench never learn? Let us hope she doesn't grow FAT!"
Will didn't know exactly what Henry meant so he kept silent.
As they entered the stables, Will looked up and saw the most magnificent stallion he had ever seen before. The stallion was pawing the ground and snorting.
Will stood there mesmerized. Henry looked over. "Ah, you like that one! That is my most prized steed. His name is Merovin and he is only five years old."
Will was awe-struck. "Please, sir, may I ride him?"
Henry said shortly, "No one rides Merovin but me. He is hard to handle. And he is my favorite horse. Come! Let us get you a horse with less...spirit. After all, you are but a lad."
Will looked longingly at Merovin but moved on to another horse. Henry got another horse out of the stall.
"This one is Bocephus. Named after Alexander the Great's horse. A fine steed but even tempered. Here. Let me help you up."
Henry lifted the boy up and Will seated himself. Henry got Merovin out of the stall, saddled him up himself, and said to Will, "Are you ready, boy?"
Will nodded, filled partly with trepidation and partly with excitement.
Henry turned Merovin around and said to Will, "Come, then! Your brothers await us in the woods!"
And they spurred their horses on.

Henry lead his son over to where Richard, John and Geoffrey waited in the meadow. Forests surrounded them on three sides. They had an assortment of grooms among the hunting party which consisted of some dukes and earls.
"Gentlemen? May I present my son Will? He has returned to us from...another place. Alas, the boy's mother could not be here but she sent him on ahead. I am sure she is to follow. You all know Rosamond de Clifford?"
A murmur of assent went around.
Henry then told a bold-faced lie. "I had married Rosamond eight years ago and we kept the nuptuals secret."
Will's mouth dropped open and he started to say something but his brother Geoffrey put his finger to his mouth in a 'hush' gesture and shook his head.
Henry continued, "The boy is not a bastard, as is rumoured. But is my legitimate son. I expect my wife will follow in a bit as she is seeing to her aging mother. Now--let's away to the hunt!"
Henry spun his horse around and galloped towards the forest. The others followed suit. Geoffrey pulled alongside Will and said, "It is best to keep quiet and not correct the king in front of lower ones. It just is not done."
Will was astonished. "But my mommy is married to my Daddy John! They have Julie and she is going to have another baby! She's not married to the king!"
Geoffrey said, "He must have a reason for saying what he did. Let's keep our mouths shut and mayhaps it will be revealed to us. In the meantime, stick close to me, little sprout! Geoffrey gave Will a leather gauntlet.
"Here. Put this around your arm..like..this.." Geoffrey showed him how to use it. "Now---take this falcon.."
Will exclaimed, "Oh, no! I can't!"
Geoffrey said, "Yes, you can. I will guide you through this."
Geoffrey gently handed the young falcon over to Will. Will was in awe of the bird of prey. Geoffrey said in satisfaction, "There! His name is Damian! And he is yours to use. Don't worry, Damian is young but he knows what to do. He is the son of my falcon here. Now, stay close to me and keep a sharp eye, little brother!"
Will nodded and they galloped to catch up to the others. Geoffrey looked over at the young lad and said to himself, 'Yes. I had best stick close to this one.'
He sighed and spurred his horse onward, Will following close behind.


Rosamond and John went into the kitchen at the Big House. Celeste was putting groceries away and Julie was banging on some pots and pans with a wooden spoon. When she saw her daddy, she threw the spoon down and held her arms out to him.
John scooped her up.
"Well, dears, how is the moving coming along?"
Rose sighed and put her feet up on the next chair. "Slowly but surely. I never realized how much stuff you can accumulate in the 21st century! We have alot more boxes to go through. I think I see a yard sale on Winding Willow real soon!"
John sat down with Julie on his knee. "Where's Will?" Celeste said, "I haven't seen him since breakfast. I am guessing he is either in the garden with William or in his room."
Rose said, "He's not in the garden, I would have seen him when we walked up. William waved. But no little Will. I hope he isn't spending all his time in the room playing video games. I'll get him and tell him it is time to go home."
She ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. No answer. She pushed the door in.
There was one unmade bed-----and no Will.

HUNTED??...by Terri

The hunting party split up. Geoffrey volunteered to take Will with him. Henry assented. As they rode along, Will asked Geoffrey, "I came here to see my father but I don't think my other brothers like me. Especially John. I heard he hangs little children."
Geoffrey let that one go by. Will asked, "Why do you think Father told everyone he married my mommy?"
Geoffrey said, "He loved your mommy very much and it hurt him when she left. Then she married this other person and has a new life. I think Father wants to keep you around."
"Whyever for, Geoffrey?"
Geoffrey didn't want to say 'to use you as bait for your mother'. Instead he said, "Do you know abut primogenitors, Will?"
Will shook his head no. Then he said brightly, "But I do know my primary colours and my primary numbers!"
Geoffrey laughed. "Alright! Now stay right here..and be quiet! Look! Over by yon brook! There's a ten-point stag! I'll approach him with my bow and arrow. Don't move!"
Geoffrey alighted from his horse and reached into his quiver for an arrow.
Will was watching with baited breath. As Geoffrey drew back his bowstring, Will saw something on the ground. He bent to look closer at it. An arrow went whizzing by his head. It stuck in the tree next to Will. He froze. Geoffrey turned around and what he saw made him pale.
It was at the precise spot where Will's head would have been.
"Did you see that?" Will whispered to Geoffrey. Geoffrey took the arrow out of the tree.
"That was close."
Will whispered again, "Who did that?"
Geoffrey feigned ignorance. "I don't know, Will. Sometimes a stray arrow..."
Will looked at Geoffrey. "But I could have been KILLED!"
Geoffrey got back in the saddle. He called for his falcon and it landed on his gauntlet.
"Will? I think we need to go back to the Castle. And then you should go back..back to where you came from."
He took the reins of Will's horse and led them out of the forest. Will was beginning to think it wasn't such a bad idea either.

HIT THE ROAD, JACK....errr....LEM!................by Coralynn

Mary Ellen Montgomery, plus Lem and Trix Skaggs, are picking through what the jail considers lunch, when J.R. finally makes his appearance.
"J.R.! Where have you been? I have been subjecting to indignities you would find hard to believe!" Mary Ellen storms at him.
"I had the flu...."
"Nobody gets the flu in the summer!"
"They do this year!" he insists as he pays her bail.
"Get me out of this hellhole NOW!" she cries out.
Alan Carson leads J.R. to the jail cell and unlocks it. J.R. peers in to see 'what indignities' Mary Ellen may be referring to, and sees a familiar face.
"Hi there, Lem!" he greets the father of BB's first bride.
"Hello yourself, J.R.!" Lem greets him right back, walking up to the open cell door, thrusting forward his hand and shaking the other man's hand with gusto. "Imagine meeting up with you here."
Alan informs Lem, "Travis McGee didn't have enough on you, sir, so you are free to go."
"What did he think he had on you?" J.R. is curious.
"He thought we were stickin' up a restaurant! And me without a gun! Fat chance!"
J.R. then sees Lem's companion, and asks, "Are you with him?"
"We're newlyweds!" Trix announces gleefully as she hold out her left hand, "See? Wedding bands! OK, so mine is the same ring he gave his last wife, it's still a legal wedding band!"
"Congratulations!" J.R. says, "Are you in town for....."
"We have a business opportunity!" Lem tells J.R. as he and Trix vacate the jail cell. "You might do well to invest in it! I thought it only proper to let WandaSue in on the ground floor, but she's gotten awfully snooty since she's lived in these parts! But you ..... now you know a good deal when it comes along."
"Right now my money for investing is tapped out," J.R. lies.
By now Mary Ellen is standing in the open door to the outside and yells at her husband, "Are you going to spend all day talking to these hillbillies or are you coming with me?!"
J.R. grins at Lem and shrugs, "Gotta go now. The Missus and all you know....."
"I sure do!" Lem replies, putting his arm around Trix and smiling proudly.
Alan watches this scenario and tries not to laugh. Talk about your odd couple!!


Abby Bennett drives over to the big house on Winding Willow, hoping that nice lady, Celeste, is home. She needs some guidance and, since her mother flew back to California, Celeste is her best bet. Besides, Celeste can be impartial, not being directly involved in the strange scenario Abby finds herself in regarding Jim, who now thinks her last name is Livingston.

After she rings the doorbell, it's opened by the woman who is a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe, who smiles and greets her, "Hi Abby! Come on in! Is this an official visit or a personal one?"
"Personal," Abby assures her, "I need to speak with Celeste about something."
"I didn't know you knew Celeste that well."
"I do now. She's helping me with the situation I have with Jim next door," she gestures toward the house that sits to the west of them.
"He's not hitting on you, is he?" Marilyn gets her attack-dog face going.
"NO," Abby laughs, "but I just found out he's my biological father."
"Really?" Marilyn's eyes light up, "Wow! Does he know?"
"I told him. And now he thinks I should take his last name. He's purchased birthday gifts for me to, as he says, 'make up for the 24 birthdays he missed.'"
"That's sweet!" Marilyn tips her head to the side.
"But......but now he wants to buy me a house!"
"An entire house?"
"You've got it!"
"You going to let him?"
"He begged me to let him. He begged and pleaded with me. What can I do?"
They sit in the living room, Abby's original idea of conferring with Celeste fading from her mind as she talks with Marilyn.
"No strings attached?" Marilyn queries.
"None that I know of, but......"
"OK, here's what you do: Hotspur has a real estate salesman's license and can show you around, or, if you'd prefer, his broker, Jerry Palmer, can do the same. They're good, quite good."
"I see a cute house down the street with a For Sale sign out front....."
"Oh, Jack and Marthy put a bid in on that one, and have their hearts set on it. But........come to the window and look out.....(Abby does so)......see the house behind us? See how the back yards flow together with just a few trees between?"
"Oh yes! How lovely!"
"Now, maybe you can get Hotspur to show you through that one. Then you'd still be a neighbor!" Marilyn is pleased with her solution to the problem.
"I'll do that! Where is Hotspur right now?"
"He's probably at Jerry's real estate office........here......I have the number and address.....here it is! Take this card."
"Marilyn, that is your name, isn't it?........" "Yes. I know, I know, I'm a dead ringer for that movie actress......and with the same first name it's......well, it's a curse I've learned to live with!"
Abby laughs, "I was just going to say Thank You so much for your help!"
"Celeste should be back from the market any minute now, do you want to wait for her?"
"I don't think I need to now, you've probably given me the same advice she would have."
"I write an advice column for the newspaper, maybe it's rubbing off on me..."
"You're Dear Sally?!"
"Sure am!"
"You have a lot of interesting people in your house and in your social circle, I've noticed. William the Conquering Chef! Eleanor the Amazon sportscaster, you, Bethia the dress designer, how did you all get together?"
"Long story, which I may tell you at another time!" Marilyn winks at her and laughs.
"I'd better be on my way. I'm still on duty!" Abby walks to the door and waves goodbye, gets in her police car and pulls away.

_________________....by Terri Meanwhile....

Rose came downstairs. "John, Will is not upstairs and the bed is not made. That is not like him. Now where can he be?"
Celeste said, "He has to be here somewhere. Maybe he is at Bethia's. I know Eleanor is over there."
Rose picked up the phone. "Hi, Beth, it's me.....Finally!....Is Will over there?...no?...well, we came over here to pick the children up and we are one child short.....El wants to talk to me?..Hi, El...no, we'll be here....alright...see you in a minute."
Rose turned to John and Celeste. "That's odd. Eleanor is coming back over here and said she has something to discuss with us."
John bounced Julie on his knee. "Maybe she and Jerry are tying the knot!"
Rose frowned. "No, that's not it. But whatever it is, how come I feel like I'm not going to like it?"


"Where in damnation did the two of you go?" Henry thundered as they were all gathered around the table. Geoffrey had warned Will not to say anything to anyone about the near miss. Geoffrey casually remarked, "My horse stepped in a foxhole so we decided it was not meant to be. So we came back and I showed Will some falconing techniques. Didn't I, Will?"
Will just nodded his head. John Plantagenet looked at Will and said in a friendly voice, "So, little brother,--and I guess you offficially are----here! Have an apple!"
Will shook his head no. John insisted. "What's the matter, you don't like them?"
But Will was remembering what happened to Snow White and he was having none of it.
Everytime someone offered him food, he declined. Even though his stomach was starting to growl, he refused. He was afraid of being poisoned.
"I'm just not hungry."
Henry said, "Boy, you need to put weight on. I'll let it go tonight...but tomorrow I expect a healthy appetite!"
Will could only nod and then feigned a yawn. "I think I had better go to bed. Where is my room, Father?"
"Where it's always been!"
Will looked confused. Henry roared with laughter. "I forgot! You've been gone for three years! John? Show the lad where his room was...is!"
John glowered but then put on an overly-friendly face. "With pleasure!"
Geoffrey stood up. "I'm going that way, I'll show Will where it is."
Before John could stand up, Geoffrey was propelling him down the hall. As they reached the door, Geoffrey gave him a squeeze on the shoulder and told him, "Will, I think you had best go into that room and bolt the door. Then do whatever it is you have to do to get back to your mommy."
Will nodded. "I think so, too. Thank you, Geoffrey. For all you have done."
Geoffrey smiled at him. "You're welcome....brother! Perhaps we shall meet again! Say hi to your mommy for me!"
With that Geoffrey left and Will bolted the door. He reached into his backpack for the coin...and it was not there!

He dumped his backpack out. No coin! He tried not to panic. Maybe if I eat something. He took a plastic bag filled with Celeste's home-made oatmeal cookies and hungrily ate three of them. Stuffing the rest of his things into the backpack, he heard voices outside the door. They were muffled.
"I don't care! There are one too many heirs to the throne."
He recognized the voice as his brother John. Anothe voice said, "I don't know, Sire...he's but a boy. I don't have the stomach for.."
The voice dropped to a whisper and Will could not hear it.
Then John said, "Must I do everything myself? I need to be above reproach. All you do is take the pillow and put it over his face. Do it while he is sleeping. That way he will not struggle."
"But, Sire..."
"Don't 'but sire' me! Best to come back when Henry turns in for the night. That will be in a couple hours..."
The voices faded down the hall. Will thought, 'he really means to kill me!'
Will's eyes began to tear up. He brushed them away. He wanted his mommy. I've got to get away! Somehow Grandma Celeste will find me and come for me! Or mommy! She's always bringing someone back. Like she did Hots. But I have got to get away! He looked out his castle window and saw that it was only 12 feet from the ground. Hastily, he tied some blankets together and then tied them to the post of the bed. He tested each knot. Then he threw it out the window. He quickly shimmied down it and dropped to the ground running. But where can I go? he thought.
He had an idea. He hurried down to the stables. No one was in the stable. Well, there was--but the stablehand was talking to the milkmaid and he looked very occupied. Will looked up and saw Meroviin, still snorting and pawing the ground. If I want to make a quick getaway, I'd best take this one! Mr. Montgomery let me ride his geldings, a stallion can't be any different!
Hastily, Will threw a blanket over the back of Merovin. He put a bridle on him. Will picked up the saddle but it was too heavy to lift that high. Will climbed up the fence and jumped to land on Merovin's back. Just as he was to land, Merovin moved to the right and Will landed on his face.
This went on for about five times until Will realized he had to beat Merovin at his own game. He leaped but then threw himself to the right and landed squarely on Merovin's back. Merovin looked back at him with an approving eye--if a horse could do that!
The stablehand was moving closer to the milkmaid and he took her hand. They headed for the loft. Will waited silently until they went up the ladder. He quietly steered Merovin out of his stall and when they were outside the stables, Merovin sniffed the cool night air and whinnied softly.
Will felt exhilarated. He adjusted his backpack and dug his heels into Merovin's side. That was all the encouragement Merovin needed. He took off at a canter towards the woods.
But not the forest they were hunting in that afternoon. What was it Geoffrey called it? Oh, yes. Sherwood.
Sherwood Forest.

Will rode through the night. The moon was full and he saw shadows that weren't really there. He thought, 'maybe this wasn't such a hot idea after all. But if I stayed, my own brother was going to have me rubbed out!' He began to realize he was in another time frame and no one knew where he was. He led Merovin, who was a magnificent steed, to a brook for water. the moon shone through the trees. He glanced around nervously and thoght he saw things in shadows that really weren't there. In the distance, a wolf bayed.
Will yawned. Maybe I should get some sleep. He glanced around and saw a small copse of trees. He walked over and felt the ground. There was moss. At least that is soft. He drew his cloak around him. Geoffrey had given it to him when they were hunting. He tethered Merovin to a tree. Not that the reins would hold a steed like him. But he seemed to be obedient to Will.
Will laid down and pretty soon he was fast asleep.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'HE'S GONE'!" John Plantagenet screamed at Bran, his right hand man.
"Just that," Bran said. "He's gone."
"That brat has to be somewhere. If he's anything like his mother, who didn't have two thoughts to rub together unless she was feathering her own nest!"
Bran scratched his head. "I went into the room like you said and this is what I found." Bran opened the door and John went inside. He saw the rope made of sheets tied to the bedpost and leading out.
"Drat! He couldn't have gone far! That little ill-begotten spawn looks like he would be afraid of his own shadow!"
Bran said, "Well, now, I don't know. As far as a lad, he looks pretty resourceful!"
John grabbed his cloak and said, "The brat has to be hesomewhere..SOMEWHERE, DO YOU HEAR ME?"
Bran scratched himself. "What do you want me to do, my liege?"
"Do? YOU? NOTHING! I'll do it myself! He can't be far! Now get your cloak. You're coming with me! Fratricide is not for me...but for you!"
John stormed to the stables, Bran trying to keep up. He yelled, "George!"
The stable boy came down the ladder, straw sticking out of his hair and in his clothes as he tucked his pants in.
"Yes, Sire?"
"Seen a small boy here?"
"No, my liege, no one. I been here all night. Just checking the straw supplies in the loft."
John said, "Don't snow me. I've been there. Done that."
John looked and saw Merovin's stall empty.He swore an oath and epithets to match. Then he said darkly, "There will be hell to pay. That trollop's whelp has stolen Merovin."
John yelled to Bran, "Saddle up! He's got to be in the forest!"
Bran said fearfully, "Sherwood Forest?"
John said disdainfully, "Don't be a simpleton. Everyone knows Sherwood Forest is haunted."
He pointed in the opposite direction. " We ride that way!"


Eleanor came into the kitchen. Rose was pacing back and forth. John sat there, trying to get her to calm down.
" 'Calm down,' John? My child is God knows where!"
Eleanor sat down. Rose said, "Eleanor! Do you have any idea where Will may be? Did he say who he might have gone to see?"
Eleanor sat there quietly. For once, she was at a loss. "Rose, we need to have a frank talk. Why did you never tell him about Henry and Court and his past life?"
"What? What are you talking about? He isn't old enough and he certainly doesn't remember anything. Lord, El, he was only THREE YEARS OLD!"
Eleanor said, "Wrong, Rose. He remembers. He remembers enough."
John said, "Rose, PLEASE! Let El continue."
Eleanor said, "Will came to me. He just about knew that Henry was his natural father. He asked me to confirm it. I saw no reason not to."
"WHAT?? You told my child that Henry was his father?" Rose wailed. "I can't believe that you did that to me, Eleanor!"
Eleanor said, "He came to me with a computer printout. Rosamond, he did his homework. That boy is too smart for his own good. He researched Henry. And you. And me."
Rose sat down, her face gone white. "But..how? HOW? I kept that sordid past from him...how did he know?"
Eleanor said, "He found a letter you had written to Henry. It was stuck in the computer drawer. In it, you told Henry that Will was now adopted by John and that Henry's parental rights were severed. You alluded to brothers that Will had. He took the computer and 'googled' everyone. Rose, he knew. He just looked to me for confirmation."
Rose said, "And you just HAD to do it, didn't you, Eleanor! You pretended to be my friend and all this time you were plotting to get back at me for Henry! How could you? HOW COULD YOU?"
John stepped in. "Rose, El didn't mean it maliciously. How can you think that?" Rose nervously ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know what to think! All I know is that my child is gone. He's run away!"
Eleanor said soberly, "I'm sorry, Rose. But he knew it,.at least most of it. I couldn't lie to him. Not with what he had. He seemed OK with the information. I tried to make it as light as I could without getting upset."
Rose's eyes filled with tears. "I wanted to wait until he was older."
Eleanor patted her hand. "Rose, Will is wise beyond his years. He needed to know."
Rose stood up and shouted, "But it was not your place to tell him, Eleanor!"
John shook Rose. "Honey, there is no use getting upset. Our problem now is to find the boy. Eleanor, would he have run away?"
Eleanor said, "I don't think so. He laughed when I told him a few stories of his brothers. I tried to not make a big deal out of it. I'm really sorry, Rose. I didn't mean to overstep your place."
Rose wiped the tears off her face. "John is right. Our main concern now is finding Will."
Celeste came downstairs and looked serious. All three of them turned to her. Celeste said, "I found this in the room. I think it may be a clue. It fell on the floor. It is numbered page 18 out of 27."
John took it. He scanned the paper.
Rose said, "What is it, John?"
John looked up, his face a mixture of concern and worry.
"Heaven help us, it is a map to Windsor Castle!"

"Shhhhh! It's over there!" the voice whispered.
"What do you think it is?" the other voice replied.
"Dunno. But I aim to find out."
The woodsmen crept closer. "Well, what have we here? A fine stallion!"
"But no one in their right mind would leave such a fine piece of horseflesh!"
The voice said, "Hey! Look! An intruder!"
Will awoke from a sound sleep, and immediately reached into his quiver for an arrow. He jumped up and confronted his two visitors.
"Halt! Or you are dead where you stand!"
The two visitors guffawed. "What say you, David? Shall we pee in our pants now? Or later?"
David said, "I don't know, Simon! What shall we do with him?"
Will stood there, trembling partly from fear and partly for being awoken so abruptly. "I mean it! Stop where you are!" he yelled.
The one called David grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and picked him up. Will's feet kicked in mid-air.
"Ho, now! There is someone you need to see! Simon? Get the steed!"
David threw Will across his saddle, jumped on the back of his horse, and spurred his horse deeper into the woods.

For what seemed like an eternity, Will was bounced around. His stomach hurt. Not just from the bouncing but the fact that all he had to eat since he came to Windsor was a greasy turkey leg and three oatmeal cookies. And some stuff called mead that the servant girl gave him. He turned his head and yelled to the man who had him across the saddle.
"Hey, Mister! Mister!"
The man said gruffly, "What do you want, boy?"
"I think I'm gonna hurl!"
The man said, "Hurl?"
"PUKE! You know...RALPH! RALPH!" Will gestured with putting his fingers in his mouth and made gagging noises.
David, the man, said, "If you intend to...(and here David made gagging noises too) RALPH, turn your head and do it over the side. I'm not stopping this horse. And if you get anything on my boots, I'll have your guts for garters!"
Will sighed. Yeah. Right. Like I'm really gonna puke. What does he take me for, a baby?

The moonlight shone through the trees. Will lost all sense of direction. While bouncing around, he caught sight of the fact that the man named Simon had Merovin by the reins and that Will's backpack was still tied to the horse. Glad I brought a compass, he thought. When it gets daylight or maybe dark again, I'm gonna blow this turkey farm, sneak back into Windsor castle and get my coin. I'll bet it rolled under the bed. And maybe hit Brother John over the head with my flashlight!

After riding for hours---or what seemed like it to Will, because when you are face down and sideways across a saddle, minutes seem like an eternity---they came into a clearing. There was a camp. Makeshift cottages with sticks for walls and thatch roofs. A campfire was in the middle. As they pulledl up, a man yelled, "HALT!" David said, "Halt yourself! It is just David and Simon."
The man came up and said, "Ho, now! You made a fine catch there! Looks right regal!"
Simon grinned, "Don't he now?"
The guardsman said, "The horse I was talking about."
David climbed down and yanked Will off the saddle. "Now, let's see what I caught creeping about in Sherwood Forest."
Will looked around. The number of cottages was about fourteen. On the side of one cottage were arrows. Arrows. And more arrows. Bows. Bows. And more bows. Up above was an elaborate labyrinth of walkways constructed of sticks and boards and hoisted up with vines. A veritable highway of swinging bridges.
David grabbed Will by the neck. "And now for the interrogation. Ye be too young to be a spy. Pray tell---and I will know if you are lyin', scamp!--what are you doing in Sherwood Forest? And what be your name?"
Will managed to a false sense of bravado. "I am William Gwinnett."
David looked to Simon."Gwinnett? Never heard the name in these parts. Who be your mother, boy! And no lies!"
Will mustered up the courage to say, "Rosamond. Rosamond Gwinnett."
David said, "Be ye a bastard, boy?"
Will chided, "It's not nice to use language like that, dork!"
Simon said, "Dork?"
David shrugged. "OK--what be your mother's name before she wed Gwinnett."
Will said matter-of-factly, "De Clifford. Rosamond de Clifford."
David said, "Blimey! Ye don't say!"
Simon said, "Isn't that the lass...?"
David shot him a look. "Shut up, Simon!"
David then said, "Well, well, laddie! Now I KNOW there is someone you need to see!"
He yanked Will in front of him and propelled him forward towards the cottage in front.


Rosamond looked from John to Eleanor to Celeste.
"Oh, no! He couldn't have....could he? Would he? No! Impossible!"
Just then, William came into the kitchen. "I say, who's been meddling in my desk drawer? The one I keep locked.
Rose was beside herself. John looked worried beyond belief. Eleanor jumped up and took William by the shoulders.
"William! What do you keep in that drawer?"
William hem-hawed around. "Oh, you know...just the usual stuff..."
Celeste bit her lip and said, "William, would you by any chance have your time travel coin in there?"
William blustered, "It's in a very safe place in that drawer! Besides, it looks like a nail file was taken to the lock. Why? Is there a problem?"
Rose was almost hysterical. "Problem? NO PROBLEM AT ALL! My six year old son is missing! That's all!"
William looked perplexed. "You don't think..? No, of course not! I keep in in a blue velvet box. It is marked 'Cross' for the pen. I kept it in a pen box."
John came back, after slipping unobtrusively into the den. He came back and said soberly, "The box is there."
Eleanor sighed in relief. "Thank God!"
John then added, "It's empty."

The other four scrambled into the den and stared at the desk drawer and the open pen box that John held in his hands. Rose put her fist up to her mouth and couldn't stop the flow of tears.
"Oh, dear God! Where is he? Where is my baby?"
Celeste took the young woman by the shoulders and turned her around.
"Rose, let's look in my crystal ball. It is running up to snuff. I am sure he is alright. Let's go."
The rest of them joined them in Celeste's room. She took the black velvet cover off the ball and waved her hands over it. Gradually a picture appeared. It showed Will sitting at the huge table in the Great Room eating a turkey leg with Henry.
Rose shouted, "Will! WILL!! It's Mommy! Can you hear me?"
Celeste shook her head. "It's not getting through. Maybe too much cosmic activity, dear. But we know where he is."
Rose went down to her old room and began to stuff some things she had left behind in a backpack. John ran after her.
"Where do you think you are going, Rose?"
Rose continued to pack. "I am going back to Court and fetch my son. Then I am grounding him for the rest of his life!"
John took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. "NO. I forbid it. Rose, you are with child."
Rose's eyes flashed. "What does that have to do with it? My son needs me! And there is nothing you can do to stop me!"
John looked at her in defeat. "I guess we are wasting valuable time arguing, aren't we. I should know there is no way I can persuade you to stay here and let me handle it, is there?"
"No!" Rose said resolutely.
Eleanor said, "I'm going, too! Between Rose and me, we can handle Henry."
Jerry walked into the kitchen and hollered, "Anyone here? You'll never guess the sale I made today..."
Eleanor grabbed his hand and said, "No time for that, Jerry. You are going time-traveling!"

John said to the other three, "I have to stop back home and pick up my backpack and my time travel coin. Rose, I'll be back in ten minutes. Don't you dare persuade the others to go ahead of me. If I ever asked you for anything, this is it. I still don't like the idea of you coming."
He hurried down to their house. He took his backpack out of the basement and filled it with an assortment of items they might need. He then went to the safe and opened it. Inside was his .357 Magnum. He put it in the backpack with shots. He loaded it, spun the barrel and put the safety on.
He hurried into the kitchen as the others were making final preparations. Celeste said, "My dears, I wlll monitor you in the crystal ball. If you run into trouble, I will be there to help you. If things get too rough, William and I will take my coin and come to your aid. Just find a quiet place and consult me often. I have a pager that lets me know an incoming transmission is on the crystal ball. Now, Godspeed to you all!"

John, Rose, Jerry and Eleanor walked out by the gazebo.
John said, "I'll use my coin initially. El, you have the backup coin?" Eleanor nodded. "Jerry? You have Marilyn's coin, right?"
"Yes, she generously offered it to me."
John looked at Rose. Her face was white, along with her knuckles. "Rose, you don't have to do this. I'd prefer you stay home and take care of Julie."
Rose shook her head. "No, John. I need to be there for Will. Julie is fine with Celeste and Bethia as a back-up."
They joined hands and John said, "Windsor Castle...the same day that Will Gwinnett is there."
The air swirled and glowed. Four people stood there...and then there were none.

"Hey! Put me down! Put me down!" Will swung his legs out at David. David continued to hold Will up by the scruff of his neck.
"You creep! Drop me or I'll have your head!"
David laughed. "HA! And just who do you think you are, you little gutter-snipe?"
Will swung his arms out, missing by a mile but still striking away in mid-air. A voice came out from the cottage.
"DAVID! Are the King's men upon us? What is all that clatter?"
David replied, "Just a vicious rabbit we caught by the brook! But I think this is one you would want to see!"
The thatch covering the opening parted and out stepped a man. He wore hunter's clothes and boots and was slipping a bow and arrow with a quiver on his back. He grumbled and said to himself, ' a &*(&&^% rabbit! And what have I to do with it?' The man had piercing green eyes and a full beard. His face was devastatingly handsome (hell's bells--look at the graphic if you think I lie!) and had a build to die for. He burst out laughing at Will flailing away and being suspended in midair. The man crossed his arms and said, "Well, now! That's a right handsome rabbit! What do you intend to do with it?"
David laughed and said, "Ho, now! Shall we skin it and make rabbit stew?"
Will continued to swing and miss. The man motioned for David to put Will down. Will stood there trying to catch his breath. The man said, "You have a name, whelp?"
Will said nothing. The man barked at him, "The sheriff cut your tongue out for lying?"
Will shook his head no. The man then commanded him, "Then out with it! What be your name?"
Will still said nothing. The hunter fixed his piercing green eyes on him and said, "Why won't you tell us your name, boy? You a hunted man? A price on your head? A bounty?"
Will finally said, "NO!"
"Then what?"
"Mommy said I am not to talk to strangers!"
The man burst out laughing and said, "Then we shall all introduce ourselves and then we shant be strangers anymore, shall we?"
He pointed to David and said, "That there is David of Doncaster."
David tipped his hat to Will and gave him an amused smile.
The man continued. "And over there is Simon. He's holding a very fine horse."
Will interrupted with, "Of course he's fine! HE'S MINE! You think I would take just any old horse? Oh, no! Only the best!"
The man tried not to laugh. "And over there is our Friar. He's quite fond of the drink. Hence the red nose."
Will looked over and nodded sagely. "And looks like he likes food, too!"
Simon let out with a racous laugh until the man shot him a deadly look.
Will said, "My name is Will Gwinnett." Will extended his hand.
The man said soberly as he too offered his hand to Will. "Please to meet you, Will. I have a cousin named Will. Will Scarlet. He's standing guard on the other side of the copse."
The man turned. Will said to him. "But, sir, you haven't told me your name."
The man grinned suddenly and said, "Locksley. Robin of Locksley."
Will said, "Please to meet you too, Mr. Locksley."
Locksley said, "You may call me Robin."
Will suddenly grinned. "Robin? Robin of Locksley? I know you! My mother tells me bedtime stories of you. She may have known you."
Robin glanced quizzically at Will. "Your mother? And who might she be?"
"Her name is Rose Gwinnett. But before she married my adopted father--not my real father---her name was Rosamond de Clifford."
Robin stopped where he was. "Rosamond? Rosamond Clifford?"
His eyes danced with merriment. "Ah! So you are Rosamond's son! Well, well, well!"


The four of them stood before the moat at Windsor Castle. Jerry whistled.
"So this is where it all began! Nice pad you had here, El!"
Eleanor looked up at it. "More like a prison. I never knew a house could be a home until I went into the future."
They started forward. John looked at it and said, "Looks like Plantagenet has added security. Talk about paranoid!"
Just then a man galloped up on his horse. "May I be of assistance to....YOUR MAJESTY!"
He leaped off his horse and bowed deeply to Eleanor. "From whence came you?"
Eleanor smiled. "Hello, Sir Glanville! Ranulf!"
Ranulf turned and saw Rosamond. "I can't believe it! Lady Clifford!" Then he did a double take. "You and Queen Eleanor? Standing together? Has the gates of Hades frozen over?"
Eleanor laughed and said, "Ah, Ranulf! You would not believe it even if I told you."
Rosamond said with great trepidation, "Sir Glanville, have you seen a small boy about...so high?"
Ranulf broke out in a grin. "Aye, that I have! And he is a firebrand! Sir Will Gwinnett!"
With that, John broke out in a grin. "That's my boy!"
Sir Glanville looked over at John with a quizzical look on his face. Then realization came over him. "Ah! You must be the little lad's adopted father!"
John said, "Aye, that I am."
Sir Glanville said, "He sets great store by you."
Rosamond asked anxiously, "Is he alright? He's in there?"
Ranulf said, "As sure as there is an England, yes. He's in there. Shall I take you in yon castle?"
They all nodded their assent. "Then I shall go ahead and have them open the gates." Ranulf galloped up and after exchanging a few words with the guardsmen, motioned them forward.
Ferguson opened the large castle door. "Aye, Sir Glanville! You have returned so soon?"
"Aye, Ferguson! And I have brought visitors for the King!"
Ferguson looked over and saw the four travelers. Fortunately Celeste had insisted they change their clothes into 12th century garb before they left. So they wouldn't have any complications along the way.
Ferguson said, "Bless my soul! Your Majesty!" He bowed low to Eleanor. Then he caught sight of Rosamond. His lip curled. "Aye, and have you come back to make trouble for my liege? Again?"
He saw John and halted him right there. "Nay! Last time you were here.."
John shoved Ferguson out of the way. "Forget it, Fergie! This is not a pleasure trip. We have come to retrieve something that made its way into the castle."
Ferguson sneered, "And what would that be?"
Rosamond said, "My son. I want my son. And then we shall go."
A voice from the Great Room said, "Ferguson! What is all that commotion?"
The four of them entered the Great Room. Sitting at the banquiet table were Henry, Richard, Geoffrey and Geoffrey of Anjou.
Henry looked up, saw Rosamond and said, "And why am I not surprised to see you here?
Rose said, "You have something of mine. And I want it back."
"Over my dead body."
John said, "Whatever it takes, Henry."
Henry leaned back and said, "Not your concern, Gwinnett, so butt out! In the morrow, we shall discuss this, Rosamond. The lad is in his room sleeping. You shant disturb him."
Rose said, "Is he alright?"
Henry broke out in a grin. "More than allright. The lad is a Plantagenet, make no mistake about that! I can see my blood coursing through his veins. And he shall take his rightful place in the scheme of things."
Eleanor waved his words away. "Henry, don't make me gag. The kid is a 21st century kid whose life revolves around chocolate milk, playdoh and SpongeBob."
"Pladeau? That Frenchie who bought Sir Winthrop's land?" Richard said.
Eleanor walked over to him and bopped him on the head.
"OW! Nice to see you, too, Mother!"
Eleanor looked around and said, "Where's John?"
Henry said, "He said he had to take care of a rat that needed exterminating. I expect he is in the dungeon playing Lord High Executioner again."
John whispered to Jerry, "Some things never change!"
Henry looked at Rosamond and said, "You are with child."
Rose looked down and faked astonishment. "I AM?? Well, that certainly explains this beachball I have strapped to my stomach! Oh, thank you SO MUCH for pointing it out to me, Henry! Without your expert advice, I may never have known until I found a baby at the bottom of my bed! John? Did you know I was pregnant?"
John laughed and said, "No (**(&!!"
Henry looked at them darkly, not really knowing what to say because he didn't know if they were joking or serious.
Eleanor said, "Henry, if we can't see Will tonight, then get us our rooms. We're tired and Rose has been half out of her mind with worry over her son."
"OUR son." Henry said.
Eleanor say, "Whatever. Now get us our rooms or I break a sword over your head."
To Geoffrey of Anjou, Henry said, "Geoffrey! Are you going to sit there or wait for the birds to cover you with leaves?"
Geoffrey got up and said, "I'm taking my leave. This is your problem. Eleanor---Rose--nice to see you lovely ladies again! Wonderful lad you have there, Rose. Now..good-night!"
Henry said, "You will be requiring four rooms."
Eleanor said, "No, two."
Henry said, "Right. One for the ladies, one for the men."
Eleanor said, "Guess again, Plantagenet."
Henry looked at the group. "Eleanor? You and this...knave?"
Eleanor looked at Henry with disdain. "Righty-O, Henry. At least he isn't boring!"
Rose said under her breath, "Or lousy."
Henry whirled around. "What was that?"
Rose said, "Nothing. Nothing at all."
Henry paged Ferguson and said, "Take them to their rooms, Ferguson. And then report back to me!"


"You know my mother?" Will asked.
Robin said, "Indeed I do! A fine woman! Lots of fun!"
Will said dubiously, "Well...yes. I mean, she's nice. Are you sure you know my mommy?"
Robin said, "Yes. She's about yay-high, blonde hair, eyes as blue as the sky. Has a little gesture of pushing her hair out of her eyes with the heel of her hand...hangs around with King Henry?"
Will said excitedly, "Yes! That's mommy!"
Robin sat down on a log and gestured for Will to sit too. He said, "We are just about ready for a late dinner. And then we have dancing later. Would you care to join us, Will Gwinnett?"
Will's eyes shone. "Would I!"

Robin looked at Will and said, "You know how to handle a bow and arrow, son?"
Will nodded. David of Doncaster and Simon roared with laughter. "You are jesting, of course!"
"This runt? HA! Bow is bigger than he is!"
Will's face flamed. "IS NOT!"
Robin shot them a look that shut them up. "OK, Will! Look! They are having archery contests over there. What say you go over and prove your mettle?"
Will shot Simon and David a look of disdain. He resolutely picked up his bow and arrow and marched over to where the woodsmen were taking turns shooting at an effigy of King John.
Will took one look at it and put his hand to his mouth, trying to stifle his giggles. One of the woodsmen turned to him and asked, "What's the humor, lad?"
Will tried not to laugh and asked, "Is that King John?"
The one named Will Scarlet said, "Aye, it is."
Will had a steely look in his eye, or as much as a six year old can have, and said, "Let me at him."
The woodsmen looked at Robin and he nodded ever so slightly. The woodsmen gave him room and Will Scarlet asked, "Want I should move it up closer for you, little fella?"
Will said, "No. And don't call me 'little fella' again."
Robin put his finger to his lips to staunch any retort the men were inclined to make. Will gazed at the effigy and then carefully put his arrow in his bow. The men rolled their eyes and one started to say something to Robin. He cut him off with a slicing motion.
Will stared with an intense look at the stuffed dummy. He then gave a big intake of breath and said to himself, 'here I go!'

The woodsmen stared in amazement. Robin walked over and pulled the arrow out.
David cried, "Lucky shot! But the whelp will never do it again!"
Robin crossed his arms and said, "Will? Want to try it again?"
Will nodded and put his arrow in his bow and concentrated. He let it fly. It landed right on target.
Will complied.
"Once more!"
Each time the arrow found its spot. David said after he got his mouth closed, "How did you do it?"
Will said, "Just did."
Robin put his arm around Will and led him towards the campfire. "Where did a young lad like you learn to shoot so well, Will?"
Will said, "My father. His name is John Gwinnett and he used to hunt. He taught me. My mother doesn't know it. He used to set up targets in the back yard. He figured Mommy wouldn't like it but that I should know how. On account of HE knew all about bows and arrows. He said every boy should know how to use a bow and arrow. Daddy said I could aim that arrow just as good as Robin Hood."
At this point, Robin of Locksley realized that Will didn't know who he was. Will knew him as Robin of Locksley and the stories his mother used to tell him were most likely about Locksley--not Robin Hood. He tried to suppress his grin.
When Will and Robin got to the campfire, the woodsmen gave Will a round of applause. Even David of Doncaster. Will's face grew red with embarrassment--and pleasure.
David took a wineskin and passed it to Will. "Here, boy! You earned it!"
Will took a drink and coughed. David laughed and pounded him on the back.
"Wh--what was that?"
David said, "Mead. Honeyed wine. I made it meself!"
Will took another sip and let the warmness flow over him. The men began to tell their tales. Will was fascinated and kept taking sips when the wineskin was passed to him. H was feeling more light-headed with each round passed.
Finally, he got up and walked over to the bushes. And ralphed.

Will was totally sick. The next thing he knew a gentle hand was on his shoulder and a cloth dipped in water was handed to him. Robin said, "You are not a lad accustomed to spirits."
Will blurted out, "What did you expect? I'm only six years old!"
The trees swayed and the ground was rising up to meet his face. Robin took him gently over to the log away from the campfire.
Will said, "Did the others see me?"
"Nay, they are too busy with their tall tales. Simple men but brave. Just take deep breaths. I will stay with you until you feel better."
After a minute, Will asked, "Mr. Robin, how do you know my mommy?"
Robin's mouth curled up in a smile. "Ah, a great lass she is! I met her when she went riding in Sherwood Forest. It's reported to be haunted, you know."
Will looked up fearfully. "Haunted?"
Robin laughed,"No, not really. It is just a legend perpetuated by us to keep the sheriff's men out of it. Anyways, your mother was riding hard and fast through here to get away from the King--Henry, that is. They were..friends, I guess."
Will said matter-of-factly, "He's my real father."
Robin said, "Oh. Well, her horse got a pebble stuck in his hoof and went lame. I dug it out and then we let our horses drink from the brook. Right over....yonder!"
Robin pointed. He continued. "She was great fun, laughing. We talked for hours. And then she stayed and had dinner and danced with us. It grew late so she stayed overnight. And left the next morning."
"Did you ever see her again?" Robin said, "Yes. We used to meet frequently and ride together. Actually, she saved my life."
"Really? How did she do that?"
"Once, the sheriff's men, under orders of King Henry, were to set fire to the woods and clear it out. To drive us out into the open. But do you know what your mother did?" Will shook his head. "Henry stood at the edge of the forest and your mother took her horse and rode deep inside. She told Henry she wouldn't come out and that he was going to have to burn it down with her in it."
Will laughed and clapped his hands. "My mother did THAT?"
Robin laughed, revealing even white teeth, "Yes! Then there was one time when she rode into Sherwood Forest in the middle of the night to inform us that Henry and John had hired the Picts as mercenaries to come in after us. We were able to pack our camp up and leave Sherwood for a few days."
Will said, "Wow!" He had a totally different perspective on his mother. He asked, "Are there anymore stories, Mr. Robin?"
Robin laughed and said, "Sir Will, we could be here all night!"

NIGHTFALL #1...by Terri

Ferguson showed Eleanor and Jerry to their room. His disapproving look told them all. After all, this was his queen and she was not to behave like a common strumpet. Eleanor said sweetly, "Thank you, Ferguson. You may go now." His face pinched and they closed the door in it. Their laughter could be heard down the hall.
Ferguson then showed Rose and John their room with the same disdain. Rose looked at him and said, "Don't give me that same look, Ferguson. We're married."
John said, "That's all, Fergie!" pushed him out the door and locked it.
Ferguson rolled his eyes and left. Let them all self-destruct, he thought. At least Henry has his little laddie back.

John Plantagenet and Bran rode deeper and deeper into the woods. Bran's eyes grew wide. "Do you suppose a spectre got him, Sire?"
John drew his sword. "No. Don't be ridiculous! There are no such things as spirits." But his voice betrayed doubt.
Bran then said, "Think maybe he met his Maker by getting gored by a wild boar? Or maybe a wolf tore him to shreds. Or maybe a..."
"Shut up, Bran. And if that happens, so be it. The blood is off our hands."
Bran said, "Think he headed into Sherwood Forest?"
John said, "No. Kids are scared of Sherwood. It's full of...things. Nasty things."
Bran said under his breath, 'yeah. Things I don't want to meet.'
John said, "Mayhaps Merovin is back in his stall. Horses always know their way back to the barn. It will look like the little squirt just ran away and got lost. Mayhaps they won't find him until the spring thaws. Or what will be left of him after the carrion birds get done with him."
Bran shivered, partly with fear and partly because of the callous attitude of John Plantagenet.
John whirled his horse around and said, "Let's go back to the castle. If the little brat doesn't show up by morning breakfast, then he's gone. And I for one am not going to stress about it."
Bran sighed and turned his horse around too. They headed back to Windsor.

John took what was considered a pillow and punched it. He turned to Rosamond who lay there staring at the ceiling.
"Rose, what the hell is all this stuff?"
Rose turned to look at it. "Straw, John. The finest this Court has to offer. Why?"
"Because everytime I lay my head down, something pokes through! It almost took my eye out last time!"
Rose gave him a blanket. "Take this and wrap it around the pillow. It will help."
She then blew out the candle. It was pitch dark except for the light shining through the windows and the sound of the wind.
"How did you manage to sleep like this with the wind blowing through in the winter?"
She said, "Tapestries."
"Thank goodness for central heat and air now! I never realized how much of a dump this place was."
"What room are we in, Rose?"
Rose said, "My old room. The furniture is the same. The bed is the same. The blankets."
John said, "Really! Can you imagine what Murph could do to this? Knock out a wall here, bump it out there.."
Rose's voice was starting to crack, due to emotional stress. "Oh, John! This is the very room and bed where Will was born!"
John put his arms around her and cradled her. "Hush, now! Don't fret, Ro'. Didn't Roger tell you it was bad for the baby?"
"So calm down. Your son is in the next room and tomorrow first thing we grab him and we get out of here. Any cramps lately?"
Rose lied. "No, John. None at all."
"Good! Now let's try to get some sleep. I pushed a chair under the latch so Henry can't come in and slaughter me."
He kissed Rose and went to sleep.
She lay awake and worried. My son is just down the hall--and I can't see him until tomorrow. She fell into a light but disturbed sleep.

NIGHTFALL #2....by Terri

Robin regaled Will with stories of his mother. He laughed at the stories because he never thought of his mother as a young girl.
Robin concluded with, "And then she didn't come anymore. I wondered what happened to her and then one of the woodsmen was in town and had heard that Henry had a new son over at Windsor. By means of his...by Rosamond. The last time I had seen her she was exceptionally quiet."
Will sat there on the log with his elbows on his knees and listened intently to Robin.
Robin continued. "I guess it stands to reason that she found out she was going to have a baby, Will..and that was you. So I guess her days of coming to Sherwood Forest were over. It was a good time that had to end."
Will yawned. Robin said, "I think it would be a good idea if you slept in my lean-to tonight, Will. There is an extra pallet there."
Will nodded sleepily. Robin led him to the tent, watched him drop onto the pallet and noted that Will was asleep before he hit the blankets.
Robin closed the shoddy door and stood outside the lean-to. He bit his thumbnail, lost in thought and memories of long ago.

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