Part 91: Miranda ain't just a chick with fruit on her Terri

The next morning, everyone is seated around the table. William is in a black mood.
Eleanor chides him. "I don't know what the big deal was, William. You can't be expected to know everything. After all, I will give you credit for this--your expertise has saved us from getting our asses kicked quite a few times."
Rosamond and William look at each other. Rosamond bursts into giggles and even William gives a beguiling smile. Rosamond by this time is laughing so hard. "Oh! Oh! OH! If only you knew..."
By this time William lets out a belly laugh that shakes the kitchen clock. He wipes tears of laughter from his eyes.
Eleanor, John and Bethia look at them like they have lobsters growing out of their ears.
Finally, William gasps for breath. "Yes, I have Eleanor, but I couldn't hardly save my OWN ass from getting kicked!"
Rosamond goes on the explain William's non-compliance of the rules.
Eleanor grows wistful. "I would have LOVED to have seen that!"
"Ohh, you'll see it alright! It's going to be telecast tomorrow night!" William replies, then asks them, "So what did you do last night? You sure weren't a very cooperative phone-a-friend!!"
Eleanor answers, "Well, the Renaissance Faire will be starting pretty soon. I had to have my lance sharpened. I took it to Home Depot and they said they don't sharpen weapons. So I asked them, 'Well, what do you call this knife? A cuttlebone?' They soon saw reason. After I threatened to skewer them all! I had to promise them tickets for opening day!"
John grows red in the face. "Well, I had to go to my part-time job. A friend of mine couldn't make it so I had to fill in."
William asks, "John, you never were to clear on what this job is. What IS it?"
Eleanor pipes in, " 'G-' John, what IS it? I guess it's not exactly working at the Disney Store, is it? I mean, can you imagine hanging around 'Chip and Dale's place' at a mall? Noooo, you seem Broadway bound! A nice stud like you! I'll bet you look really 'snappy' "
John reaches around his backside to rub where Eleanor had snapped his G-string.
Darn, it still hurt!
He glares at Eleanor. " I like to think I am rendering a service. I am enabling people to expand their horizons. To appreciate beauty and the arts."
Rosamond retorts, "You can get 'beauty and art' at the Louvre! I saw a book on it once! In fact, just as you walk in, there are four identical statues! They are about
10 feet tall--and they are a bunch of naked guys checking themselves out! Like they can't believe where their clothes went! Like someone stole their jockies when they were napping! And then the Greek section had all these naked statues. Don't the Greeks believe in clothes? Not that I mind...but looking at some of them I can see why their civilization died out! Then there was this one....."
William sighs. "OK, enough with Art Appreciation 101, Rosie!"
Rosamond looks at John with a smoky stare, the first glimpse of passion in her eyes. "Well, John probably has nothing to fear...or so I guess!"
John gives her an icy stare. "Are you comparing me to a bunch of lifeless marble statues, Rosamond?"
Rosamond whispers, "Down, Big Fella or William will guess what you have been up to."
William turns to Henry. "What did you do last night?"
Henry pats his stomach. "Oh, I went on a gastronomical journey."
William raises his eyebrow. "OH? And where might that be?"
Henry picks up a raisin bagel. "Well, I started out at Taco Bell, went to KFC, on to Pizza Hut and wound up at McDonald's for a McFlurry!"
John asked, "Alone?"
Henry burps. "No, our nice neighbor Bill went with me. He said it was OK to go all those places as long as we jogged going to them."
Rosamond says, "Well, Bethie, what did you do?" Bethia sighs. "I went for a walk to clear my head. I feel so deserted by Steve. I just needed some down time so I went to sit by the lake. Didn't see a single soul. It was so peaceful."
There is a knock on the kitchen door. William opens it. There stands Officer Mulcahy and Sergeant Monday. Monday was always in a bad mood. He knew they were joking about Sgt. Friday behind his back.
William invites both men in. "So, officers, is it time for the Policeman's Ball? We will take six tickets."
Sgt. Monday frowns. "I'm sorry, Mr.Conqueror. But I need to find out where all of you were last night between 7:00 PM and midnight."
William is taken aback. "Why?"
Sgt. Monday scowls, "Just answer us, please."
William is confused. "Rosamond and I were at 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' "
I was a contestant. We arrived home about 11:30 PM."
Eleanor looks confident. "I was at Home Depot. Having my lance sharpened."
Officer Mulcahey says, "Can you prove it?"
Eleanor smiles serenely, "Oh, yes---they remember me!"
John asks to see the officers in the other room. He tells them where he works.
The two men look at each other and Monday says, "I can see why you want to keep it a secret. But what sort of job is it for a man to prance around in a slingshot and have money stuffed down his drawers? Are you a nancy-boy?"
Mulcahey sighs and looked at his donut-gut. "Well, Sarge, if I lost 50 lbs it wouldn't be a bad job..all those hungry women..."
Monday gives him a withering glance. Mulcahey shuts up.
When they get back to the kitchen, they ask Henry what he had been up to.
"Mr. Bill Clinton and I made the fast food rounds."
Both policemen look at each other. No need to explain that has to be true!"
"Miss Adams, where were you last night?"
Bethia looks pale. "I went for a long walk to be by myself. I have a lot of things to sort out."
Mulcahey clears his throat. "Did anyone see you?"
Bethia sighs. "No, it was so peaceful to be alone. Why do you ask?"
Monday asked her, "Were you recently engaged to Mr. Steven Wood?"
Bethia looks bewildered. "Yes, but he broke it off. Why do you ask?"
Monday looks Bethia dead in the eye. "Because Steven Wood was found dead last evening with a butcher knife in his back."
All look at each other in shock.
Monday clears his throat. "You have the right to remain silent..."

Part 92: Alibis and Terri

William starts to sputter, everyone clamors at once.
"You must be mad...!"
"A butcher knife....?"
"Oh, come ON! Bethia?!...."
Eleanor quips, "Not Bethia...Rosamond's most likely to do that, but not Bethia!"
Rosamond flies at Eleanor with fists clenched and then nails extended.
"How DARE you, Eleanor! You pasty-face b....!"
William collars them both and sits them down in the kitchen chairs...hard on their derrierres.
Officer Mulcahy shoots a glance at Sgt. Monday. "Well, we have to wait for the prints to come back from the lab. But Mr. Steven Wood didn't have any enemies."
Eleanor rolls her eyes. "Oh, come off it...the creep was a lawyer, for Pete's sake! You know what they say, 'What is the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?' "
Mulcahy and Monday look at each other and shrug.
Eleanor replies, "One is a scum-sucking bottom dweller and the other is a fish!"
With that she lets out a whoop at her own cleverness.
Bethia dissolves into tears. "I never wished any harm on Steve. He seemed so loving and wonderful!"
Rosamond puts her arms around Bethia consolingly. "But Bethie, look at it this way--
he would have been terrible in the sack!"
John grabs Rosamond by her ponytail and drags her out into the hallway.
"What are you trying to do, get Bethia hung for murder?" He lets her go and Rosamond hits the wall. Rubbing her nose, she looks abjectly sorry. "I was just trying to cheer her up. You don't have to get so physical about it!"
"Well, DON'T help! Bethia may need her own scum-sucking bottom dweller to pull her out of his mess!"
Rosamond says, "Well, Bethia lived with that brute of a husband, this should be a walk in the park for her!"
William is walking the two officers to the door.
They turn to Bethia and look at her sympathetically. "Ms. Adams, just don't leave town, OK? We willl need to get hold of you later."
Bethia nods her head, all the blood gone from her face. What would it be? The stocks? A whipping? Oh, no! A public hanging, just like in Salem!
Would they brand her a witch? A black widow? A Mrs. Bluebeard?
William shuts the door. He sits down next to Bethia. Suddenly a thought comes to him.
He runs over to Rosamond and gives her a hug and kiss and dances her around.
Rosamond is busy trying to wipe the kiss off her face. "Ewwwwww!"
William takes Bethia's hands in his. "Bethia, try to remember. Did you see anyone?
Did they see you?"
Bethia shuts her eyes, but the tears come anyway. "I was so depressed. Rosamond and Eleanor took me to a strip club to cheer me up."
William looks at the two of them with contempt. But Eleanor and Rosamond just grin like cheshire cats. Rosamond is remembering how hunky John had looked.
At least he did until Eleanor snapped his string!
John had a great walk.
"I sat on the bench by the lake feeling sorry for myself. I am such a loser at love. First with that ape Caleb and then with that closet freak Steven. I rememer sitting there and seeing all those people walking their dogs, not a care in the world...."
William jumps up. "That's it! All those people are your alibi, Bethia. If it even comes to that! But I bet once they run the fingerprints through, they will see that they are not yours and you will be home free!"
Bethia looks up, hope shining on her tear-stained face. "Do you really think so?" she asks tremulously.
Eleanor reassures her. "Oh, Bethia, you have nothing to worry about! Try raising four boys who want to killl their father! Then ask the wife who wants to kill him, too! Not that I don't have a reason to. Did you know that Henry once asked a rhetorical question about his archbishop Thomas Becket? He said, 'Who will rid me of this troublesome priest?' and bingo! His servants stabbed ol' Tommy to death right behind the altar! Now THAT'S service!"
Rosamond sits down and opens her checkbook. She frowns. "I seem to be a little short on money this week. Little Will needed some new clothes and I neede some new lingerie since I lost some of mine bailing 'Toots' Tudor's butt out in New Orleans.
Wonder if Pierre DuPre kept it? I wonder what he is doing now? HE had a great walk, too! Maybe we could go back in time to New Orleans and we could spy on him and see what he is doing. Maybe we could go back and pick up my underwear?"
William plants both hands in front of Rosamond, pinning her to the wall.
"No, we will NOT go back and pick up your underwear, Rosamond de Clifford! I have never heard of anything so ridiculous in my life!"
Rosamond glances over at John and fixes him with her smoky stare. "Well, to paraphrase Anne Boleyn, 'Look at me every day for the rest of your life and wonder if I am wearing any underwear!" Eleanor and Rosamond dissolve into giggles. John turns crimson to the roots of his hair. For he was wondering that very thing.
Rosamond sighs. "Anyway, I am always needing money. I was watching Maury Povich do a show on 'Deadbeat Dads and the Women who Love Them, or How to Squeeze Every Last Nickel Out of the Cheating Bastard!" Very informative. I realize I am a single mom and that Henry is sitting there on his family jewels and England's coffers. He owes me child support and what they call alimony, or palimony. William, I am going back there to collect what is due me and you can't stop me! Henry OWES me. I put up with Richard bedding me and I put up with John's attempts. I know Richard did it to get even with Henry for sleeping with that French fiancee he had for about two seconds. That was before me, you understand. Besides, I am lonely and I want to see if the old sparks fly for Henry and me. When this business with Bethia is cleared up, I WILL go!"
Eleanor pipes in, "I need to see the boys again. They probably need my help in plotting to overthrow their father again. Sometimes I think I should have named Richard, Geoffrey and John 'Larry, Curley and Moe!' Besides, Renaissance Faire is in less than a month and I want to pick up some of my clothes."
William and John look at each other helplessly. They knew there was no changing these wenches' minds.
William sighs. "Maybe we can dump Toots Tudor back there before he eats us out of house and home!"

Henry II wakes up with the mother of all hangovers. He rolls over. His mouth tastes like straw on the stable floor. His hound is eyeing him with distrust. The bed is still warm where the 'serving wench of the night' had lain.
Henry groans and looks up at the ceiling. What was last night's pain about?
Oh, yes...Rosamond. Wanting money! What was it she called it? Child support?
Alimony? Palimony?
He tosses it over in his mind. If Rosamond wanted money, let her come and get it.
The proverbial carrot on the stick! It would be one way of luring Rosamond back to court...and back to his bed. He smiles to himself. "That's right, Babe, just come back and try to get it...and see where it lands you!"

Part 93 On the Whole, I'd rather be in Terri

Rosamond comes down the stairs after dinner. William is sitting by the pool enjoying a mint julep and wondering how he can manage a little trip to Louisville for the Kentucky Derby. It sure would be nice to take a break from this group, he thinks. Imagine! Mint juleps, honey-glazed ham, sweet potatoes, cornbread, more mint juleps...a white suit and straw hat, women with big picture hats and big...
William jumps a mile. "Where have you been?" Rosamond demands. "I have been talking for the last ten minutes and you haven't even acknowledged my presence."
"And with good reason, wench! I was in reverie."
Rosamond frowns, "Have you been hoarding those little berries we found in Southold?"
William stubs out his cigar. He sighs. "What is it now, Rosamond? Someone steal your underwear? John ignoring you? Do I need to turn a hose on you? Are you unsatisfied? What? What? WHAT?!"
Rosamond is miffed. "Well, I need a couple thousand dollars. Do you have it?"
William looks suspiciously at her. "Rosamond, what do you need a couple thousand dollars for? Oh, hell, you aren't in the family way, are you? I thought you were smarter than that..I thought John had more control than that...I thought..."
Rosamond grows angry. "You thought! You thought! You thought! No, you did NOT thought---think! Everytime John gets close to me, you have to butt in. And a big butt it is, too! What I need is some money to tide me over. The expense on the room addition is costing more than I thought. This building contractor--I think he used to be a Robin Hood slightly askew--stealing from the poor to give to the Rich! Which is pretty on target since his name is Rich! I need to go back to Henry and get some child support."
William leans back. He lights another cigar and through the smoke eyes Rosamond speculatively. "Out of the question."
Rosamond stamps her feet. "If you don't take Eleanor and me back right now we are going without you."
"And how do you intend to do that? I have the coin."
"Oh, no you don't! At least not exclusively. Eleanor and I had copies made of the coin when you were on your cooking show. We wanted to be free to travel on our own without asking your permission. I am approaching you now as a professional courtesy. Bethia can't go because she can't leave town. Eleanor wants to see her sons and plot Henry'd downfall. I have a twofold purpose--three, actually. I want to get money out of Henry, I want to warn Henry about those vulture-children, and I want Henry. I'm lonely."
William smirks, "Are you sure lonely is the word you mean, Rosie? Who shall it be? Henry? John? Even Pierre duPre was looking good to you, little Miss HOTPANTS! Oh, and let's not forget the tennis pro--Gunther, I believe it was?"
Rosamond glowers at him. "Eleanor and I have packed our bags. Bethia has agreed to watch Will. In case she is in the slammer, Toots will do in a pinch with the Clintons as back-up. You have half an hour to make up your mind. This train leaves with our without you, Colonel Sanders!"

William knocks on John's door. "John, we have a problem."
"Oh, you mean about the coin?"
"YOU KNEW AND DIDN'T TELL ME?" William thunders.
" I just found out. Rosamond wanted me to go with her, just the two of us. I turned her down. I didn't want to get in the middle of that scene again. Henry might decide to take me hunting or falconing again."
William sits down on the bed and puts his head in his hands. He rubs his eyes.
"I can't handle them. I can't let them go by themselves because it they do go, they may let that coin fall in the wrong hands. Can you imagine Prince John and Richard let loose? They may end up at the French Revolution. Or maybe in Hawaii. I can't do that to the Hawaiins. I have to go. Please, John--I am begging you. I need help. You are the only one who can handle Rosamond. At least now you know what you are up against."
John sighs. "Give me fifteen minutes to pack."

Eleanor and Rosamond drag their luggage down the stairs. Eleanor asks, "Do you have spare underwear, Rosamond? You may lose it again!"
Rosamond says, "There was a sale at Victoria's Secret last week. I bought enough.
I got that red garter belt I had my eye on. Oh, and there were these darling sling-back pumps."
Eleanor looks speculatively at Rosamond. "I hope you don't plan on using them on Henry. He IS still my husband."
Rosamond waves her hand. "I buy for myself, Eleanor."
Somehow Eleanor doesn't believe her. She would have to keep an eye on her. Thank heavens John will be there as a distraction.
William and John come down. William says, "This is against my better judgment. But I see I have no other choice. Very well. To the gazebo."
The four of them cross the lawn. In the gazebo they hold hands. The air is spinning and glowing around them.

They open their eyes. They are at the courtyard of Windsor Castle. Eleanor whispers, "It's like we never left. That broom and bucket are against the wall in the courtyard just like last time."
William says, "That's because our time travel can bring us to wherever and whenever we want."
The four cross the drawbridge. Once inside, Ferguson catches sight of them. He drops his tray. "You're back." he says to the three of them.
Eleanor waves airily. "Yes, Fergie, we are. Please make sure there are four chambers ready for us."
Ferguson glances around nervously. "Yes, your Majesty." He goes off and returns shortly thereafter. "Your rooms are on the second floor, along with Lady Rosamond.
Sire, you and the gentleman will lodge on the third floor by the turret. I will show you to the rooms."
Eleanor strides imperiously up the stairs. "Nevermind, Ferguson. I used to live here, remember?" and she runs up the stairs.
Rosamond says, "I know the way to mine, too, Ferguson. Just show the gentlemen where the turret is."
William and John look at each other. They shrug and followed Ferguson.
Rosamond starts down the long hallway.
As she turns down the darkened hallway, she is grabbed from behind.
A rough hand covers her mouth.
"Welcome home, Rosamond."

Rosamond tries to stifle her fear. She knows that voice. It has always made her uncomfortable and nervous. She aims the back of her foot to a very vital spot.
Her captor lets out a scream of pain, drops to his knees and clutches the wall.
"What the hell did you do that for, you tramp?"
Rosamond draws her foot back, ready to deliver a one-two punch. She'll make sure his eyes stayed cross this time.
"John Plantagenet, how dare you lay a hand on me!"
John P. staggers to his feet, then drops to his knees. "Oooooh!" he moans.
Then regaining his balance, he looks Rosamond speculatively up and down.
"Well, the doxy has returned! Taking up where you left off, Rosamond? Or do you fancy a bit of fun in the wine cellar, dearie? You've tried the rest, now try the best!"
Rosamond looks at him derisively. "Don't waste my time, Junior. I don't consort with losers!"
John's face splotches with purple rage. "Loser? LOSER? I will be KING when the old man pulls the old grace and favor!"
Rosamond asks, "Whatever do you mean?"
John straightens his tunic and pulls his boots up. "I mean when he has the grace to die and do me the favor of making me king. I shall inherit all that he has. Richard has no interest except warfare and hanging around the archery field. Lots of fine fellows there. Richard has a few issues, you know. So don't flatter yourself that you have made a changed man of him."
Rosamond ponders, then says to herself, "Oh, so THAT was what that Seinfeld episode was about! I guess he is set with 'that team' . No wonder...poor Elaine!"
John looks at her like she has had too much mead.
"Seinfeld? Elaine? I don't recall a Sir Seinfeld."
Rosamond shook herself out of her musings. "Oh, never mind, you imbecile. Where is your father?"
"Occupied" is the surly reply.
Then John stares at Rosamond. "What the heck kind of garb is that? By the sword of Excalibur, I can see your legs! And your feet are shod with a sort of pointed sword at the end! No wonder I am in such pain! You STABBED me there!" John is tempted to check to see what damage had been done. But he figures if he is in pain, he must be intact!
Rosamond looks down at her feet. "Oh, these are my sling-back pumps! Do you like them? Really? They came in different colours but I feel the black go with everything..."
Then she realizes how ridiculous this conversation is and what a waste of time John was...unless he became the King. But the thought of that makes her stomach churn. John wasn't bad to look at in an Alan Rickman sort of way but he was ruthless and probably barbaric. Like a Saxon.
Rosamond turns on her heel. "I just need to find your father. I need to talk to him."
John mutters as she goes down the hall, "Yeah, I'll just bet you do."

Part 94: Embers, Envies & Terri

Rosamond stands outside Henry's chamber. Should she go in? Or just wait until the midday meal and try to catch Henry in a benevolent mood? Would he be happy to see me? she muses. She knocks timorously on his door. No answer. She cautiously opens it. "Henry?"
Stilll no answer. She walks in. She cannot believe the mess that was left for the valet to clean up. Wine goblets are all over, along with bottles of mead. Some of the goblets are shattered, their shards laying on the floor. The walls have stains dripping down from where the goblets had been hurled.
Rosamond bends down to pick something up. It is a gold locket. But whose?
Rosamond feels hurt and betrayed. How dare he!
Suddenly she feels a presence in the t the frame, looking appraisingly at her.
"You do look well, Rosamond." he says softly.
Rosamond walks over to him, holding the locket. As Henry turns his palm out to receive the locket, Rosamond drops it to the floor, her eyes never leaving his face.
"Jealous, Rosamond?" he says mockingly.
Rosamond looks beseechingly at him. "Pray tell, who is the replacement, Henry?"
Henry dismisses it with a wave of his hand. "It makes no difference, Rosamond. All cats look alike in the dark."
Rosamond raises her hand to slap his face. Henry catches her strike in midair by the wrist. Their faces are inches away.
Henry hisses, "What care you, Rosamond? You left me to seek the bright lights of another time and place. I have no place in your life."
Before they both know it, they are embraced in a passion they can not control, like a forest fire in midsummer's dry spell. Henry kicks the door shut with his foot.
"Welcome home, Rosamond." he whispers huskily.

Rosamond lays in the warmth of Henry's arms. It felt so good to be with Henry. The old embers had fanned a flame she thought was dead. The magic was still there. Moonlight streamed into the windows.
Henry stirs drowsily. Rosamond lies there and begins to wonder where all this will lead. She feels she can't go back to merry old England. She has gone too far into the modern world to let go. Yet how could she possibly take Henry back to NYC?
And what of John Gwinnett? JOHN! Rosamond bolts upright. Henry sleepily grabs her.
How will she ever explain these circumstances to the others?
Well, they need not know, she reasons. She buries herself under the covers and snuggles against Henry's back. How could something so wrong feel so right? Yet she must get back to her own chambers lest anyone know. She can deal with Henry later. She slides out of bed and grabs the linens off the bedstool.

Eleanor heads to the main dining hall. She greets her sons Geoffrey, John and Richard with open arms. "My darlings, tell me all that has happened in my absence."
Richard begins to tell how he allied himself with Phillip of France. John is telling about his new best friend, the Sheriff of Nottingham and how they would go hunting and falconing in Sherwood Forest.
Richard replies, "Nottingham is not one to be trusted, Mother. I wish you would talk to John." He is telling Eleanor this when John had left the room.
Eleanor sighs, "John always expected someone to bail him out of his troubles. Do you remember when your father sent him to Ireland? He and his frivolous young friends were out of their league. They alienated the Irish and the Anglo-Saxon conquistadors there. He came home within six months with his tail between his legs like a puppy."
Geoffrey stretches his legs out towards the fire. "I guess being called 'Lackland' could damage your ego. How humiliating that the King of all England cannot give one of his sons land."
Eleanor bites her lower lip. Why or why could I have not had daughters I could have married off and sent away to Spain and France? she thinks regretfully.

John Gwinnett sits in his room staring at the walls. William had gone down to see about dinner. William had brought back some gumbo file and was going to show the cook the wonderful thing that you could do with shrimp.
John had wondered what would happen with Rosamond now that she was in her element again. And how would Henry react to him being here? Best to keep my back to the wall, John thinks. While I am here, I might as well do a little exploring. I have yet to see what Windsor looks like. He pulls on his boots, slipping a small dagger in his boot. You could never be too sure about your surroundings.
John goes down the hall by the west wing. He passes Ferguson in the hallway.
"Good day, Ferguson. Or should I say 'evening' ?"
Ferguson nods amicably. "Sir Gwinnett, I would not bother to go towards the chamber suites by the turret. King Henry is ensconsced there and I am sure he does not wish to be disturbed."
Ferguson winks. "King Henry and Rosamond are in there, and are making up for lost time."
John feels his face get hot and thinks, Gwinnett, you chump! How can you possibly compete with a King? And the father of her child?
As John turns to go, Rosamond opens the oak door wrapped in a sheet.
Their eyes lock and Rosamond drops her eyes in shame and embarrassment.
John turns on his heel and strides down the hall.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rosamond sits in her chamber and wipes the tears from her eyes with the back of her hands. Her face burns in embarrassment. How could I be so stupid, she wonders.
And how will I ever get through dinner tonight? Eleanor will know and sit there with that cat-that-ate-a-canary look. William will look disapprovingly down his nose at me and tsk-tsk me. And John probably will not even look at me at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he moved out when we got back to New York.
She goes to her closet and pulls out a plum colored silk and satin dress with beaded pearls. Gathering her hair up, she twists it and fastens it with combs.
Maybe I should just start all over, she thought. Dump them both and put myself out there.
Willliam is busy in the kitchen. Mrs. Pomeroy, the cook, is livid. "Sire, those are MY pots and MY pans!! What are these 'bugs' that you are cooking? And what is that vile smell?"
William continues to stir the roux. "Madame, you make haggis. Need I say more?
Besides, these are very good shrimp. All the way from the Mediterranean. The spices are from the Far East. I think you will enjoy it. And for dessert? Key Lime Pie!
You'll love it!"
Mrs. Pomeroy is glowering. "Aye, Your Majesty, I have been cooking for this Royal family for the past 30 years. I have yet to hear complaints."
"Well, dead men tell no tales!" William pinches her cheek in affection. "Tomorrow we have deep dish pizza!"
"Peet-za? Sounds like it is from the Borzias. I hope you know what you are doing."
And she waddles off, throwing her apron down in disgust.

Eleanor is outside, showing her jousting movements to her sons, giving and getting pointers in return. "Come on, Mother--parry and thrust! Parry and thrust! That a girl!"
Eleanor wipes the sweat off her brow. She is glad she's stashed her stretch sweatpants in the armoire from her last visit. "Oh, you boys would be proud of your old Mom. I unseated a man in five minutes in the Renaissance Festival! None were finer. The festivals are wonderful! One person even dressed up like you, John!"
Richard cracks, "Did he come with his personal crying towel, Mother?"
John continues to throw his dagger into the dirt and kicks a chicken.

John Gwinnett goes down to the stable. Since Henry had made the horses available to all who wanted them, John has the groom saddle up a roan steed. He heads across the fields at a full canter and into the woods. After a few hours he sat by a forest stream to let the horse get some water. John had taken a flask of Irish whiskey and in the matter of 20 minutes, had consumed the whole thing.
What to do, he wonders. At least the whiskey gave him the courage to get through dinner. He saddles up and heads back to the castle.

Henry II is grinning to himself as he lay in bed. He had shed himself of Thomas Becket, he no longer had any ties to Eleanor, and Rosamond was back in his life and in his bed. If only there was a way to get rid of the others and keep Rosamond behind. But then there was little Will. Oh, well, some sacrifices were to be made. Will would soon forget his mother. From what he heard, Bethia was doing a fine job of watching out for the lad. And Rosamond was a fine healthy woman. She could always have another. Henry had liked Miriam the serving wench enough but Rosamond was his soul mate. Now, if I could only wipe Gwinett out of the picture.
Hunting expeditions were out of the question, the man was not stupid. This required a great deal of thought. Poison? No, just my luck, the wrong person would get it.
He picks up Rosamond's discarded clothes and lays them on the chair. Oh, yes, she'd be back...and for the clothes, too.
John splashes cold water on his face and rubs vigorously with a cloth left by the basin. Lord, when will they ever invent fabric softener, he thinks. He looked up in the mirror to see Henry leaning on the doorjamb, arms crossed and looking speculatively at John.
"Well, Gwinnett, she left you with a mouthful of feathers, our little bird got free!" Henry had a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
"Rosamond came to me of her own free will." Henry taunted. "What's the matter, man? Did she make you cry, make you break down? Did she shatter your illusion of love? Is it over before it ever began? Tell me, Gwinett, do you know how to pick up the pieces and go home? For there is no place for you in this century or this castle or this country for that matter."
John turned slowly towards Henry. "I beg your pardon, sire, maybe not in this century or this castle, but certainly in this country. For I came from here in the year 1635 escaping the tyranny. My family had lost their title and their lands during Cromwell's time. It was well I had left England when I did. Cromwell took all of the Cavalier' lands for himself. I would have been left with nothing. So you see, I don't care if you are king. I have nothing to lose. Besides, everyone knows rulers make bad lovers. You'd better put your kingdom up for sale."
Henry drew his sword and pointed it under John's chin. "Dead you become a fantasy unfulfilled. Alive she will see you for the inadequate man you are. I shall not have your ghost sharing our bed."
Henry gathered Rosamond's clothes and dropped them at John's feet. "
Tell the lady the rest of her garments are where she left them and to bring a bottle of claret with her next time. Make now mistake---there WILL be a next time. The woman is mine."
With that, Henry turned and strode down the hall.

Rosamond knocks on William's door. "Come in!" he calls out. Rosamond looks bereft. "William, I want to see my father! I have to! I need my daddy!" she begins to sob like a child abandoned.
William puts his arms around her and quiets her sobs. "I am sorry, Rosamond. Perhaps you would have been better left in this century. If I had taken Eleanor away with me, you would have Henry to yourself and mayhaps would not have been torn by John's presence. Would you like to tell me? I AM accessible and I AM human--I DO have a heart and know of human fraility,"
Rosamond sniffels on William's shoulder. She wipes the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. "I am sorry, William." She begins to cry again. "I have been so lonely. I love Henry but Idon't know how my feelings for John got in the way. I was so totally devoted to Henry and would have done anything for him. Tell me, please, is it possible to love two different men at the same time? Two men who are so completely opposite?"
William grabs Rosamond by the wrist. "Rosamond, you didn't! Did you?"
Rosamond jerks her wrist away and looks defiant. "So what if I did? What's it to you? What's it to Henry? Or what's it to me, for that matter! It is not a big thing!
Yes, I lay with Henry. So what? SO WHAT?" Rosamond is beginning to get hysterical. With that, she flees the room.

Part 95: Mommie Dearest, 12th Century Terrri

Rosamond goes to her room, tears through her clothes and puts on a pair of breeches and a heavy cloak. It is well after midnight, the hour in which the time is right for bad magic. Rosamond doesn't care. No one came to dinner.
She silently goes down the hall and out through the big oak door. Crossing the meadow, she heads for the stable. A full moon shines, all the more spectral.
"Hello, Niniane, my old friend." The horse gently nuzzles Rosamond's cheek. She holds out two cubes of sugar for her. "Sorry to get you up, sweetheart, but we have to take a little trip." Rosamond saddles the horse and flings herself up on the mare.
Rosamond turns towards the woods and over to Loverlock Castle. It was only a two hour ride. And it was home--as Rosamond knew it.
The dawn is just breaking when Rosamond crosses the moat. Trotting up the lane, she sees her old familiar stable where she had played as a child and learned to ride.
Old McDougall, the groomsman, comes out. "Faith and Begorrah, if it ain't little Miss Rosie come to call! My, my--you look real grown-up, Missy!"
Rosamond smiles brightly at McDougall, a family servant that had been there since Rosamond was born. "Good morning, McDougall. It's been a while."
McDougall holds her bridle while Rosamond leaps down. She gives McDougall a warm hug. "Is Nanny Grey here?"
"Aye, Missy, just inside, giving the cook a dressing-down. Some things never change, do they, Missy?"
"No, thank goodness!" Rosamond runs into the castle.
Nanny Grey looks up from the stewpot. "Well, well, look who's here! I haven't seen you since you went to court to be a lady-in-waiting! Let me look at you!"
Nanny stands back and then cups Rosamond's face with her hands. "Child, you look troubled. Are you not well?"
Rosamond turns her face away. "Yes, Nanny, I am well. Just a little pre-occupied and weary from the ride from Windsor."
"Well, dear, you will be a sight for sore eyes--at least for your father!"

"Is that my little Rosie come to visit?" Rosamond turns and sees her father standing in the doorway. He is a tall lanky man with sad eyes. Yet a smile plays on his mouth. Rosamond rushes over to him. "Father!! I have missed you!" She hugs him fiercly.
"High time you visit your folks, Rosie! What have you been up to?"
Rosamond can't help but smile, yet she can hardly tell her father she had been in the 21st century. He was an impoverished knight who lived in comfort by the grace of King Henry. Yet he never knew why Henry had taken care of him. It was an arrangement between Rosamond and Henry and one that Rosamond did not want her father to know about. Sir Wallace de Clifford was under the impression Rosamond was a lady-in-waiting to Queen Eleanor. He had no idea that Rosamond even had a child.
Rosamond had always been the apple of her father's eye and she intended that he not be disgraced by her actions.
Rosamond and her father exchange news and have a nice visit for a few hours.
Until her mother shows up.

Lady Alice de Clifford was a beauty in her day. She is still a beauty, and unbeknownst to Sir Wallace, a former mistress of Henry I. She still has fanciful ideas and had tried to live them through her daughter. Yet Lady Alice has a hard look in her eyes. The look is speculative and fueled by a fondness Lady Alice has for honeyed wine. Rosamond had always been in awe of her mother, and her mother knew it.
And used it. Lady Alice had schooled Rosamond in the fine art of getting ahead.
Through the best and only way Lady Alice had known--and used to her own advantage. Yet something went wrong because Lady Alice was removed from favor, replaced with a younger version of herself, and married off to Sir Wallace.
"Wallace, I want to spend some time with our daughter. You know, catch up on things that men know nothing about-or care to know about!"
Sir Wallace heaves himself out of his chair. "So glad you are staying for a few days, my darling. Your room is exactly as you left it."
When Sir Wallace is out of earshot, Lady Alice looks at Rosamond.
"Rosamond, you are troubled. Have you fallen out of favor with Henry?"
Rosamond looks down at her shoes. "Don't worry, Mother. You and Father are set for life. I made sure of that."
Lady Alice looks hard at Rosamond. "You never could hide anything, your face is an open book. What is the matter, Rosamond?"
Rosamond looks imploringly at her mother. She blurts out, "Is it possible to be in love with two men at the same time?"
Lady Alice grabs Rosamond's arm roughly and shakes her. "Tell me you haven't done anything stupid, Rosamond. Henry has feathered our nest while he feathered your bed! I hope your brain hasn't turned to feathers!"
Rosamond looks up shamefully. "I don't know what to do, Mother. I think I am in love with this man John Gwinnett I have met."
"Is he a Scotsman? If he is, you are out of your mind. How could you turn your back on Henry, especially after you have given him a child?"
Rosamond looks astonished.
"Yes, indeed, I know about the child. I know everything that goes on at court. Don't worry, I haven't said a word to your father. He has no idea you are the King's concubine."
Rosamond' mouth drops open. "Is that what you think of me? Your daughter? A concubine?"
Lady Alice snaps, "I am being nice by calling you a concubine. Or a mistress.
But you know what word the rest of the world would call you. Because it is all the same. If you mess this up, you will be right where I am--stuck in a hick castle with a husband who is nice enough--but BORING. How can you even think of giving up the excitement of court and the love of a lusty king like Henry. If I were younger mayhap I would set my cap for him!"
Rosamond's lips begin to tremble. "But, Mother, is it enough to be the King's woman of the moment? Surely there must be something more."
"What else do you want, Rosamond? Wine? Music? Moonlight?" Lady Alice says contemptuously. "You should be grateful you have lasted as long as you have."
Tears begin to gather in Rosamond's eyes. "There HAS to be more!"
Lady Alice slaps Rosamond hard against her cheek, "Be careful what you wish for, Rosamond. You just may get it. Stay with Henry, give him what he needs. I'll not allow you to ruin this for our family."
With that, Lady Alice turns and leaves Rosamond in the room by herself, dazed and feeling totally lost.

Rosamond dressed slowly for dinner with her parents. This was one thing she dreaded. How could she hide the bruise on her cheek from her father? Her father spoiled her like a pet kitten. She knew her mother resented it.
As she entered the dining hall, her parents were already seated.
"Rosamond! What the devil happened to your cheek? Is that a bruise?"
Rosamond pulled out the story she was going to use. "Oh, Father! Silly me!
I leaned out of the casement window and forgot about the latch! As I turned my head, I bumped myself and tried to put a cool cloth to keep the bruising down. But I guess it will turn black and blue nonetheless!"
Lady de Clifford resumed sipping her soup in a nonchalant way. "Pray tell, Rosamond, when will you be returning to Court?"
Rosamond said defiantly, "I don't know when, Mother! Mayhaps I WON'T return.
Maybe I will go to Paris."
Lady de Clifford steeled her spine. "Nonsense! Don't be a ninny! Court is the place for you. Your future is there!"
Wallace de Clifford looked affectionately at his daughter. "That reminds me--when are you going to settle down and marry, Rosamond? The Duke of Freemont's son has been asking about you. I think that would be a wonderful match. A fine young man with land prospects. A firstborn son to inherit all his father has. You should settle down and make me a grandfather, love!"
"Freemont, Father? He's a nice enough lad, we knew each other as children. But I don't know."
Alice de Clifford chided her husband. "Really, Wallace! A duke's son? I had higher hopes for our daughter."
Wallace's eyebrows shot up. "What, pray tell, my dear wife? Surely you don't mean for her to set her cap for one of the Plantagenet boys! Richard is well spoken of, but there are whispers about him,,,you know! And I have heard in the pubs that John has a few quirks about him. Always wenching. And not the nicest man in the kingdom. The son Geoffrey spends all his time falconing."
Then Wallace burst out laughing! "If I didn't know better, I would think you were setting her up to become the King's mistress!"
Alice glared at him. "Of course not, you imbecile! But if Rosamond stays at Court and makes herself highly visible, well, who knows about the health of Queen Eleanor?
I think Rosamond would make a right fine Queen. His Majesty would be proud to have a wife such as her."
Wallace still chuckled. "Well, I am glad my girl has the sense not to make herself readily available to the King! King Henry is known for his lustful habits. Remember that talk about Richard's French fiance?"
Rosamond stared down at the floor. "May I please be excused? I am not feeling well.
I have a tremendous headache."
Alice waved her away. "Go if you must."
Rosamond walked swiftly from the room.
"Pleasant dreams, my sweetheart!" her father called after her.

Rosamond threw herself on the bed and wept. How could she ever have her father know she was the King's mistress, let alone a mother of one of his bastards! She could never face him again. Her father, who went to Mass in the chapel daily and believed in the purity of women. A man whose chivalry would put King Arthur's knights to shame!

Back at Windsor, Henry was swaggering down to the evening meal. He would flaunt Rosamond in front of that John Gwinnett, show him the way things were.
Mayhaps Rosamond would stay in this century, the rest would go back and keep Eleanor with them. Then he could move Rosamond right in.
As Henry took his place, he noticed Rosamond's place was empty.
John Gwinnett, Eleanor, William, and Richard and John were already there. John P. had already emptied a wine cask or two and was starting on a third.
"Where's Rosamond?" Henry demanded.
William looked up. "Don't you know?"
Henry looked exasperated. "I thought she was in her chambers. Ferguson! Tell Mademoiselle Rosamond to get her pretty little fanny down here." Henry began to eat.
Gwinnett stood up. "I don't like the way you treat Rosamond. You treat her like a strumpet, to be at your beck and call. She deserves more respect than that."
William put his napkin to his mouth and stage whispered to John, "Cool it, big fella!
We are at the mercy and hospitality of the Plantagenets. Do you want to cause trouble? We don't have Rosamond and can't leave without her."
Henry looked at Gwinnett with raised eyebrows. "And your point is?..."
John Gwinnett sat down. "You're right, Sire. Your affairs are your own,"
and John P. quipped, "Yeah, your own and Rosamond's. Everyone knows you trysted with her last night. Even Mother here knows."
Eleanor was too busy carving her turkey leg. "You forget, Johnny. I am still the Queen. Here, is a farthing. Page someone who cares!"
Henry looked over at the three time travelers. "Just out of curiosity, why ARE you here?"
William was trying to be diplomatic and not cause a confrontation.
But Eleanor replied, "Money, my dear husband. Rosamond is here after monetary compensation. She feels you owe her. There is something called 'child support' in the 21st century. It is payment for raising a child. Then there is palimony. It is a price one must pay for having a play'pal' as it were." Eleanor sighed. "Oh, Henry, if you had only stuck to charwomen and serving wenches, maybe a milkmaid or two! But no, you had to strike up a relationship with a 16 year old girl! In the 21st century, they would put you behind bars!"
Henry guffawed. "HA! ME? The KING? Then fortunate it is indeed that I am here and now. For I AM the LAW!"
Then he became serious. "Rosamond can have anything she wants. On one condition. She stays here with me. I know you don't really care, Eleanor. The queenship is yours for life. And I have no desire to end yours. You gave me three healthy sons to rule after me. But if Rosamond returns with you to the 21st century and this city of York, she will get nothing from me."
Ferguson came down, trembling. "Sire, I looked in Mademoiselle Rosamond's room.
It is empty. Her gown was left on the floor, along with a rumpled bedsheet. Her cloak is gone.
William groaned. Oh, no! Rosamond has gone to see her father and that witch of a mother of hers. Oh, Rosie! What have you done now?
br>Alice de Clifford sat down at her writing table. Carefully she took out her quill and ink.
On a sheet of parchment, she wrote the following:
Your Majesty: This is to inform you that Lady Rosamond de Clifford has taken this opportunity to visit us. However, I feel she is getting lonesome for your company and it would be in the best interest of all if you would send your pages to deliver her safely back to Court. If you would be so kind as to have her escorted back I would be ever so grateful. Your humble and obedient servant, Alice de Clifford"

Alice smiled a self-satisfied smile as she applied wax and the seal of the de Clifford
family to the folded paper. She rang for Wallace's valet.
"Desmond, I need you to take this message to King Henry at Windsor. It is a matter of expediency and see that it is not intercepted by anyone except the intended party.
I need you to go at once."
Desmond looked at the parchment. "Beggin' yer pardon, Madam, but it is storming out. Mayhaps it could wait until the morrow?"
Alice drew herself up. "Certainly not! Otherwise I would have said so. Take a heavier cloak, but go now. This problem cannot remain under our roof for very long."
Desmond sighed deeply. He had learned long ago not to argue with Madame de Clifford.

Rosamond rattled the lock on the oak door. "Damn this English oak!" she swore.
If this were New York, it would be a hollow core door! She knew it was useless.
She might as well go to bed. Rosamond carelessly dropped her silk dress to the floor and put on her white nightdress. Might as well look virginal--like a virgin about to be sacrificed to the gods. Which is just the way she felt-a virgin sacrificed to Court to further her mother's schemes. Rosamond wiped a tear from her face with the heel of her hand. She was so very confused. However did I get myself into this mess? she wondered. A little voice inside her said, "because you wanted this down deep."
Did she really? Her face grew hot with the remembrance of her encounter with Henry.
He was so worldly, so sure of himself. Yet on the other hand, he had no regard for her feelings. What Henry wanted, he took. Isn't that what Eleanor had always said?
Yet John Gwinnett, always the perfect gentleman, had saved her from disaster many times. Rosamond looked at the candle burning. A fire! That would make them open the door! No, she thought sadly. Lives could be forfeited. She could not do that to her family's loyal servants..or to her father. Before she knew it, she was asleep,
dreaming she had a choice between a lion and a lamb.

Ferguson, Henry's valet, answered the knock that was at the door. Desmond stood there dripping all over the rugs. "Beggin' yer pardon, sir, but this was to be given to His Majesty." Ferguson reached out his hand for it. "I will take it to His Highness."
Desmond snatched it back as Ferguson kept grabbing at thin air trying to take the parchment. "Oh, no yer don't, Mr. Fancy Pants! I were given strict orders to deliver it to no one but King Henry himself and I'll be cursed iffen I let the likes of you take it!"
Henry heard the commotion and came out, sword ready to be drawn.
"What is the problem?" he bellowed. Desmond bowed deeply. "Beggin' yer pardon, Sire, but this note came for you from Madame de Clifford. A highly personal matter, if yer please."
Henry grabbed the note and tore it open. He scanned the contents quickly.
To Ferguson he commanded, "See that this poor fellow gets a hot meal, some ale and a fire to dry his clothes by. And then get Angus down to the stables. Have him saddle up Merovin. I have to go to Loverlock Castle at once."
"But, Sire, there is a storm and an evil moon tonight! Surely it can wait until the break of day!"
"No, it can't!" Henry was busy pulling on his riding boots. "I have to reclaim some
mislaid property of mine."
With that, he disappeared down the corridor, cloak flying behind him.

Henry rode fast and hard into the stormy night. It was the third hour past midnight when he arrived at Loverlock Castle. He threw his reins to the sleepy groom and alit from the stallion. As he walked over the drawbridge, Jasper the house servant opened the door, bowing deeply. "Welcome to Loverlock Castle, Sire. Madame de Clifford had presumed you would be arriving yet she did not say anything about it being the black of night. You know what they say, it's always darkest before the dawn...."
"Yes, yes, yes!" Henry waved him off impatiently. "I must see Madame de Clifford at once."
Jasper bowed again, "Begging your pardon, Sire, Madame de Clifford has retired for the night. Perhaps if you would care to be shown to some chambers, you would like to rest."
"I have no time for that, man. What I need to know is, is Mistress Rosamond esconced here?"
Before Jasper could answer, a voice from behind replied, "Yes, Your Majesty...and tucked safe and sound...under lock and key, you might say."
Henry turned slowly at the voice and smiled. "Well, well, well, Alice. You grow lovelier every time I see you."
Alice held out her hands to Henry. "You always say the right things, Sire!"
Henry smiled. "And the property I misplaced is where?"
Alice cocked her head. "Residing in her chambers." Alice pulled the key from her bosom. "Mayhaps you could say this key holds the key to your heart?"
Henry laughed bawdily. "Or some such thing!"
Alice said, "Since it is so late, perhaps you would like to rest up and surprise your little runaway at breakfast. While you are settling up with her and making her see reason, I will have her horse ready so you may leave for Court afterwards."
Henry stretched. "Yes, I could do with a few hours' sleep. It should be quite a surprise for our little Rosie to see me."

Rosamond woke up at dawn's light. A knock at her door, then a voice said, "Miss Rosamond, are you awake?" Rosamond yawned, then answered, "I am now."
The door opened and Miriam the maid entered, flustered. "Miss Rosamond, your mother bids you to wash and come to breakfast. She is anxious to make amends with you." Miriam put the water pitcher and bowl down on the dresser and backed hurriedly out of the room. Since when did my mother want to talk to me? Rosamond wondered. It's pretty late in the game now. She splashed water on her face, brushed her hair and put on a burgundy and lace dressing gown. Rosamond had cast off her white nightgown. Huh! May as well put something on that I want, she thought rebelliously. Under her burgundy robe Rosamond put on her black lace teddy. As she tied the gown around the waist, she yawned and went into the great room.
To her astonishment, Henry sat at the table, legs outstretched and chatted casually with Sir Wallace and Lady Alice.
"Well, well, there's our girl now," Sir Wallace smiled proudly. "Look, Rosie! His Majesty has come all the way from Windsor to escort you back. He says Queen Eleanor cannot bear you to be away from Court another day!"
Lady Alice gave Rosamond a warning look. "Now, Darling, you know Court is the place for you. So many opportunities."
Rosamond looked sullenly down at her plate. Henry smiled possessively and said,
"Yes, we all know how much Eleanor missed her. I wanted to assure Rosamond of her safe return." With that, Henry grabbed Rosamond's wrist under the table.
Sir Wallace cleared his throat. "Sire, I have a matter I would like to discuss with you. It concerns Rosamond's future. The Duke of Freemont's son James has asked for Rosamond's hand in marriage. I am prepared to send her with a more than ample dowry..."
Henry's face turned dark with rage. "NO! I will not hear of it! Rosamond's place is at Court. She is more....useful....there. When the time comes I will see that Rosamond will find her perfect match."
Lady Alice patted her husband's hand. "Don't worry about Rosamond, dear, her future lies at Court."
Finally Rosamond could stand no more. She didn't care if she hurt Henry, her mother or even her father. She was totally ballistic.
She stood up. Her chair tipped backwards. "My future? MY FUTURE? Let me tell you about my future! Father, you are so clueless..everything is bright and sunny in your little world. You spend your days riding and falconing and hunting. And when you are not doing that, you are praying in your chapel. While Mother here has run amok!
On Midsummer's Eve she plotted and planned for me to become one of a vast number of Prince John's concubines. Or Geoffrey's. Or even Richard's...when he is so inclined that way! Well, Mother..guess what! I dressed the part today!" With that, Rosamond tore open her robe to reveal her teddy.!
Sir Wallace's mouth dropped open and his eyes cast down. Alice sat there with her eyes narrowed. Henry let out a mirthful laugh.
Rosamond closed her robe. "I figure Mother pretty well sold me to the highest bidder.
Guess who was willing? Not Richard nor Geoffrey. But Henry..the lecher!"
Henry grabbed Rosamond by the arm and laughed lustily. "All right, Rosie, that is enough surprises for one morning. Let your father recover from the shock." To Sir Wallace he said, "I care deeply for your daughter, Wallace. No need to worry about her future. It is with me. And Court is where we are heading."
As Henry led Rosamond out the door, Rosamond spitefully turned and said, "By the way, ask Mother about the child....Grandfather!"

Rosamond could hear her parents arguing all the way down the hall. Henry grabbed her roughly by the arm and demanded, "Just what do you think you were doing, you stupid little girl?" Rosamond jerked her arm away. "Just trying to take control over my life, Henry! MY life, do you hear?" Henry backhanded her across the face.
"Get this straight, honey. That Midsummer Night's Eve is when you forfeited any sayso in your life. I call the shots. And your place is at Court...and in my chambers. You wil forget any nonsense of going back to that city of York. Let the others do what they want..stay or go...but you stay! And I will see that Mr. John Gwinnett is out of your life. He has a choice. He can take it on the road to New York or he can while away his life in the dungeon. You might say HIS future is in YOUR hands. Now get on that horse and back to court we go."
Rosamond put her hand up to her face where Henry had struck her. She mounted her horse and followed Henry. She had no choice. Henry had her reins.

Part 97: Ike & Tina Turner, 12th Century Terri

Rosamond and Henry rode in total silence the two hours it took to go back to Windsor. The only thing that Henry said was, "We will speak of this in private. You are to tell the others you decided at the spur of the moment to visit your family. You left a note but it must have blown out the window due to the breeze. I daresay you dealt a blow to your father he will have a hard time forgiving. You forget, darling--I am the kind of man every father fears. If you do not do as I say, I am afraid your family will pay the price. I very well could put them out of their home. You do remember that it was a 'grace and favour'. I had the 'grace' to let them live there in exchange for your 'favours.' ".
As they rode up, Henry tossed both sets of reins to Angus. Henry's mouth was set in a thin, tight line. "You WILL do what I say or you will be one sorry wench."
As they entered the hall, William and John got up to greet them. William tried to be jovial. "Well, Rosamond--you gave us a fright! I kind of thought you may have gone visiting. Had you a good time?"
Rosamond looked down at the floor. Her cloak hood partially covered her face.
"Yes, William. I paid my parents a long overdue visit. If you will excuse me, I will go to my chambers to freshen up and rest."
Henry looked directly into John Gwinnett's eyes as he said, "I will go up too. I could use some rest myself." He sauntered out of the room, whistling.
John Gwinnett's hands were clenched at his side. He whirled on William.
"Did you see Rosamond's face? There were bruises on them. One on the cheek that was fresh and one that looked like a previous bruise. I swear, if he hurt her in any way..."
William looked perturbed. "Easy, John. We have to take this nice and slow. Otherwise you may end up in the dungeon with Prince John's rats. And even I would have a hard time bailing you out!"
William caught sight of Eleanor in the great room. "Eleanor!" he said in a loud whisper. Eleanor came over right away. "What's the problem?"
William and John looked at each other. "We have to leave here--and it has to be tonight. Rosamond is in big trouble."
Eleanor waved her hand. "When ISN'T Rosie in big trouble?"
John looked at her with distressful eyes. "I am afraid Rosamond has been abused.
Roughed up. And she isn't talking. We think she has been threatened."
Eleanor sighed, "Oh, very well. I guess I can go see the boys anytime I want to. I am getting bored at Windsor. I have practiced my jousting on every knight within 50 miles and bested all of them. I am getting burned out. Besides, my car needs an oil change!"

Rosamond threw off her cloak and stripped out of her dress. She put on her white robe. Carefully she examined her face in the mirror. Her mother's bruise was turning yellow but Henry's backhand was beginning to turn black and blue. Tears welled up in her eyes. Through them she saw Henry's reflection in the mirror. She turned to him.
"Proud of yourself, are you, Henry?" Henry looked at her. "Let's be reasonable, Rosamond. Your place is here at Court."
Rosamond tried to keep her voice level. "What of little William? He is without his mother."
Henry retorted, "What difference does a child make, Rosamond? He has been with that Bethia person for a while. Best to not uproot him, eh? Besides, you can always bear another child. You are young--and I do love you."
Rosamond said in a flat voice but in a tone Henry had never heard before, "Hell will freeze over before I let you touch me again."
Time froze for a moment between them. The line had been drawn in the sand.
Then Henry violently threw the mirror against the wall. His blood began to boil and his temper was totally out of control.
Rosamond picked up a small dagger that was laying on the vanity table. "Come one step nearer and I will scream!"
But Henry grabbed the dagger and threw it on the floor. "Go ahead--for all the servants know you are screaming for other reasons!" Henry took a step nearer and Rosamond was out of ideas.

William knocked on John's door. "It is now or never. The moon is full so we will not need a candle to light our way. But we have to get Eleanor to get Rosamond down here. If you go, John, Henry will put you in the dungeon for sure. If I go, he may suspect that we intend to flee. But Eleanor can make up some woman thing--she's good at that!"
William tapped on Eleanor's door. Eleanor was cross. "Oh, William, what do you want now?!"
William looked so upset that Eleanor softened. "I am sorry, William, but Sir Belvedere unseated ME! ME! I need a re-match!"
William looked pleadingly at Eleanor. "We need your help to get Rosamond downstairs and over to the hedge maze. We have to go back! I fear for Rosamond if we don't leave. I heard her crying in the chamber. I was pretty sure Henry was there. He was talking in a low voice like he was trying to make something up to her."
Eleanor smiled. "No problem! I saw Henry but five minutes ago heading down to the stables. I think Merovin is a bit lame and he wanted to check on his leg."
Eleanor knocked on the door. From inside, the muffled voice said, "Please-go away."
Eleanor pushed the door open and gasped at the sight of the room. Glass from the broken mirror lay on the floor. The dagger had a streak of blood on the blade. Bedclothes lay in disarray and on the floor.
"Rosamond, whatever happened?"
Rosamond looked up. "Watch the glass, Eleanor."
Eleanor was astonished. "Where did the glass come from, Rosamond?"
"The mirror over there...the claret bottle over there..."
Eleanor picked up the dagger. "And whose blood is this?"
"Henry's. He grabbed it away from me." Rosamond had blood streaked on her robe. The sleeve was torn away. Rosamond burst into tears. Eleanor was actually moved with pity for her. She took Rosamond in her arms and stroked her hair. "Hush--he has gone to the stables. We are out of here. William sent me to get you. It is now or never."
Rosamond looked up. "Now! NOW!"

The four of them went stealthily out the door and over to the hedge maze. No one said anything about Rosamond's appearance. They joined hands.
Eleanor looked over and saw Henry running towards them. The air began to swirl and glow. Would the coin never work its magic fast enough? As it glowed brighter and Henry was almost to their enchanted circle, Eleanor called out to Henry.

"Hey Henry--kiss this! And I don't mean my rosy red lips!"

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