The Mini-Series!!

Time and Chance, by Sharon Kay Penman

CASTING CALL..............by Coralynn

Marthy and Bess are excited as Rose drives into Manhattan, dodging taxis, large trucks, and pedestrians who insist on jaywalking.
"This is so exciting! Think I'll get a part?" Bess asks nervously.
"Hard to say, Beth, but I'd say your chances are as good as anyone's. Did you read the book?" Rose asks.
"I did!" Marthy pipes up. "I want to play Cristyn, Owain's concubine!"
"I'll take whatever I can get!" Bess wails, "but I'm not as up on things as you, Marthy. You and Jack are both so.....so.....lit......liter....."
"Literate," Eleanor supplies the word. "Jack is riding in with William, is he not?"
"Yes. William is bringing the whole gang: Jack, Rafe, Hotspur...."
"Ahhh yes, Hotspur! You know he'll get a part, he's so rugged and flamboyant!" Rose laughs, remembering her adventures with him back in the 12th century, plus his colorful behavior this past year in the current century. She smiles.

"But what about John?" Bess wants to know, "He isn't trying out, is he?"
"Nope!" is all Rose has to say on the subject, but recalls the tense morning she put in with John. His glowered through breakfast, and, when she got ready to leave, asking her if she'd come to her senses, or was she actually going through with this insane idea to star in a production with Henry the Second, the real Henry, not an actor playing him.
Eleanor reaches over and pats Rose's arm in solidarilty. Rose shoots her a grateful look. Thank God for Eleanor, who didn't want to be in the production but rethought it in light of the situation with Henry. With El on the set it will be much easier for me, Rose thinks. She won't let Henry get away with anything!

They park in the studio underground lot and are soon in the elevator going up to the casting rooms. Bess and Marthy giggle nervously, while Rose and Eleanor stand tall and resolute in the task they have before them.
Upon entering the casting room, they see Marty Henshaw talking a mile a minute to several people clustered around him. Henry2 is standing at his side bedecked in a medievel King's outfit. Chills run down Rosamond's spine, but she breathes deeply as El instructed whenever she feels fear. There, that's better!
Marty sees them enter and breaks off his conversation with the others, striding toward them, yelling, "Rose! I knew you'd come!"
As he reaches the four women, he glances at the others. Bess and Marthy are lovely young women......hmmmm......wouldn't hurt to give them small parts, and it might assure him that Rose would honor her committment. And that other woman who's a sportscaster, what do they call her, Eleanor the Amazon? Wonder Woman? Whatever......she does have a regal bearing. Could she play.........is it possible she could take the part of.......

Marty shakes hands all round and tells them with pride, "Guess who's agreed to join the casting panel? Just guess! It's so exciting!"
The women look at him blankly.
"The author! Yes, the author, Sharon Kay Penman herself! She wants to be part of this process! If that isn't a sign from the heavens, I don't know what is!"
Eleanor glances to the back of the room and sees a pretty woman with dark auburn hair and beautiful, porcelain skin. Looks like her picture on the jacket of the book alright. Wonder how Marty managed to get her?
He bustles away and goes to the microphone, announcing, "We've already cast the parts of Henry2 and Rosamond de Clifford. If any of you were considering those parts, try to find other parts you may be qualified to play. You'll find the Cast of Characters on the flyers on that table..." he points to the left side of the room.
Many people hurry to the table and peruse the list.
"NOW," Marty continues, "The major characters will be cast from this room. The smaller parts over in that room across the hall, and for people interested in being extras, the room is down the hall to the right."
There is a general shifting as people go to the rooms indicated.
"MAJOR PARTS up here!" Marty calls out as a group of people walk toward the area indicated. "Fill out these forms and we'll call you up when your character is being cast!"
People sit and fill out the forms, some nibbling on pencils, others pulling resumes out of their valises, some even attaching head shots.
Bess does what she can, then shows the form to Eleanor, who helps her complete the parts she doesn't understand.
The judging panel is comprised of not only Sharon Kay Penman, but the director, ass't director, the producer....that's Marty, and someone neither Rose nor Eleanor recognize.
"For the part of Eleanor of Aquitaine!" Marty begins......
Sharon Kay Penman looks up from the paperwork placed in front of her, eyes lighting up, "That's HER!" she points at Eleanor.
Marty confers with SKP in a soft voice, "But we haven't heard her read for the part!"
"Don't have to!" she replies firmly.
Marty looks to the other three judges who shrug and are about to capitulate to the author's choice, when one of them speaks up.
"She's too old!" the man declares, "And too fat!"
Eleanor hears this and blood rushes to her head. She then recognizes the judge she hadn't been able to identify before, it's.....yes, it's Joe Shaw, the drunken sportscaster El replaced!
The other judges disagree with Joe. "Looks fine to me!" "Looks like my idea of Eleanor of Aquitaine, even has the same first name!" "You're just a sore loser, Joe!"
Marty is not enjoying this dissention, so he asks them to vote on whether Eleanor should be given a chance to read the part.
Everyone but Joe is satisfied with that idea.

Marty goes to where Eleanor is still seated and tells her, "We need you to read for the part, if you would, Eleanor. We seem to have a spoil-sport on our judging panel."
He hands her a script with the parts for Eleanor of Aquitaine highlighted in yellow. She smiles at him and approaches the judges' table.
Standing there, with the script held up, she begins to read the dialogue, plainly, convincingly and with passion.
After she finishes, the judges applaud; that is, all but Joe, who sits there feeling defeated. Who knew the woman could act?!


WandaSue and Sally Jennings stand in the room where the extras are chosen, chewing on the insides of their mouths.
"I wanted to be one of the nobility!" Sally mutters.
"I know. Me, too."
A member of the staff approaches them and says, "We need two begger women in....let's see.....a couple scenes. You two could play them. They have no lines, but they do have to look bedraggled which I think you could carry off with no problem."
"We'll take it!" WandaSue says impulsively.
Sally pokes her and whispers, "Are you out of your mind?!"
"These are the last two slots for extras, ladies, so it's that or nothing," the staff member tells them.
"OK, we'll do it!" Sally realizes this is their last chance to gain access to the set, which means they can keep tabs on Henry2 and Rose. They smile at the man as he shows them where to pick up their costumes.

"EEeeuuuuuu," Sally holds out the tattered rags they chose for her 'costume.' WandaSue laughs, "Sal, olde pal, I think we just got an entre into the world of the rich and snobby......what the hell, I'd go naked if I had to!"
Sally looks at WandaSue, picturing her naked and makes a sour face.

Since all the roles for extras have now been cast, they are dismissed, with instuctions on when to report to the set.
"Tomorrow!" WandaSue says happily as she scans the schedule. "We'll be there with bells on!"
"I don't know about bells, WandaSue, my new best friend, unless, of course beggers wore bells back then."
"No, but lepers did!"
"Ack! At least we don't have to be lepers!" Sally is relieved.
"Let's go home and don our new disguises. These will be great! Nobody will be able to tell who we really are!"
Sally grins, "I like the way your mind works, WandaSue; twisted, just like mine!"


Marty Henshaw is in his glory. Three of the major roles filled with terrific actors. How lucky can a guy get?
Hoping his streak of luck continues, he calls out, "People auditioning for the part of Becket, please move forward, and be sure you've filled out your form."
A surprising number of people move forward. They are all ages, shapes and sizes, and one is even a woman. Marty raises his eyebrows over that and thinks, if I disqualify her will she file a discrimination lawsuit? Hoping to rid himself of the problem, he calls her up first.
He looks at her form. The name is: Melanie Griffith. Where have I heard that name before? Then he looks more closely. Oh my God, she's that movie actress, the blond, the one married to Antonio Bandares. This could get sticky.
"Miss Griffith, please read the lines highlighted in yellow," he instructs her.
She looks at the copy and frowns, then, running a finger down the script, sees the yellow and exclaims, "OH, there it is!" and giggles.
Marty makes no comment. Oh please let her be done and out of here!
She begins to read, trying extremely hard to sound like an adult male, but her voice still comes out sounding like a dumb blonde. She tries to lower it, but to no avail. She tries harder. Beads of perspiration break out on her face. Marty might feel sorry for her were she not such a dingbat. What actress in her right mind would audition for the part of Thomas a Becket??
She finally, finally finishes her reading. She tosses the script on the chair behind her and says over her shoulder as she walks away, "You can contact me through my agent."
Marty doesn't know if he feels relieved or not........after that reading she thinks he's going to contact her for the part, agent or no agent?

FINGER of SCOTCH FOR BABY & 5 for DADDY.....by Terri

Rosamond and Eleanor sat as far away from Henry as they could. Henry sat there looking regal. Rose whispered to El, "Eight hundred years of moldering in the grave and he still looks pretty damn virile!"
El whispered back, "But may I remind you that we look wonderful for being dead that length of time?" Rose rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes.
"Headache, Rosamond?"
"Yes---tension and too much champagne. I needed it to numb myself for this..this travesty!"
"I take it John was displeased. The whole house heard your bedroom door slam and John yelling about breaking his face."
Rose opened one eye. "He's not a happy camper, that's for sure."
Rose's cellphone rang just then.
"You reconsider?" the voice said tersely.
"No, I did not!"
"You've got a house to finish. Or don't you care?"
"I care."
"What about your children?Julie is cutting her eyeteeth and she's screaming. She needs you here. Will has a parent-teacher conference this afternoon. Do you intend on being there?"
Rose snapped, "Yes, I do. I shall be out of here by noon. Marty promised. As far as Julie is concerned, take some whiskey and rub it on her gums. That will numb the pain and she'll feel better."
"What do I do while you are sitting there not four feet from your ex-lover, contemplating those love scenes that Marty promised would steam up the screen?" "I'll tell you what to do. After you rub Julie's gums with the whiskey, pour yourself at least five fingers of it for yourself."
Rose clicked the phone off and turned it off completely.

John threw his cellphone against the wall. Julie was screaming and crying. "There, there, honey, Daddy's going to fix it for you."
Julie cried alll the harder. "Ma-Ma! Ma-Ma!" John soothed her and rocked her and said, "Sorry, darling, I am all you have!"
He balanced Julie in one arm and pulled the cork out of the bottle of scotch with the other. He poured about five ounces of scotch in a glass, dipped his finger in, and rubbed Julie's gums with it. "I'll take care of you, pumpkin, it's not your fault Mama is being a b....Celeste! HELP!!"
Celeste put down the grocery bags she carrying in from the car. "Ah, the old eyeteeth trying to break through. They are the worst!"
Julie cried and held her little arms out to Celeste. Celeste took her and Julie quieted down. John looked crestfallen.
"Don't worry, John. At this age they need a feminine touch. In about a year or two, she will firmly believe her daddy can do no wrong! You will be her knight on a white horse. Until she turns sixteen!"
John sat down. "That's the time I dread. That a Henry2 will enter her life!"
Celeste frowned. "She did take that part, didn't she?" "Yes. Any forecasts in your crystal ball? Any flashes of the future?" Celeste patted his cheek. "He is but a mist. I cannot see clearly. Be patient."
"I don't know if I can."
Celeste said, "If you have something to do, go ahead. I can handle Julie. She's worn out, she'll take a long nap now."
"Yeah, I have to see someone. Then I have to check a new shipment of sports equipment at 11:00. Celeste, you are a gem! If I wasnt' so in love with Rose..."
Celeste laughed and said,"Go on with you!"

IS THERE a BECKET in the HOUSE?.......by Coralynn

Marty is glad to see the next candidate for the part of Becket. This guy is really prepared; even wearing a monk's robe. He must think he has the part nailed, Marty smiles.
"Peter Harris," he reads aloud from the form the man hands him. "Please read the dialogue highlighted in yellow....."
Peter eagerly grabs the script and begins reading in a loud, impassioned voice. That part is good, Marty thinks, but the accent isn't. Becket definitely didn't have a thick southern accent.
Trying to be accomodating, he asks the man if he can please read it with more of a British accent.
"No problem!" Peter then reads the script in the same loud, impassioned tones, but with an accent straight out of Queens, Long Island.
Mentally shaking his head in disbelief, Marty tells the man, "thank you," and calls up the next candidate for the part.

"Jeffrey Smith," the next man announces as he hands the form to Marty, who glances over it and the attached resume and head sheet. This fellow came prepared. That may be a good sign. Plus he's experienced. Has been in "Of Mice and Men," "The Rainmaker," and "Guess Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolff." He even played the male lead in that one. Oh, good.
Jeffrey glances over the script and begins. His mouth is moving, so Marty knows he's begun, but hears nothing. The Director, sitting at the casting table calls out, "Louder, please!"
Still, Jeffrey speaks sotto voce. Marty wonders if the man may be suffering laryngitis. He tells him to stop for a moment and signals him to come closer.
"Are you having a vocal problem today?" he asks Jeffrey sympathetically.
"No, sir, this is my regular voice."
"A-huh! Well, how do you project your voice from the stage, or, in the case of the film we're about to make, onto the film?"
"I wear a clip-on mike," Jeffrey answers.
"You did 'Virginia Wolff' onstage wearing a clip-on mike?"
"Oh yes."
Discouraged, Marty allows Jeffrey to finish reading, thanks him for coming, and calls up the next man.

"Biff Murdock," the fourth applicant says in a voice that is plenty loud enough and has no regional accent. So far so good.
Again, Marty hands Biff the script, wondering how, if this fellow is chosen for the part, they'll deal with his first name. Somehow 'Biff' doesn't sound like an actor who would play Thomas a Becket. Maybe he can be knighted like Laurence Olivier, lending weight to his name, and be SIR Biff Murdoch. Nope, no good, the first name will have to be changed.
Biff reads the part beautifully. He looks presentable, too. Marty is encouraged. At last: one possible choice. Even if the other eight men waiting to read the part are total disasters, this Biff guy can carry off Becket with no problem. Well, except for his name, that is.
The casting judges pay rapt attention to Biff's reading, nodding their heads and writing on their judges' sheets. Sharon Kay Penman smiles at Biff as he ends his reading and he smiles back. Oh yeah, I think I've made a connection! he muses to himself.

The other eight actors are, as Marty suspected, dismal. One man over-acted, yelling out the lines, as if volume could substitute for good acting skills. Marty felt like clueing him in, but hey, this is an audition not a class in acting.
Marty joins the casting judges and suggests, "Biff Murdoch was far and away the best actor for the part. Do you agree, or do you have another actor you prefer?"
"Biff was the best," the director states.
"He's really quite good," the ass't director adds.
"Looks the part, and has strong delivery, very convincing!" Sharon Kay Penman makes it unanimous.
"WHEW!" Marty wipes his brow, "Four parts cast; the four big ones. Now, we have all those Welsh people yet to choose. Let's take a 30 minute break and start in again at...." he looks at his watch, "10:30."
He announces to the applicants, "Take 30! Be back here at 10:30!" and goes to the Lounge where pastries and coffee have been set out for the judges.
"This is one of the best parts!" he jokes to the others, "Good, fattening food to stoke the fires of creativity!"
Everyone laughs and helps themselves. Marty ruminates, "Please, universe, let there be some good actors left out there. I know Manhattan is crawling with unemployed actors. Just please let the good ones find their way into this audition!"


Rose looks at Eleanor in shock, "Biff Murdoch is going to play Becket?!"
"Looks that way, why, do you have a problem with that?"
"Don't you remember me telling you about him? He was the lead actor in As The Planet Turns back when I was hired to play the part of Daisy; the one I had fired because he played the love scene actually nude!"
"Really? That Biff Murdoch?"
"There's only one Biff Murdoch, and he's lecherous! He groped me like crazy till I screamed and had him thrown off the set, and off the show. He can't feel very friendly toward me. What a mess!"
Eleanor chuckles, "But I doubt you have any scenes together! At least Becket has no love scenes, does he?"
"Not that I recall from reading the book. For sure he has no love scenes with my character! I guess I should calm down about it, Eleanor. I'm just so keyed up over John's negative reaction to me being in the film that I over-react to everything. I know, breathe deeply and repeat, calm, calm, calm."
"Exactly. You can do this Rose, I have confidence in you. And, remember, I'll be right here should you need me."
Rose reaches over and squeezes Eleanor's hand, thinking, We wasted a lot of valuable time back in the 12th century being enemies.....little did I know then she'd become my best friend!
OK, onward and upward!


John ran up the porch stairs and rang the bell. The lady of the house answered the door.
"For goodness sakes, John, you don't have to ring the bell. Just walk in the back door. We know each other far too well to sit on formalities!"
John gave her a kiss and a warm embrace. "Why do I keep coming back to you?"
The woman broke the hug and pulled back.
"Everytime you have trouble with your wife, you come running back to me. Now why is that?"
"Because you have been with me since day one. My confidante. My best friend. You have been the one I could turn to when I have problems. You've been there for me when no one else has. And I love you!"
She laughed a bright sparkling laugh. "As I love you, too, John! Now---what has Rose done THIS time?" Bethia asked.
She motioned him into the kitchen.
"I love your kitchen, Bethia. So nice and....homey. Welcoming! Like mine should be if we ever get the house done. But Rose's taste runs more towards the showroom-decorator style. And she doesn't even cook much!"
Bethia put a cup of coffee down by John. "You look like you need it. You already put some scotch in your stomach."
"Julie is teething and where is her mother? Off on a mini-series set!" John put his head in his hands. "She's going to star in that Sharon Kay Penman book."
"REALLY? I just read Time and Chance and am waiting for the new one to come out."
John stirred his coffee with one hand, his cheek resting on the other one. "Marty approached us on it last week. He wanted me for Henry 2. I said no and Rose was appalled that her life story was going to be exposed for all to see. But something happened to change that."
"Henry2 showed up at the awards ceremony. The real deal."
"WHAT?? But how...why?...who?"
"We think Sally Jennings used her time travel coin to bring that vile creature back to make trouble. Henry was with them. Rose and El got hold of him and locked him in a closet."
Bethia tried not to laugh. But she couldn't help it. John scowled at her. "It's not funny, Beth. She and El could have been hurt. Henry is dangerous. She kept that knowledge from me."
Bethia took some blueberry muffins out of the oven and handed the butter to John.
She said, "I wonder now if that was the man that Marilyn beat up. She said he spoke to Will. Could he be trying to lure him away to Court again?"
John said darkly, "If he does, I will kill him. Will is going to be MY son in a few weeks when the adoption papers go through. He will be William John Gwinnett. Henry will have no parental rights."
Bethia frowned. "Hard to enforce that in Plantagenet England, isn't it?"
John leaned back in his chair. "That is why I didn't want Rose to take this part. Henry was offered the part of Henry2-playing himself. The role I turned down. Because I didn't want to do that to Rose. And I didn't want to play that scoundrel. I had enough of him in my various time travels. I'm worried about Rosamond. She'll let her guard down, and Henry will move in. I forbade her from accepting the role."

"You WHAT? Are you insane? What do you think was the nail in the coffin of the Clifford-Montgomery marriage? Besides you, I mean? It was him telling Rose what she could or could not do. Rose is a woman who came into her own. She took control of her life the minute she began that affair with you. Because that was the one thing that Billy Bob Montgomery couldn't control. She is so protective of the new Rosamond that it is damn anyone who gets in her way."
"She's gone overboard with it. Drunk with power, I say."
"Give her space and time, John. She'll level out."
"Do I have the time? Henry is there in all his virility and that is one ember I don't want to be ignited."
"Trust her, John. Please."
John stood up to leave. He gave Bethia another hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Why do I love you so much?"
Bethia laughed, "Because I understand both of you sooo well!"
John tweaked her cheek. "Like a comfortable shoe...."

WHAT TO DO WITH HOTSPUR........by Coralynn

Casting resumes again at 10:45. Marty was having so much fun in the lounge he was late getting back, and, as usually happens, so was most everyone else.
There are still a long list of parts to cast. He spots a tall, rugged red-headed man and walks over to where he's sitting in the second row.
"What part are you auditioning for?" he asks.
"OH, I'm not sure. I wondered if I could just try out for all the men's parts. One of them is bound to fit me," Hotspur looks up with uncertainty. "I don't know what these men looked like.....or which one I look like. Any ideas?"
Marty really wants to cast this fellow, as he has such a striking appearance, but as who?
"You're a little young to play Owain, the Welsh king, but just right as his son Davydd. Why don't we have you read for that part?"
Hotspur is flattered that he's getting special attention, and eagerly walks up before the casting judges. After Marty shows him which lines to read, he does so, haltingly at first, then gaining more confidence. After all, he has nothing to lose!
He's really getting into the drama of the scene he's reading when Marty stops him and sends him back to his seat.
Hotspur's face flushes. He thinks, I blew it, I was too flamboyant. I was too loud, I didn't act the part well. There goes my chance!
The judges are confering for quite a while. Joe insists on hearing others read for Davydd, but the other three want to get the part cast now without further delay.
"You're taking a chance on a greenhorn!" Joe hisses to the others, "Don't say I didn't warn you!"
Hotspur looks up and sees Marty gesturing for him to approach the table. He wallks over to where the judges are seated and is surprised when the director holds out his hand to shake, and tells him, "You have the part of Davyyd. Congratulations."
The ass't director holds her hand out as well. Sharon Kay Penman also. Hotspur is overwhelmed.
He's directed to the wardrober, who hustles him into the costume room and proceeds to measure him for the clothes he'll be wearing in the film.
The door to the room is slightly ajar, and when he sees Eleanor walk by he yells out, "HEY! Guess who got a part?" She answers back, "Of course! Who could resist you, Hots?"


The panel knows they can take no chances on their selection of an actor to play Owain Gwyedd, the Welsh King. Several men are trying out for the part, but when Nathan Sloan, who has appeared in several plays on Broadway, reads for them, they know they've found the right person.

He's tall, rugged, dark, and is a polished performer. He dazzles; he is in command of the material; he is Owain!
"Time for another break?" Marty suggests to the others on the panel, as his stomach is beginning to rumble.
"Just a few more, please," SKP replies.
The women auditioning for the part of Cristyn, Owain's concubine, are varied. Some are there to audition because they had nothing better to do that day. They are dispatched quickly.
Marty spots Bess with her long black hair, and pulls her out of the chair she's sitting in. She gasps and drops her purse to the floor.
"Sorry about that," he apologizes, "But I want you to read the part next."
Bess takes the script with trembling hands, and sees the words she is to read. She closes her eyes for a moment to compose herself, then goes back to the script. Taking in a deep breath, she begins. She surprises the judges and herself with her ability to assume another identity. She morphs into Cristyn in front of their eyes. Sharon Kay Penman's mouth drops open in shock......this is the woman for the part. She looks and acts like she just walked out of the pages of the book!
When Bess is done reading the highlighted dialogue she feels herself return to herself as Bess. Whew, she thinks, so that's what acting is all about! I like it!
The judges applaud her performance. "You have the part, young lady! You're perfect!" the director exclaims.
Bess stand there in shock. It's that easy? Why didn't anyone ever tell me how easy acting was?
Eleanor and Rose are on their way up to congratulate her. They throw arms around her and the three dance around like little children.
"You guys know each other?" Marty asks.
No answer. Just more dancing and cheering. Marty goes back to the judging table to await the next auditon.

MAUD THE BROAD.........by Terri

Marty looked up from his papers and scripts. "What are YOU doing here?"
Penelope Patterson sashayed up to the front. "My agent sent me over to read for the part of Rosamond." she said smugly.
Marty said incredulously. "Are you out of what is left of your mind? I think when you shaved your head you got brain-freeze! NO WAY! Besides, I bought the rights to Time and Chance with only one person in mind who can play her."
Marty snapped back, "Yes. HER!!"
Penelope scowled. "I suppose her own personal Laurence Olivier is playing Henry2. Isn't that a bit over-kill, Marty?"
Marty sighed. "John refused to read for the part. He was furious that his wife was even in it and....why am I telling YOU this?"
Penelope sat down and crossed her legs. "She's not that good of an actress. The only reason she won the Hottest couple award is that she is coasting on John's coattails. NOW you can see her for what she really is. A face and a body with no talent who used the casting couch as her own stepping stone!"
Marty said curtly, "Position is filled. Go home, Patterson!"
Joe ran up to him. "Hey, Marty, nice going!" He held a questionable magazine up.
It was clear that there was a centerfold in it. "The woman you cast to play Maud? She posed for pictures ten years ago that makes Vanessa Williams look like a pre-school class picture!" He unfurled it and shoved it in front of Marty's eyes. Mart's eyes bugged out of his head like he was a land crab. "HOLY MOLEY! Do you have a subscription to this crap?"
Joe jerked it back. "Certainly not! But the gaffer does! He passed it around. Lo and behold!"

Marty threw up his hands. "Back to square one."
To Penelope he said, "You still here?"
"I am not leaving until I get to read the part of Rosamond."
"If I let you, will you go home?"
"Of course. After I go to Wardrobe."
"Very well! If it will get you out of here."

Penelope goes to her purse, pulls out a blonde wig and discreetly shoves her snubnose gun into her bra. She picks up the script. "HEY! I need someone to play off of. Get me that goodlooking guy with the red hair over there!"
Marty goes over and talks to Hotspur. Hotspur frowns but ambles over. "This isn't gonna get me arrested again, is it? I did this with Rosamond once and landed in the slammer."

Penelope pushed him down on the chair, which was a feat in itself but she managed it with ease. "OOF!" Hotspur gasped. Penelope held him down with her knee and hovered over him. She read out loud, "It says here that Rosamond is a nice, quiet innocent girl. I can't read this crap!"
She improvised. "Henry...." and went into a bawdy scene of what she wanted to do with and to Henry. As she finished, she looked triumphantly at the casting crew.
Their mouths were open but no words were going out.
Marty could only stammer out, "I'm just thankful Miss Penman is at lunch!"

Penelope shouted, "My agent promised me a role and I am not leaving here until I get one!" She sat down and crossed her arms, rooted in like a turnip.
Marty hissed, "I'll get security!"
Penelope said smugly, "No, you won't! If you do, I will tell your loving little wife about your casting couch!"
Marty sputtered, "But it's not true and you know it!"
"True or not, the element of doubt has been introduced and will she ever be able to trust you again? You can kiss those producer conventions goodbye because Mrs. Henshaw will either not let you go or will cast a single shadow as it were."
Marty paled. He did enjoy his peace and quiet at those conventions.
"Penelope, be reasonable. Rosamond has already signed a contract..."
Joe whispered in Marty's ear. "What? No--no, I don't think so...."

Penelope's ears picked up. Marty whispered back to Joe. They conferred.
"You may read for a part that just opened up. It is for Maud, the Queen."
Actually Maud was not really THE queen but Penelope didn't know that. Penelope grinned in anticipation! The Queen! Queen to Henry the Second! YES!!
Penelope was NOT a history buff.
They gave her a script. "Read it exactly the way it is written. And keep it PG-13. This is not some sort of sordid skin-flick. This is a tale of romance and love."
Penelope said, "What could be more romantic than bondage?"
Marty shook his head and said, "Just read!"
After she was done, she looked expectantly at Marty and Joe. Miss Penman just shrugged. "It was do-able," she said.
Marty sighed and threw up his hands. "OK, OK, you got the part. Go to wardrobe!"
As Penelope walked triumphantly out, Marty chuckled. "She thinks Maud is married to Henry. Wait till she finds out she's playing his MOTHER!!"

SISTER, SISTER........by Coralynn

Marthy breathlessly rejoins her friends, beaming, "I got cast as Petronella, Eleanor's sister!"
"That means you and I have some scenes together!" Eleanor exclaims, "How fun!"
Marthy's voice becomes hushed, and, glancing to where Henry2 is standing, staring at her, says, "Henry has been trying to figure out where he's seen me before. Look! He's staring! Gives me gooseflesh!"
"Now he knows why you disappared from Court," Eleanor explains.
"Right! And he may want his 'serving wench' back when he returns there! I'll admit, I'm frightened. What will he do when he sees Jack, his stable boy, too? Think I should warn Jack?"
Eleanor smirks, "Don't you worry about it, Marthy. I know how to handle Henry!"
Brightening, Marthy tells Bess, "I see you're playing Cristyn. You're perfect for that part!"
"You aren't disappointed that I got the part you wanted?"
"Not at all!"
"Penelope Patterson is playing Maud, Henry's mother!" Rose tells them, laughing. "Hope none of us have to be in scenes with her!"
"I do!" Eleanor corrects her, "For instance, on page 340 of the book, we have quite an important scene together. Hope I can get through it without breaking down laughing!"

The casting judges are weary, but forge ahead. Marty wants to be sure the larger parts are cast while he still has Sharon Kay Penman on the panel. She wrote the book, after all, and has the best idea of which actors and actresses refect the characters she has so carefully crafted into the historical novel.

She is not altogether pleased with their choice for Maud, however. Something is going on here, and she feels uneasy about it. How did that Patterson woman strong-arm Marty?
She glances down the room to where Eleanor and Rosamond and several of their friends are sitting. She chuckles inwardly. If the rest of the casting panel knew what I know, they'd swallow their tongues! Of course Eleanor has to play Eleanor; she's the real person! But these other judges haven't read the story which explains their presence in the 21st century. She takes a sip of water as she glances over to where Henry the Second is standing, glowering at a young woman who is busily engaged in conversation with Eleanor and Rose. Yes, Henry, she is your serving wench, and yes, they stole her out of the 12th century and brought her here to get her away from you. All your suspicions are correct, but I'm not going to be the one to tell you! You were a great king, but your private life was a mess. This is going to be a three-ring circus! Hmmmm, maybe I'll stay on and watch the filming. I could use a good laugh!


John walked into his office at the fitness center, picked up his mail and threw it down on the desk. He sat down and stared at a blank spot on the wall. He picked up a picture of Rosamond and the children and asked aloud to no one, "I sure hope you know what you're doing."
Daniel walked into the office. "Doing what?"
John sighed and put the picture down. "Nothing. What do you want, Daniel?"
"Hey, don't get snappy with me! The driver with the new machines is outside and he needs your signature on the invoices."
John sighed and said, "Whatever."
He signed them and gave them back to Daniel.
Daniel looked at him and said, "Next time I highly advise you read the invoices. You just OK'd delivery for 100 breast pumps and 500 pacifiers!" "WHAT??"
"Just wanting to see if you are paying attention!" he smirked. He walked back out of the office.

Half an hour later, Daniel came back into the office. John was trying hard to concentrate on the business at hand. Invoices, quarterly tax reports, insurance audits, payroll. He threw his pencil down in disgust.
Daniel raised his eyebrow and said, "What the hell is your problem?"
John mumbled, "Can't concentrate."
Daniel said, "Oh, and you were always the one that was so focused! I swear, if they had Ridalin in the 17th century, Mother would have lined up for a year's supply and dosed me with it! She always was saying, 'Why can't you be like your twin brother John?' Got damn sick of it!"
John stared at Daniel. "You done?"
"Done and gone!"

John picked up the phone and dialed the house. "Celeste? How's the baby?...uh huh...well, just let her sleep then. Must have been the whiskey....no, his conference is at 2:00 PM....has she called?...then I guess she'll make it on time...if she isn't there by 1:00 to change her clothes, give me a call and I'll go to Will's conference... just briefly. We had a few words and she hung up on me. Then she shut her phone off completely...yeah, I know. Temper, temper! That's what my cellphone insurance is for...Marthy is another reason I am worried...no, but when he recognizes her, will he try to take her back?...Jack is a good lad...yes, he'll look out for her...no, but it is just a matter of time. Bethia did buy that house with the picket fence on the next street for a reason. I depends if Rose is talking to me by then...I'm meeting Roger for lunch in fifteen minutes. Arranging a golf game for tomorrow. No, my soap character is on a 'business trip' so I have the rest of the week off...no, I tried, it's still off.
OK, Celeste. Kiss the kids for me!" CLICK!

John grabbed his jacket and slammed his office door. "I'm meeting Roger for lunch, Daniel. Anything I should know about?"
"Not that I know of. You and Rosamond OK?"
Daniel whistled. "That's an entire fruit salad of cliches, brother."
"Don't stick your nose into things you don't understand." John slammed the door as he left.
Daniel flipped him a bird. No trouble, huh? Gotta do better than that, Johnny boy!
The office phone rang. "Fitness Center."
"Hey, Daniel. Rafe here. Listen, Hotspur and I are at the studio where Rosamond and John film their whatever it is they do. Hotspur wanted to see what a casting call was and I came with him. Lots of women down here. Anyways, we were going to lunch in a hour. Care to join us?" "Let me see. HEY SLIM! Can you hold down the fort while I go to lunch for a while?"
Slim yelled back, "No problem! I'm here till five."
Daniel got back on the phone. "I'm free. I'll head out now."

An hour later Daniel walked into the huge auditorium where the casting was being done. He saw Rose, El, Marthy and Bess sitting together, laughing and talking. El whispered to Rosamond, "Looks like John is either coming to his senses and came to apologize or he is dragging you out by the hair." Rose looked. "He knows what I want to hear. An 'I'm sorry' and he has to make the first move over here."

Marty bustled forward. "JOHN! I knew you'd come to your senses! I know I offered you the part of Henry originally but I began to think, if I cast you opposite Rosamond, it wouldn't allow you both to stretch your creative horizons! HOWEVER! I have not cast the part of Hugh, the Countess of Chester's son. The one Rosamond dumped for Henry. You would be perfect, unless you don't want to play the part where your own wife dumps you! HA-HA!"
Daniel stood there, bewildered. Marty shoved the script at him. "We beefed up his part. Oh, ROSE! ROSE! Come here! John is reading for the part of Hugh. Here!"

He shoved another script into Rosamond's hands. "Run lines with him!"
Rose reluctantly took the script. Daniell smiled. This ought to be fun! Rose read her lines. Daniel read the script. After a few minutes of getting into character, he threw the script down, took Rosamond into his arms and looked deep into her eyes. He ad-libbed. "How dare you turn me down! I am the Count of Chester! Nay, you shall be just another notch on the royal bedpost, Rosamond! Henry is well known for his wenching. I shall not stand by and watch you being tempted by the fruit of another!" He took Rosamond's face in both of his hands and kissed her tenderly, then with more passion. Rose began to respond back. She smiled and whispered, "If this is your apology, darling... I accept!"
Marty yelled, "CUT!!"
At that moment, Hotspur and Rafe came in and yelled, "Hey, Daniel! Over here!"

Rosamond looked from Daniel to Hotspur and Rafe, back to Daniel. She threw her script on the floor. "DAMMIT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!"
Tears filled her eyes and she walked off the set. Daniel looked at Marty and said, "Something I did? Something I said?" Hotspur and Rafe dissolved into laughter.
Marty looked bewildered. "You're not JOHN?"
Daniel laughed. "Nope!"
"Why did you continue? Why did you read for the part? You know, you actually are quite good!"
Daniel shrugged modestly. "I just came to meet my friends for lunch. YOU were the one who shoved the script in front of my face. And I never miss a chance to needle my sister-in-law!"
He turned to Hotspur and Rafe. "Sister-in-law! Strange word to define my relationship with Rosamond, isn't it? Sister-in-law."
Eleanor marched up to Daniel and retorted, "Should be SINISTER-in-law. You should be ashamed of yourself, Daniel!" She ran after Rosamond.


John and Roger were having lunch at the new steakhouse. Roger had heard the whole story from Bethia. Roger was doling out advice. He sighed as he said, "I don't know how you two can stand the constant turmoil, John. Bethia and I have a deep, loving relationship. Alll those ups and downs would drive me bonkers. I had that kind with Ruth. Sorry to see she's dead, but I am really in love with my life now."
John drank some of his ice tea. "I had bland and mellow with Elizabeth. Rose was all magic and fire. Like standing too close to a campfire and setting your shoes on fire."

Roger took a bite of his steak. "You and Rose considering going on that cruise with El and Jerry and us? It should be great fun. Caribbean for a week. It's been changed to February. Willl the filming be done by then?" John poured blue cheese on his salad. "Hope so. Provided she's talking to me by then. The house isn't going to be done until mid-March. I can't tell you, Rog, how much I want my own place. All I wanted was a house and a normal family life with lots of children."
Roger laughed. "Normal? You with your time-travels? I should think that last episode with the Gold Rush would have straightened the two of you out." Then Roger turned serious. "I have to tell you, John, that shoulder made me pretty nervous. With your blood loss, it really WAS touch and go for a while. I highly advise everyone to throw their time-travel coins into the deepest part of the ocean."

John leaned forward and confided to Roger, "No can do. Turns out Sally Jennings has a time-travel coin and she is palling around with that hoyden, Wanda Sue Skaggs. I have to hold on to mine in case they send Rosamond to the Ice Age without a fur coat."
Roger ordered coffee for dessert. "I think you should make up with Rose. Do it now.
You aren't happy, Jerry called El at lunch and she said Rose isn't happy....You two waste too much time arguing about the picayune stuff. She's going to star in that miniseries. You can either support her or drive a wedge between you. Didn't she come through for you when you needed her at the fitness center? And you came through for her at the Gold Rush?"
John nodded. Roger said, "Make up. Do it tonight. Case closed."

Rose stood in the hallway wiping the tears off her face. "Is he gone yet?"
El came over to her. "Yes. Don't take it so hard, Rose. It looks to be an honest mistake. He didn't intentionally come down here to do this to you. He was just meeting Hotspur and Rafe for lunch. Marty made a mistake, Daniel saw a bit of fun, and went with it. LISTEN TO ME! I am actually sticking up for Daniel!"
Rose blew her nose. In a small voice, she said, "You think that is what really happened?"
"I hate to say this, because I want to stick it to Daniel anytime I can. But yes, that is what happened."
"Think Marty wil offer him the part?"
"Think he'll accept it?"
"Who knows?"
Rosamond looked at her watch. "Yikes! I have to leave! A conference with Will's teacher. Then Julie has a doctor's appointment. Then I have to meet Murph at the paint store...I'll be gone until dinnertime. At least. You'll see to it the others get home OK?"
"Don't worry, we'll catch a ride with William or Hotspur.GO!"

Rose flew home with just enough time to change her clothes. "How's Julie?" she asked Celeste. "Better. Those teeth are ready to break through."
"I'll drop Will off after the conference, and then pick Julie up for her doctor's appointment. I'll take her with me to meet Murph. That way I won't have to linger."
She kissed Julie goodbye and ran out the door.

John came back from lunch. "Rose come home?" Celeste said, "You just missed her."
"At least she showed some interest in her children." he said darkly. Celeste warned, "John, don't start in."

The conference went well, the teacher had nothing but glowing reports on Will.
Mrs. Crane said to Rose, "Such an imagination that child has! He has a flair for writing that I would love to see developed. We want to enroll him in a creative writing program! He has such lively stories he tells about kings in England! You'd almost think he was there!"
Rose gulped. "Uh, yes! Will always was an exceptional child. Mind like a steel trap. Remembers everything he reads. I think I must have read the Robin Hood stories to him one too many times!"
Mrs. Crane laughed. "OH! I love the story he tells about King John executing rats in the prison dungeon...."

Rose left the conference feeling exhausted. I'll have to ask John what to do...JOHN! She felt her heart skip a beat. I guess I really DO need him.
Will was waiting in the hallway. Rose gave him a hug. "Come on, Will, let's go home."
Will looked at her expectantly. "Aren't you going to tell me what she said?"
"No. But believe me, you're OK!"

Rosamond dropped Will off and picked up Julie. "John come home yet?"
Celeste laughed. "Somehow I feel like the clearing house for the two of you. Yes, dear, he came home and went out again. He and Roger decided to play golf this afternoon because it looks like rain tomorrow. The golf course shuts down for the season after this weekend."
Rose said, "OH! So he's occupied himself, huh? Well, when Castro comes home, please tell him I have some measurements and things to do at the house and not to wait up for me."
Celeste sighed, "I'll tell him. But please, Rose, don't YOU start in..."

Julie's appointment went well, the doctor gave her the prescribed shots and checked her teeth. "Ah, yes--just ready to break through. Those are the worst!"
Rose moved on to the paint center and ordered all the paint she had picked out.
Murph said, "We won't be ready to paint for a few months but there is a rebate on the paint, so it would be a little less expensive if you bought it yourself instead of a paint contractor." Julie proceeded to spit up on the salesman so Rose wrapped it up and got out as quickly as she could. She whispered to Julie, "Thanks, honey! I knew you would do it!"

Rose came home and dropped Julie off. It was getting dark.
"I'm sorry I'm late, Celeste. The others get home yet?"
"No, dear, they said they were celebrating with dinner in the City. They'll be home later."
She said in a small voice, "John home yet?"
"No, dear. He's not home."
Rose muttered, "Damn him!" Then to Celeste she said "If you don't mind, I am going down to the house and taking some measurements. I won't be but an hour."
"Take your time, Rose. It's just me and the children tonight. And I could use the company!"
Rose slipped on her new leather coat. It will take me a while to break this one in, I can tell. She walked down the street up to her house. She got the mail out and juggled her keys. Opening the door, she was greeted by a small card table set out with a tablecloth, champagne on ice in a paint can, and cartons of Chinese food. There was a candle on the table stuck in a beer bottle and two milk crates overturned for chairs. She stood there for a minute, taking in the sight. Silhouetted against the kitchen doorframe stood John in the turtleneck and jeans that Rose loved to see him in. In a hesitant voice, he said, "Am I forgiven?"
Rose threw the mail down and rushed into his arms. Do I need to tell you the Chinese food was eaten cold that night?

HEY! THAT'S MY LINE!..........by Coralynn

The cast of "Time and Chance" are to report to room A2 at 8am sharp.
Which translates to 9am for most of them.
George Leary, the Director, paces and yells, "They're just a bunch of spoiled prima donnas, even the men! Come on, cast, we have a mini-series to film!"
The only cast members in attendance to hear his tirade are Nathan Sloan and Penelope Patterson, the latter arriving at the studio 30 minutes early in her eagerness.

Eleanor, Rose, Bess and Marthy step into the room at 9:05, chatting and laughing and taking seats next to each other, continuing their entertaining conversation.
"WELL!" George exclaims, "How nice of you ladies to grace us with your presence! You are aware that 8 am is the start time, or didn't you bother to take a copy of the schedule yesterday?"
They stop chatting, but Eleanor speaks up, "Where are the men, George? At least we got here before they did!:
George looks at the clock on the wall and sighs, "Right! Do these guys think they have carte blanche? Do they think they're all Richard Burtons that we should wait upon their pleasure?"
Marty steps in from an ajoining room, and, glancing at the people sitting around the long table filled with scripts, asks, "Where is everyone? I brought Henry with me," he gestures toward Henry2 who takes his seat between Nathan and Penelope, "The men are 5 minutes late!"
"NO, they're an hour and 5 minutes late, Marty!" George corrects him, "The start was scheduled for 8, not 9."
"Whooooops," Marty takes a seat and grins over at Rose, who is looking especially radiant. Hmmmm, he thinks, looks like John and Rose made up!

Five minutes later they hear the sound of men's voices and see Biff Murdock, Hotspur, Rafe and Daniel enter.
The director looks at his casting sheet and asks, "Which one is Rafe, who's supposed to play Rhodri?"
Rafe's hand is raised.
"Now.......ohhhh John, you've decided to join the cast after all?"
Marty breaks in, "No, George, remember, this is Daniel, John's twin brother! He's playing Theobald."
"He's playing the Archbishop of Canterbury? A little young, isn't he?"
"We cast him after you left yesterday, George. He's good, a little green, but has a lot of potential. As for his age, you know the wonders of stage makeup!"
"Oh alright, alright, if you're comfortable taking a chance on a total novice playing the Archbishop of Canterbury, off all parts, don't let me rain on your parade!"
"Where's Jack?" Rose whispers to Marthy.
"He's working the tech crew," Marthy whispers back, "said he could learn more that way."
"Ladies! ladies! If you don't mind.......we're about to begin our first read-through. Please distribute the scripts so everyone has a copy. I don't expect perfection on a first reading, but if you wouldn't mind, try to at least put some inflection into your voices when you read; I don't want to get a migrane today! Yesterday I had to leave early from a headache.......the audition process is from hell!"


WandaSue and Sally Jennings, in their begger costumes, survey the effect from one of the mirrors in the dressing room set aside for Extras. "I can't tell that's you under all those rags!" Sally grins at WandaSue, who gives her two thumbs up.
"OK, NOW!" the assistant director, Gladys Lee, announces, "We're going to shoot a few crowd scenes today. No speaking parts; those people are in rehearsals right now, but, since you don't have lines, we're going to get some of your scenes on film today and...." she looks at her schedule, "....well, I'll have to let your know which other days. So much depends on how well we do today! You will at all times pay close attention to my direction. No talking among yourselves unless I announce a break. Any questions?"
No one.
She sees one of the 'towns-people' extras chomping on a candy bar and winces, "LOOK! No food, either! You, over there, put that candy bar away! All we need is for a day's shooting to go down the toilet because in the 12th Century, and I repeat, 12th Century!!!! towns-people show up on film eating a candy bar with a Snickers wrapping right there for everyone to see. Shoots the credibility of the story all to hell! Now, NO eating, no chewing gum, no imbibing, no nothing! Follow me!"
They follow her out to a set that looks like a 12th century town......very crude, mud paths for roads, shacks all but falling apart. WandaSue whispers to Sally, "I wouldn't live in one of these if you paid me a million dollars!"
"SILENCE!" Gladys glares at her.
There are several assistant assistant directors helping out. They try to position the extras in the places where they should stand. WandaSue and Sally are told to stand at the back of the crowd at the beginning of the scene, then move slowly forward till they're in front, holding out crude metal bowls for alms.

"Let's do a dry run," Gladys then announces.
The crowd is told to cheer.....WSue wonders why this isn't considered a speaking part, but then maybe yelling and cheering aren't classy enough.
The towns-people begin to cheer. "Louder please!" one of the ass't directors demands.
The extras cheer louder. This seems to satisfy the directors. WandaSue and Sally begin their forward motion through the crowd. This would pose no problem for most people, but then most people aren't built as wide in the beams as WS. She inadvertently bumps into a man in the crowd, who yells out, "Watch yer step, sister!"
The director glares angrily at the man, who throws his hands out to the sides and says, "She almost knocked me down with those hips!"
"NO talking! That means you, too, fella! I don't care if she knocks you flat on your stupid face, NO talking!"
They start again.
This time as WS and Sally move slowly forward, she intentionally steps on the same man's foot. He controls the urge to yell, but hobbles on one leg, pain registering on his face.
"NOW what?!" "CUT!" the director yells, and, looking at this same man again, tells him "One more time and you're out of here! You're playing a towns-person, not a cripple!"
They begin again.
WandaSue and Sally slowly wend their way through the crowd of towns-people, taking a slightly different path, but not different enough for the guy who's been the recipient of WS's assaults, so he panics and bolts in the other direction as they advance.
Everyone turns to stare at the guy who is responsible for all these false starts. The director jerks her thumb in the direction of the room from which everyone began the day and yells, "Three times and you're out of here! Bye!"
The poor man takes off his costume and throws it down on the muddy roadway, then leaves.
"ONE MORE TIME! This time I want it perfect!" Gladys booms out, "You begger women......yes, you.........I want you to start the scene at the front of the crowd. Yes, that's right.....move to the front. Good. Now when you see the King and his carriage coming down the street, move toward it holding out your alms bowls........."
"I don't see any carriage coming, though!" WandaSue points out.
"We'll cut that part in later! Just do as you're told!"
Sally gives Wandsue a little jab and grins, "We get to be in the front row now, pal, you know what this means?"
"No, what?"
"We're stars!"
"QUIT the jabbering and let's take it from the top!" the director yells and they all position themselves one more time.


Nathan is reading his lines as Owain like he must have stayed up all night memorizing them. Even George is amazed at his easy grasp of the character.
Bess, in the same scene, reads her dialogue as Cristyn in a voice that halts from time to time.
She looks up at George, who makes a circular motion with his index finger, which she interprets as "go on...."
She goes on, but realizes she has a lot of work to do if she's going to successfully hold her own in scenes with this experienced actor.
George has been looking foward to the first scene with Eleanor and Henry2. If this pair is convincing, the whole movie will work. If not, well, we won't even think about that, George muses.
They start reading the scene. The dialogue is fast paced and clips right along. Then, in his zeal to show Eleanor he's superior to her, he reads one of her lines as well as his own.
She slaps the script down on the table and snarls, "MY line, Henry, do you mind? For once in your miserable, pampered life, will you stay true to the script?"
"You always had to have it your own way, didn't you, Eleanor? You nagged me till I ran from you like a plague of locusts... but you kept plotting and scheming. No wonder I took mistre........." he stops cold when he realizes he's giving too much away.
George and Marty raise eyebrows and glance at each other. What is going on here?!

QUIET! HAVOC ON THE SET!......by Terri

Rosamond stood at the side, enjoying the sideshow between Eleanor and Henry.
Yeah, you give it to him, El! He deserves it! Rose sensed a large presence next to her. The 'presence' leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Ah, so we meet again!"
She looked up into the face of Biff Murdoch and her blood ran cold. He said, "Well, if it isn't the little spit-fire who got me fired off the set of As the Planet Turns!"
He grabbed her by the arm. She jerked her arm away from him. "Are you addressing me?"
Biff scowled, "Yeah, I'm talkin' to you! Unemployed for six months after you got me kicked off the soap. My townhouse was foreclosed on. And guess who bought it?"
Rose looked at him questioningly.
"Your good friend William the Conquering Chef! He rented it out! Strangers are now living in MY house!"
Rose retorted, "I am sorry all to pieces! But if you had kept your pants on, you wouldn't be 'homeless' and you would have had a job. But no! I was nervous about the whole scene and you took advantage of that!"
Biff said darkly, "I was only having a bit of sport. You had to go screaming to the director. But I see you got your boyfriend into my part, married him and won hottest couple awards. Guess you loosened up, huh?"
Rose said, "John has it, Biff. You didn't. You couldn't get a hottest couple award if they doused you with gasoline and struck a book of matches next to you. Now--stay out of my way!"
And Rose walked off.
Stay out of your way? Not hardly likely. Diva! And you will pay!

Penelope looked out through the curtains and saw Rosamond talking to Biff. Hmm..they look very intense. VERY intense! Isn't it enough that she always gets these gorgeous studs? And to MARRY her!
Well, Missy, I'm about to fix your wagon! Not that you have one. Good thing Mama was a seamstress and showed me how to make my own dresses.
She grabbed the dresses that Rosamond would be wearing. HUH! She gets the peacock blues, the emerald greens, the ruby reds...and what do I get? The Queen?
I'm in these dark navies--excuse me! INDIGOS!--and greys and blacks. They are acting like I'm some sort of matronly Queen! Henry would never shack up with a Queen that wasn't fashionable. I mean, look at the fuscias and crimsons he's wearing. Didn't that Sharon Kay Penman say he was dressed more like a hunter?
So if that Leary dresses him in these rich royal clothes, why can't I have it too?
She took the dresses and laid them on her lap. OK, Miss Prima Donna--a joke on YOU! She turned them inside out. She ran the seams up on the sewing machine. OH YEAH!! Teeny-tiny little seams. Then she took a seam ripper and cut every third thread. Now when Miss Hotpants tries them on, it will be a tight squeeze. And then--KAPOWIE! Imminent breakage! And she won't be the only one whose sides are splitting--only mine will be with laughter!

Penelope carefully hung Rosamond's dresses up and slipped back to the stage. Oh, great! Looks like most of my scenes are with that harridan named Eleanor. THAT is one mean mama! Got to be careful around THAT one! She could kill a grown man with one stroke of her tongue! Make a grown man go beggin' for his mama!

Penelope spied a table laden with buffet food. She pulled out her schedule. HOT DAMN! My time for lunch! She casually walked over and grabbed a plate. Marty Henshaw was loading up a plate with salad fixings.
"Hi, Marty!" she said brightly.
Marty said cooly, "Hello, Penelope."
Penelope made a grand gesture of pointing to Rosamond who was standing with that girl Bess. "Hmm. Marty, does it look like Miss de Clifford...sorry! Is she known as Mrs. Gwinnett now?--Anyways, it looks like she had put a few pounds on, particularly around the midsection. Her face is a little puffy, too. Is she holding water? Or maybe partying too heavy at nights. You know, kind of that pasty look that pre-alcoholics get? "
Marty looked over at Rose and then to Penelope. "YOU should be so lucky, Patterson!" and walked off.
Ah, yes! The seed has been planted, Marty! Stand back and watch it riiiiiip!!"

"Rosamond, honey? I need you in makeup, hair and wardrobe and on the set in 30 mnutes!"
Rose turned to Bess. "Looks like I'm on-deck!"
Rose went to see Veronica in makeup. She made Rosamond's face up lightly. "Marty said it's the scene where you are with your father. Before you become Henry's main squeeze so he wants you looking young and innocent."
On to Bianca, the hairdresser. She put Rose's hair up in loose curls and tendrils.
"Gwen! Marty said to report to you!" Gwen handed her the emerald dress and said, "Before we do this, we need to cinch you up."
She took out a corset and looked at Rosamond. Rose said, "This contraption? Are you kidding? I'll never be able to breathe in this!"
Gwen grinned and said, "There's a pole over there. As Mammy said, 'Jes' hole on and suck in, honey!"
Gwen pulled tightly. Rose gripped the pole. Gwen pulled tighter. Rose gasped.
Gwen said, "One more tug or I can plant my foot on your behind and pull!"
Rose nodded wordlessly. "There! All done! Can you breathe?"
Rose shook her head. "That's alright. If you faint, we at least know what to loosen."
She pulled the emerald green dress over Rosamond's head and drew her arms out of the sleeves. Gwen frowned. "Hmm. Don't remember it being this tight. Have you gained weight, Rose?"
Rose shook her head. "I don't think so!"
Gwen unzipped the dress. "Looks like we have to tighten you up some more. Hold on!" She tightened the bodice even more. Rose's boobs popped out. Gwen stood back and said to herself, "Do I need to get a shoehorn for them? Naw..."

Rosamond couldn't believe how tight the dress was. Was it that champagne? Too much Chinese food? C-can't breathe.... Marty bustled over to Rosamond as she came on the set. "Rose?You alright?"
Rose nodded wordlessly. He looked at her dubiously. "Why are your breasts so...high?"
Rose looked down and they were bulging out of her dress. Almost up to her shoulders. She shrugged. That was all she could do.
Leary drew chalk lines on the floor. "OK, Rose. You stand....here. Ben? As her father, you stand....there. And lights....cameras....ACTION!"
Just then, Rose turned pale and as she began to faint, her dress split at the seams.
Marty rushed over to her. "ROSE! ROSE!! CALL JOHN! CALL 9-1-1!!"
Marty patted her on the face and held her hand. "Come on, princess, wake up!" One of the crew took out a utility knife and cut the corset up the front.
Rose slowly began to come to. "Wh-where am I?"
Marty yelled, "Stand back! Give her some air!" He lifted her up. Rose whispered, "I got all light-headed..."
Marty got a terrible thought. "Rosamond! Are you pregnant? DAMN! I KNEW I should have taken out pregnancy insurance on all the women here...."
Rose sat up. "No, Marty...I'm not. It was this dress. It was too tight."
Marty helped her stand up. "Take it back to Gwen and put on the blue dress."
Rose grabbed the dress, embarrassed that she was in a ripped corset and a chemise. I couldn't possibly have become....FAT?
She went back to Gwen. "Must be a defect, honey. She tried on the blue dress.
"Uh, Rose? I can't zip up the back. Let's try the red..."
Same story. Rose threw the dresses down. "Get me a scale, Gwen! And a tape measure." Gwen whipped the measurer around Rosamond's dimensions. "Same as always, Rose!"
Rose got on the scale. "Still at 110 lbs!"
Gwen said, "Let me see those dresses...." She turned them inside out. She looked at the seams. "They have been altered, Rose. Someone took these dresses in...way in!" Gwen looked closely. "Yes. See the original stitching? This is the equivalent of cutting a person's brake-linings!"
Gwen turned to Rose and said, "Now, who would want to screw you over, Rose?"
Rose looked thoughtful. "It's not a case of who, Gwen, it's... which one?"

PENELOPE GETS BAD NEWS.......by Coralynn

Penelope is in her glory. So now Rose not only can't hold her own as an actress, she can't even hold her clothes on! Ahhh, I'd better go outside and have a cigarette to celebrate!
She steps outside and sees two other women, dressed in shabby clothing, out there for the same purpose.
They glance over at her, then walk closer. Who might this be??
"You must have a speaking part," WandaSue opens the conversation, "You're dressed like you could be one of them. So, what part are you playing?"
"I'm the Queen!" Penelope answers proudly, "Maud! Married to Henry the Second!"
"HUH?!" WandaSue reacts, "I thought Eleanor of Aquitaine was married to him! How many wives did he have anyway? His name might be Henry, but he's not the Henry who had all those wives.....6 or 8 or 10 of them....."
"NO! Henry the Second was married to Maud!" Penelope holds her ground.
"Didn't you ever see 'The Lion in Winter?"" WandaSue asks, dumbfounded.
"What's that?"
"A famous movie.....Katharine Hepburn played Eleanor.....it's been out forever! Everyone has seen it! Henry the Second was married to Eleanor....I know it......Peter O'Toole, you remember now?"
"But the director said I was playing the Queen!" Penelope is beginning to worry.
"Ya know, there were queens and then there were Queens! Maud must have been another queen.....have any idea which one, Sal?"
"Hey! You're the expert here, WandaSue! Remember, I'm a newcomer to this cent....." she breaks off, as this new person may not know about time travel, and WandaSue has warned her to zip her lip about it.

Penelope is becoming upset, "They said I was to play the Queen!"
"Well, now, let's see," WandaSue has a copy of the cast with her. She scans down the list till she sees Queen Maud's name....."Ahhh, this is it. Here's the deal: Henry the Second was the son of Geoffrey of Anjou and Queen Maud. So she's a queen, allright, but not the one you think....."
"I'm playing Henry's MOTHER?!" Penelope rages.
"Looks that way, Toots!" WandaSue is amused at this poor dumb woman who knows so little about history.
"I'll kill Marty! Then I'll kill Eleanor! Then I'll kill Rose....."
"Oh yeah, Rosebud!" Sally breaks in, "Wouldn't you love to see her skewered? What a snob!"
Penelope gets an idea. These women don't seem any fonder of Rose and Eleanor than she is. Could they aide her in her quest to get even?

"Opppps, time to get back!" Penelope stamps out her cigarette, "I have to rehearse a scene with Eleanor. I think she got the part because she has the right first name. A stupid reason if you ask me!" and with that she goes back inside.
WandaSue and Sally Jennings smile at each other. "Think that woman will help us?" Sally asks.
"We didn't get her name!" WandaSue exclaims, "But I think I'll remember her if we see her again, and I hope we do. She has a scene with Eleanor, does she? Hopes she sticks it to her!"

"Places, ladies!" Marty says loudly as he sees Penelope rejoin them.
The Director fills them in on the scene, "You have to be civil to one another, but underneath there is quite a lot of tension....think you can play that?"
"Oh yeah!" Penelope smiles at him, then thinks, 'Just watch!'

The two women kneel in the hastily constructed 'church' and the scene begins with Eleanor saying, "The next time you get an irresistble urge to commune with the Almighty, Maud, make it a solitary quest."
Penelope reaches into her vomuninous costume and brings out a safety pin, positioning it in Eleanor's direction, and says, "This was not one of my better ideas...." Eleanor yells "OUCH!"
George glares at Eleanor, "What was that all about? If you don't mind, please don't step on her lines like that! Now, please proceed...."
Eleanor knows full well what just happened, but takes her next line, "There was always my bedchamber, which is not only private, but........OUCH! DAMN!"
Eleanor throws down the script from which she's been reading and moves away from where Penelope is still kneeling, looking up innocently.
"That woman is sticking me with something!" she says as she marches up to George, "I want her out of here!"
George puts his arm around Eleanor's shoulder and says softly, "It's too late to recast, Eleanor. Are you sure you didn't just feel a loose pin from your costume?"
"This costume is not pinned, it's sewn! George, let me put you on notice: if that Patterson woman doesn't straighen out her act, I'M out of here!"
George is glad to see her return to her place on the 'set,' and sighing, again calls out, "Proceed, please, ladies!"
The dialogue goes smoothly this time, but what Eleanor and George didn't see was what Penelope did to the rail upon which the characters' hands were placed as they got in and out of the pew.
George motions for some movement in the scene so it doesn't appear static, and Eleanor knows she has to stand briefly for a line. She reaches for the rail, but cannot get a firm grip on it and slides sideways, almost hitting her head on the top of the pew in front of her.
Penelope puts on an innocent face, but thinks 'ahhhh yes, good old K-Y jelly. I knew that tube would come in handy!'
"What's the problem?" George asks as he sees Eleanor right herself again. "You nipping on the sherry, Eleanor? I told the cast that stuff was for after we finish our rehearsals!"
Eleanor marches up to him again with a fierce expression, "George," she says angrily, "That Patterson woman is out to sabotage me. That rail was smeared with something slippery. I couldn't hold on to it properly. I want that miserable piece of baggage out of here! NOW!"

Henry2, watching all this transpire, walks over to Eleanor and tells her in a dry, humorless voice, "If you can't take it, Eleanor, then leave. We don't need your whining and complaining! You always were a whiner, too....nothing was ever good enough.....nothing was ever to your liking....."
Before she realizes it, she's delivered a blow to Henry's midsection, then stomps away as he doubles over, thinking, "I've learned a lot from Marilyn.....that's how she deals with men like Henry."
Sharon Kay Penman walks onto the set to check out the first day's rehearsals and almost collides with Eleanor, who is aghast that she has almost flattened the author.
"Ohhh I'm so sorry!" she says sincerely.
SKP can see there's a problem and takes Eleanor's arm, walking her out of the room, down the hall to a small office she's set up for herself.
"Eleanor," she says as she closes the door, "I know who you are. I read about it. I know you time traveled to this century."
"HOW?!" Eleanor finds this news shocking, "Where did you read this?"
SKP turns on the computer, and in a few minutes the STORY is in front of both women.
Eleanor eagerly reads through as much of it as she can......gads, this thing is long......but yes, it's all there.
"Who found out? Who wrote this and put it on the internet?"
"A couple ladies, one if Arizona, one in Florida. They've been channeling your whole adventure. Amazing, isn't it?"
"I don't know how to react! But.......Ms. Penman, what am I going to do about Penelope Patterson? Marty and George insist she play Maud. She's out to get me! I knew she hated Rose, but me?!"
"You and Rose have become closer than most sisters," Sharon explains, "So she figures that if she hurts one of you, she hurts both. As for what to do about Penelope? Keep your eyes open. I will, too. One of us will catch her doing something blatant....believe me, her stunts will escalate. Meet me in this office for lunch every day and we can compare notes. Deal?"
"DEAL!!" Eleanor smiles for the first time in hours.

Meanwhile, over at the house on Winding Willow:

Beth and Marilyn arrive with bags of groceries. Placing the bags on the kitchen table, they see Celeste coming out of her room with a concerned look on her face.
"What's up?" Beth asks her.
"I'm not sure, but those storm clouds are gathering again, and I don't mean outside in the sky, I mean in the vicinity of Rose and Eleanor."
"You were dead right about someone new time traveling into our century," Beth says as she puts some items in the refridgerator, "Henry the Second showed up at the Emmys and now he's starring in the mini-series based on Time and Chance. Eleanor said she'd handle him, but I wonder."
"The storm clouds aren't just Henry," Celeste sits on one of the chairs, "I see skulduggery involving women....several women."
"Did you see them in the crystal ball?" Marilyn asks.
"I did. I recognized WandaSue and Sally Jennings, but they have another partner in crime now as well. Does the initial 'P' mean anything to either of you?"
"Sure does! Rose told me that Penelope Patterson seems to be out to ruin her. She played the role of Daisy after Rose had to leave the show, then when Rose went back again they got rid of Penelope. She's been gunning for Rose ever since."
Celeste signs and stands, "Well, gals, no sense getting all worked up about it. I'm going to talk to Rose and El when they return in a couple hours and see how they're doing. I could be over-reacting."
"But isn't that what Moms do?!" Marilyn laughs.
"It appears so, Marilyn. Who would have known, when I came here three years ago to be the housekeeper that I would 'adopt' so many grown children?"


The rehearsals are done for the day.
Marty mops his brow and confers with George on how it all went.
"I tell ya, George, some of our actors and actresses have very strange attidues toward each other. You notice that?"
"Yeah! It's as if they had long standing grudges. Did you notice how the actor playing Henry bristles whenever Eleanor speaks to him about anything?"
"Look at it this way, George......that kind of chemistry is perfect for the parts they have to play. Our only problem will be when we have to shoot a scene in which they have to behave as though they were in love. Oyyyyyyy!"


WandaSue and Sally Jennings spy Penelope coming out of the building. WandaSue whistles through her teeth, then runs over to her. Penelope doesn't recognize the two women at first, but when WandaSue says, "Now, how are we going to stick it to Rose?" she remembers the begger women standing outside earlier.
This makes her smile. Ahhhh yes, colaborators. She tells them about using the straight pin and KY jelly in the scene with Eleanor, and the three laugh until their sides hurt.
"Where do ya live, ohhhh, what's your name?"
"Penelope, but you can call me Penny! I live on Staten Island. How about you two?"
"Westchester County," Sally informs her, "So we aren't exactly neighbors. Tell ya what, though. I bought my own house, and any time you want to spend a weekend or hell, just move in, let me know."
"How very generous of you!" Penelope is genuinely touched.
She sees that the women, sans the costumes, are fairly presentable. They could be friends......really good friends!

CONFAB at the BIG HOUSE.......by Coralynn

Dinner is late that night because the 'family' members in the cast of the mini-series don't get home till 7. They dig into the roast Celeste and Bethia have prepared, and compare their day.
"I learned a lot about the technical aspects of making a film," Mike says enthusiastically, "I may even go into that line of work. It's fascinating!"
He looks at Marthy, waiting for her to describe her day. "Well, it was fine. I think I'll do OK, especially since Eleanor is there to coach me."
"I need help!" Bess tells them, "I do scenes with Nathan Sloan, who's a real pro. He said he'd give me some tips. Do I ever need them! My acting is good, actually, but I don't know what to do with my hands and I tend to wander around instead of standing on my mark. But Nathan said it'll come, don't worry."
"My day was HELL!" Rosamond tells them, "Seems Penelope Patterson is out to sabotage me. She had my dresses taken in when no one was looking, then, when I wore them, they ripped like I put on a ton of weight in 24 hours! I told Marty to get rid of her, but for some odd reason, he refuses."
"She's gunning for me, too, Rose," Eleanor adds, "She put slippery stuff on a rail she knew I was going to have to grab, and I almost hit my head. Tell ya, she could give WandaSue and Sally Jennings a run for their money in the 'worst enemies' catagory. Thank God we don't have to deal with those two!"
"That's all we'd need!" Rose agrees.
"Women don't get along, they're too competitive with each other," William states, which results in Eleanor bopping him on the head with her empty plate. "Not true! What an old fashioned fogey you are, William! If we didn't love you so much we'd put you out in the trash because you're past your 'sell by' date!"

They all laugh.
When the meal is over, they all clear the table and load the dishwasher. As the last glass is loaded in, Celeste says to Eleanor, "Meet me in my room in 10 minutes. Tell Rose to come as well."
When Rose and El enter Celeste's room, Bethia is already there. They sit down and ask, "What's the meeting about, Celeste?"
"You know you have enemies on the set of that mini-series. This is not news, but when you said you were glad that Wandasue and Sally weren't there, you were wrong. They are."
"Oh no! Tell me it isn't true!" Rose slumps over and moans.
"So, so far we have Penelope, WandaSue and Sally there as enemies, then there's always Biff Murdoch who hates me, and Henry of course. Does the list grow ever longer?"
"Why are those two miserable wretches on the set, though?" Eleanor asks.
"I saw them in the crystal ball wearing raggedy outfits. Does that help?"
"EXTRAS!" Eleanor exclaims, "Of course! Miss Penman and I will be on the lookout for any hijinks from those two, as well as Penelope!"
"Miss Penman?" Rose asks questioningly.
"She and I had a little talk. Seems she knows all about us......all of us.....and I mean she knows all about us!"
The other three women looks skeptical, "How can she, though?" Beth asks.
Eleanor stretches out her long legs, then rubs them to get the kinks out, "This is a shocker! She showed me on her computer a STORY being written about us in the 21st century!"
"Big deal! Anybody can write a story!" Rose scoffs.
"No, no, listen......this one is OUR story......everything that's happened to us since back at Henry's Court in the 12th Century when we decided to time travel so Rose could find out who the father of her baby was.......or rather her non-baby......her made-up baby......" Eleanor giggles, "Rose, you've always had an incredible imagination!....."
Celeste frowns, "But that would be an extremely long story. Do you know how to access it on your computer? Does it have a lot of details? Does it mention me?"
"HA!" Eleanor brightens, "You're in there, Celeste, as the linch-pin of this whole family group! It mentions all of us."
"Who's writing this and how do they know this stuff?" Beth is still confused.
"Let's see........seems their names are Carolyn and Jerri or something similar. Tell ya what.......wander into my room after we leave here. Don't make a big deal out of it so the men notice and try to get in on it. Just wander in and you can read it for yourselves."
Celeste gets a brainstorm, "If these women write about what's happening, we may even be able to find out what those miserables hoydens are up to before they have a chance to sabotage anyone. Know what I mean?"
"Yeah!" Rose sits at attention, "Between that and the crystal ball, we may emerge victorious!"
"Here's to it!" Eleanor exclaims as she gets up to leave. "Now, remember, not a word to any of the men. Males can't handle things like this.......takes too much imagination!" she laughs as she goes out the door.

Rosamond gives it a little time, then wanders into Eleanor's room where Beth and Celeste and El are clustered around the computer, reading as fast as possible.
"HEY! You started without me!" Rose complains.
"Yeah.....here!" Eleanor hands several printed pages to Rose, "This is the table of contents......look it over!"
"And here's the cast of characters!" Beth hands her more sheets.
"Oh yes, and a synopsis!" Celeste shoves more paper into Rose's lap while still reading the words on the screen.
"This stuff is good!" Eleanor proclaims, "Even if it weren't about us.....even if it weren't true!"
Rose is looking over the table of contents with each chapter described, shaking her head...."Yep, looks like it's all here!"
"HOW did these women get the story, Eleanor?"
"Sharon said they must have channeled it. Hey, it just occured to me......they can't write something till it happens. So how can this story warn us ahead of time?"
Celeste ponders, "Wellll, dear, if someone is plotting against you, it may show up here before the plot is actually carried out, so that'll come in handy."
"Where are the email addresses of these two women?" Eleanor scrolls around, finding nothing. The others yell in protest, "I was just reading about how we met in Southold!" Beth says crossly, "Now come on, El, knock it off!"
"I have to contact these women!" El is like a dog with a bone, "Is there a guestbook?"
"Yes." Beth goes back to reading.
"Let me sign it!" El gets back in the seat directly in front of the computer and opens the 'sign my guestbook' place. She signs:
Authors! This is Eleanor, yes, the real Eleanor. Please email me at EleanorandRose@aol.com (I tried to get EleanorAquitaine, but can you believe, it was already in use??)
"Now we wait for our reply!" Eleanor says with satisfaction. "My curiosity is not sated......not yet!"

In a matter of moments she received:

Subj: Guestbook
Date: 8/25/03 5:37:30 PM US Mountain Standard Time
From: CL38911
To: EleanorandRose

Hi Eleanor,
So glad to hear from you. I'd ask 'how's it going,' but I know how it's going.
Can I be of any assistance?
Cheers, Coralynn

"Wahhhhooo!" Eleanor whoops, "You sure can!"
The door opens suddenly and John and William step inside. Eleanor shoves the email into her pocket, and quickly turns off the computer.
"Why so secretive?" William asks with raised eyebrows, "You women plotting something?"
"Ohhh yeah, William!" Celeste scoffs, "We're in here reading romance novels and you think we're hatching a plot. Ever consider seeing a shrink? Your paranoia is showing!"
Everyone laughs, even William, who then leaves, but John hovers around the door. Rose looks at him and smiles as he crooks his finger toward himself in a come-hither way. She grabs him and runs out the door, and the sound of footsteps going upstairs are hard to miss.
"I think all is well in paradise!" Celeste chuckles.

"JOHN?" "WHAT?....zzzzzzz"......by Terri

John shut their bedroom door and took Rosamond into his arms. He sighed. "I wish we were done with our own house!"
Rose stood back from him and laughed. "It won't be long!"
"Yes, but everytime I want to..get romantic...with you, the whole household knows it! Eleanor sits there with that smirk on her face. William tries to break the habit of his disapproval. He still looks like he wants to throw cold water on us."
Rose said, "William still thinks babies come from the baby supermarket where you have pink and blue shopping carts!"
John laughed and sat on the bed and crossed his arms. "Well, Mrs. Gwinnett-why don't you put on that little white silk thing?"
Rose grabbed her robe off the hook. "First I need to take a bubblebath. It's been a long day and I need to unwind."
John yawned. "Tell me about it! I think I have been up since the crack of dawn. Hurry up, though. This offer expires at midnight!"
Rose kissed him and said, "You'd better wait up for me!"
He yawned again. "No problem....."

John was already in bed when Rosamond came back from her bath. As she got into bed, he said sleepily, "Rehearsal go alright, Rose?"
She punched her pillow up and then slid herself next to John, grabbed his arm and put it around her. She snuggled up close. The wind began to whip outside. Winter was not too far away.

"Yes, darling--it went well. Oh, the usual hyjinks. You know how the cast gets when they are testing the waters. How are things at the gym?" He yawned and put Rosamond's arm away from him and turned over. "Hectic....just hectic..zzzzzz."
"John? JOHN?" She shook his shoulder gently. "I need to ask you a question."
He mumbled, "Can't it wait until tomorrow? zzzzz"
"No, it can't! Can someone write about something as it is happening?"
"Mmmmmm? Nooo-don't think so--unless the name is Rod Serling...zzzzzz."
Rose looked at the ceiling. "It IS kind of interesting, seeing our whole 21st century life on the computer. These women are brilliant....or if not brilliant, they certainly have a flair for the written word! Must have been destiny or karma or whatever that brought the two of them together...She smiled. At least it seems like they are having fun with it!
She rolled over towards John, snuggled up next to him and soon was fast asleep.

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