GET ME to the CHURCH ON Terri

William knocked on Rosamond's door. Marilyn stuck her head out. "Whaddayawant, Papa?"
"Do I have to stand out here and sing, 'Get us to the church on time?' " Wrap it up, girls, it is now 7:00. Ceremony is in one hour!"

Within 15 minutes, seven women, Celeste included, came out of the bedroom with their gowns in garment bags. Rose said, "William, please look over and see if Roger's car is in the driveway? I don't want to run into John."

William looked out. "Car gone, coast is clear."
Bethia said, "Let me call Roger and see where they are." She dialed his cellphone.
"Dr. Bidwell here."
"Mrs. Bidwell over HERE! Where are you two?"
"Pulling into the chapel parking lot. Where are YOU?"
"Leaving the house. Make sure John doesn't see Rosamond!"
"Will do! Roger!"
"Roger...Roger!" She sighed. Can't get used to saying THAT!"
"OK, Rosamond, they are there now!"
"Let's go....girls, I am getting MARRIED!"
And they all whooped.

The women went to one dressing room, Rosamond, Eleanor and Celeste in another.
By 7:50 everyone was ready and El was putting the final touches on Rosamond's veil. She breathed, "Rosamond, I've never seen you so radiant! And I mean it!"
Rosamond looked up from her hopefully. "You mean it?"
Celeste said, "Have your four essentials?"
"Yes, my earrings were Granny de Tonei's--ok, so I swiped them when I went to look for the potion book. New--my bridal gown. Borrowed--El lent me her handkerchief which I stuck in the bosom of my dress. And blue--my silk garter!"

Celeste said, "I think that is about it. Flowers! Where is the bouquet?" Then she stuck her head out and motioned for William.
William came in, stared and said, "Rosamond de Clifford, you are a vision. I couldn't be more proud than if you were my own daughter."
Rosamond threw her arms around him and said, "I always thought of you as my Papa."
William had his hand behind his back. "And now--this is from your husband to be to you."
William drew his hand out and in it was Rosamond's bridal bouquet.
Complete with a dozen perfect yellow daffodils.
William smiled proudly. "I forced them to grow for you. John told me how you love them."
"Forced them?" "I said, 'Hey, bloom or else!' NO, I put them in the basement and tended to them for the last six weeks."
Rosamond teared up. "Can this day be any more perfect? I love you all!"
Celeste looked out. "It's 7:58--ready to go?"
"Yes, yes, yes! LET'S DO IT!"

Celeste went outside and waited between the two doors for the signal to start.
William sat in the room with Rosamond.
"Rosamond, honey, are you absolutely sure this time? As much as I love John, if you want to back out, now is the time. I'll send you anywhere you want to go."
"William, are you serious? Do you know how long I have fought to get here? NOTHING and NO ONE is going to stop this wedding."
William smiled. "I just had to ask. Every father asks her daughter the same thing. Now...Rose, we need to talk about the...uh, uh, mmm, the, uh..."
Rose said, "Wedding night? No, William, I don't think so! I pretty much know what to expect."
William blustered, "I thought so. I just thought it was a 'father-daughter' thing that was expected of me. So you are all set..with....that?"
Rosamond smiled at William's embarrassment. "Yes, I think so!" She gave William a quick kiss of appreciation. "I am so grateful to you, William....and...I love you!"
William's eyes misted up. "And I you too, my too!"

The music started playing. Celeste opened up the bridesmaid's room. Little Will stood tall and let little Sally rest her hand on his arm. When he got to where John was standing, he audibly sighed and John gave him a 'two-thumbs up.'
Next came Marthy who just glowed and Bess who could barely contain her bubbliness. Marilyn looked like she was having the time of her life and Bethia looked very serious. El looked all the more regal.

Finally the music stopped and Celeste opened the door to Rosamond's room. William offered her his arm and they started down the aisle. Rosamond could barely contain her smile until she saw John. Amid the audible oohs and ahhs of the 250 plus guests, she only had eyes for John. He stood there mesmerized, like he was seeing a vision. As she reached him at the altar, her eyes misted up until John broke out in a 1000 watt grin. She grinned back and then and there they knew that all was right with the world. Coralynn
It's 8:05 before traffic moves ahead again. Billy Bob goes as fast as he can, and when he sees his exit, feels like a man lost in the desert who has just been offered a glass of water. "YES!" he yells.
"Where was that chapel anyway? On one of the back roads around here. I'll take this one, it looks familiar." He drives on that one for 15 minutes and concludes it's the wrong one. It takes another 15 minutes to reach the turnoff again, so 30 are gone. His watch now reads: 8:35.


William took Rosamond' s hand and placed it in John's waiting one. Everyone heard William sniffle. That old softie!
The minister started in with his "dearly beloved, we are gathered here together..."
John could barely take his eyes off Rosamond. It is really happening, he thought.
The minister continued with "...If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him speak now or else hereafter for ever hold his peace."

Everyone looked over at Daniel. Not a word from him. He continued to stare straight ahead. Jameson and Bobby Joe looked at each other. Jameson started to squirm and Bobby Joe gave him a 'don't you dare' look.

The minister continued. "John, Will you have this Woman to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto her, so long as you both shall live?"
John answered, "I will."
"Rosamond, will you have this Man to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep you only unto him,so long as you both shall live?"
Rosamond answered softly, "I will."
The minister then said, "Who gives this Woman to be married to this Man?" William stood up and in a voice strong with emotion, managed to say, "I do."
The minister said, "I understand Rosamond and John have written something they want to say to each other."

Rosamond said softly, "They say it's a river, circles the earth. A beam of light shining to the edge of the universe. It conquers all. It changes everything. They say it's a blessing, they say it's a gift. They say it's a miracle and I believe it is. Love lights the world, unites the love that's for eternity. Love takes no less than everything. Love takes the tears and the pain and it turns it into the beauty that remains. I love you, John. For eternity."
John looked at Rosamond and could barely keep the mirth out of his voice. He looked deeply into Rosamond's eyes and said, "I will love you in a box, I will love you with a fox. I will love you here or there. I will love you anywhere. I love you, Rosamond. Forever and ever."

The minister joined their hands and they repeated their vows. Will stepped forward with the rings on his ring pillow. John picked Rosamond's ring and said, "With this ring, I thee wed." and placed it on Rosamond's finger. Rosamond picked up John's ring and said, "With this ring I thee wed." and placed the ring on John's finger.
The minister then said, "Those whom God has joined together, let no man put apart.
Forasmuch as John and Rosamond have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and have given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and have declareed the same by giving and receiving of rings, and by joining hands, by the power vested in me by God and the State of New York, I pronounce that they are husband and wife. What God has joined together let no man put asunder."
John and Rosamond stared at each other like they couldn't believe it was really happening. The minister laughed and said, "Son? You may now kiss your bride!"
John lifted Rosamond's face and kissed her. William wept and the entire congregation cheered.
Because what Rosamond and John had waited for in last two years had finally happened. They were now man and wife.


"Ssshhhhh, don't make a sound!" WandaSue warns Belle, who is coughing and sneezing from her recently contracted cold.
"WandaSue, please let's go home. This is mad! What do you think you're going to find anyway?"
"I'm gonna find Rosebud marrying that guy she had the extra-marital affair with! If that isn't good enough for you, then just schlep back to the car and take your coughing and sneezing with you!"
"So she marries some guy, so what?"
"So plenty! Montgomery is still alive, as you of all people know."
"So?? She thinks he's dead."
"If I can get some pictures of her in her wedding dress, we can show them to BillyBob and drive him nuts!"
"But we don't have the amulet anymore...."
"And whose fault is that? who accidentally threw it out?"
"You're damned right! We'll have to fly back to Paris on a regular airplane and show him."
"Not another plane! I hated flying!"
"And whose fault it that?!"
"Just a minute...just a minute....I see people leaving the chapel, heading for that other building. That could be where they're having the reception......let's get a little closer......" Coralynn

BB sees another back road and realizes that this is the one. He drives over the potholes slowly, cursing each one of them. In another fifteen minutes he sees the chapel. His watch says 8:55. He goes back to begging with every Diety he has ever heard about to please not let the wedding be over, but has a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach even as he parks the car and gets out.

He walks over to the chapel, which has lights on, but, when he enters the vestry sees no wedding, no wedding party. Am I too early, or am I too late??


Rosamond took John's hand and said, "Is it really and truly a done deal? Or am I dreaming?"
"If you are dreaming, my love, it's the same one I am having!"
"Then let's never, NEVER wake up from it."
The guests filtered out of the chapel and headed over to the reception in the building next door. The wedding party stayed in the chapel for pictures.
Little Will turned to Sally and said, "You can stop holding my hand now." Sally said, "Whatever you say, Will!" Bethia overheard and said to Roger, "Look out--think she will still say that twenty years from now?" Roger said, "The way things go, in twenty years it may be OUR daughter standing here next to Will!"

By 8:45 PM the wedding party was heading over to the reception. As Rosamond and John walked in, there was a mighty cheer. Everyone expected John and Rosamond to give each other a kiss but they did something no one expected. They high-fived each other.
Marty Henshaw came up, bubbling with joy...and an ulterior motive. "Rose? John? Soap Opera Digest will pay big bucks for exclusive rights to your wedding photos. It would be great for publicity and in preparation of the sweeps week. What say you two?"
John looked at Rosamond and said, "What say you, Mrs. Gwinnett?"
Rose smiled at Marty and said "We already had an offer from People magazine, Marty. They offered..." and at this Rosamond whispered to Marty---"and we told them OK. We are donating the money to charity. BUT it has to be two weeks after our wedding when we are in Fiji. Patrick O'Malley is handling that part of the publicity for us. People gets first choice. Soap Opera Digest can have a choice of two photos--after the magazine. Tell them to contact Patrick."
Marty was impressed. "People magazine? Wow, Rosamond, this is even better! It should really kick us up a notch on sweeps week. And with the Daytime Awards in November, you two will probably be up for the Hottest Couple Award again. Unless it goes against you because now that you are married they figure you aren't acting." And visions of Emmys danced in Marty's head.

Slim and Rafe stood there observing the reception. Slim gave a sigh of relief. "I was half expecting Wanda Sue to show up and crash the wedding. She can't resist a free meal and if she can cause trouble for Rosamond, she'd do it in a heartbeat."
Rafe said, "Yeah, why does she hate Rosamond so much? I mean, Wanda Sue should get a life."
Slim's eyebrows shot up."You know Wanda Sue? You know my sister?"
Rafe stammered around,, "Uh, no..just what you told me about her." Rafe's face burned crimson at the memory of his passionate night with Wanda Sue. And the dumping thereafter.

William stood up to make an announcement. "The lateness of the hour considered, Mr. and Mrs. Gwinnett--and I just LOVE saying that!--have opted to forgo a receiving line. They want everyone just to come up and talk whenever you can! And now? On with the festivities!" Rosamond and John mingled and mixed with their guests, never leaving each other's side and never letting go of each other's hands.
Celeste said to William, "It's been a long and and rocky road for those two. And I for one am glad it's a done deal, considering..."
"Considering what, my dear?"
"....mmmmm....considering what they have been through. Nothing that happens now can break that bond. Nothing and no one." Celeste heaved a sigh of relief. William looked at her askance. "Yes. Certainly, Celeste." Then he brightened. "And we get the pleasure of their company for three more months!"
Celeste laughed. "Can you accept the fact NOW that they are sharing a room?"
William blustered, "I always accepted the fact!"
Celeste started to laugh, "Yes. Sure. Keep telling yourself that, William!"
William smiled at Celeste, took her hand and said, "When this is all over, perhaps you will join me in going out to dinner?"
Celeste smiled and said, "Perhaps!"
Marthy and Bess stood there laughing and talking and flirting. Jack came over and grabbed Marthy's hand. "I swear, Marthy, you get prettier and prettier every time I see you." Marthy blushed and Bess giggled. "Thank you, Jack! You look very handsome in that tux, too." Jack looked down. "I feel like one of those birds--those...penguins!"

Anastacia stood next to Jameson and clung to his arm. Not exactly a 'betty' but a vast improvement. He knew Anastacia would never be blatantly sexy like that Marilyn but she had a cool classiness that fit in with his lifestyle. Bobby Joe came over with a drink in his hand. He cocked his head towards Anastacia as if to say, 'get rid of her for a few minutes.'
Jameson picked up on the hint and said, "Darling, I think I see Biff Murdock over there. Why don't you say hi to him? Then if you could get me a bourbon and branch?"
Anastacia craned her neck. "Biff? BIFF MURDOCK? Oh, Jameson..I'll be right back!"
Jameson called to her retreating back, "Take your time!"
Jameson shook his head. "I thought thirty-two hours would be enough time for Billy Bob to get here. Where the hell is he?"

Bobby Joe took a drink of his scotch. "I was wondering who was going to jump up when the minister said, 'speak now or forever hold your peace'. Jameson said, "I honestly expected my cousin to fling the doors open and yell, 'Stop!' or start banging on the doors like Dustin Hoffman did in 'The Graduate' and yell 'Rose! Rose!' and she would turn around and yell pleadingly, 'William'! Can't imagine her yelling 'Billy Bob' in a church! Then I thought they would run off together and leave John standing there wondering 'what the hell just happened?'"
Bobby Joe said, "You watch too many movies, Jameson. My money was on the twin brother. He looked pretty miserable. And I remember he told me one time he spent a month with her one weekend. It is now 9:15. She has been Mrs. John Gwinnett for the last half hour. I don't think it would change anything though. I think Tequila Sunrise is really happy. Look at her." "Yeah. She's happy. But can't say the same for my cousin. Just where the hell IS he?!"


Billy Bob walks into the chapel and sees the night janitor cleaning.
"Where is the wedding party that was just in here? Did the wedding end?"
The janitor leans on his broom, "Oh yeah, the wedding ended and they're all over in the reception hall next door........see?......over there, the big building with all the lights on. Sure was one purdy wedding! Best one I've seen in many a year!"
"Yeah. Thanks," BB takes off at a run toward the reception hall.

WandaSue nudges Belle. "That looks like Billy Bob!! I can't believe he has the nerve to appear in these parts. But, unless my eyes have gone bad, that's him!"
Belle begins to breathe heavier.
WandaSue glares at her, "Get those ideas out of your ninny brain and follow me!"
They creep closer to the hall.

BB stands just outside the door to the hall and gathers his wits. OK, she is now married to someone else, but she owes me an explanation! She can't just ride roughshod over me without a bye your leave! Here I go!" he opens the door to the hall and steps inside.

People are standing in clusters, talking, smiling, laughing, obviously having the time of their lives. BB's face begins to turn purple with rage. And there she STANDS with her 'husband' dare she?

In the loudest, most threatening voice he can muster, considering he's hardly slept in the last 40 hours, BB booms out, "ROSAMOND!!!"
All the talking and laughing cease as everyone turns to see who has yelled out in such a rude manner.
Rose gasps. So he wasn't a ghost or her imagination!! She surprises herself with her calm reaction. Everyone else is buzzing about this sudden appearance of a person reported dead several months ago. Celeste, Marilyn and Eleanor make eye contact and nod.

"Get out of here!" Rose yells back, "I saw you in Paris, didn't I? You stalked me in Paris! Made me think I was going crazy, but here you are! Now leave!!"
"You couldn't wait for me to go away!" BB counters, "You cheated on me during our marriage and you've continued to cheat...."
"We were never married, you fool! YOU knew you were still legally married to someone else, but you just didn't get around to telling me, did you? NO! You were too busy trying to control my every move!"
"You married me for my money, Rose, I see it now!" he pushes past Rafe and Hotspur and stands toe-to-toe with Rose. John grabs him by the collar, and Rafe and Hotspur pin his arms behind his back.

Another commotion is heard by the entrance, and before anyone can stop them, two women burst in. Slim whirls around to see who it is. Oh no!! WandaSue???
"You're damned right he was married at the time you thought you married him, Rose. To ME! He is still legally married to ME! Forget the money, honey, if anyone gets any of it, it's ME!"
By the time WandaSue has delivered that volley, Belle has run up to BB and thrown her arms around him. He ties to shake her off. She clings like crazy glue.
"Will someone get this demented woman off me?" he asks.
No one steps forward to assist him. He is still being restrained by John, Rafe and Hotspur, and is helpless to successfully undo the iron grip Belle has on him.

WandaSue stands by this odd looking little group and reaches for Belle, yanking her backward by the hair. "I said he was mine you idiot!"
William strides over and corrales Belle. "Isabella, I'm ashamed of you!" he chastises her. She struggles and makes ugly faces at him, but to no avail.

Rafe asks the assemblage, "What do you want us to do with this guy?" meaning, of course, Montgomery, who, at that moment continues his tirade,
"You're not going to get away with this, Rose! You're still married to me!"
She laughs in triumph, "Oh, that!! Sorry, but I had it annulled. If you don't believe me, I can show you the legal papers. You're a fine one to talk about legality, being a bigamist! "
"Julie is my daugher! Nothing can change that!" he grabs at another straw.
"The DNA test changed that. She's John's daughter! Your name has been taken off the birth certificate, too. You don't get a thing from a 'bigamist marriage'.....I have good legal counsel on that. Now, anything else you want to claim before these fine gentlemen drag you off to the jail in Henry's castle?" she gets right up in his face, her eyes steely in their dislike.
"But I love you!"
he laments as he is dragged away.
"Hey! BB! Wait up! I'm going with you!" WandaSue tails after him as Rafe and Hotspur tie him hand and foot and drag him out to Rafe's car. WandaSue jumps in the backseat beside BB as Rafe and Hotspur, who has obtained Henry's keys, drive off. She smiles at BB. "Hi, hubby!"


John looked over at Rosamond and said, "Darling, are you OK? I know that must have been a shock!" Rosamond laughed shakily. "I never felt better in my life! I now know that I wasn't losing my mind in Paris. How could he, John? I mean, how COULD he? He claimed to love me and he put me through the ordeal of a funeral." "Thank goodness we had the annulment papers in hand. He might have tried to drag you off cave-man style." William came running up to Rosamond. "Are you OK? Do you need smelling salts?"
"No, William, I am just fine. As long as I am married to John nice and legal, I am fine."
Celeste, Marilyn and Eleanor stood in the background. Marilyn shook her head. "I knew we should have told her." "What would that have accomplished?" El said.
Celeste said, "We didn't have the right to interfere with the natural sequence of time. Worlds could collide. No, this played out the way it was supposed to in the timeline. Some things you just don't mess with, girls!"

Henry said to William, "I gave Rafe and Hotspur the keys to my dungeon. Montgomery is resting there and will stay there until Rosamond and John have left the reception and are safely esconsed in the Plaza for the night. I understand they have a 10:00 AM flight to San Francisco?"
"Yes, two weeks in Fiji. Celeste and I have the children. Bethia and Roger are helping out."
Bethia and Roger came over to William. Roger said, "Beth and I have an idea. We would like to take Will and Julie to the beach for a week. Kind of hide them away in case Montgomery gets an idea to kidnap them to lure Rose back. It's not out of the range of possibility."
Bethia added, "We'd love to have them. Will is such fun and I could get used to having a baby around. After all, her name IS Julie BETH!-kind of my namesake!"
William said, "That would be a fine idea. Pick them up tomorrow, OK? I am sure it will be alright with Rose and John."
Roger said, "John and I had those DNA tests run when Rose was in for a checkup after she delivered at home. It's 99% positive she is John's daughter."

Jameson and Bobby Joe stood there uncomfortable in their surroundings. Jameson said, "Never expected THAT, did you?" Bobby Joe said, "He threw just about everything that he had at her. She sure was prepared for him, though." Then Bobby Joe grabbed Jameson's arm. "Who's gonna tell him about the Bed and Breakfast?"
"Not me! I don't even know where they took him."
Rosamond walked over to Bobby Joe and Jameson. She said, "Guys? I think we have alot to talk about. ALOT! But this is my wedding and I am not letting that minor mishap spoil it. When I get back from Fiji, we'll talk. OK? OK?"
They said, "Sure, Rosamond."

Henry stood up and declared, "Rosamond and John wanted me to inform you that we are ready to dine--and in fine style, I must say! So--everyone to the dining room!"
Place cards with people's names on them were at the table. Rosamond and John took care to sit people with ones they normally didn't socialize with. Just to broaden their horizons.
Before they commenced, William stood up. "I would like to make a toast to the bride and groom."

THE Coralynn

Rafe and Hotspur pull up in the driveway at Henry8's castle and get out. WandaSue jumps out of the backseat as well. BB sits there, as he's still bound.
"OK, buddy, let's get you inside!" Rafe tells him as he and Hotspur yank him out of the car, and, untying his legs, push him toward the front door.
Billy Bob wonders what would happen if he ran. Probably wouldn't work.......these guys look really fit. Damn!!
They enter the castle. BB looks around the main vestibule and wonders what madman thought this up!! He doesn't have long to wonder, however, as the two men push him forward down a flight of stone steps. At the bottom is a large room with an enclosed area at the end. Enclosed as in a jail. Or a dungeon.
"No reason to put me in there," he tells the other men, "I pose no threat."
"What you did at that wedding reception strikes you as normal?" Rafe asks, pushing BB into the cell.
"What would you do under like circumstances, tell me that!" BB counters.
"The chances of any of us getting ourselves into such a stupid mess is slim to none," Hotspur says with a sneer. WandaSue runs into the cell just before Rafe locks it.
She looks around, "Hey! Pretty posh for a dungeon! Think so, honey?" she directs that at BB. He glowers at her. "Did you tell?"
Rafe and Hots are walking away. Billy Bob rushes to the bars and yells, "How long you going to keep me in here?"
"Till the reception is over and the happy couple is well out of your reach!" Hots tells him as he and Rafe disappear up the stairs.
He sits down again. The furniture in the place is rather cushy, he has to admit. He turns again to WandaSue and asks again, "Did you tell?"
"Tell what, sweetness?" she acts coy.
"Tell Rose that our divorce hadn't been finalized, what else?"
"No. It wasn't me. Now I wonder who could it have been?" she puts her index finger up at the side of her mouth.
"Who else knew?"
She laughs, "You didn't notice Slim at the wedding reception, did you? No. You were too busy having it out with that expensive piece of trash, Rosebud."
"Slim? You mean your brother?"
"None else!" she tells him, shaking her hair back and taking a seat opposite him in the cell.
"Is he.....has he......did you......."
"You're trying to ask about who blackmailed you, huh?" she breaks into peals of laughter. She still has her purse, and she gets out an emery board and gently files the ends of her nails, concentrating on the task as if it were brain surgery.
"Stop that!"
"Stop what, beloved, oh husband of mine? Are we going to spend the night at your ranch? I've never slept there and I'm looking forward to it! You and I can take up right where we left off."
"We left off with me filing divorce papers because you ran around with other men and when you were home, you were white trash who lied about being pregnant, plus I couldn't stand to be in the same room with you."
"Yes, I did run around with other men. Looks like your wives all have that in common!"
BB starts to move toward her to hit her, then thinks better of it. Why make things worse and even end up in a real jail?
"What the hell, Billy Bob, you might as well be married to cheatin' wife is as good as another! this is a great would you like to have both me........and Belle! Sort of a manage a trois or whatever. Oooooo, does that sound exciting or what?!"
"Shut your dirty mouth!" he yells at her. He paces. He knows he'll have to do something about getting a real divorce from this walking train-wreck of a woman, but for now what can he do?
"I don't want another divorce, either, sweetheart. I wanna make our marriage work! This is New York State, too, and the divorce laws here are vicious. None of those "incompatible" grounds, none of those "no fault" grounds. Nope. Ya gotta get the goods on the other person and get 'em good!! I promise not to get the goods on you if you promise not to get them on me, is it a deal?"
He wonders if he can hire a hitman to rid himself and the rest of the world of this worthless woman, but concludes his life is already complicated enough. Hell, the Insurance Company is going to have questions which will be hard to answer. He has to get all his property back under his own name; invalidate the will he made out leaving the ranch to baby Julie. Not his, she said. Not his!! That is the final indignity. She pulled one over on me! What a bitch! What a scheming .......
He feels arms coming around him from behind. He quickly throws them off. WandaSue wrinkles up her nose and whines, "ahhhhh, snooky-ookems, babydoll, you know you want it!"
He groans, then picks up a glass and dashes it against the stone wall. Rats! It's plastic and doesn't even break. What else can go wrong? I need some rest, some sleep, then maybe I'll be able to figure out what to do.

He lies on the one cot in the cell and passes out from stress and lack of sleep and jetlag. For almost an hour he is blissfully unaware of his problems. When he wakes up again WandaSue is also lying on the cot, stark naked. She smiles blissfully and asks, "Was it good for you?"


"Rosamond and John--I have been with you since the day you two met. Sparks flew then and it is a bonfire now. May your fire grow hotter and hotter with each passing year. It has been a long tough road to get to where you are today and it just reaffirms everything--love and life DOES find a way." With that William kissed Rosamond and sat down before he lost his composure.
Roger stood up next. " As best man, I want us all to raise our glasses to Rosamond and John, who in a roundabout way introduced me to MY wife. Long may they love and laugh!"
Everyone toasted the happy couple. The dinner consisted of seafood and roast beef and assorted side dishes.

After the dinner, the disc jockey announced the first dance for Rose and John as newlyweds. John led Rosamond out on the dancefloor, and took her into his arms as Anita Baker's 'Sweet Love' played. He held her close and whispered, "Remember the first time we danced to this?" She wrapped her arms around him. "How could I forget? Jameson's beach house. It seems like forever but it was only about a year ago." John said, "You were pregnant with Julie and we didn't even know it. Now look at us--married and with a baby!" Rose laughed, "And not in that order, either."
John pressed his cheek against hers. "How long before we can get out of here?"
Rose shushed him. "It's our wedding. Let's milk it for all it's worth!" Rosamond and John continued to dance and enjoy their wedding. Thoughts of Billy Bob Montgomery didn't surface, and if they did, Rosamond pushed them far, far down.
The cake was cut, John and Rose dissolved into laughter every time they tried to cut a piece. It was a beautiful six-tiered cake, chocolate with white buttercream frosting with yellow daffodils up the sides in a spiral. Like Roger and Bethia, they fed each other a piece nicely. No smashing in the face.

Finally about 1:00 AM, Rosamond and John had changed their clothes and were ready to leave. Rosamond threw her bouquet and Marthy caught it. Again. Jack squeezed her hand and said, "Must be a sign, Marthy!" and kissed her gently. Marthy blushed and glowed.
Rosamond threw her arms around Celeste and finally burst into tears. "Dear, be happy!" Celeste hugged her. Rosamond said, "Oh, Celeste--'Mom'--it was all so wonderful! Despite the--disturbance--and I want to thank you for all that you have done for me, taking care of the children. And John and I think that, yes, it is a good idea for them to go away to the beach. I don't know what kind of fallout there will be. But I am sure I haven't heard the last of this. Not by a long shot! I was married--sort of--to him for a year. I know what he is like!"

William clapped John on the shoulder and said with a voice that was not too far off from crying again, "Take good care of my little princess, John! It's no secret that she's like a daughter to me! As you are like a son to me." John clasped William.
"You're like a dad to me, too, William. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing me to this time and place. I am indebted to you."
William motioned John aside, hemming and hawing and growing red in the face.
Uh, John? About tonight....uh, mm, uh, patient! And gentle?"
John could barely keep the amusement off his face. "Thank you, William. I'll remember that."

John and Rosamond checked into the bridal suite at the Plaza. John carried her over the threshold of the suite and kicked the door shut with his foot.
And so they started their married life together.

THE Coralynn

Isabella has been sitting in the den, brooding. How could everything have gone so terribly wrong? Should I have refused to go with WandaSue on her insane caper? She's cooling her heels in Henry8's dungeon, and here I sit at William's house, stranded and alone.
She sneezes and coughs. Damn! I would have to catch a cold, too.
She sees William coming into the room. Oh swell, now he's going to yell at me again. Just what I need!
William doesn't yell at 'Belle,' but instead sits down and, in a gentle voice, tell her, "I think it's time you returned to Court, don't you agree?"
"Yes, [cough], I was thinking about that just the other day. I feel this venture has been a complete failure.....[sneeze]....and WandaSue has been treating me like dirt."
"OK, tell you what we'll do, then. Eleanor, Marilyn, Celeste and I will zap you back. Is 10 minutes enough notice?"
"The sooner the better," she wheezes. "Could you send me with some medicine for this cold, too?"
"We have some NyQuil in the medicine chest. Let me go fetch it."
William returns shortly with the NyQuil, plus the other three who have volunteered to accompany him back to Court.
Isabella takes a good swallow of NyQuil and joins hands with the others. In the time it takes her to blink, the four are back at Court. They walk toward the castle, and half way there, Henry2 runs out yelling, "Is Rosamond with you? No, I can see she's not. What, just what is this nonsense about her getting married?" he pulls out the invitation and waves to about.
"She married John Gwinett. It's done. Finished, Henry," Eleanor tells him with glee, and enjoys the stricken look that comes over his face.
Henry2 blusters, "Well, I hope she's happy! I'm well rid of that tart! That harlot!"
"Watch your mouth, Henry! She happens to be one of my best friends!" Eleanor glowers at him.
His only response is, "When pigs fly!"
"Yeah, well, guess what, pigs are flying, Henry. And flying well. Here! Maybe this woman will help make up for the 'one who got away' so to speak!"
Henry looks at Isabella and groans, "You had to bring this one back with you, aye? Well, missy, what trouble have you gotten yourself in that they are banishing you?"
"Stuff a sock in it, Henry!" Isabella borrows one of WandaSue's expressions, and marches into the castle.

Henry2 gets an uncharacteristic expression on his face; one of friendliness. Eleanor wonders why.
"William," he begins, "Could you do me a huge favor? It won't be inconvenient for you, I promise. My problem is that Elizabeth and Mary of Scotland continue to wrangle, coming to fisticuffs at least once a day. If one of them could be removed, even for a short period of time, it would do so much to restore the peace and tranquility around here."
William laughs, "Peace and tranquility? Around here?!"
Henry continues to look at him pleadingly. "You have your choice of the two, but please, I beg of you, take one of them away!"
Marilyn asks William, "Which one shall we take, William? Or should we take either one of them? What do you think, El?"
Eleanor is laughing as well, "Oh what the heck, send Mary out here. Of the two of them, she's the lesser of two evils."
William thinks about it, frowning and pursing his lips. "OK, then, Mary it is, but we're leaving in two minutes, so go tell her to get out here as fast as she can. This is not one of our extended stays. We just came here to get rid of Isabella."
Henry2 goes into the castle to inform Mary that she is leaving.
Celeste wonders aloud, "Might Mary Queen of Scots be just as much trouble as Isabella?"
As Mary comes out of the castle, carrying her chest of jewels, smiling, William answers, "We can always return her. Like something you buy in a store that doesn't work right and you take it back."
Mary joins them, still smiling, still carrying her chest of jewels, "Are we going to the 21st century, really? I can hardly wait! If I don't get to be Queen of England here, maybe I can do it there??"
"Take hands everyone. And Mary, lower your expectations, will ya?"
The air spins and turns color.
They touch down in the back yard of the big house. Mary looks at the house and declares, "It's not a castle, William! I can't be queen if I have no castle!"
"Look over there," he points to Henry8's castle, "Voila!! But Henry8 lives there and I doubt he'll turn over the keys to you anymore willingly than Elizabeth did. Come inside now and meet the others. And find a place for that huge chest you're carrying."
They enter the house. Mary places the chest on the kitchen table and pronounces, "This is OK, though I was prepared for more opulence, William!"
"You can have the room Jack used before he moved in with Hotspur," Eleanor indicates the first-floor bedroom, urging Mary to take a look. Mary peers into the room and declares, "One room? Just one room? I am a Queen, as you know. I insist on having the same accomodations as you do, Eleanor. I take a backseat to no one!"
"Suit yourself," Eleanor walks away, "it's either that room or maybe you'd prefer pitching a tent in the backyard like Heny8 did when he first got here. Ta-ta!"
The phone rings. Mary jumps in alarm. Marilyn picks it up and talks into it. Mary can't understand what's going on, and with as much dignity as possible, picks up her chest of jewels and carries them into her new bedroom.


Billy Bob looked over at Wanda Sue, horrified. "For Pete's sake, Wanda Sue, are you out of your mind? I see you haven't lost any weight!"
Wanda Sue purred, "It was just always!"
"What ARE you talking about?"
Wanda Sue slipped her clothes back on. "You're a fine piece of real estate, Billy Bob, and I'm gonna buy me some land!"

Before they could continue their conversation, Rafe and Hotspur came downstairs to the dungeon. This time Henry was with him. He had the keys in his hand. "It is now 2:00 AM. William said to let you out."
"Well, it's about frickin' time! I ought to sue you for unlawful detainment."
Rafe said, "Kind of hard to sue when you are legally dead." He looked over and saw Wanda Sue and blushed.
Wanda Sue said, "Hey, there, Stud! Remember me? That was some 24 hours we spent."
Rafe said, "I, uh, uh, I think you have me confused with someone else, Miss."
Wanda Sue said, "I NEVER forget a face...or...."
Hotspur interrupted. "What you did was totally uncalled for, Mr...Montgomery, is it? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet. But believe me, I have heard alot about you. You were shot and killed when I arrived here with Rosamond and John."
"What are you talking about?"
Hotspur said, "When Rose got home from a time-travel with John, she got the word that you were dead. Shot. Killed. Murdered. Croaked. Rubbed out. A hit. Bumped off. Assassinated...The police think she may have 'done you in'." He furrowed his brow and then told Montgomery proudly, "Oh, yeah! And I remembered, 'Rose-and-John-are-not-lovers-William-said-so!'"
Billy Bob waved him aside, "Yeah, yeah, I get the drift. Do you mean to tell me that when I was visiting my cousin Jameson, she was be-bopping all over the centuries?"
Hotspur puffed himself up with pride. "Yep! And I was the souvenir they brought back. Totally by accident. See, I came across Rosamond in the hayloft and I thought she wanted me again..."
"What do you mean, AGAIN?"
"OH! She didn't tell you? We were lovers when she was fourteen!"
"You see, we would have been if that hag of a mother of hers hadn't come around..."
"FOURTEEN? What are you, some sort of child molester?"
Hotspur mulled that over. "Child molester? You say that like it's a bad word! I don't think so. Unless that is something good. Then I'm your man!"
Henry shook his head. "Just ignore Hotspur. Brawn and no brains."
Hotspur continued on his spiel. "Of course, Rose and I were picked up by the sheriff for..what did he call it?....solicitation?"
Henry said, "I hate to cut this 'getting to know you' conversation short but it is late, I am out you go! Rafe will drive you two back to the Chapel where your respective cars are."

Billy Bob slumped in the seat of Henry's car.Wanda Sue sat in the back. BB said to Rafe, "How could she do it? HOW COULD SHE DUMP ME?"
Rafe said, "I don't know. All I know is that John has been a straight shooter with me from the beginning. He gave me a job..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah..Mr. Perfect from what I hear. She had the marriage annulled. ANNULLED! Great idea I had about putting that ranch in trust. I'll bet she would have sold it in a heartbeat."
Billy Bob laid his head against the window. The last 40 hours had been too much for him. The flight from hell. Then arriving too late. Would it have made any difference?
How could you live with a woman for a year and not know that she was a tramp? he thought. A lying, cheating tramp. Was Mom right? Now I have the baggage of Wanda Sue. Yuck! Wonder where that skinny little broad she hangs out with is?

Before Billy Bob knew it, he was fast asleep against the window. Within a half hour, Rafe pulled up at the Chapel. He said, "Bus ride is over, folks. You don't have to go home..but you can't stay here." He turned to Billy Bob. "If it's any consolation, I AM sorry for your.....uh... loss. Rosamond is a great girl. She's been teaching aerobics at the gym. The guys all love her!"
Billy Bob yawned, "Yeah, I'll just bet they do. A goddess in spandex."
Wanda Sue climbed out of the back. "Hey, hubby, are we going home to the ranch?"
Billy Bob pushed her. "Frankly, you can sleep on a park bench for all I care, Wanda Sue! You blackmailed me over and over again to the tune of at least one million dollars. You think I actually WANT you? I hate you so much I spray painted your name off the water tower."
Wanda Sue snarled. "And for that you are going to pay in SPADES, Bub!" Billy Bob went to his rental car, climbed in and burned down the highway without a by-your-leave.
Wanda Sue looked after him with distaste. Still the little rich pampered spoiled brat, huh? She got in her car and looked in the back seat for Belle. Good riddance!

Billy Bob pulled into his ranch and saw Bobby Joe's truck parked at the guest house. I'll talk to him tomorrow. Or the next day. I think I need to sleep for the next two days.
Wonder if she cleared Julie's stuff out of the room. Julie! NOT MY CHILD? But.. but.. she looked like me! And one thing...if Daniel is my 9X great grandfather, does that make John Gwinnett my ?Xgreat uncle? His head was swimming. He drove into his driveway. Only there was a brick wall there. He didn't see it until he tried to drive through it. CRASH! Hell, they'll never notice it. It's Rent a Wreck. Besides...hey, I don't remember that wall there...
He walked into a wrought iron gate. What the hell....he grabbed it and shook it. Locked! He climbed over the top of it and snagged his pants on the top of it. R-I-I-I-P!

Aw, hell...well, I've been in these pants for the last 48 hours, I never want to see them again. I hate Dockers anyways, can't wait to get back in my jeans....if I ever wake up!
He ambled up the stairs. Hmmm..what's that, new porch furniture? Looks like my wife went on a spending wife! Gotta get used to UN-saying that. He jiggled the handle. Locked. What the hell, she even changed the locks? If she thought I was dead, what was she afaid of? In the moonlight he saw the gatehouse that Rosamond had fixed up. Obviously she was still going to stay with me. Otherwise why would she fix it up if she was going to leave?

He shook his head, trying to clear it. I'm so tired. I'm going straight to bed. If I ever get in the house.
He took out a credit card, inserted it in the doorjamb. It wouldn't budge. He sighed and looked behind the second rock from the door. Yep, still there. Inside a small plastic bag were his 'door picking' tools from the days he was a P.I. Yeah, Spenser and I have alot in common. Only he always got the girl.
Billy Bob inserted one of them in the lock. By the fifth tool, he was in the house. I don't even want to turn the light on, he thought. I just want to hit the hay! He walked through the kitchen. What was different? The...table. THE TABLE! Where the hell was Aunt May's Old English pub table? He walked through the living room.

'"AW,%^&*#$" he yelled. He picked himself up off the floor from tripping over a new ottoman. He saw a beam of light shining in the middle of the floor. He looked up. Was she that upset when she found out I was dead that she punched a hole in the ceiling? No,'s a skylight. A SKYLIGHT? She wanted to do that before and I said, NO! Absolutely NOT! Ha! I told her this was not some nancy-boy NewYawk attorney's loft. Besides, skylights can leak. And with the trees, the leaves will get all over it and make a mess. And who's gonna go up there with a bottle of Windex? Rosamond? Un, un, THAT isn't going to happen! He banged his knee into an end table. OWW! &^$#( He walked over to the stairs and ran into a tall potted palm. OUCH! MY NOSE! That *%$#! When she gets back from wherever she has run off to and I win her back, then I'll make her pay for what she's done to the ranch. Maybe I'll just sell this place and move her and her kids to Sundown. Yeah, cut her off from civilization. Serve her right! Bet I could kill Gwinnett, put his feet in cement and pitch him into the East River. Hell, there's so many bodies there anyways....his head hit a hanging plant. But he was too tired to even feel that one. This place is a booby trap! Did she move the stairs? Nope--thank heavens for small miracles.

He climbed the stairs wearily. All I want to do is take my boots off and crash. Wake up from this nightmare I am in. Wake up and reach over and feel Rosamond beside me. Reach for her and.... He pushed his door open, kicked his boots off, dropped his clothes on the floor and climbed into bed. Something stirred next to him...something warm....he jumped out of bed, flipped on the light and screamed. But there was a scream to match his. He felt something heavy come down on his head before he saw black. Blissful, peaceful black... When he came to, he was lying on the floor, a broken lamp surrounding him and a fat woman blubbering to Juanita how this pervert came in the room and tried to sexually assault her. Juanita was torn between trying to calm the woman down and her incredulity at seeing Billy Bob alive...and believe me, in the flesh!

Billy Bob sat up, grabbing the blanket off the bed. "Ooooh! Ooooh! What the heck was that all about? Sorry, lady...wait a minute! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?"
The fat lady wielded an alarm clock, ready to heave it at his face. "Your bed? YOUR BED? I paid for two weeks at this bed and breakfast!"
Billy Bob looked at Juanita unbelievingly. "She did it? She really turned this place into a bed and breakfast? I have strangers paying to sleep in MY bed? Wait a minute! Where's my bed? WHAT THE HELL HAS THAT BITCH DONE WITH MY BED?"

"Bitch? BITCH?! Who are you calling a bitch?" The fat lady started to wail on Billy Bob with her fists. He tried to ward off her blows. "Hey! Hey! HEY! Not you! My wife!"
She stopped. "Your wife? You're MARRIED? A married pervert?!" Then she started to REALLY hit him. Billy Bob was ducking and weaving. And trying to put his pants on at the same time.
When Mrs. Fats stopped to gain her breath and quit wheezing, Juanita tried to explain as best she could. Which was hard because she herself didn't know what was going on. Here she had an irate woman and a man supposedly dead and cremated in the same room.
"Please, Mrs. Swanson! I am so sorry. This is Mr. Montgomery. He owner of this bed and breakfast. I'm so sorry for the disturbance. He did not know his room was rented out and he returned early from....where in Santa Maria DID you return from?"

Billy Bob snapped, "From Rome and Florence. Then to Hell and back!" He grabbed his boots and said, "Don't worry about it. I'll sleep in a guest room tonight. I'll talk to you in the morning, Juanita."
Juanita hesitated, "Uh, Mr. M...? All the rooms have been let out."
"WHAT? Then I'll bunk down with Bobby Joe and we'll talk about this..this...travesty in the morning. Goodnight, Juanita."
Juanita pulled him aside and touched his face, his chest, his arms. She said excitedly. "It IS really you! Oh, Santa Maria! I can't believe it!" She clasped Billy Bob to her. "It is a miracle!" Billy Bob smiled in spite of everything. "You are the first person to be glad to see me, Juanita."

Juanita said, "But surely Mrs. Montgomery...Mrs. Gwinnett...oh! OH!" Realization of the situation dawned on Juanita.
Billy Bob said, "Yes, were right the first time...SANTA MARIA! We'll straighten this mess out. Goodnight. Or good morning. Whatever it is by now."

Billy Bob headed towards the guest house where Bobby Joe was staying. He tried the door. Locked. He jiggled the handle. He knocked. No answer. Thank goodness I still have my 'B&E' tools. He tried six and before he could try the seventh, he dropped them.
BLAM! A shot rang out through the peephole. Bobby Joe flung the door open and had his sights set with his Winchester.
Billy Bob yelled out, "FOR GOD'S SAKE, BOBBY JOE, IT'S ME!"
"Billy Bob? What are you doing here?"
"What do you think I am doing here? I have to find a place to sleep and since my ranch is now the Westchester equivalent of the Waldorf Astoria, I need a place to crash."
He walked by without another word, went to the spare bedroom at the guest house, closed the door and crashed. Bobby Joe smiled and said, "Welcome home, Billy Bob! Welcome home!"


Bobby Joe checked on his best friend. He peeked in the door and found Billy Bob totally sacked out on the bed, his boots kicked off and wrapped in a quilt. He never even bothered to take his clothes off. Bobby Joe felt a wave of sadness come over him. What a mess. He's lost his wife, he's lost what he thought was his baby. His ranch has temporarily been turned into the Holiday Inn. Basically he has lost three months of his life. Never mind that it was his own stupidity. Bobby Joe went back to bed.

About 9:00 AM, Bobby Joe called Jameson. "He showed up here last night. He's a total mess, Jameson. He had nowhere to go. He thought she would fall into his arms. Instead he got the ultimate kiss-off. To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle this situation by myself."
Jameson sighed. "I'll be over by noon. Keep him there with you."

Jameson showed up. He asked Bobby Joe, "Where is he?"
"Still sacked out. He's breathing though. He had a rough trip. Wait a minute! I think I hear him getting up. Yep...there goes the shower. I'll make a pot of coffee."
Twenty minutes later, Billy Bob came out with Bobby Joe's robe on. He sat down at the table and ran his fingers through his hair. He laughed cynically. "My luggage is somewhere in Minnesota. My ex-un-wife sold my clothes. All I have are a pair of ripped Dockers and a button-down shirt. I am worth millions and I have no clothes!"
Jameson picked up a box. "Not exactly. Here's what I salvaged from Rosamond's yard sale. Most of your boots and quite a few of your jeans. You can always go shopping tomorrow."
Bobby Joe said, "We're about the same size. Help yourself to my shirts."
Billy Bob said, "Thanks, guys. What did she do with the table?" Bobby Joe looked down at his coffee cup. "I'm afraid I had no choice in that, BB. She and John bought a house down the way on Winding Willow. She took your Aunt May's table. She practically insisted. You know, for a little bitty thing, she has a will of iron once her mind is made up. Tequila Sunrise has done alot of decorating and remodeling in the last three months." Billy Bob said, "Yeah. Tell me about it."
Jameson said, "She told me she has the ranch booked through to New Years."
"WHAT? You mean I can't even get in there to see what a disaster she has made of my ranch? How did she get this hare-brained idea to turn it into a bed and breakfast?"
Bobby Joe explained, "She didn't want to leave Juanita out in the cold. She thought it could generate some money because the ranch would have just sat there. She didn't spend any of the money on herself. She was thinking of Juanita, mostly. She is kind-hearted. She was putting it in an escrow account for Julie."
Billy Bob looked stricken. "Julie. That sweet little baby. Now I find out that she's not mine."

Jameson said, "Do the math, cuz. That baby was already in the oven when you went to Austin with her. How you didn't see that, I'll never know."
"Because she was supposed to be premature." Billy Bob took a deep drink of his coffee. "I can't believe the events of the last week. I can't even begin to tell you about the trip back here. If it could go wrong, it did. I can't believe I missed that ceremony by one hour. ONE HOUR! If one thing hadn't happened, I'd have been there on time."
Jameson frowned. "I don't think it would have made one iota of difference. Billy Bob, maybe it is time to concede to John Gwinnett. You lost the girl. Move on."
Billy Bob slammed his fist down on the table, making the coffee cups jump. "She can't do this to me! She LOVED me--I know she did!"
Bobby Joe said, "She may have at one time. But she said she never stopped loving John. I'm sorry, BB, but I think you drove the final nail in your coffin when you freaked her out in Paris."
Jameson countered with, "Paris, nothing! You put the girl through a funeral. Which was pretty nice, I must say. Everyone partied hearty at the Dew Drop Inn."
"Yep! Not a dry eye at the funeral. I think Rosamond was tranqued though."

Billy Bob ran his hands over his lower face. "I need to get hold of the insurance company tomorrow. But I have to see the lawyers first. I think if I give the money back with interest and maybe a penalty, they won't press charges. The most problem I could have with the police could be filing a false police report. Kingsley, Crowley and Bennett will intercede for me. They have an appointment with me and them to meet with an Officer Carson and an Officer McGee."
"McGee? He tried to bust John for drugs and Tequila Sunrise for prostitution. What a go-getter. And a dork!"

Billy Bob added a shot of bourbon to his coffee by now "And I have another problem. Namely a wife. Wanda Sue. That woman is like a barnacle. I can't scrape her off. I need to talk to K,C and B about her. She doesn't care about me anymore than I do her. But she cares about money and the ranch. She's already into me for a million. Supposed to sign the divorce papers and get lost. Never did. And she's always there at the worst disasters of my life. I MAY have to sign the ranch over to Dad for a while. Until I get a divorce. And there are no two ways about it. I AM getting that divorce. Another thing--I need to get Jake back. I know he's been at Rosamond's."
Bobby Joe said, "He was here last week, T.S. brought him with her when she was doing something at the gatehouse. She had her kid Will with her. He and Jake were pretty inseparable."
BB said, "I know. I hate to break up that little 'friendship' but he IS my dog. Looks like I Iost a step-son, too. He was a great little kid."

Billy Bob stood up, yawned and stretched. "I hate to end this little tea party, but I need another 24 hours of sleep. I'll probably get up at 6:00, grab a quick bite and go back to sleep." He headed to the spare bedroom. "I--I'm not too good with words, guys. But hey! Thanks for all you did on my behalf. I know I went about it the wrong way. It was pretty lonely in Italy by myself. And if I sounded belligerant, I didn't mean it. It's rough to be by yourself. I felt like Kirk Douglas in that movie 'Ulysses'. He kept trying to get home before his wife remarried. She thought he was dead, too." Billy Bob sighed, "Another example of art imitating life. Or is it life imitating art? Whatever."
He went to the spare room and closed the door.
Bobby Joe turned to Jameson. "Think it's all over?"
Jameson looked at the closed door and frowned. "No. Not by a longshot, I'm afraid."
Bobby Joe sighed. "Didn't think so."
They both poured bourbon in their coffeecups, clinked them and said, "Bumpy ride coming up!"


The sun was streaming through the opened French doors. A gentle breeze from the sea was billowing the white sheer curtains in the room. Outside were the sounds of seagulls.
Rosamond snuggled closer to John. "Good morning, Mrs. Gwinnett." "Mmm...I love the sound of that!"
"So what do you want to do today?"
Rose just giggled.

"OK, so NOW what do you want to do today?"
"Just lie on the beach and soak up the sun. October in Fiji is just perfect! What I would really like to do is call Beth and Roger. Find out how the kids are doing. And find out if Beth is ready to tear her hair out yet. Have you noticed any thing different about Beth lately?"
"Hmmmm? I don't know. Maybe she's just happy." John punched his pillow up and leaned back, folding his arms behind his head.
Rose was quiet. "Maybe. Bet there's more to it, though."

John picked up his cellphone. "Bethia? How's it going?....they are?, you tell him I said, he can't...because he's too young....well, tell him his FATHER said no...yeah, that will make him mind!....then just explain to him it's NOT Henry. It's his OTHER father...the live one! ..ha,, as long as things are working out OK, I can spare them for a few afternoons...Slim used to do that in Texas?...two days at the most? Well, what does Daniel say?, I made sure....Slim opens up the gym with Rafe so they have the afternoons, I don't have a problem with that....I'll put Rosamond on...ok--and thanks!"
Rose grabbed the phone eagerly. "Hey, girlfriend! How are the kids?, you tell him I said NOT to...I don't care WHAT he says, I never let him do that and he knows it!...he's just trying to get away with something..." John motioned to Rose that he was going in to the shower. She nodded in acknowledgement.

"John's just going into the now I can REALLY talk! Have you heard anything a word, huh?...good...I think deep down inside I least I have the annulment...I'm sure it will be awkward...I'll probably see him around town..yes, he has ALOT of explaining, but I don't know if I really want to hear, I'm abandoning the idea of using that, I've contracted with Murphy to build a conservatory-greenhouse thing on the back of the house..what? Ha,ha..yes, Murph IS cute...anyways, I can grow my herbs there....oh, the honeymoon is fantastic!..What?...mmmm! YES!..but then we have to go back to William!..Ok, kiss the kids for me! We'll be back in a week....and yes, I WILL get a, we come up for air occasionally!...a dinner party when we get back?..that sounds great!...well, you have our cell numbers if you need them. And about Will? Tell him that I said he is to obey you like he would me..NO, amend that one..he's to obey you guys like he would JOHN..he runs roughshod over me all the time...because he can get away with it and he knows it!...Ok, Bethia. Love you guys, too!" Click!

John came out of the shower. Rose said, "What's all that about Rafe and Slim?" John towel dried his hair and was looking for his deodorant. Ah, there it is!
"Beth and Roger got to talking with Slim and he used to put in ponds in Texas. Start to finish. Anyways, Beth said she always wanted one and Slim said he would do it for just the materials cost. On account of they were so nice to him. Rafe said he's help him. They are going to dig a pond about 20 feet from the back door. Beth wants an arbor and a brick pathway and she's going to get some fancy sculpture and put it in the middle of the pond. Beth wanted to know if it was OK if she 'borrowed' my guys. Since they have the afternoons free, they can do what they want. Rafe and Slim alternate weeks with Brad and Eddie for the evenings at the gym. So they are going to start digging the hole in a few days."
Rose said, "Can you believe Will? Of all the preposterous things....!" John laughed. "Yeah! Like you'd really let him go shark fishing...and with a harpoon, still!"
Rose bit her lip. "About Daniel...thank goodness he behaved at the wedding."
"What made you think he wouldn't?"
Rose said, "Ohh....I don't know." She didn't want to tell him about the plea he made the night before the wedding. "I have a question, John. How can you really trust Daniel with the gym? I mean, he is assistant manager but what would prevent him from just trashing it and taking off, leaving you stranded as it were while we are on our honeymoon?"
John crawled into the bed and put his arms around her. "Don't you know me well enough to realize I've thought of everything? I took out a policy on him!"
"Insurance policy?"
"Yes. I gave..GAVE, mind you!...I gave him 25% share of the business. Free and clear. A 'gift' the IRS would say. He'd be insane to screw up his own business!"
Rose laughed, kissed him and said, "I married a genius!"

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