"I'm sorry, Bill, but this flu is not getting better!.....yes, we've had to reschedule three times, but I'm sick as a dog!......oh yeah, Valentines Day is in a couple days......well, I should be up for that!.......yeah......I'm looking forward to it, too.....right back at ya!"
Tiffany has no sooner hung up the phone when it rings again. She reaches for a tissue and blows her nose before she answers.
"Oh, WandaSue! Yeah, I'm still are you doing finding a photographer?.......that's right.....I guess being Mayor you would have to be careful.....well, that's one idea, but what if he recognizes you, should anything go wrong?.......I suppose a costume might work....." laugher, "a clown getup? I love it! Well, that would be the safest, you wouldn't have to worry about someone blabbing it around......then it's settled.....I wish I did know when, this flu is driving me nuts......Valentines Day should be OK, though, this stinkin' flu can't last forever.....oh? you heard of a woman who's flu actually did?.........well, well, bless her heart! OK, talk to you later......right......this is going to work!"


Cecily has just finished looking through Rose's photo album and sighs, "You have such a lovely family! I wonder if I will ever have one!"
"Of course you will," Rose tells her as she places the albums back into the drawer, "You have a large group to pick from, too, if you're looking for a husband. All the men think you're divine!"
"It would make it easier if there weren't so many of them...."
Rose sits next to her on the couch, "You still haven't gone on a date with any of these fellows. That would be a start."
"I'm afraid that if I go out with one of them, that fellow will think he owns me, and you know how independent I am."
"Yes, you are. A great quality, don't lose it. But men can tell when you take them casually, which, my dear, is the only way to take them, let me tell you! Don't commit to any long term plans when you're with a guy. If he suggets a trip to the Carribean next fall, don't let him trap you. Just say it's too far in the future; that kind of thing."
"I suppose I should get out of the house more, I don't want to take up too much of your time, Rose. What with the children and John to take care of, you don't need me as well."
"You are no trouble, no trouble at all!" Rose insists, smiling, "but it is time to get out of the nest a bit....maybe you could go on lunch dates.....those are only an hour or so, yes, that's an idea. I don't know too many men who consider a lunch date a plight of troth."
"You're so clever! I'll do that! Next fellow who phones, if they haven't given up altogether by now, I'll suggest that."
"Oh they haven't given up, my dear! And with Valentines Day coming up, I predict a lot of phone calls."


"See, now wasn't that easy?" Rose laughs as Cecily pencils in the fourth date she's agreed to go on, all on one day.
Cecily looks at her list and sighs, "How am I going to go out with Rafe at 10am today, Hotspur at 1pm, Robin at 4pm and Slim at 7? What will I tell them, why will I say I have to be back at...."
"You are in the driver's seat here, Cec, remember that. If you tell Rafe you have to be home by 12:45, he'll have to cooperate or risk losing your favor."
"I don't understand this at all, why are they all trying to gain my favor?"
"You're pretty, very pretty, high spirited, and new, gal!"
"Then I can do whatever I want, say whatever I want, and it'll be OK, right?"
"Right! Now let's get you ready, you only have an hour before Rafe gets here........"


Cecily came downstairs in a skirt and cashmere sweater.
"Thank for letting me borrow this gold locket. It is gorgeous. Is it old?"
Rose looked up from feeding the baby. "Let's just say it is a present fit from a king."
"You mean FOR a king, don't you?"
"Yes. That's right. Where is Rafe taking you?"
"There is a Monet exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts. He's taking me to that. I told him I had to be back here at 12:30 to watch the children. I hate to lie to him."
" aren't exactly lying. I'll run to the store for a few minutes and have you watch the kids. That would solve it. Not your fault if I come back, oh, three hours earlier than planned!"
"There's the doorbell. Rose, I'm nervous!"
"Oh, don't be! He's very easy-going. He's not a robber anymore! And he put his rapier away! I'll bet he looked cute in that tri-corner hat, too!"
Cecily laughed and then the doorbell rang again.
"He's punctual!" Cecily said.
"And eager!"
Cecily opened the door. Rafe stood there in a nice leather coat and a turtleneck sweater. He smiled with pleasure.
Cecily said brightly, "This should be so much fun! But I am sorry that we can't stay too long. Rosamond has some errands to run and I'm afraid I forgot. I promised to watch the children for her. I hope you aren't too disappointed!"
Rafe tried to hide his disappointment but he said, "Oh, it's no problem! We can just go see the Monets. Will we have time for a bite to eat?"
Cecily said disappointedly, "Oh, I am sorry but I don't think so. I am so looking forward to it, though. We didn't have an appreciation of the arts where I was from. Or is it WHEN I was from?"
Rose came into the living room and said, "Oh, hi, Rafe! I'm sorry you have to cut your date short. But I have a dentist appointment and I have waited a month for it. Julie is cranky and I don't want to take her out in this weather."
Rafe said, "Oh, I understand, Rose. The guys and I owe you for letting us crash here that night. I'm afraid we ate you out of house and home."
Rose laughed, "Oh, no problem! We filled the pantry again!"
"Shall we go, Cecily?"
"Yes, let's! Do you think they will have 'Waterlilies' there?"
"I think so. We'll be back soon, Rose!"
"OK--drive careful!"
When they pulled out of the driveway, Rose sighed. Is it going to be this way when Julie and Jenna start to date?

BESS GOES Coralynn

Bess sees a car she thinks might be Rafe's pull into the driveway of John and Rose's house. She opens her eyes extra wide, in hope that doing so will make it easier to spot who gets out of the car.
When she sees Rafe emerge from the vehicle, she shifts her weight on the couch, upon which she has been sitting on her knees, backward, and anger surges through her.
"So!" she exclaims.
Marilyn is in the next room finishing up an advice column, and strolls into the living room. "So?!" she asks.
"Look, Marilyn! Rafe is going into Rose's house!"
"A lot of people come and go over there," Marilyn comments casually.
They both keep sentry at the window for a few more moments, and when they see Rafe come out of the house with Cecily, Bess blurts out, "That traitor! See? He's taking her out!"
"Oh come on," Marilyn says, "You and Rafe haven't been a couple for quite a long time. Remember telling me that he was too pedestrian for you now that he is a 'reformed' character?"
"I changed my mind!" Bess realizes that she indeed has, "I mean, he's making something of himself now, going to college to become a psychologist. He's going to be an important person one day soon."
"So 'important' is more desirable than 'dashing' or 'dangerous'?"
"It is now! Dashing or dangerous gets a guy thrown in the slammer in this century! People are suspicious of that, they look down on it. They value education and all that stuff, I found out."
"You're saying that whatever the culture at large values has to be your values, is that what you're saying?"
"I guess so...."
They see the car pull away and drive down the street, heading for the highway.
"That horrible girl had better not choose him, cause if she does I'll yank out her hair, I'll smack her in the face, I'll....."
Marilyn lays a hand on Bess' arm, the one sporting the clenched fist, and tells her calmly, "No you won't. If you want Rafe back, then make your wishes known to him. Last he knew you were bored with him."
"Not any more!" Bess stands and strides aggressively into the kitchen, both hands now clenched.

MONET, Terri

Cecily and Rafe went inside the Museum of Fine Arts. Rafe handed Cecily a guide to the exhibits.
"Isn't that wonderful? I love the way he uses lights and shadows." Cecily stood in front of a painting of the Rouen Cathedral. "See the way the shadow falls here and the light comes from over there."
Rafe looked at it. "How do you know so much about art, Cecily?"
She laughed. "I used to do sketches. My mother was a bit of an artist but mostly she loved to write poetry. She told me once she used to write it as a girl. But she said after she married my father, the poetry went out of her. She said she had no desire to write again. I guess maybe because she found her heart's desire in my father."
Rafe grew quiet. She doesn't know about Rhys Morgan and that John and Daniel are only her half brothers, does she?
Cecily took Rafe's arm and linked it in hers. "So....while we are looking at these lovely paintings, tell me--how does a highwayman make the transformation?"
Rafe laughed and patted her hand. "It's a long story. I was one of ten children. My father died when I was six. My mother took in other people's laundry to put food on the table. She died when I was ten. I was left pretty much on my own. I started stealing from people's gardens just to have something to eat. I crept into their barns at night and slept in their lofts. There for a while I joined up with the Border Reivers in Scotland. I had to leave suddenly and took passage on a ship to the colonies. But times were tough there, too. I took up my old ways and became a highwayman in Connecticut."
"How does Bess Crane fit into the picture?"
"Ah, Bess! Her father was an innkeeper. I used to frequent there. She would hide me sometimes in her room until the coast was clear. The redcoats were always after me. There was a romantic poem written about us. Supposedly we were betrayed by an ostler named Tim who was in love with Bess and she was held captive by the soldiers. They tied her up with a musket and she shot herself as a warning for me. But I can't imagine Bess doing that for me. I can't imagine Bess doing anything but going to the mall!"
"Are you still an 'item' as Rose would say?"
"Bess is infatuated with anyone who is dashing and daring. She was engaged to Slim for a while. But they broke up. She had the hots for some actor once. The list goes on."
"You don't seem to hold her in very high esteem."
"Oh, don't get me wrong. Bess is a good sort. But she needs to grow up alot.She's kind of 'attention deficit' in the romance department."
Cecily turned her attention to another painting.
"Oh, look at the balance of the reds and pinks, off-set by the blue."
Rafe smiled at her. At last a woman with beauty and an appreciation of the arts! The time flew by. Cecily said, "I'm so sorry this has to end. Maybe another time?"
He smiled and said, "We can try the Metropolitan Museum some time!"
She said, "I'd like that! We'd better get back so Rose can get to her dentist appointment."
Rafe opened the car door for her and as he pulled away, he thought, 'what an enjoyable morning!'


Cecily immediately goes to where Rose is cleaning up the children after their lunch; food spatters in a wide arc around Julie's spot at the table. She looks up and asks, "How was your date with Rafe?"
"Good. I love going to art museums."
"But how would you rate him on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being terrible and 10 being terrific?"
"I'd better keep a list," Cecily tears off a sheet of paper and writes Rafe's name, then pauses....."I'd say a 9. I may change my mind after I go out with the others, so I'll write it in pencil."
"Always a good idea to write things in pencil," Rose smiles at her, "So," looking at her watch, "you have about 20 minutes till Hotspur gets here. Are you going to need to change your clothes?"
"Well, Hotspur said we were going to a sports bar, and to dress casually, what would that mean?"
"A sports bar.....well, probably pants and a sweater. Better get up to your room and pick something out."
"Will do!" Cecily says cheerily as she runs up the stairs.

Hotspur is five minutes early, but Cecily has been ready for ten, so when he rings the bell, she opens the door and tells him, "I'm ready!"
"And so you are!" he looks impressed, "Better get a warm jacket, the temp isn't going to go over 25 today."
Cecily grabs a down-filled jacket, tosses it on and is outside, walking toward Hots' car when one of her feet slides on an icy patch. She starts to fall but Hots grabs her, "We can't have you getting hurt!" he says with concern.
She then holds his arm as he carefully walks her the rest of the way to the car and opens the door for her to slide in. "You sure you're alright?" he asks.
"I'm fine! wonderful!" she assures him as he goes around, get in and starts the car. Soon they're on their way to his favorite sports bar.


"HEY! Look at this!" Bess is eating her lunch sandwich in front of the window, a place where she has stationed herself since early in the morning.
"What?" Eleanor walks toward the window to see.
"Look! That harlot is going someplace with Hotspur now! She went out with Rafe this morning, and now she's out with Hotspur! What is going on here?"
"Must be trying them on for size," Eleanor responds, casually.
"She'd better not be trying them on!"
"You know what I mean, Bess. Look at it this way: if she were dating just Rafe and no one else, you would have more cause for concern. She may prefer one of the other guys. This is not her fault!"
"Sure it is! She could have said 'no'!"
"Rose told me that several of the men have been phoning almost every day and Bess decided to go out with each one of them to get it over with."
"Yeah, sure, and if you believe that, I have a bridge...." Bess breaks off, and returns to the kitchen for another sandwich to see her through the afternoon. This could be a long day, she thinks, a very long day!

As soon as Cecily and Hotspur enter the sports bar, the sound of the television sets scattered liberally all over the place hits her. They take off their jackets and slide into a booth, facing each other.
"What sport is this?" she asks excitedly.
"Basketball. The object is for one team to throw the ball through the hoop....see those hoops at the ends of the playing floor?........anyway, whichever team throws it through the nets attached to the hoops the most, wins."
"I love it! Wow, those guys are sure running fast.......ooooooo, good one! that one guy threw it through the net from way out in the middle of the floor!"
"His team gets 3 points for a score like that," Hots informs her as the waitress comes over to take their order. She's dressed in a micro-mini and a very revealing top that clings like a second skin.
Cecily asks, "I love your outfit! Where can I get one?"
The waitress is surprised, "Well, you have to work here to get one of these."
"Oh," Cecily is disappointed.
"But the stores carry outfits similar to this one," the waitress wants to make all her customers happy.
"I must go shopping for one tomorrow!" Cecily resolves.
"What would you like from the menu?" the waitres asks.
Cecily looks at the menu and decides, "I'll have a jumbo Reuben sandwich with extra pickles!" she responds.
"Good choice," Hots says, "Me, too. And chips."
"Chips come with it," the waitress points to it on the menu.
"OK, then, can we get double the chips?" Hots is having fun with this.
"Sure! You're paying!" the waitress answers good naturedly and writes on the pad, then goes on to the next booth.
Cecily stares at the closest television, "Look! That poor guy fell down! A fellow from the other team is helping him up. That's so nice of him."
"It's sportsmanship," Hots informs her, "you want to win, but you don't want to injure the players on the other team, at least not usually."
"Which team do you favor?" she asks.
"I like the Celtics. They're playing the Pistons, and right now the Pistons are 8 points ahead.........ooooo, go man go!"
"Looks like your team just made a score!" Cecily all but jumps up and down in her seat.
"Yeah, and they look like they're about to do it again! GO!" Hots yells.
"GO!" Cecily echoes.
By the time the sandwiches arrive, the Celtics are up by 6. Cecily takes a big bite of the Reuben while she continues to stare at the tv on the wall. Juice from the sauerkraut drips down her chin, which she doesn't even notice till Hots reaches over and wipes it off. She grins, "Thank you, Hotspur!" then continues to be riveted to the screen.
The game ends with their team the victor. They cheer and do high-fives across the table.
"Did you enjoy the game or do I need to ask?" Hots inquires.
"I loved it! And I loved that sandwich! This is a fun place to be!"
"I thought you might appreciate it. I could show you more of the town if you have time...."
She looks at the clock on the wall of the bar and grimmaces, "I wish I did, but I promised Rose I'd be back by 3:30, 3:45 at the latest. She's very protective of me. Isn't that silly?"
"It's understandable, you're new here, and if Rose and John are protective, they should be."
"John thinks of me as his 'baby sister,'" Cecily laughs, "And I don't suppose he'll change his attitude no matter how grown I am. I really can take care of myself."
"I'm sure you can, Cecily, but you need to take proper caution.....this is a different century."
"Rose told me you were a great friend of hers and a fierce warrior! Sometime you'll have to tell me more about when you lived, it sounds very exciting!"
"I'll be glad to, my dear, but right now I'd best get you back or Rose will send out the police to find out what I've done with you!" he helps her on with her jacket.
"You think she would?!" Cecily laughs.
Hots laughs with her as they exit the sports bar, get into his car, and head down the street.


Cecily enters the house all smiles. "You had a good time?" Rose asks, as if she had to.
"Great! Hots and I watched basketball and ate reuben sandwiches! It was wonderful!"
"So what score are you going to write down for him?"
Cecily grabs a pencil and marks down a '10.' "TEN! A pefect ten!"
"I'm impressed! Must be you two hit it off!"
"Oh yes, we sure did. He is more fun! I have to get ready for my next date, though, don't I?"
"That you do. Robin will be here in 23 minutes. Did he say where he was taking you?"
"He wanted to go to Central Park, but that takes too long, I mean I only have two and a half hours per date, don't I?"
"So maybe he can show me a park closer by. Think I'm dressed right for that?"
"Yes, that outfit is perfect for the park."
"I just hope he doesn't decide we need to eat! I am stuffed!"
When Robin does arrive, he's wearing a green jacket, green pants and a green cap. Rose supresses her urge to laugh, all that green on Robin Hood, how appropriate!
As they leave the house, he tells Cecily, "A walk in the woods would be delightful, do you agree?"
Rose sees them drive off and hopes Cecily isn't so exhausted from all this that she hasn't the energy left to go out with Slim at 7pm. She's pulling for Slim..........


"MY GOD! She just left with Robin this time!" Bess yells.
William, who has been snoozing in his recliner, awakens and narrows his eyes to see who is responsible for the outburst.
"Who has just left with Robin, and why are you so upset?"
"Robin is the third man that Cecily creature has gone out with today! She is hogging all the men! First it was Rafe, then Hotspur, now Robin!"
"And you objection is.....?"
"I saw them first! I was making progress with Robin, too, till she came along!"
"You want Robin?" he arches one eyebrow.
She calms down somewhat and sits on the couch, "I thought I did, but I really want Rafe back."
"You know Rafe the best, being involved back in 1777 or whenever it was...." William muses.
"Rafe is going to be an important psychologist soon, William. He is going to be rich, write books, appear on television, and be famous!"
"That appeals to you?"
"Yeah! These other guys are nice enough, I suppose, but Rafe is going to be HUGE!"
"So who cares if Cecily dates Robin, since you don't want him?"
"No, you see, William, she wants them all! She's playing them against each other. She's playing with them like they were toys. They all think they want her because the other guys do, you know how competitive guys are! A girl could be cross eyed with two heads and ...."
"Both heads cross eyed?" William can't resist.
"She could be so ugly that mirrors crack and birds attack her when she goes outdoors.........but if one guy wants her, the others line up behind him, like sheep!"
"Why don't you get a guy to declare he wants you and see if that gets the same results, then?" William uses her logic.
"How can I when they're all gagga over her?!" she stamps out of the room.

Cecily can see that Robin is magazine cover handsome, but he goes on and on and on about his exploits while she sits on a fallen tree log, yawning. He doesn't even pause to wait for a reply from her, he seems on auto pilot. "So I guess I showed them!" he brings his latest anecdote to a climax.
"Oh yeah, you sure did," she half-heartedly agrees, "Robin? I'm getting cold. Could we go back?"
"By all means!" he escorts her out of the woods, and after they enter his car, which is tuned to a pretty good music station, he clicks it off so he can continue.....
"Let me tell you, Cecily, those peasant were so grateful to me.........."
She zones out.
When they arrive back at Rose's house, she doesn't wait for him to help her out of the car, she opens the door herself, smiles wanly and says, "Thanks, Robin."
He watches her go up to the porch and into the house, wondering why she didn't at least give him a goodbye kiss.


Cecily opened up the door and dragged herself inside. Rosamond was tossing a salad for dinner. Will was sitting at the table doing his spelling words and Julie was crawling under the cabinet, pulling out pots and pans. The baby must have been sleeping in her room as there was no sound from her.
Rose looked up from adding a few herbs and said, "You look like something the cat dragged in! Do you think you will be able to go out with Slim tonight?"
Cecily sat down and took her shoes off. She rubbed her feet. "I think so. What time is it now?"
"It's 5:15. You certainly weren't out with Robin very long. Did things not go so well?"
Cecily wiggled her toes to try to get some feeling back into her feet.
"Well, let's just say the wrapping is gorgeous but when you take that off, the package is pretty empty."
Rose looked quizzical. "What?"
"It's something I heard Daniel say. I think it means they look pretty on the outside but once you get to know them, there's really not much in common. Robin did quite a lot of talking about himself and his exploits."
Rosamond laughed. "Oh. That! Well, Robin was a pretty big deal in Sherwood Forest. The peasants idolized him. Now in the 21st century, he's not quite the talk of the town. My guess is that he tried too hard to impress you."
Cecily said, "That he did. For about five minutes. I don't see myself going out with him again. I'm sure there is someone out there for him. Just not me. He IS gorgeous but I need more than just a pretty face. "
Rosamond looked out the window. "John just pulled up. Remember--not a word to him about your speed-dating. He gets very upset when I am involved in other people's affairs. If he knew I instigated this tag-team match, well, I just don't want to hear it."
Cecily raised her eyebrows and pointed to Will. She whispered, "Won't he fink on us?"
Rose shook her head no. "When Will gets that little furrow between his eyes, he's concentrating on something and has the ability to tune everyone out. Like his father. That is why Henry was such a great leader. And a lousy lover. He couldn't see beyond himself. Shhhh! We don't hardly mention you-know-who around John!"
John came in the kitchen door. "I can't understand this weather. It's almost Valentine's day and the snow is starting to come down again." He kissed Rose hello and said to Cecily, "You look really tired. What did you do all day?"
Cecily looked to Rosamond and quickly said, "I watched a basketball game on TV today."
John lifted the lid on the crockpot. "Chili. At least you can't burn it in a crock pot, hon. Cecily, you need to get out more. Hang out with some of the others. Maybe go out socially with Bess and Marilyn."
Rose tried to stifle a laugh. "She's doing fine, John. Just fine."
Cecily stood up and said, "I'm going to take a bubble bath. And by the way, John, I'm going out with Slim Skaggs tonight."
"That's nice. Where are you going?"
Cecily ran up the stairs and said, "To a monster truck rally."
"That's sounds like fun, Cecily...wait! WHERE are you going?"
No answer except water running. Rosamond busily concentrated on putting olive oil on the salad. "Where did she say she was going, Rose?"
Rose pretended she didn't hear. She looked earnestly through the cupboard. "Now where did I put the vinegar....?"
John closed the cupboard door and turned Rose to face him. He looked in her face and said slowly and succinctly, "Just-where-did-Cecily-say-she-was-going-Rosamond?"
Before she could answer, Will looked up and said wistfully, "Aunt Cecily is going to that big truck ralley at the new stadium with Slim. Sure wish I was going!"
John turned to Rose and said, "Is this your doing?"
"Certainly not! John, as hard as it is for you to believe, your 'baby sister' is twenty-one, she has been married and widowed and time-traveled, so cut her some slack!"
John frowned, "It's just that she is new to this time-frame. I worry about her."
Rosamond said, "She's a bright young woman. She'll do fine."
John said, "Yeah, I guess so. I guess Slim can be trusted."
Rosamond retorted, "Of course he can! Slim was always a perfect gentleman with me. And I am sure he will treat Cecily with the utmost respect."
John sighed. "Yeah, I guess so. It's one thing when a guy moves in on your wife..and another when it is your baby sister!"
Rose opened her mouth to say something but John kissed her and said, "Just kidding. Now..what's for dinner? Burned chili or scorched garlic toast?"

They had just finished dinner when Cecily came downstairs. Rose said, "I saved you some chili, Cecily. Would you like some?"
Cecily said, "No, that's OK. Slim said we would get something called...chili dogs? He said they aren't really dogs. Thank goodness! He must have seen the look on my face!"
John said, with just a tinge of jealousy and protectiveness, "You look very nice, Cecily. Only try to pull this up..."
He tried to hoist the neckline up on Cecily's scoopneck sweater.
Rose said, "John, leave her alone! You never minded it before when women showed a bit of skin!"
Cecily pulled the bottom of her pink sweater down and said, "John, I am an adult. Not a little girl. Don't worry--and if it will make you feel any better, Daniel said he was going to the truck rally too and would probably see us there."
The door bell rang and Will answered the door.
"Hey, Slim!" Will high-fived him. "Aunt Cecily is in the kitchen arguing with Daddy."
"Yeah. About sweaters."
Slim had on a nice pullover sweater and jeans and his suede jacket.
"Hi, Slim! How nice you look!" Rosamond flashed him a smile and gave him a two thumbs up.
"You think so?"
Rosamond said, "I know so!" Then she lowered her voice to a whisper, "I'm pulling for you!"
Cecily came in looking refreshed in her pink sweater and jeans, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked no more than seventeen. Slim held her coat out to her and helped her on with it. John frowned. As they turned to go, Cecily said, "I have the key you gave me, Rose. You two don't need to wait up!"
John frowned and they walked out the door. He turned to Rose and said, "YOU GAVE HER A KEY? 'DON'T WAIT UP'?"
Rose sighed exasperatedly and said, "Stuff it, Gwinnett!"
He was taken aback. He finally said, "She's never been out on a date before."
Rose picked up Julie to take her for a bath and thought, 'he doesn't even know the half of it'!
As she climbed the stairs with Julie in tow, he yelled from down below, "I don't like it, Rose! Not one little bit!"
She yelled back, "SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW?"
John shook his head. Women!
Then it just dawned on him. I've got two far. I'll worry about that another day. He groaned, laid back on the couch and grabbed the remote.
Hockey...take me away!

ANOTHER ONE?! Coralynn

Bess is finishing up her dinner, still on sentry duty at the window in the living room.
Robin strolls in and asks, "Why are you by the window, Bess?"
Bess realizes that Robin was out with Cecily but an hour or so ago, and digs deep for a lie....
However, she sees movement out of the corner of her eye; turns back to the window and yells, "Not another one!"
"Another what?" Robin asks.
Cecily is so insensed she forgets trying to be tactful, "That harlot is on her fourth date today!"
"What harlot, who are you talking about?" he asks, confused.
She motions toward the window, "See for yourself!"
Robin sees Slim and Cecily walking toward Slim's truck, talking and laughing, and wonders what that girl has indeed been up to.
Bess whirls on him, "You might as well know, Robin! Cecily, that little witch, and I'm being generous calling her that, has been going out with every man any of us know! So far it's been, let's see, Rafe this morning, Hotspur at lunchtime, you in the late afternoon, and now here it is about 7, and she's off with Slim! How d'ya like them apples?"
"Not well," he confeses as he takes up his position at the window beside Bess, disappointed that his date with Cecily was just one in a long list.

I Terri

Bess sat there and bit her thumb nail. "Where did they go? I'm trying to think where Slim used to take me but I think we mostly just hung out here. Maybe bowling."
Robin sighed. "Don't ask me. I didn't feed her. At least she was a cheap date."
"Yeah. Emphasis on 'cheap'."
She drummed her fingers on the end table. "I got it! I can worm it out of Rosamond."
Bess picked up the phone and dialed.
"Hello?" a child's voice came over the phone.
"Oh, Hi, Will! Is your mommy around?"
Will said, "Hi, Bess! Mommy's upstairs trying to get Julie in the bathtub. Wanna hear the screaming?"
Will took the receiver and put it in the direction of the upstairs. A shrill baby's cry was heard in the background.
He got back on the line and said, "Man, is Julie ever wailing tonight!"
Bess said, "Goodness, Will! Julie never minded her bath here. What gives?"
Will said, "That silly putty you gave her? She stuck it in her hair. Mom is trying to get it out with peanut butter."
Bess laughed and then said, "Is your dad there?"
"Yeah, but he's watching hockey and I think he fell asleep. At least his eyes are closed."
Bess said, "Will, I'm really looking for your Aunt Cecily. Can I talk to her?"
"She's there?"
"You asked if you can talk to her. I said yes. You can...if she were here. But she's not here. She went to the monster truck rally and I wanted to go and Daddy said he's too tired to take me. If I knew Uncle Daniel was going, I'd see if he would take me."
Bess motioned excitedly to Robin and he walked over and put his ear next to the receiver.
Bess continued, "Really! A truck rally! That sounds like fun. So she went to the rally with Uncle Daniel."
Will snorted, " 'course not! She went with Slim. I think he really likes her. On account of he smelled real good! And Aunt Cecily smiled alot. Daddy made that face he gets when he doesn't like something and Mommy told him 'stuff it, Gwinnett' so I know she was ticked off at him."
Bess said, "OK--and thanks, Will!"
Will said, "You still need to talk to Mommy? Julie just broke something and Mommy is yelling for Daddy to get a dustpan and broom and now Daddy is mad because he said he's tired and wants to watch the game. Hey, Bess? Ask Grandma Celeste if I can come over because it is a zoo here!"
Bess said, "She's not home, honey."
"Oh." Disappointed, Will said, "I guess I have to stay here and wait to see what Julie does next. Daddy said she is a little she-devil..and now Jenna's crying. You wanna talk to them now?"
"No way, Will! Bye!"
"Bye, Bess!"

Bess turned to Robin and said, "Guess where we're going, Robin?"
"The monster truck rally!"
She grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs. "Here! Put this hat on that William wears in summer. And here are a pair of sunglasses Daniel left here."
She rummaged through her clothes and accessories and put on a red-haired wig and huge Jackie O sunglasses. She wound a scarf around her neck and said, "Let's get our coats!"
"But Cecily...why?"
"Because...we...well, just because! We are on a reconnaissance mission, Robin! I don't know what we will find..but we will know when we find it!"


Slim and Cecily sat down in their stadium seats. Cecily's eyes were wide open. "Is that truck really going to jump those ten cars?"
Slim put his booted foot up on the seat back in front of him. "You bet! Just watch!"
To the roar of the crowd, a huge truck roared to life and totally became airborne. Flames shot out of the back of it. Cecily jumped to her feet and clapped and yelled with the rest of them. Slim looked at the program and said, "We have twenty minutes between the events. You hungry?"
She nodded. "Yes. I think I am."
He grabbed her hand and said, "Let's get some chow then."
They went to the concession stand and Slim perused the menu. "You want to try chicken fingers?"
Cecily laughed. "Chickens don't have fingers!--do they?"
The concessionaire laughed and said, "Sure they do! Here, little lady!"
He handed Cecily a piece. She tentatively put it in her mouth and her eyes widened.
"Why--these fingers are good! But those claws are so skinny! How did they fatten them up?"
The concessionaire laughed again and said to Slim, "I like talking to her! And she's not even blonde!"
Slim said, "We'll have an order of chicken fingers, two chili dogs with the works, an order of onion rings and...Cecily? Do you want some Budweiser?"
"Well..sure. Anything once!"
Slim said, "You heard the lady! Give us the works!"
The concessionaire grinned. "You got it!"

Bess wrapped her scarf around her neck and adjusted the wig. Robin started to take his hat off.
"NO!" Bess yelled. She jammed his hat down almost over his eyes. "You keep that on!"
He pulled the hat up off his nose. "OW, Bess! That hurts! Do we really need to do this?"
'Yes, we do and.....LOOK! THERE THEY ARE!"
She caught sight of Slim and Cecily carrying their food and beer back to their stadium seats.
"Quick! Follow them!"
They stood twenty feet behind. Bess was fuming.
"Look at the way she's throwing her head back and tilting it to the side! Is that an affectation or what?"
"I think it is kind of charming..OW! Bess, that hurt!"
Bess had smacked the top of his head so the fish-fly on the hat pricked his scalp. She grabbed his arm and dragged him into the arena. "There! They are sitting right...over....THERE!"
Robin rubbed his head and took off his sunglasses. "This is too much! And I'm hungry. Do you want something to eat?"
"Hmmm? Sure." Her eyes never left the two of them.
"Well, what do you want?"
"Revenge. Served up cold."
"Does that get mustard or ketcup?"
Bess rolled her eyes. "You act like this dumb cop I know. Now stop it! I'll go with you. At least we know where they are seated."
They stood in line at the concession. Robin took off the sunglasses. Bess took them and tried to put back on his face. He irritatedly took them off again. "For crying out loud, Bess! I can't see a freaking thing!"
"Oh, all right!"
"What will it be, folks?"
Bess ordered chicken wings and nachos, Robin ordered a couple slices of pizza and they both got their mugs of beer.
Bess said, "Let's go up a few rows and one section over. We can see what they are up to over there."
Robin sighed. "Why?"
"Well....she may be an evil person and we have to know our enemy!"
"Oh for crying out loud, Bess! She's a nice girl..and she's John and Daniel's baby sister!"
Bess said darkly, "Yes. As all of you are quick to point out!"
She dipped her hot wings into her blue cheese dip and said, "Suzy Snowflake will slip up. And when she does, I'll be there to see it! You'll all thank my diligence for it."
Robin sighed and bit into his pizza. Yeah. Right. May as well kick the Easter bunny in the face too, Bess!

Cecily wiped the ketchup from her mouth and then took the napkin and touched it to the side of Slim's face. She laughed, "You are wearing that stuff called mustard! I must say, Slim, this is a great time! What is next?"
Slim looked at the program and said, "We have the mud competition and then the freestyle. Do you have to be home at any certain time?"
"Of course not! I'm a grown woman and---" here Cecily pulled out the key--"Rose gave me a house key."
Slim grinned. "That's great! Now, look at that truck over there with 'Maximum Destruction' on its side. I had one like that."
"Well, maybe not just like it. But it was pretty cool. It was the talk of Austin, Texas! It was orange and it had a rebel flag painted on the hood."
"Where is it now?"
"It's sitting in a storage garage over on Bedford Road. It needs work. Maybe someday soon I can enter it into a monster truck rally like this one!"
Cecily put her arm through Slim's and said, "And I shall be in the front row to cheer you on!"

Bess stared at Slim and Cecily. Her eyes never left them as she methodically dipped her chicken wings in the blue cheese dressing and then viciously tore at it with her pretty white teeth. "Look at them, Robin! Robin? LOOK AT THEM!"
Robin was reading his program. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Hey, Bess, let's go on home. I want to go home and watch that Kevin Costner movie 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.' I mean, it's a bio-pic of me! Only they had Will Scarlett as my brother when he was really my cousin. I want to see how accurate they get it."
He took Bess' hand from her mouth. "And you are all done with your wings. Now you are just gnawing on the bones. Not very becoming, Bess! You look like Bethia's Golden Retriever."
"Stuff it, Hood!"
"Hood? Actually, it is Locksley. Hood is just a place. 'Robin of the Hood'. Of course now. 'hood' is black slang for 'neighborhood' "
Bess sighed. "Yes, I guess we can leave." She took off her wig and sunglasses and said, "Let's go."
They went up the stairs and over to the next section and down so Slim and Cecily would not see them. As they went outside in the cold air and headed for Bess' car, she said quietly, "Robin?"
"Am I pretty? I mean, do you think I am?"
Robin smiled at her sincerely and gave her a reassuring hug. "Yes, Bess. You are breath-taking!"
Bess' smile was bittersweet. "Thanks, Robin. I needed that. I really did. Now, let's go home and eat some of Celeste's carrot cake!"
He laughed and they headed home.

John tossed and turned in the bed. Rosamond woke up and punched her pillow down and grabbed her share of the blankets.
"Having trouble sleeping, darling?"
John got out of bed, grabbed his robe and put it on. He paced around the room.
"She's not home yet."
"Is that what this is about?"
"Do you know what time it is, Rose?"
She shrugged and yawned. "Nighttime. Dark-thirty?"
He snapped, "It is 1:00 AM. She's out there. Nothing good happens past midnight."
Rose muttered, "Don't I know it?"
"Nothing. I think you are over-reacting. Slim is trust-worthy. For all you know, they may have stopped somewhere for a nightcap."
"Well, it had damn well not be at Slim's apartment!"
"Oh, for heaven's sake, John! She's an adult! What are you going to do when Julie and Jenna get old enough to date?"
John scowled. "It's too horrible to even think of!"
Rose burrowed down in the blankets. "Are you going to lock them in the tower?"
"We don't have a tower, Rose."
"Not yet."
John tightened the belt on his robe. "I'm not sleepy. I'm going downstairs to watch some TV."
"Yeah. Sure you are."
But John didn't hear it. He was already down the stairs.

John pulled the drapes back and looked out the window. He paced. He paced some more. He picked up the phone and checked. Dial-tone. So it IS in working. He tried to read a magazine. Nope. Not going to happen. He turned the TV on. He tried to concentrate on an old movie. Not working for him. He shut the TV off. He stood up. Paced again. He picked up his Clive Cussler book. He shut it after three pages that he read for the fourth time. He turned the reading lamp off and stood up.
Suddenly, he saw headlights in his driveway and two car doors slam. He sat down on the couch. He never turned the lving room lights on so it was dark in the living room. After a few minutes, he heard a car door slam again. Headlights came on and backed out of the drive. A key turned in the door and it was quietly opened.
The figure of Cecily tiptoed quietly through the living room. A light came on suddenly and Cecily gasped. She put her hand to her heart.
John glowered at her. "Do you know what time it is, young lady?"
She looked over at the digital clock on the bookshelf and said, "It's 1:30."
"And just where have you been, Cecily Gwinnett?"
"You knew I was going to the truck rally with Slim Skaggs!"
"At this time at night? You honestly expect me to believe a truck rally went this long?"
Cecily said, "It was over at 12:30. It took 15 minutes to get home.."
"And so you should have been home at 12:45! Can you account for the last 45 minutes?"
"We stopped off and had coffee at a little restaurant and....Why am I telling YOU? John, it is none of your business!"
"I beg to differ, Cecily! You are under my roof and therefore my responsibility."
"John, I have been married--or rather HAD been married--for the last four years. I ran Bonniebrae superbly. I hosted parties, I was in the social whirl. And I did it all without having to resort to accounting for my whereabouts to my brother!"
John was taken aback. Cecily softened. "Look, John, don't worry about me. I am just trying this century on for size. So far I like it. All of your friends are alot of fun. And I hope to make them MY friends and fit in. So if I take a little extra time to get to know them a little better, please don't get upset. I'm not stupid. And I am not a morally decrepit. Now, I've had a long day and I just want to fall into bed. Oh, don't look at me like that!"
Cecily threw her arms around John and gave him a hug. "Besides, Daniel was with us most of the time!"
Cecily grinned devilishly. "Because it was so much fun watching you play the 'big brother' role. Now---goodnight! See you in the morning."
Cecily scampered up the stairs. John stood there dumbfounded. He gave a big sigh and climbed the stairs.
As he slid into bed, Rosamond said sleepily, "I take it little sister is home."
He said quietly, "Uh huh."
"Did she have a good time?"
"Seemed to."
"Slim is nice. I'm glad she is getting to know him."
"Rose, don't you dare play matchmaker!"
Rose yawned and said, "I wouldn't dream of it! Besides, I don't have to. Nature is taking its course. But don't worry, John! I'm looking out for Cecily!"
John groaned inwardly. That is all I need! Rose looking out for Cecily. Wonder if I can hire a keeper...for both of them!


Rose has fed the children and is cleaning up when Cecily comes out of her room sleepy-eyed.
"Other than the fact that John yelled at you, how was your date with Slim?" Rose asks her.
"Great! I loved that monster truck rally! Whoever would have imagined something like that back when I lived..."
"Ahh the glories of the 21st century!" Rose laughs, "Did you like Slim?" her request barely veils her eagerness to know if Slim has moved up to the top of the list.
"I'd have to give him a '10,' too," Cecily beams, "He's a gentleman, and great fun!"
"Well, girl, you're coming in the home stretch on this speed dating. You have Mike and David today, is that right?"
"Yeah, but I'll be glad when this is over. Too much fun, too much excitement. I go out with Mike at 12 noon, and David at 4pm."
"Great. Can I ask you to stay with the children for an hour while I run to the pharmacy?" Rose puts the clean dishes away.
"Be glad to!"
"I should be back within the hour. Jenna is taking a nap, Will is at school, and Julie is plopped down in front of the television watching cartoons. You might want to give her a cup of juice in a bit." Rose puts on her coat and heads for the door.
"No problem!" Cecily says cheerfully.
She goes into the room where Julie is watching cartoons and sits down, marveling at the way the television is able to pick up pictures and sound from far away.
She marvels how this small child is riveted by the crazy cartoon characters running manically around a flagpole, when she hears a scratching noise at the back door. She looks to see if the dog is inside, and he is. Hmmm, she thinks, it's not the dog! So who or what can it be? She continues to hear it and for the first time since she's been in this century, feels fear.
Knowing that she's responsible for the safety of the children, she reaches over and picks up the phone. There's a small paper pasted on the phone stating that in an emergency dial 9-1-1. She pushes in the numbers and is relieved when she hears a voice.
"Police!" the voice announces.
"I'm here alone.......well, with small children, but........well, you see, I hear something outside that sounds like someone may be trying to break in."
"What's the address?"
"Well, let's see, it's the Gwinett house on Winding Willow...."
"I know it well! Be right over!" the voice tells her.
She hangs up and tries to get interested in the cartoons, but the scratching sound hasn't stopped, and all she wants is to see a police car pull into the driveway.
When it does pull in, it makes a loud roar just before the ignition is turned off. She runs to the front door and sees a young officer standing there. "You got here quickly!" she says, relieved.
"Of course I did. I'm the quickest cop on the force!" Travis McGee tells her, puffing out his chest and sucking in his abdomen. He can't help noticing that this young woman is very lovely, and someone he has never seen before, but decides to do his 'duty' before exploring the possibilities further.
"The scratching sound is at the back door," Cecily tells him. He crouches down and she can see him scootching along the side of the house, the top of his head just barely visible from the dining room windows.
She runs into the kitchen and sees the cop pull his gun out and swing it around wildly, yelling, "Come out! I know you're back here!" but nobody comes out, there is no one in sight.
It's then that she sees some overgrown bushes by the back door, the wind whipping them against the side of the house. She feels a bit foolish about this. Why didn't I just look out? she chides herself, I could have figured this out. Now the officer will think I'm stupid.

Travis McGee rings the front doorbell, and when she opens it, he steps inside, saying, "I had a bead on 'em, but he got away!"
"Oh my!" Cecily exclaims, "That was brave!" knowing full well that the sound was caused by the bushes.
Travis smiles his best smile at her, which looks a bit better than his normal Halloween pumpkin smile. He holds it, knowing this is his best effort.
"Well, thank you so much..." she says, which means he should leave, but he doesn't want to, not yet.
"You're new, aren't you?" he asks.
"Yes. John is my brother and I have just recently come to live with him, and his family of course."
"Oh yes, very."
"How would you like to take in a movie with me tonight?"
"I'm booked up tonight, but tomorrow night might be good."
Travis pulls out an official looking pad and writes on it, asking, "And your name is....."
"Cecily Gwinett, and yours?"
"McGee, Travis McGee!" he boasts, then tells her in the deepest voice he can reach down for,"OK, Cecily Gwinett, I'll pick you up at 6:45 so we can see an 7pm showing!" he snaps the pad closed and shoves it into his back pocket, which is too small for it, he should have known better, and both of them hear a rippppppp.
He turns,walks with large, masculine strides toward his police car, his back pocket hanging down, flapping in the breeze.


When Rose returns Cecily is too embarrased to tell her that she called 9-1-1 because the large bush out back was whipping up against the side of the house, and instead asks, "What should I wear on a date when I have no idea where we'll be going? I have an hour till Mike gets here."
"Hmmm, let's see, what would be safe.......well, during the daytime at this time of the year, you'd be safe in nice tailored pants, one of your better blouses, and a cardigan. Even if you go someplace upscale, you'll fit in."
"That sounds right! Thanks!" Cecily goes to her room and begins pulling out articles of clothing that fit that description.

An hour later, when the doorbell rings, Cecily looks out through the window on the door to see Mike standing there with a box in his hands. She wonders what it might be......
"Hi, Mike, come on in!" she greets him. He steps inside and immediately hands her the box. When she opens it she finds an exotic looking flower inside.
"It's an orchid!" he tells her, then reaches in and lifts it out. He takes the long pin and, orchid in hand, attempts to pin it to her cardigan.
It's too heavy and the cardigan droops unattractively.
He decides to put it in her hair, but there's no way to keep it in place, and it falls to the floor.
"That's OK, Mike," she says, "I'll just leave it here."
He looks crestfallen that his impressive gift is not going to be used, and places the flower back in the box, then slides it onto the little table in the vestibule.
She gets out a good winter coat, just in case they do go to an upscale place, and puts it on. "Where are we going?" she asks him casually.
"You'll see," is his reply.
Cecily sees Rose standing in the doorway of the living room and shrugs. Rose shrugs back.

As they drive along, Cecily tries to figure out what it is with this man. He isn't saying anything. She searches her mind for a topic of conversation that anyone can join in. "Nice sunny day!" she begins.
"My last name is Jefferson," Mike says, "Michael Jefferson. I think Cecily Jefferson sounds good, too."
"It very well may, but my last name is Gwinett."
He pulls into the driveway of a large office building and stops the car. Cecily can't imagine what kind of 'date' would be held in a building like that, but follows him inside.
He scans the Directory posted inside the front door and says, "OK, there it is."
"There what is?"
"The marriage license office, of course! We are getting married, you know."
She pulls away and her expression becomes hostile, "No we aren't! I barely know you."
"But you agreed...."
"I agreed to go out with you on a date, not marry you!" she would like to laugh, but doesn't want to humiliate him.
"You are my woman! In Atlantis, we men were assigned to be men of some woman, like "Marilyn's Man," which I was, but she divorced me when we got to this century, so I would be free to choose my own woman, and.....I choose you."
"I have no say in the matter?" she asks incredulously.
"You are demented!" she laughs, setting aside her decision to not humiliate him made just moments before.
"I'm leaving....." she walks to the big double doors and lets herself out. Mike, in shock, just stands in the lobby of the big building trying to figure out what went wrong.
Cecily begins walking down the street toward what she hopes is Winding Willow.
It takes almost half an hour, but she does arrive back at Rose and John's house, glad she put on her winter boots with the tread on the bottom, keeping her feet warm and keeping her from sliding on the occasional patch of ice on the sidewalk.
When she enters the house, Rose looks surprised, "Back so soon?"
"Where's the paper, the one with the scores on it from 1 to 10?" Cecily finds it in a drawer, lays it on the table and writes, ' Mike.....0.'

SORRY, MY Coralynn

Since the date with Mike was cut short, Cecily spends the afternoon reading up on history, trying to fill in the gaps between when she lived and the present time.
I surely have missed a lot! she thinks, but then wonders if all those stupid wars and such were a bad thing to miss.
She hears the clock chime 4, and realizes that she's been reading all afternoon and David is going to arrive any minute. She looks in her closet, but is confused about what she might be looking for. He didn't say exactly where they were going! She groans, 'not another trip to the marriage license place, please!'
She looks at herself in the mirror and pronounces herself presentable in what she wore when she had that abortive date with Mike.
Rose sees her coming down the stairs and comments, "One more date, aye, Cecily?"
"Not really...." Cecily almost includes the date she has for the movies the next night, then remembers that she hasn't told Rose about that, "...actually, yes, you're right!"
"Where is David taking you?"
"He didn't say..."
"Well, if he heads for that big building in town...."
"I'll leap from the vehicle!" Cecily laughs, then pours a cup of coffee, "I'll need this to stay awake unless David is very entertaining. How much do you know about him, Rose?"
"Just that he was Michelangelo's original statue of David, and that when we zapped him here the old scrulptor had to made a replacement model. As far as his personality...........I haven't really noticed."
"He does rather shine," Cecily notes.
"Yes. I don't suppose turning into a flesh and blood person is all that easy for a marble statue."
Cecily laughs, "Whoever would have dreamed that one day I would be going out socially with Robin Hood, a marble statue, uhhhh, oh yeah, Hots the great medieval warrior....and a guy who was a highwayman!"
"Don't forget Slim," Rose tries to say casually.
"Right. He's from this timeframe, which isn't all bad, let me tell you!"
She looks at the clock and sees it is now ten minutes after the hour.
"Are statues usually late for their dates?" she kids.
"Ya know, Cec, I never went out with one, but word has it that the have no sense of time! No, really, I'm just kidding. This is bizarre, isn't it?"
"Sure is! Hey, if he doesn't show up, can we make popcorn and watch "The Seven Year Itch" movie that Marilyn is in? I heard she was very famous! She's such a sweetheart."
"She is, and to make things even better, she'll deck anyone who tries to mess with one of us. When Daniel was being a huge pain in the neck a few years back, she decked him, she kicked him where it counts.....he was afraid of her and for good reason."
"He must have been horrible! I always thought he was fun, that's all I remember. What did he do that made Marilyn so angry?"
"He just shot off his mouth too much, basically," Rose is not prepared to tell the sordid story of her early experiences with Daniel, when he successfully passed himself off as John.

Cecily opens a fashion magazine and admires the clothes, "I love this gown!" she holds it up for Rose to see, who, after glancing at it, remarks, "They have some lovely things out right now. We'll have to get some for you."
"But these look like they'd cost a lot," Cecily remarks.
"We have more money around here than we know what to do with. You know Beth?"
"YES, I love her, she's so friendly and warm."
"She won a big lottery contest and has many millions of dollars."
Cecily makes a whistling sound, "How wonderful for her," then glances at the clock again, "He's 20 minutes late. I wonder if he's coming at all!"
"I have the phone number over there, let me give him a call," Rose punches in the numbers, and when Jim answers, asks, "Is David there by any chance..............oh...................oh really..............thanks..............nope, no problem.................bye now."
She lets out a loud breath and announces, "Our statue of David has gone out of town. Left yesterday, Jim said. Has no idea where or why. So..."
"So he forgot!" Cecily pretends to be insulted, "Am I that forgettable?"
"I have a feeling he's not going to get another chance, am I right?"
"You are soooo, let me mark after his name......another big fat zero! Now, let me help you get dinner, and then I'm going to settle in with the biggest bowl of popcorn in the world and watch a movie!"
Rose goes to give her a high-five, which Cecily doesn't understand, so Rose lifts one of the other woman's hands, "hold it high now," and smacks it with one of her own, "that means good for us!"
"I like it, I like it!" Cecily laughs as she gets out the plates to set the table.


Cecily awakens the next morning realizing she'll have to tell Rose and John that she's going out with a comparative stranger that night. She dreads John's response, him being so overly protective and all.
After dressing and going downstairs, she sees John outside, pulling down the driveway in his car. This is a relief, as telling Rose will be easier, then Rose can tell John. She feels guilty about this, but anytime she can avoid John's almost 'fatherly' attitude is to the good.
After eating breakfast without much conversation, she takes the bull by the horns and as casually as possible says, "I have a date tonight."
Rose looks surprised, "I thought you'd already dated all the guys, Cecily!"
"This one is new. I met him yesterday when he was in the neighborhood...."
Visions of a predator who roams neighborhoods is the first thing that flashes into Rose's mind, and she responds, "What was the person doing roaming through the neighborhood?"
"Just checking up on things..." Cecily still isn't willing to admit she called 9-1-1 because the bushes were rattling against the back of the house.
"Checking up?"
"He's a policeman, and he was looking for a possible prowler. He asked me if I'd seen one and I said 'no,' but then he asked me out to the movies for tonight."
"Was it Alan?" Rose hopes. They at least know him!
"His name was Travis...."
"WHAT?! Not Travis McGee!"
"Why yes....."
"That guy is an idiot! He thinks John is a drug dealer and takes every opporunity he can to try to get the goods on him!"
"But John isn't a drug he?"
"Of course not! We have had no end of trouble caused by McGee, and now you say you're going to the movies with him?"
"I said I would."
"Well, get out of it!"
"That hardly seems polite, Rose...."
Rose throws up her hands, "If you insist on going out with that fool, I have one piece of advice: never, and I mean never tell John."
"I'll probably only go out with him once, just one time to the movies."
"Never tell John," Rose reiterates.
"Oh I won't, believe me, John treats me like I'm five years old."
Rose sighs audibly and shakes her head, "If John finds out, you'll be fortunate if he doesn't consign you to Henry8's dungeon."
"He really has a dungeon in that castle of his?"
"Oh yeah, although it has all the comforts of home, it still has bars and is locked."
"That's funny! Changing the subject, is there a holiday tomorrow?"
"Valentines Day, the day people who love each other or just care for each other, give each other flowers and candy and make a big fuss out of it."
"Well, I wonder if anyone will give me candy or flowers?" Cecily speculates.
"We'll probably have to clear the dining room table to make space for all the flowers is my guess," Rose jokes, then turns serious, "and if McGee sends you any, you must tear off the gift tag the mimute you see it."
"That bad?"
"That bad!"
Cecily finds it hard to believe that an innocent date to the movies has the potential for stirring up all this trouble. She can't imagine that mild-mannered if a tad klutzy police officer could have made such staunch enemies.
She dismisses it from her mind and goes outside to fetch the morning paper.


Rosamond put a load of clothes in the washer. She pushed the buttons and waited for the washer to start so she could add the bleach. Julie was sitting in her booster seat and had Will's school book.
"Hey, that's mine! JULIE, GIVE IT BACK!"
"MINE! MINE! MINE!" Julie yelled.
Rose slammed the washer lid down and said to herself, 'so it's going to be one of THOSE days!'
She went into the kitchen to see Will and Julie engaged in a struggle.
"MOMMY! Julie's got my math book and she won't let go. She's already scribbled in it with a marker!"
He made one last grab and Julie's hand sent her grape juice flying. All over the wallpaper.
"JULIE BETH GWINNETT!" Rosamond ran to get the sponge and spray cleaner but the purple juice had already set in. No matter how hard she scrubbed, it stayed.
"Oh, this is just great! Now I have to wallpaper!"
She dialed Murphy's number.
"Hello, Murph? Rosamond here....he's fine...he's having you do some construction work at the fitness center?, he didn't tell me....what I called about was the kitchen wallpaper....we had a mishap with a glass of grape juice.....oh, no! DON'T TELL ME THAT!....I didn't know it was a close-out!....the whole kitchen?, if I have to....six weeks. SIX WEEKS!....I guess I have no choice...Ok...bye!"
A clanging was heard from the laundry room. Rosamond opened the door and stepped into six inches of water! "What the.....?"
A hose blew loose from the back of the washer and suds were billowing out on the floor. She shut the washer off and stood there, not quite believing she was seeing it. There was a cry from right behind. Somewhere.
"Ma-ma! Ma-ma!" Rose felt around the suds until she found her little girl. Julie had soapsuds in her face and hair and she was crying.
Cecily came downstairs and saw the mess. "Rose, whatever happened?"
Rose handed the screaming Julie to Cecily and said, "Here! Take her! I need to call a repairman."
She dialed and after fifteen minutes, finally got one that could come out in half an hour. And he even had a wet-dry vac.
Will put his jacket on and said, "Poppy William is honking the horn, Mommy! And I owe the cafeteria 1.25 for lunch. I ran short. And I need 5.00 for a field trip."
Rose rummaged in her purse. "All I have is 20.00, Will...."
He grabbed it out of her hand and said, "I'll get you the change, Mommy! See ya!"
He ran out the door and into William's car.
Rose sighed. Not starting out too well....she stood up. And felt...oh no! She went into the bathroom and came out and looked at her, two, three..four weeks.. She looked in the medicine cabinet and the linen closet. One left...that means I have to go to the store....
"Cecily? I have to make an emergency run to the store. Can you watch the girls?"
From upstairs was heard, "Sure, Rose! I'm cleaning Julie's face off now."
"I'll be right back."
She got in the SUV and headed towards the Grand Union. She went inside and purchased what she needed. Out to the car again. She put the key in and ..
Rrrr, rrrrr, rrrrrr.....
Rrrrr, rrrrr, rrrrrr.......
She slammed her hand on the steering wheel, breaking a nail in the process. She reached for her cellphone. And it wasn't there. It was on charge. In the den.
Just then, who should pull up but her ex-husband. Billy Bob Montgomery.
She rolled down the window. He said, "I certainly hope you are enjoying that SUV, Rose. On account of I bought it for you."
She said, "Yeah. But now I have a dead battery. Billy Bob, I don't suppose you can see your way clear to give me a jumpstart, could you?"
He said, "Well....yeah. But I have to go in the store first. Can you wait?"
She snapped, "Just where am I going to go?"
He held up his finger and said, "Ah-ah-ah! I could just leave you here, you know."
She said, "Alright. I'm sorry. I just don't feel all that well."
Her cramps were kicking in.
"OK--I just have to get a few things and I'll be right out."
Twenty minutes passed. Rose turned the heater on. Nothing. Of course not, Rose! You have no battery! She wrapped her coat closer around her. Ten more minutes. Billy Bob came out pushing a cart.
Rose came out of the SUV. "A few things? You call that a FEW THINGS?"
He said, "Hey, you know how it is! You start out buying a few things and before you know it, your cart doth overflow!"
She shivered but helped him load his truck. "OK, let's see what I can do," he said.
He attached jumper cables and...nothing. Nada. No jump. Not even a spark.
"Rose, what you have here is a dead battery." He lifted the top of the battery fill cap. "Here's the problem. No water in this cell. Shorted out. Doesn't that husband of yours keep an eye on these things?"
Rose retorted, "Of course he does! Billy Bob, could you please drop me off at home? I am stuck without a cellphone and I have ten different disasters going. I'll worry about the SUV later."
He said, "Well....yeah, I guess so. Even though I am going the other direction."
He opened the door for her. She sat down and bent over. Another cramp. Great.
He got in the driver's seat. "You OK?"
"Yes. I just need to get home."
Billy Bob drove her home but not before he reiterated all the things that went wrong with their marriage. Rose had no choice but to sit there and listen.
"...and you just HAD to insist on going back to work at that soap. If you hadn't tried to buck me on every turn, we could have had a chance..."
She looked out the window and let him go on haranguing her. Nothing is free in this life, not even a ride home........
They pulled up in the driveway and Rose said wearily, "Thank you, Billy Bob. I owe you."
He said, "You want to pay me back, get rid of that 'MINE--BB' license plate."
She looked to see if he was smiling. He wasn't.
"Yeah. I'll get right on it," she said.
He burned down the driveway, spraying snow up all over. Unintentionally, of course. But it didn't help that snow went down her back. She gasped. When she finally caught her breath, she realized she left her keys. Locked in her SUV.
She knocked on the door and Cecily answered. "OH! There you are! I was starting to worry!"
Rose said, "I have a dead battery. I'll have John put one in when he gets home."
"Oh, yes! He called. He said he would be late. Not to hold dinner for him."
Rose sighed. That's the third time this week. She rubbed her back. So what else is new?

Rose rubbed her temples. A headache was coming on. And her lower back ached. All part of it....
The baby started to cry. Rosamond went into the nursery. Jenna was sniffling. Oh, great! She has a cold. Rose went into the medicine cabinet and got some baby cold medicine and gave it to her.
The day did not progress any better. Jenna cried most of the afternoon and Rose was two shades away from joining her. Julie took some toothpaste and squirted it in Jake the dog's mouth. He began to foam and he looked rabid. A phone call to the poison control. Jake needs lots and lots of water. Oh dear. Lots and lots of water means lots and lots of trips to the back yard.
Will came in from school and slammed the back door. Unfortunately Julie was standing there and got her fingers caught in the door. Rose handed Jenna to Cecily and looked at Julie's fingers and wiggled them. None broken but it necessitated a bowl of ice water to dip her fingers in to keep the bruising down. Julie howled.
"COLD! COLD! COLD!" she wailed.
Rose looked at Will who was hiding his face behind his book. She held Julie in place with one hand and grabbed Will as he walked by.
"Let me see your face, young man!"
Will had the start of a black eye.
Will said, "Jimmy Scardaletti and I were throwing snowballs at each other and he hit me in the eye. But I got him on the back of the head and he got cut. He was bleeding. His daddy had to come take him to the emergency room. On account of I guess mine had a rock in it. Honest, Mom, I didn't mean it. They were left-over snowballs from the middle school kids."
Rose sighed. Captain Scardaletti. She remembered him from Travis' many busts.
"Is Jimmy's daddy mad? He didn't say he was going to sue, did he?"
"Naw...Jimmy's going to the hospital, not to Sue's house. He'll be OK. Even though he was bleeding, he was laughing."
"Take a steak out of the freezer and put it on your eye."
"Don' t argue, young man. Just do it!"

Rose tried to cook dinner but she overcooked the rice so that overflowed into a sticky mess. The roux for the chicken burned and stuck to the pot. Pizza was sent out for. The pizza delivery got the wrong order. Will complained, "I don't like green peppers!"
"Then pick them off!" Rose said wearily.
Julie took too big a bite of crust and was the recipient of a baby Heimlich maneuver. Cecily looked at the clock and said, "I'd better get a shower and dressed. I wonder what movie we are seeing? This is my first movie, you know! I hope it is a love story!"
Rose said under her breath, "I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you."


John sat in his office copying file after file onto his new computer. Why, oh why, did it have to crash today? The insurance audit is tomorrow.
Daniel came into the office. "John, that shipment you were expecting of those new treadmills?"
"Yeah. The ones that are two weeks late. What about them?"
"I think you'd better come out back. The deliverymen are here."
"It's about freakin' time!"
John sighed, logged off his computer and went out back with Daniel.
"What the hell are THOSE?"
Daniel stood back with his arms folded. "I think those are toboggans."
John snatched the invoices out of the hand of the deliveryman. "Are you out of your mind? How can toboggans possibly be workout equipment?"
The deliveryman leaned against the doorpost and said, "Have you ever lugged one of them suckers uphill? If that ain't a workout, I don't know what is!"
The deliveryman motioned to his partner to start unloading the truck.
"Hey, you can't leave them here! I didn't order them!"
"Sorry! I'm s'posed to deliver them to this here address and deliver them I am. Your problem is with the equipment distributor, not with me. Not my problem."
John felt a major headache coming on and he rubbed his temples. "Oh, blast it! Go ahead. But someone's going to have to come back and pick them up."
"Hey, when that day comes, I'll see ya then!"
The toboggans were stacked in the corner. Moose came in the back. "John? The steam room is down. I think that pump gave out. The cold weather did it in and it seized up."
"OH *&^%^!!!!! And everyone wants the steam room in this weather, too! Daniel, go put an 'out of order' sign on the door."
Daniel left and Moose said, "How is Cecily? I heard the guys are flocking around her like bees to a flower."
John said grumpily, "Yeah, and because of it I haven't gotten much sleep. She went out with Slim and didn't come in until 1:30."
"Really? Where did they go?"
"To a monster truck rally, of all things."
"Oh. Well, that can be interesting."
"Nothing good happens after midnight, Moose."
"Slim is trustworthy. Didn't Rose always say he had class?"
John looked at Moose askance. "Right. A truck rally. Classy. It's not YOUR sister, Moose!"
The day got progressively worse. John tried repeatedly to get through to the equipment company. Finally he left a message to call on his house phone. Between the steam room, his headache, the audit and lack of sleep, John was in a bad mood. Finally at 7:00 PM, he was ready to leave. And walked out to a flat tire. This precipitated more swearing. He had to jack up the car and put on a spare. It was 8:00 when he pulled out of the lot.

CECILY & HER DATE for the Coralynn

Cecily sees the same police car Travis arrived in the day before pull into the driveway. "There he is, Rose! I'm gone!" and runs outside, glad that she's able to leave before John gets home.
Rose watches from the window as Cecily gets in the patrol car, and shakes her head slowly, hoping this 'date' doesn't start a major domestic war.
Travis is still wearing his uniform, even his holster and gun. He sits up as tall as his 5' 8" will stretch and puffs out his chest. "Ready for your date with destiny?" he asks her proudly.
"You poor girl, living in that house with a known drug dealer! It must be hell!" he says pompously as he drives toward the cineplex.
"John is not a drug dealer, why do you say that?" she is getting annoyed.
"I've seen things, I've heard things, I know things!" he gives her a knowing look, a mysterious look that is supposed to inspire confidence, but only causes her to blurt out, "And I've heard you have a screw loose!"
He laughs dismissively, "Cops are always fodder for the rumor mill. Comes with the job."
"I don't hear that Alan Carson is daft, and he's a cop, in fact, he's the police chief, isn't he?"
Travis runs an index finger around the back of his collar and asks, "How do you know him?"
"He was at our party the other night!" Cecily answers.
"There was a party??"
"At whose house?"
"William's house."
Travis tries to think up an excuse to explain to this young lady why he wasn't there himself, but comes up empty.
He is thinking so hard he runs over a curb on his way into the parking lot of the theater complex, causing the car to tip precariously. Cecily grabs on to the armrest.
He chuckes, "Ride 'em cowboy!" which elicits no humorous response from his companion.


John pulled into the driveway and slammed his car door. His headache was no better and his mood had not improved. He came into the kitchen, took one look at the pizza boxes and said, "Pizza AGAIN?"
Rose had a crying baby over her shoulder and Will and Julie were fighting over a toy.
Julie screamed. Will pushed her. She screamed even louder. John took the toy away.
"No one gets it right now. Will, I'll give it back to you when Julie goes to bed."
Then he asked, "Where's Cecily?"
"She went out to the movies."
"Who with? Bess and Marilyn?"
"What did they go to see?"
Rose was getting exasperated and hated the third degree.
"I don't know, John. Don't worry so. She's a big girl. I don't keep tabs on her."
To change the subject, Rosamond said, "And just what was so important that it kept you out this late?"
The baby cried.
"Business problems." John said. "I had the day from hell."
"YOU had the day from hell?"
"Where's the SUV?"
"At Grand Union. Dead battery."
"Why didn't you call AAA?"
"I forgot my cellphone."
"Rose, why didn't you use the phone in the store?"
"I didn't think of it."
"How did you get home?"
"I ran into Billy Bob and he gave me a lift home."
"Your ex-husband. You got a ride from your ex?"
"John, don't give me that look! I've had a bad day. I just wanted to get home."
"Yeah, well, you aren't the only one who had a bad day! I had a flat, the steam room pump shut down, and they sent me toboggans instead of treadmills."
"I've had a headache and cramps all day and the washing machine hose broke and.."
But he wasn't listening. He was in the kitchen getting a beer and when he came back, he grabbed the remote and turned on ESPN for the hockey game.
"John, are you not even listening to me?"
"Rose, I had a bad day. I just want to chill out. Is that too much to ask?"
She snapped, "Certainly not! Go right ahead! Don't let me stop you! Chill out! Chill out so much I hope your appendages turn into icicles! All of them!"
The phone rang.
Rose answered with one hand, patting her fussy baby on the back with another.
A woman's voice. "Hi, is John there?"
Rose said frostily, "Just a minute. I'll see if I can tear him away from the hockey game."
She walked over and thrust the receiver at him. "Here. Phone for you."
"Who is it?"
"How should I know? But it's a woman."
John sighed and took the receiver.
"Hello?...oh....hi, Pat..."
Rose's eyebrows shot up. Pat?
"no, there's a problem...well, they sent toboggans instead of treadmills...five of them. They're stacked in the storeroom.....the deliveryman said he had to deliver them...tomorrow? I'll be in by 9:00....OK. I've got the invoices in my office...see you then."
He clicked off and went back to watching the game. Rose stood in front of the TV. John tried to see around her. She said, "Am I understanding this right? Because correct me if I am wrong. Is this the same Pat that tried to wreck our marriage?"
"Pat McMahon. As in Lifestyle Exercise equipment. As in Kansas City Pat. As in Pat 'I'll send chilled champagne to his room and throw myself at him' Pat..."
John said crossly, "Yeah, I guess that's the one. I want to see the game, Rose.."
She said, "No. I forbid it. No way are you dealing with Lifestyle Exercise."
"Forbid it? YOU FORBID IT?"
Rose stood there furious. "After what she did? Tried to do?"
John put the game on 'mute'. "Rosamond, Lifestyles has the best equipment and they made me a good deal. This is just a snafu. They came into possession of some treadmills that a distributor who filed for bankruptcy had on hand. She cut me a good deal. Besides, this is my business and I'll deal with anyone that I see fit. You run the house and I'll run the business."
Rose said, "I can't believe you said that."
John said emphatically, "This is a good business decision and I'm sorry you don't like it but this is the way I choose to run my business. It really has nothing to do with you."
John stood up. "NO, YOU MADE IT PRETTY CLEAR!"
The baby started to cry again and John walked over and picked up his jacket.
John slammed the door and roared out of the driveway. Rose sat down and finally gave in to the tears that had been threatening all day. There was no stopping them now.

CECILY'S DATE, cont., C. Cecily and Travis stand in line for about ten or twelve minutes, and, when they reach the ticket counter, he says with great bravado, "Two for Blood and Guns!"
The bored ticket seller takes his money and is about to shove the tickets out the slot, but then pauses, "You're eight bucks short!"
"No, no, movie tickets are ten dollars each...."
"These are fourteen...."
"Since when?"
"About a year and a half ago. Now, do you still want to see the movie? There are people waiting in line behind you."
Travis thinks this is highway robbery, but shoves the extra eight dollars through the little slot, then grabs the tickets and resumes marching toward the entrance of the theater like he was General Patton. Cecily keeps up with him, but is a bit embarrassed as some teenagers see him; point and snicker behind their hands.

She pauses by the concessioners stand hoping to have some popcorn, but Travis marches away toward theater #6, which is showing the movie, so she scurries to catch up, disappointed.
It's already dark in the theater, as the Coming Attractions have just begun. Travis takes her arm and leads her down an aisle, not seeing the steps and as he falls, pulling him down with him.
"Damn stupid people, putting stairs there for people to fall........"
Cecily can tell she hasn't been harmed in the fall, but is aghast that he doesn't ask her how she is, so, just for fun, she begins to limp, dragging one leg behind her. Travis continues to keep pounding down the aisle, and when he comes to a row with empty seats, takes the one on the aisle. Cecily is determined to keep up her injured act, so she moves torturously slow, one small step ahead, then draggggging her other leg behind.
Travis finally realizes he's sitting alone and glances back to see this scenario, snapping, "Hurry up, the picture is going to start!"
She has to climb over him on her way to the second seat from the aisle, and while she's at it, she manages to kick his right leg sharply. He reaches down and feels for it, groaning.
She does not apologize, she simply sits down and when the movie begins tries to figure out what in blazes it's all about, what with the gunfights and people chawing 'tabaccy', spitting it on the ground, horses being ridden hard, sometimes falling, which makes her wince, and two hours of general mayhem.
Travis attempts to put his arm around the back of her chair, then creep it forward so that it's around her back, and each time, she just 'happens' to lean forward suddenly, which makes him retract the arm, pretending he had nothing in mind at all.
The movie finally ends and the lights come up. The aisles quckly fill with people moving toward the exits. Travis continues to sit, smiling. "Great movie, wasn't it?"
"Not my particular cup of tea," she replies, wondering why he didn't ask her if she had a preference before he purchased the tickets for this God-awful movie.
"Well, you aren't in law enforcement, you don't know how important our jobs are...."
"I saw very little 'law enforcement' going on in that movie. Mostly I just saw people shooting each other's heads off."
"Where are you from, anyway, Canada?" he turns toward her, scrowling.
She thinks fast, "That's right, I'm from Canada," resolving to ask someone later where Canada is and why this idiot would ask her if she were from there.
"Those people don't even lock their doors at night!" he says citically.
"No, because we don't have lunatics running loose like you do here...and we don't have any on our police forces!"
That stings.
It also shuts him up. By now the crowd has pretty much left the theater, so Travis stands up and walks back up the aisle, this time managing to step up on the stairs which appear every ten feet or so.
Cecily can't resist: she goes into her lame mode again, stepping, dragging, stepping, dragging....just to see if this jerk will finally show some concern.
He's in the lobby before he realizes she hasn't kept up with him. Looking back, he sees her limping and dragging her leg. "Snap it up!" he barks at her.
When she does reach where he's standing she reaches up and pulls his police hat down firmly as far as it'll go, then replies in a like tone, "Snappy enough for ya, bud?!"
He readjusts the hat. Several little children see this and giggle and point.
"Now see what you've done," he says crossly, "We strive to be respected by children,"
"Are you coming or what?" she imitates his tone, "Or do I have to drive that cop car home myself?"
They leave the theater together............


John sat down in the last row of the movie theatre with his bag of popcorn and his large Pepsi. He leaned back and put his feet up on the seat in front of him. The theatre was pretty vacant. Oh, well....this sci-fi picture has been out a while and this is one I wanted to see. By the time it is over, maybe I will have relaxed and calmed down and then I can apologize to Rose....

Two hours later, the house lights came on. John stood up and stretched. He put his jacket on and gathered his trash. As he walked out of the theatre and into the lobby, he came face to face with something that was even scarier than the aliens in 'Death Star Encounter'.
His sister.
With his worst nightmare.
Travis McGee--supercop extraordinaire.
Uh oh.

John and Cecily faced each other. It was a hard call to say which one was more surprised. My guess it was John.
"Cecily? CECILY???"
"JOHN! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be home with Rose and the children?"
Travis stood there, pulling his hat back and snapping the brim back in shape.
"Well, well, well! If it isn't John Gwinnett, Chappaqua's very own Candyman!"
John and Cecily both ignored Travis. John's face was purple with rage. Cecily was alarmed. "John, are you having apoplexy fit?"
He grabbed Cecily by the arm and dragged her off in a corner in the lobby. He hissed, "What are you doing out with that vile creature?"
"Excuse me? Vile creature?"
"Yes! Just where did you meet him?" He had a tight grip on her arm.
"OW! Stop squeezing so hard! I heard a noise and called that 9-1-1 number and Travis showed up. He asked me out and before I knew it, I said yes. John, you have GOT to stop bossing me! If you don't, I swear I will move in with Daniel! At least he would be more understanding!"
John shook her arm. "You are coming home with me, young lady! RIGHT NOW!"
Cecily didn't really want to go home with Travis but she sure as heck was not going to let John get the better of her.
"I'll do no such thing! An agreement is an agreement. I came with Travis McGee, I'll see this date through to the end."
John let go of her arm, turned on his heel and pushed the door of the theatre open and then was gone into the night.
Travis said triumphantly, "See? What did I tell you? He's probably off to meet some connection of his! He's known through the whole department as a pusher and that piece of baggage of a wife of his...Rosamond...why, she's no better than a common trollop!"
Cecily then borrowed a phrase from Rose.
"Stuff it, McGee!"

John was furious when he got to his car. Not only did I have a fight with my wife, my sister is showing absolutely no discriminating taste in men! Couldn't she see that Travis creep for what he is?
It was now 11:30. He decided to stop off for a beer before going home. Just to settle his nerves. After all, seeing Cecily with Travis would be enough to make an angel sigh. He pulled into the Dew Drop Inn and parked his car in the lot. As he walked in, his eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness. He sat at the bar.
"Hey, Bobby Joe! A Bud, please."
Bobby Joe said, "Daniel? Or is it John?"
A tap on his shoulder then. John turned around and saw Billy Bob Montgomery.
"Mind if I sit down?" Billy Bob asked.
John shrugged. "Guess not."
Billy Bob reached in his pocket. "I was going to call in the morning. She left her keys in the truck."
John took them and said, "Thanks. I appreciate it."
Billy Bob took a drink of his beer and said, "No problem. She looked pretty stressed out today. Everything alright?"
John said non-committally, "As good as can be expected."
Billy Bob replied, "Yeah. I hear you."
John finished his beer and said, "Guess I'll get going. Thanks for taking her home."
Billy Bob said, "Take it easy."
John nodded, put on his jacket and headed home.

Travis pulled up in front of John and Rose's house. Cecily unbuckled her seatbelt. Travis hurried out and to the passenger side and opened the door for her. He finally decided that he had better act like a gentleman. But it was too late. First impressions last.
Cecily hurried up the sidewalk. Her mind was preoccupied on what would await her when she got home but she saw that John's car was not there. She breathed a little sigh of relief. Travis said, "I hope you had a good time, Cecily."
Cecily fumbled for her key in her purse. "Yeah. It was real.."
Travis smiled. "Yes! Wasn't it!"
He closed his eyes...
Cecily turned her key....
He leaned forward...
She opened the door....
He puckered his lips...
She walked through it...
He said huskily, "Goodnight, Cecily..."
She closed the door...
And Travis ended up giving the goodnight kiss to end all goodnight kisses.....
To the lion's head knocker on the front door.

Cecily looked at the clock. Midnight. The house was quiet, the livingroom light was dimmed. She climbed the stairs. As she headed for her room, Rosamond opened the bedroom door slightly.
"How was your date?"
Cecily groaned. "The date from hell."
Rose said, "I have a headache and I'm in bed. I'll talk to you in the morning."
"Rose, I saw..."
But Rose had already closed her bedroom door.
Cecily sighed and went into her room.

John pulled into the driveway and checked his watch. One a.m. He walked into the kitchen and saw everyone had gone to bed. Cecily's coat was hanging on the hook. Good! She's home. Time enough to discuss this in the morning. He patted Jake and Belle on their heads and then he looked in the refridgerator. He helped himself to some cold pizza and said to himself, 'I can't wait to get to bed. I am beat!'
As he walked through the living room, the status of his domestic situation was staring him in the face.
His pillow and a blanket were folded, oh so neatly, across the couch.

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