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Paintball Dude's Website

All sorts of random stuff you wanna look at

Check us out! Team Ghetto!
All the stuff of my site now organized! GASP!

NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW Ok, I decided it was time to update this. The site has been up for like two years and I felt it I needed to write something else besides my original stuff. I moved all the old stuff to the retro page since it was cluttering up the front page. I wonder if anyone will read this. Prolly just skip over it thinking its the same thing. But its not. Anyway, the site has kindof stopped growing. The biggest factor to that is not much to write about and no motivation to write anything on existing topics. The Ghetto part will continue to be updated, but the rest will stay the same prolly. If anything new is added, I will make it known, but otherwise no, just the ghetto will keep going. Team Ghetto for life. Talk to me people. I need people to communicate things with. My email is posted all over but incase you miss it, its and my AIM name is pntblldude13 so now you have no reason to not talk to me. And if it is urgent, you can call at 794-1824. So yea, now you have no excuse for not being able to contact me. MUAHAHA. Anyway, thanks for checking out the site, glad to have all you faithful supporters. I'll see if I can get something new up to treat all of you. Maybe. :)

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I would like to thank as well as I used a lot of pics from your sites, I just hope you don't get pissed. Thanks guys :)
