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The Ramblings of Crazy Fools

Wanderer's Habitats

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Good news for those stalwart souls still visiting this site: e.e. cummings has been added to the Lyrics page, which has, in turn, become an all-purpose Published Works page. Also, as of early September, I added a Random Works page, showcasing the work of fellow student writers. If you'd like to throw your work up here or wouldn't mind if I did, let me know.

Welcome, brave souls!
This is a lazy collection of hopes and dreams, wishes and fears, illusions, tales, songs, yearnings for another day, created by dreamers and lovers, those waiting for tomorrow, and those lost in starshine and sunbeams.
If you are unfortunate enough to not believe in love, you won't be comfortable here: love is central and pivotal to all on this page, in all its many forms.
Thank you for visiting and make yourself at home.

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Also, if you're interested in listening to my (rather scratchy and perhaps not so wonderful) original musical work or attempts at such, IM me (bassnutgurl03) and I'll hook you up...