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~Nightmare Forest~

~Welcome to the Nightmare Forest

For miles you seem to walk along a road, until finally you see a forest up ahead. When you reach the entrance, you see darkness...The only light there could possibly be is coming from the tree tops. There seems to be a long, windy path that goes along for miles as you walk. But don't be fooled because if you go off the trail, you may never find yourself out of the forest again...and you'll find yourself in your own nightmare, staying for eternity.

A figure is finally seen up ahead, it's back turned toward you, hidden within a black cloak going down to her ankles. As you near, it turns to reveal the face of a young girl of what looks to be about eighteen years old, but looks can be decieving. Hidden beneath the cloak she wears a light blue colored, short sleeved dress. Around her neck she wears a golden chain with a (link soon)ring(/link) hanging from it. Her hazel eyes watch you as you look at her in slight amazement, at her beauty, and at the fact that she's in this horrific forest by herself and she isn't afraid.

"Hello. I am Princess Karlota, Nightmare Demon. Welcome to the Nightmare Forest."

With the wave of her hand, she disappears, and you find yourself left alone...and yet her eyes watch you...


A note: I am somewhat recruiting for this, but only until I have found role players to role play certain characters. According to Karlota's storyline, her family and the whole kingdom hate her because she has a good heart and Nightmare Demons are if you're interested in role playing her parents (king and queen), maybe two brothers, and NPCing some guards maybe or thinking of another character you can bring in such as a demon sorceress, use the following information to contact me. After I find people to role play the important characters that are needed, I will no longer be recruiting! If you know of any sites with awesome pictures (such as ones like the picture of the forest), please contact me as well!:


Yahoo! Messanger SN: Jedi_Danielle_Skywalker

MSN Messanger SN:

SN's for chat: Jedi_Danielle_Skywalker, Katie_Certadsh_Jedi_Master, Jedi_Kailey_Certadsh, Rayne_Darklighter_Shadow_Jedi, Riley_Hawk_Princess_ofthe_Sky, Mystery_Dragon_Protecter, Rayne_Princess_of_Mystery, Nightmare_Demoness_Karlota


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