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News for Kidz Ôis your website. Your writing  and contributions make it work! This is where Kids Rule!


Promote this site: printable version to put up at your school notice board.



A holiday or vacation                                       Something funny that happened to you

Something that made you happy or sad or angry

An important decision you had to make

An encounter with an: animal, a famous person or someone you admire



Sign up to receive  our monthly Quick Quizzes and Quick Questions:

Your answers are published in the website in the succeeding month.



Other contributions:


You can also send a photo you took, a picture you made, a story you wrote ...whatever you want to share with other children around the world!


Connect. Share. Rule!


Click here to email your newsWrite your name, age and country.

HINT : Who?  What?   When?  Where?  Why? 
When you write, think you're talking to a friend. You did something or went somewhere and now your friend is asking you questions about them.
The more questions your writing answers, the more interesting it is!