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Cookie Pals

Jim - you are the fattest fat i've ever are the king of all fats and no fat could ever fat you for fattness....HE'S GONNA EAT ME!!!...."Today in class..."

Scott - "elmo's got a gun big birds on the run elmo's callin 911..."

Tony - life doesnt suck you just think it does....and your profile is too damn sappy....

Andy - again, life doesnt suck you just think it really need to check your spelling in your profile :-)....

Chris - you really need to make a website....i cant believe you got a 62 in creativity!....ha ha ha ha....

Antwann - keep growin that fro....

Laura - specific pacific.... :-)

Courtney - girls and locks dont mix....well at least not at your school....ha ha's midget boy???

Pointless Links

IQ Test
The Sims
Great Dane Club
Brockport High School

protest against!!! i couldnt even register said i had the maximum amount of accounts and to come back in two hours!!! so i come back in two hours and what does it say? the exact same thing!!! JUST SAY NO to!!!