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M.U.F.F. We Help Fat People.

Ministry Under Fat Fellowship Counsel

Welcome to M.U.F.F. online. This is our official page for the followers of our beliefs. I'll explain what, exactly, those are. Our beliefs pertain ideas that we all can follow. These ideas make sure everyone (over 199 pounds) will lead a happy a safe life full of temptation and glutteny. You may be asking what are these terrific beliefs, I'll tell you. 1. Never leave a plate unfinished, feel free to finish your neighbors plate if he/she needs help doing so. 2. Always be sure to lick your fingers BEFORE you wash them after a complete meal. 3. Always eat out when possible and try and beat your White Castle (our holy meeting home) record. 4. Never, NEVER mention diet around a fellow minister, or reverand from M.U.F.F. you will be proptly stricken of your duties, and your title shall be stricken from you. This belief will only be reviewed in front of the counsel once, at which time you will have to explain exactly WHY you menetioned the blasphamiss term. 5. Never miss a meal. 6. Never let your neighbor go hungry, even if it means you giving up your milk-shake. 7. Cease working out when possible, as it goes into the "Diet" catagory. 8. Thou shalt not eat twinkies or ding-dongs between the hours of 1:00 am and 1:01 am. For this is mearly a grace period, for digestion. 9. Thou shall always have a phone ready, in case of an emergency such as a heart attack. 10. If thou shalt ever had food poisining, it is one selfs fault, this means to eat more after the illness. 11. If thou EVER disgraces the holy white castle meeting place, or food product, thou shall be stoned or buried alive, after eating a crave case for the final meal. Those are our simple beliefs. They will be handed down from father to son many years following, and eventually be in some book. If you have any questions for how to get your membership, E-mail me, or contact Rev. Ryan Marshall at Thank you, and let you eat in peace, Rev. Justin Gable

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