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Sabbat Page


Break out the Maypole and Baskets of flowers, Beltane be upon us!! Or for those that know of it differently, May Day.

This is a traditionally Celtic celebration, the Return of the Sun God. And like Samhain, this is also a time when the veil between the worlds are at its thinnest. Translation? MAGICK IS IN THE AIR!!!! Beltane is the last of the Spring Festivals {the others being Imbolic and Ostara} and celebrated halfway between the Vernal Equinox {Spring} and Midsummer {Summer Solstice}.

For the astronomy buffs out there, The Pleiades Star Cluster rises just before sunrise on this day {unlike its opposite, Samhain, it sets at sunset}. The seven stars, or seven sisters lightly touch Taurus' shoulder as they continue their trek across the skies.

Oh good point, sweetie, thank you! This is also the day of the faeries. It's believed that the Queen of the Faeries rides her white horse and chooses the fortunate souls to persuade to return to the Faery Kingdom with her. It is said that you can sit under a tree and see her ride by {if you wish to be chosen, just look at her and she might pick you. If not, hide your face}, or hear the bells on her white horse's reigns. This is the Return of the Faeries, in all their mischief and fun. In Ireland, the Eve before Beltane, uneaten food is believed to be buried or placed outside for our Wee-Folk in celebration of their return!

So you know all those fun traditions of the May Pole and the Basket of Flowers on the doorknobs of your hopefully intended? All came from the Celtic celebrations on this day. The May Pole is actually a symbol of the God's presence returning. The brightly colored ribbons, flowers, vines and wreaths are woven by an even number of boys and girls and is actually said to foresee the coming crops. As for the Basket of Flowers, that's a given. The trick is to put the basket on the doorknob of the one you wish to be with you, knock and then run before they see you. Of course, this was strictly for the boys, but who cares, right? If you heard a knock, it was almost guaranteed you would receive the flowers! And they say Valentine's Day is the Lover's Holiday. TTTHHPP:P Flowers are a crucial symbol of Beltane, they signal the victory of Summer over Winter and the blossoming of sensuality in nature and the fertility of things yet to come.

So. What magick to cast on this day? ANYTHING!! The air is alive, Mother is Awake and Singing Her Song through the growing trees, grass and yes, FLOWERS!
Divination will be at its peak yet again, skry for your future {or better yet, your 'future love'}. But does it really matter? OF COURSE NOT! Summer is coming, the days of warm summer night breezes and hot summer days. CELEBRATE!!!


MAMA! Get your furry little butt back here!! *Sighs* Even the animals celebrate!

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