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· Bejiita · October Twenty-Seventh·

Earth: A medium sized planet with large oceans and varying climates, Earth is the perfect place for life to flourish. The birthplace of all the human Z warriors, Earthlings participate in martial arts tournaments to prove their strength. All of the Dragonball series and most of Z is spent on Earth.

Yardat: After Furiza's defeat on Old Namek, Goku finds a Ginyu pod and barely escapes the dying planet with his life. He lands on the strange world of Yardrat, where he meets a telepathic group of people. They teach Goku how to teleport from one place to another without the passage of time.

Neo Bejiita: The planet established after Freeza destroyed the first one. Now the Saiya-Jin's reside her, along with other creatures of whome the guardian thinks is gifted enough to live among his race.

Neo Namek: After the original Namek was destroyed, the Z warriors used the Dragon balls to find the Nameks a new home. New Namek is very much like the first, except it has only one sun.

Furiza #79: One of Furiza's many bases of operation, it is the only one we are shown in the series. The Ginyu Force is stationed here, along with Vegita

Hell: This is the place where you morons that end up dying go. The first person to fall into eternal suffering is....Buu!! Congradulations Buu, it's time for you to figure a way out.....if you can.

Heaven: Aww, heaven. Peaceful little place where the good go when they die. Unfortunately, only those with Kaioushin make it here...Us Majins must suffer for all eternity down in Hell...