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As you walk up the path and through the gates, a large and beautiful castle fills your view.
Wandering further up the path you notice a strange young woman sitting on a rock and sharpening a sword.
"What are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous for humans to wander around the grounds unescorted?"
"No," you answer,"I don't even know where I am."
"Oh, another one,"She sighs, and stands up, putting her sword away."We really have to fix that portal. It's been malfunctioning lately. Anyway let me introduce myself. I am Neraia, the Lady of the castle. This," she gestures towards the castle, "is the Castle of Mists. You are now in Kitlan. Kitlan is divided into four parts. Craig Liath, Marenia, Tiron and of course Kitlan Proper. Kitlan is one of the last refuges for magic and the magical creatures that have been hunted near to exctinction in your world. As you can probably understand many of those creatures are not... too kindly disposed towards humans. It took me a very long time to earn their trust, and I'm not even fully human. Would you like to meet some?" Outer Bailley Misty Valley