º Ordinal º

Description: Ordinal, a Charmed Dragon, was born in the dank caves under Plated Mountain, at the heart of the world, where most of her direct Kin were born. Although being able to breath fire (like most other Dragons) and predominantly wielding the power to Shape shift into anything she wishes, she also has an uncanny ability to sense emotions, which appear to her as beams of light.

Ordinal is a small-ish dragon, being only about 8 metres long from Muzzle to Tail. Her wingspan is about 4 metres, and her scales are a silvery colour, but it seems that they are almost a rainbow colour in certain lighting. She has deep sapphire blue eyes that, if you stare hard enough into them, seem always to be hiding something behind the deep blue surface.

Background: At the young age of 28 summers, Ordinal has yet to discover many things in life, and still possesses the playfulness of the young, although she can turn quite cold at times. To strangers, she is hard to talk to, almost like a Snowman, but once you get to know her, she opens up quite considerably.

Living currently in the high snowy mountains of South Point, a small island a few kilometres off the south coast of Karsei, she does not exactly have a permanent home, as she loves to roam around, shape shifting and learning about the world.

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