Jayden Blakwell
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[Mun note-Before you venture any further.]

I would like to first off thank you for taking interest in Jayden Blakwell. I do highly suggest that you do read the Mun Issues page before you venture into "her" world. Jayden is a Daemoness. She is of Satanic background and highly believes in the Satanic word. No, I am not a Satanist, but I do use alot of reference from the Satanic Bible in these pages.

If you are offended in anyway by them, in all honesty, sorry bout your luck...but you were warned and I do not want to receive mail regarding any of the "wrong doings" of my character. If you do mail me with that so called, "hate mail," then either A) I will delete it or, if I am in the mood, B) I will mail you back or IM you and give you a piece of my own mind and then you will feel the wrath of "my" words, which I might add, are not rays of sunshine on a cloudy day.

Remember, she is a Daemoness and if you don't know how to play with a demonic character, I suggest you click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of this web page to promptly exit.

If you still wish to know more about Jayden...please feel free to browse the contents of her pages. You will find out how to "play" with her and what her wrath might be once you do.

Jaydens World

Email: Jayden & Her Mun