(¯`·._.·´* HEÅVEN§CENT *`·._.·´¯) MAIN PAGE
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HeavenScent Glitter Header

     Welcome to my little piece of heaven on the net. This is strictly  a fun zone! I use this website to "play" with my art programs and to relax. Hope you enjoy visiting as much as I enjoyed putting it together. I constantly update, because new things are always emerging, and who doesn't like to learn then put the knowledge to use! *smiles*
    Simple rules to follow when visiting my website. Layouts, and graphics used to create my pages should not be adopted. Only the items clearly stated for adoption may be taken. If you do decide to adopt a graphic from the adoption pages, link the image itself, or use my banner below to link back to my site. Credit must be givin on each and every page you use my adopted graphics. Thank You.

Click on Blinky to Save image

    Here are some causes I support and if you are a website owner should look into.


Due to recent issues with snagging, and people not respecting website rules I have decided to remove my pages until I figure out what I will do with my site. It is sad to see that respect is not a common thing on the net. Although noone is here to watch you and see what you do, INTEGRITY AND RESPECT should always be part of your philosophy. I worked hard to create my images as well as setting up my website. I believe the least I am deserving of is those simple little things. To those who did observe those things, THANK YOU! It is truly appreciated.

Adopted At: