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Please, you owe it to yourself to sit, without interruption, and read this file to its end. Unless your future is totally secure already, it can be disastrous for you if you don't do this and respond. You have undoubtedly heard the expression that many are called, but few are chosen. That may apply to you here and now!

If you were to be asked to do something that you knew was a good thing and it would be easy to do, you would do it, wouldn't you? Sure you would, anyone would, especially if you would be better off for it. Right?

Then, let's play a game, the most important game of your life! The game is You Bet Your Life. All you have to do is make the choice of your life, then do something easy to secure your life. Ready? Okay, choose #1, #2, or #3 from the following:

#1 - There is no god.

#2 - There are many gods, including those of your own likes.

#3 - There is one God.

Surprised? Which do you choose? There aren't any others. Be careful!

If there is no god, there is probably no hereafter either. We die and we rot. That is the end of it. What is the point of living, then? Vanity? Or maybe there is a place we all go to no matter what we have done or have not done. But that place could be as chaotic and dangerous as this world is. Anyway, it's a gamble. Right? We just don't know because there are no authoritative words about such a death. So, if you choose #2 or #3, but there really is no god, the choice doesn't hurt us because we either rot or go to a "place" anyway. Choice #1 is out, but there is no risk in not taking it.

If there are many gods, you would expect that they would be warring with each other for power and each trying to sell you on joining with him to defeat the others. After all, anyone with power is jealous enough to try to retain it and expand it. Where is all the testimony from these gods? Each of millions of people betting his or her life on some vague personal feelings about each of your gods is surly a long shot! Whose god is going to provide for your eternity? Eternity where?

If there is one God, He must be a powerful, but a loving and merciful God. Otherwise, we all would have perished long ago for the iniquities we have committed in our lives. The only God that fits this description is the God of the Bible. There is where His story is found. He caused it to be written. And the Bible foretells of eternity in Heaven or Hell.

It would seem to me that if you were to live on this earth for, say, a brief 85 years, give or take a few, and then you were going to spend a gazillion years in some other place, you might want to make sure that whatever place you go to is better than this earth. What do you think? What if you don't just die. What if your soul actually does go either to Heaven or Hell! Which one do you want? Do you want to spend your "forever" in the blissful and loving presence of God in Heaven or agonizing in the lake of fire known as Hell absent of God? It is your choice, so bet your life. Do it now! Do you want to know how? Here's how! Just read on.

Get on your knees and totally humble yourself before God.

Confess to Him that you know you are a sinner and that you honestly repent of your sin nature and the sins you have committed, known and unknown. Cry out to Him.

Tell God that you believe that His Son Christ Jesus shed His blood and died on the cross to pay the price of your sins and ask Him to cleanse you by washing you in that blood.

Tell God that you believe that the resurrected Jesus is the only one who can be your Savior.

Thank God for loving you and tell Him about your love for Him.

Surrender your will and life to Christ's lordship - agree to obey him in every area of your life and stop having it "your way." Learn how to listen for Him in your conscience.

Accept God's gift of salvation and be attentive to the comforting guidance of the Holy Spirit Christ will send to be with you to help you live up to your pledges through love.

Now, isn't that easy? It's a small investment to ensure your eternal life in Heaven. Don't worry about not being good enough to go to Heaven. No matter what you have or have not done in your life, you will be forgiven by God's grace if you truly repent. And once saved, you are always saved - you can't lose your salvation. It's a safe bet! It is much better than betting on the idea that you just die and then, by default, ending up in Hell!

But, there are two strings attached to this. First, you must genuinely repent so that you have a change of heart and behavior and find lasting peace. If your heart isn't changed and you go on sinning or doing it your way as you have in the past, you have not been saved. You were born dead in the sin of Adam and Eve and will stay dead in the sins you have committed. You will not be born again in Christ for a better life on earth or for an eternity in Heaven. Second, accepting the way of Christ includes the responsibility of passing this Gospel on to others. Christ wants us to help Him evangelize the world before he returns. Our actions are the ways we show that we have had a change of heart and, as such, will reflect our desires rather than chores.

I created this website in order that you could receive the call and have the chance to regain your life. Before finding this site, you may not have known about the Gospel, the "good news." But now that you do know, you should want to pass it on. It is a loving act.

Ask Christ to save your life now and then E-mail to everyone that you know and work with this site address, You can even send postcards to names out of your phonebook. Read your Bible so that you will know how to be a godly person. Join and support a church that teaches the Bible (not man's words) and start lifelong fellowships with other good Christians. Gain true peace and freedom of ridding your life of sin.

I can bring the good news to you, but only God can call you to Himself. Through Christ's blood, He will see you as a righteous person. If you will do this and enter into a love relationship with the Lord, you will not believe how much better you will feel just by unloading all your cares and troubles on Christ Jesus. They will become His responsibility and He can take better care of you than you can. He knows the future. How much better your life will be! Do it now! You will never regret it.

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