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Great Southern Land



Lyrics by Barbara Tipper

Music by Benjamin Thorn

All rights reserved © 2006



Teardrop Diamonds


Verse 1 (girls)

The rocks are lovely;

We all welcomed them.

But they were not able to quench our thirst.

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend

but drought at Christmas is her worst.


Verse 2

Earth’s crust is cracking,

No one’s ploughing,

The grains would never be able to burst.

If just this Christmas drought would end

and rain fall - for some kids a first



Verse 3

Then comes the thunder,

Then flashes the light,

The diamond treasures are breaking the curse.

Open the heavens, angels weep!

This Christmas our fortunes reversed.



Teardrop diamonds dripping from heaven

gently seeping into the ground.

Frogs once dormant joining our chorus:

‘Oh halleluiah!’ our song resounds.


Verse 4

Tilling the soil,

Spilling the seeds,

To every garden the blessings dispersed.

Diamonds below us, diamonds above,

Showers of blessing, teardrops of love.


Chorus x2


Great Southern Land



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This page was last updated 08 March, 2007 .