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Forever Running Free

No chains.
No ropes.
No bindings.
The earth never sleeps.
The free ones never weep.
Liberty takes them by the hand,
This earth is their Promised Land.
Equine dancers shriek aloud.
Each as free as a tumbling cloud.
A promise whispered by the wind,
The dare to leave the rest behind,
The pledge that you shall always be
Forever Running Free.

You walk into the land. You feel eyes on you. You turn, startled, but cast your orbs on nothing. You bend you head to drink from a stream, but your dials turn, catching every sound. You bring your head back up and turn around. Upon a cliff you see a black stallion, the King of this Land, Phantom. He tosses his cranium and whistles and a mare joins him, this is the Queen, the Jaden Beauty, Raehxia. The mare, turning, tred back to her perch. The steed reared, beckoning you to follow, he came down a trotted off.

Will you follow to where you will always be Forever Running Free?
The Season is Winter

UpDaTeS:July 19, 03: Hey guys Ducky here, I made the site a new layout! Isn't it prettyful?! I think so. Just note to get the joining board now you have to go through the rules page. Also I wanted to thank my friend Chick for helping me with the html for the site. THANKS CHICK!!!!!!!

June 30, 03: I updated the members today and I redid the Help us Advertise page. We really need new members and I was thinking of doing a new layout soon, mabye today if I can get the time. hmmm

May 24, 2003, Hey, I didn't do much today. We have a new co-owner, Ducky. Queen Raehxia and Phantom are going to have a foal, that's about it. Advertise and invite new members, we really need them.

Role Player's Alliance
