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General Rules

ALL Rules must be read before joining!
This is a realistic rpg, therefore I would like to stress this rule the most: No Talking, none whatsoever, if I find you talking you will be banned from the game for so long.
No cursing. I stress this rule also.
When you join as a horse, make sure that the horses description matches its breed charcteristics. (i.e. A Mustang stallion does not grow to be 18 hh)
You may play as many horses you like, BUT you are responsible for the activity of all your characters. Activity is a MUST!
Be respectful to other players and try to get along...I know not everyone does but at least show respect to the players. Remember it’s just a game.
You may ONLY play an equine...NO MYTHICALS…no off–the-wall breeds you know couldn't actually exist in real life. This is a realistic game, remember.
Intermediate to Advanced Players ONLY! You will be judged at the joining board before you can play.
End your font tags, If you don't your post WILL be deleted
Do not bug the owners if they are slow to put something up.


Only 1 stallion per territory.
You cannot make alliances with other stallions, though when they are bachelors you may form bonds
You MUST throw out your colts at the age of two. You may also drive out another stallions foal whenever you desire.
You may force breed any of your mares that are in heat. You may also force breed lone mares or unattended mares, ONLY if they are in heat.
You may force any mare to come with you to your territory…but don't expect every mare you force to go easily, she may give you trouble.
There is a limit of 15 mares inside your terra, not counting colts and fillies


If a stallion claims your or tries to force breed you, you MUST do as he says, in the wild stallions have power over this game is the same
Mares cannot own territories
If a stallion force breeds you, you are stuck with the foal.
Mare cannot challenge for freedom from a stallion.
If new stallion takes over your territory and decides to chase out your foal you can fight back. Thoug it may end in the result that you get chased out also.
Fillies at the age of 2 may leave the herd, though they must leave the herd at age 3 beacuse I do not want a mare breeding with his father (ewwwwwww)


All mares go into heat during spring…mares may choose to state if that are in heat in summer. Seasons are posted on the Calendar page.
You may not breed during winter or fall.
Mare can not be in heat if they are in foal, but may go into season after foal is birthed and at her side.
Login to the Joining board is Name: Phantom Password: Rae
Owners decide the stats of the foals


Stallions decide where the herd will live, then establish themselves there.
Stallions Must claim 2 mares before searching out a domain of their own.
Only 1 herd per territory
Lead mares may influence where the herd will reside, and she may drive out other mares and colts when they are of age.
I will have 6 territories, theses territories are to be challenged for. If you have mares and do not have a terriotory then they may reside in one of the bachelor territories. Though it is easier for other stallions to steal them.
The herd Lead Mare and Dominat Stallion will be posted on the page, so please inform Ducky, Brittany, or Shelley if there is any change
All other rules concerning sneaks, breeding, and challenges are on there respective boards
