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Realm of the Rulers

You enter the beautiful land, a waterfall to your left, and grove of trees in front of you. The grass is lush and healthy you can see by the vibrant green color. You are surronded by snow covered mountains. This place is a secluded valley, all to itself. You can see it neither by air nor any other place. The hawks cannot see it from there nests, and the mountain goats cannot see if from thier perch high on the ledge. 'Tis a place of peacefulness you have entered, a place of no harm. You hear a noise to your right, and turning you catch sight again of the King. He stands tall and looks at you, his banner swished behind him. He stomped a forefoot and extended his muzzle toward you, greeting you. He brings his cranium up and nickeres, asking you to stay. He turns his dials as he catches a sound he turns his head a whinnies. Queen Raehxia joins him from behind the waterfall, where their shelter lay. She nickerkes to you as she catches sight and takes her place beside her mate. She whistles to you, the sound high in the morning mist, she welcomes you and turns to leave. Phantom follows her back to thier lair. You have found the home of the Royals. Will you stay? Or have you come just to find peace of something? Whatever it is the King will be happy to help.

Here is where Phantom and Raehxia live. You , wheter it be a stallion or mare, are allowed to stay here for some time. If you have a question about the game feel free to ask (in character.

The Realm