Support Our US Troops
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This Page is Dedicated
To All Our Wonderful US Troops

I'd like to start this page by Lighting a candle for our troops.

May Creator watch over all of them
And May the Sacred winds guide them home safely

Below you'll find Poems I've written for all of them,
Also A few parts of letters, and photo's I've received.
I have gotten wonderful responses to e-mails,
And Made some awesome new friends!
A special thank you to all that have taken the time to answer!

Sent to the desert to be a warrior of your time,
amongst the sand, the dirt and grime
to fight a selfish man of evil crime,
bearing chemicals & weapons of mass destruction,
his own people have become victims of this inhumane mission.
As the sun beats down,
Mothers & Fathers
understand who
wears the thorny crown.
Carrying the cross of a countries fate.
Praying its not to late.
Creator has sent his angels and guides
to be by your side
Walk without fear
knowing you are not alone
listen closely and you can hear
The drumming has begun,
Hearts & spirits of a nation join together as one
continuing to support them long after their jobs are done.
The honor of a lifetime.
To be Sent to the desert
to be a warrior and stop this crime.

A Very Special Prayer goes out to the family of
Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa
23, of Tuba City, Ariz. Piestewa,
a Hopi who was one of the few American Indian women
in the military,
She is the mother of
a 4-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl.

Where to send flowers, cards and letters for the family of Lori Piestewa
For cards and letters:
Percy Piestewa
P.O. Box 957
Tuba City, AZ 8604
For flowers and other items:

In care of the Piestewa Family
Juniper Drive, No. 67
Tuba City, AZ 86045

Items can be sent via United Parcel Service or FedEx.

For e-mails:

they are accumulating e-mails to be sent to the family.

May Creator be with them all..........

This is just a few of the awesome photo's I have received!

Angels In disguise
Flying like an Eagle Across the skies
or sailing across the ocean blue
they all have a job to do
no matter how large or small
they have all answered the call
Leaving behind their homes,
children, husband or wife
to defend our freedom
and way of life.
Whether they are carrying a rifle
or have papers to shuffle
They are all angels in disguise
Sent by the Heavens above
Americans support you
and send you love

I come from the land of the brave and the free
now my home is a ship sailing across the sea
I remember the Eagles flying across a crimson sky
please tell my mother not to cry
We're not afraid to die
Hey Iraq
did you hear that
Bombers take off and land on our deck
Now Baghdad's a wreck
Saddam you're going Down
We're taking over your town
American's are right
We will win this fight
tell my friends
we push on without fear
we'll be home soon
So save me some beer!

Water Dogs
Airedale hogs
tracking missiles
and filling out logs
dropping bombs
killing Saddams
pushing pencils and pens
all risking life and limbs
Sweating in the desert,
flying through the skies
sailing the oceans blue
or basking in the sun
its never any fun
but it's a job well done
All by an Army of one
Army, Navy, Air force ,Marine
They're the best we've ever seen.
So they say they're mean
but they all look damn good in pair of jeans.

It made my heart sing to read this email today.
It isn't very often that we get someone that describes
the beauty of home to us.
It sounds absolutely amazing there.
What I wouldn't give right now to see that,
and be able to get up and go fishing in the morning!
The Mother does still carry on, and watches over all
of us. It's hard to remember that sometimes
when I have no way to physically put myself
in touch with her and see her actions.
(It's a little hard to do that when you're floating
in the ocean on a big piece of metal)
2 new eaglets eh? That's wonderful news!
I grew up in Washington State,
so I too know the joys of seeing them
as their young and just learning.
I can't wait to be home and
see it all with my own eyes,
but hearing it from someone else
is just as good right now.
Thank you for your support.
You've given me another
ray of sunlight to hold onto
until we return home.

Goddess Blessings,

This a small section of one of the many letters
I received from my New friend!
My daughter wanted to know about the dolphins!

uh we do have dolphins helping us.
they find mines! we even have water faries.
water faries you say! well,
i've never seen them before,
but out here in the persian gulf
we see little blue lights under water,
like lightning bugs. it's crazy!
some say thay are plankton,
some say jelly fish,
but i know they are water faries.
really neat!

" Hugs to you Wolf Daddy"
you made her day and mine!

This is just a small sample of the awesome letters I've gotten,
You guys and gals are


Sending HUGGZ to you all!

Virtual Rally for the Troops!


If you have not yet figured out how to write & send E-mail to our troops, or if you are interested in adopting a soldier, or finding ways you can help Please visit ,my web resources page, its full of wonderful links


For those who think this is about the OIL,
or those who do not support this war,
I urge you to visit the following website
please note it is very graphic,
and should not be opened in front of small children

Bloody Friday

yet Another thing to think about

this site makes a very strong point

We supported you When..."

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