First and foremost... DA CROWD I WAZ 'IAN'!

And here's antiflag... the scarily first band of the day... and hella ya we were that close!

Guitar playa for the the f-ups they're all real nice... and rock! (the pic of me n chris is somewhere in my room......)

This guy was really good! I had other pics of better tricks but u can see the main stage in the bg of this one.

Here's the VANDALS. I wrote on the pic already n it kinda says it all anyway.

haha! and this is for a kickin' guitar solo! i love that guy! hez hilarious. (notice da chick in the yellow shirt? I've been wonderin wuts in it!

YELLOWCARD... definatley the highlight of the day...well one of the many! Natalie went back away somewhere to take pics of story of the year but she was HELLA FAR AWAY so they didn't really come out... in this yellowcard one though everyone was PACKED IN. Then u get these crazies who think theyre fanatics and try to sqeeze past u... but thats not gunna happen in the front since ur in that tight.

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