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Encrypted folders on NTFS

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Hi everyone, I know I've been gone for a while but you know I still show up every now and then ;-) anyway, I've got a question. I'm running XP Pro and I have my D: drive as an NTFS drive (the boot drive, C:, is FAT32) so anyway on that d: drive I have a folder for my AIM logs, that folder is encrypted. Anyway, if someone goes over Network Neighborhood and tries to open any file within that folder, they can't, which is good, but if someone just walks up to my computer and double clicks then they can see it all. So I guess I really have 2 questions. First, is there a way to make the folder un-enter-able over network neighborhood (as it is people can open the folder and see the file names, they just can't open the actual files) and the 2nd question is is there a way to make it so someone just walking up, while I'm on my user name, not be able to open the files within that folder, but still have the program that automatically makes logs still be able to write them in real time? Thanks in advance


>>Yep, right-click it > Properties > Security and uncheck "List Folder Contents" for everyone but your user (you'll probably have to uncheck "Allow inheritable permissions" in order to alter the permissions)

> >Hm...unfortunately that doesnt seem to be an option here on XP...:-(

You should be able to go into the folder properties and uncheck the option for "Simple File Sharing" to go back to the more robust Win2k permissions system. I can't say definitively because I'm not on an XP box right at the moment.

>>Yes. DON'T leave your workstation unattended while you're logged in. If you have to be away for a long period of time and need the computer running, Ctrl+Alt+Delete first and choose "Lock Workstation". This way, in order for anyone to do smoething on your computer they have to first enter your username and password.

>Well, like I said, XP, it's a workstation so there isn't exactly a password set on the user account (well hey, I don't want it interrupting my unattended reboots) and a piece of info (hey, the giving goes both ways here) is that you can also just press Winkey+L to lock the WS...

Well you can set passwords on user accounts in XP (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Users I think). But ultimately you'll kind of need to come to a decision about which is more important: security or convenience, because it's difficult to have both.

The only other thing I can think of is maybe searching for a program that will password-protect individual folders, regardless of who is logged on at the time. I've not had any direct experience with using programs of that nature, because I tend to use NTFS permissions.

Also WinKey+L isn't working for me, but I'm in Win2k now.. I'll try it when I get home (XP). Thanks! :)


in 2k and I believe WinXP, you can put a dollar sign after the drive letter and it will be hidden, unless they know the exact name of the folder they are looking for and know how to defeat this simple trick it works somewhat adequately.


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